• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 666 Views, 7 Comments

Hunter, Slayer, Corpse - Senyu

An old evil returns, a princess goes missing, and ancient family secrets reveal themselves. It is often portrayed that a child who is thrusted into a strange world are capable of becoming champions of good. Unfortunately, those are merely fairy tales

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Chapter 1

“Azure? Is that you?” a feminine voice called out.

“Yeah,” Azure replied after closing the front door.

“Come on into the kitchen, dinner’s ready.”

Those were the words Azure Storm had been hoping to hear. The trek home had been a long one, and created a hunger that only a heavy meal could sate. Just like every evening when he decided to climb up into the Foal Mountains.

The scent of vegetable ad potato stew wafted across his nose, and he quickly trotted into the kitchen. His parents and sister were seated at dining table and were already eating their meals. Without pause, he hopped onto his seat and began to scoop mouthfuls from the bowl that had been already filled for him.

“How was your day sweetie?” his mother asked.

“Fine,” he replied between bites.

“Did you see anything interesting today?”

“No, but I did catch a breeze from Dodge Junction. I think their almost done with their harvest from what I could tell.”

“Is that so?” his father spoke, not surprised in the least at his sons unusually heightened nose. “Guess that means I should head over in a few days to pick up some supplies.”

“Can I do it instead,” his sister quickly said.

Her father raised a brow. “Let me guess, want to see if they got the latest brand of some perfume?”

“Well yeah, it’s not like we have any of the latest things,” she replied matter-of-factly.

“Actually, would you mind getting me a bottle as well?” her mother said to her.

“And what makes you think she’s going, Sun Flower?” he asked.

“Why can’t she, Red? Sun Petal is a young mare now,” Sun Flower replied.

“Please dad?” Sun Petal pleaded.

Red Stone gave the two mares a stern expression in response. His wife whose yellow coat matched her namesake’s, gave a knowing smile that he would give in and allow their daughter to make the trip. Sun Petal on the other hoof, who had a green coat like the stem of a flower, silently begged her father to allow her to go. Red Stone held his gaze as long as he could against the combined force of the two mares that whittled his defenses with each second. He quickly looked over at his son who as usual, was paying no mind to the conversation. Coloration wise, he took his wife’s father coat, an alabaster white but with a messy Azure mane, just like his namesake.

Seeing no offer of help from his son, or any interest for that matter, Red Stone eventually yielded to the mares. But, he did so with bit of dignity he could muster. “Well, I guess it might be better if you go in my stead. The other stallions mentioned they were heading over to the Pie rock farm to pick up some coal for the winter.” Red Stone shifted his eyes back to his food and began to scoop another bite. “I suppose it would be better if you haul back the hay from Dodge. That is, if you think you can handle it.”

“Of course I can handle it!” Sun Petal said.

Sun Flower looked on to her husband with a loving smile, knowing full well that despite how tough of a face he put on towards them or others, he could hardly resist the requests of both his wife and daughter. Most of the time it was up to her to make sure that Sun Petal did not get her way with him, but it was almost always a sure fire win when she agreed with her daughters actions herself.

“Azure,” Sun Flower said. “Did you want to go with your sister?”

“No,” Azure Storm simply replied.

“Really?” Sun Flower said in surprise. “Don’t you want to see the crops being harvested?”

“Not really.”

Sun Flower exchanged a glance with Red Stone, both of them worrying about the same thing. While their daughter was as lively as they could come, their son always remained distant. In truth, Red Stone blamed some of it on his step father, Marsh Fen.

“Where’s grandpa?” Azure Storm asked almost on cue.

The seat that was normally reserved for the senior stallion remained empty, like many nights lately.

“I don’t know sweetie,” Sun Flower answered.

“Probably off with his crazy cult like friends,” Red Stone mumbled.

“Red!” Sun Flower exclaimed, followed by a scolding glare.

Red Stone only grumbled in reply and went back to eating, avoiding eye contact with her as much as possible.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” Sun Petal asked sweetly to Azure. “If you do, I promise to get you something while I shop for some beauty products. I’ve been saving up.”

Azure Storm shifted his eyes to his sister briefly and considered the offer, but returned back to his food. “No, I’m good.”

“Well, is there anything I can get for you?” Sun Petal pressed, working her way past her younger brother’s shield.

“… a new saddlebag maybe?”

“One tough enough to survive a fall from a mountain?” she asked teasingly.

“… yeah,” he replied, recalling the incident he had some months ago.

“Alright, one durable saddlebag it is,” she said before ruffling his hair with a hoof.

“Hey!” he shouted before waving off her hooves, watching her with spiteful eyes at her giggles of getting him flustered. With a grunt similar to his fathers, he shouldered down and went back to his bowl. But in truth, it was to hide the small smile that he covered with his forelegs.

His sister didn’t judge him for always wanting to remain on his own like their parents did. They always were worried about him and how he was growing up, his father especially whenever he spent long periods of time with his grandfather. But his sister seemed to accept the fact that that was who he was. That he preferred the company of the wilderness over that of other ponies like she did. In fact, she would always support his endeavors on going for long hikes that would keep him away for a day or two. He liked her a lot for that.

Besides his grandfather, she was perhaps the only other pony in town that understood him.


“Take care!” Sun Flower called out.

“Stick to the road,” Red Stone said afterwards.

Azure Storm watched down the road as his parents waved off his sister, waiting patiently for her to walk by him and the tree he sat under. Sun Petal waved in return to their parents before turning forward and looking to him expectantly. When she came closer she spoke in feigned surprise, “My little brother actually came to see me off?”

Suppressing a smirk, he replied, “Mom and dad made me. I’d be halfway to river by now if they didn’t.”

“Sure they did,” she said with a knowing smile.

“Well, since I’m here… good luck,” Azure said while looking away.

“Thanks. And good luck to you. Don’t go falling off the mountain while I’m gone.” She walked near him and flicked his ear with her tail as she passed.

“Yeah yeah…” he grumbled while he swatted her tail away.

She merely giggled in reply and headed off down the dirt trail. “Don’t let them get you down. I’ll be back in a few days. See ya then!”

“Bye!” Azure quickly replied with more energy than he intended. But she was already well on her way and waving back to him for him to try and re-correct his nonchalant appearance. But eventually the distant facade fell, and he let loose a heartfelt smile at his departing sister’s form.

Her warm and loving nature that she brought with her was like a blooming flower on a sunny day. It was a sight that was imprinted in his mind, a lasting image of sweetness and warmth like the breezes he enjoyed so much. It was something that he would never be able to forget about her since it was that day, would be the last time he would see her alive.