• Published 4th Apr 2014
  • 2,481 Views, 76 Comments

Ditzy Falls - LDSocrates

After their short-lived training at Rainbow Falls, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo get to talking on the way home. Ditzy at first thinks nothing of it, but as time wears on and she sees more of her fellow mare, she can barely think of anything else.

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Getting To Know You

The train rattled a little as it sped down the tracks, homeward bound. Some ponies were excitedly talking about the past day’s results, others were tired and wishing the former would shut their traps. But not her; she didn’t mind. She was blissfully looking out the window, watching the world go by in fast, fluid motion, the colors running into each other as they sped past.

She was so absorbed, in fact, that she didn’t notice a fellow pegasus had taken the seat next to her until her new companion’s soft, tender voice let out a little “ahem” in greeting. “Um… hello?”

The grey pegasus turned around, ears perked in surprise, to see a butter yellow mare sitting next to her, half hiding behind a pink mane. “Oh, hi there, Fluttershy!” she greeted back with a grin.

“H-hi,” Fluttershy stammered back with a small smile. “Sorry if I interrupted your train of thought…”

She let out a little snerk. “Pfah, no, it’s okay. I wasn’t thinking about much; just enjoying the scenery!”

“It is really nice,” Fluttershy nodded. She pushed her front hooves together and took a little breath. “I just wanted to, um, apologize. For Rainbow Dash taking your place and all. I know you were really happy to compete…”

A few seconds passed before she realized Fluttershy was done talking. “I would’ve been happy to! But, to be honest, it was really more of a favor to Bulk. He’s a big sheep dog on the inside and he’s been a good friend to me, so I owe him a few.”

“He is, isn’t he?” Fluttershy giggled a little. She paused a few seconds more before admitting, “I’m really sorry, but we’ve never really been introduced before. I’ve seen you around town plenty, but I’ve never really, um… what I mean to say is, I’m Fluttershy.” She extended a hoof. “You’re Derpy, right?”

She flinched, but put on a big smile anyway and shook the other mare’s hoof. “Um, yeah, that’s me! Derpy. The one and only!”

Fluttershy’s ears lowered and head tilted, a frown on her face. “Is everything okay…? I saw you cringe.”

She mentally facehoofed before taking a deep breath to brace herself. “Um… I’d really prefer if you didn’t… well, call me Derpy. My name’s Ditzy. Ditzy Doo. Not Derpy.”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “Okay, Ditzy.”

Ditzy blinked in surprise, looking the smaller mare up and down as if her coat were made of gold. “R… really?”

“Really what?” she repeated in confusion.

“No argument? No ‘it’s such a cute name’? No ‘it fits you’? No ‘everypony calls you that’? No backhoofed comment about my eyes?” she listed, brow furrowed in disbelief. “No… anything?”

“If you don’t want to be called that, you don’t want to be called that,” Fluttershy said as if it were the most apparent truth of the universe. “Why would I call you a name you don’t like?”

“To make fun of me?” Ditzy asked more than stated.

Fluttershy gasped in horror, front hooves over her mouth. “Why would I ever do that? Is… is that normal for you?”

Ditzy squirmed a little in her seat and turned her head away. “You could say that. I mean, it’s not an everyday thing, but… yeah. Lots of ponies think I’m stupid because of my eyes. No, more than stupid, ‘mentally impaired,’” she spat, glaring into space. “And those are the nicest words they say to me! Sometimes they don’t even call me anything, they just… talk as if I’m not there and can’t understand them.” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Sorry, this is getting really personal.”

Ditzy found herself in a tight hug a moment later, Fluttershy holding her tight. She held on long enough for Ditzy’s face to get nice and red from the other mare’s warmth before she pulled away and said, “I’m so sorry you have to put up with that, Ditzy. Do you want to talk about something else?”

“I th-think I’d like that,” Ditzy said with a shy smile.

“Well, um…” Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin and smiled sheepishly. “Oh dear, I’m not very good at making conversation.”

“That’s fine,” Ditzy reassured with a relaxed grin. “How about we start with the basics: what’s your cutie mark mean?”

“Oh, mine?” Fluttershy asked, looking down at the butterflies on her flank. “Well, my special talent is that I’m really good with animals. I fell out of Cloudsdale when I was a filly, you see, and a bunch of butterflies caught me before I…” She gulped. “I try not to think of the alternative.”

“Wow, lucky catch!” Ditzy marveled. “Right place, right time.”

Fluttershy nodded, flapping her wings a little. “I even got my cutie mark out of it! My parents were both proud and, well, panicked with worry. Not every day a filly survives a fall like that.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice; almost fell out of the sky more than my fair share when I was learning to fly,” Ditzy admitted with a shyer smile. “I’m… not exactly very good at it.”

“Then what’s your special talent?” Fluttershy asked, eying Ditzy’s flank.

“I’m great at cleaning and keeping a house in order,” she said proudly with a flick of her tail. “I keep things spick-and-span at my place. Only wish I could take advantage of it.”

“Why can’t you?” Fluttershy asked with a tilt of her head.

“Because nopony in Ponyville can afford a maid, and nopony in Canterlot is willing to hire me because, of, well…” She motioned to her eyes. “I work as a mailmare to make ends meet.”

“Oh… oh, I’m so sorry to hear,” the other mare fretted.

“It’s fine; I get by,” Ditzy shrugged with a good-natured smile. “Besides, my talent really helps around the house. I don’t know how I’d keep up with my daughters without it!”

“Oh, you’re married?” Fluttershy asked.

Ditzy’s face fell. “Um… no.”

“Er… divorced, then?” Fluttershy asked more timidly.

“No. Actually never been married,” Ditzy admitted, rubbing the back of her neck and looking away in shame. “One’s adopted, but the other is, well, mine.”

“Oh…” Ditzy could hear Fluttershy clear her throat and see her cheeks redden in the reflection of the window. “I’ve never, well… you know… but I’d never judge a pony for having s… se… ahem.”

Ditzy smiled a little. “Thanks. I mean it. Although…” She turned back to Fluttershy with a questioning glance. “You’ve really never…?” she trailed off, bumping her front hooves together to illustrate.

Fluttershy squeaked and shook her head. “Oh, never! Er, well, maybe someday. I’ve just…” She took a deep breath and composed herself. “I’ve just never even really been on a date before, is all. And if I can’t get a date, well… that is a bit far off.”

“I would think the stallions would be bending over backwards for a mare like you,” she chuckled.

Fluttershy giggled and smiled nervously. “I doubt they would, but… I’m not exactly interested in stallions, per se, anyway.”

Ditzy blinked and blushed. “…come again?”

There was a loud, ear-splitting screech that made the two hold their heads and shiver. The train was coming to a stop. When it finally did, there was an announcement, but Ditzy was only half listening.

“Um, well, it was really nice talking to you Ditzy, gotta go, bye!” Fluttershy said hastily, scrambling out of the train with a face as red as a cherry.

Ditzy shook her head and climbed off her seat. She giggled as she trotted out of the train and thought little of what just happened. That was until she noticed that the other mare was galloping away from the platform entirely.

“Hey Fluttershy!” she called after her. “You forgot your…” She sighed as Fluttershy turned out of sight. “Luggage.”

Ditzy looked over to the bags being unpacked from the luggage compartment, and a smile formed on her face as the gears in her head started turning. She’d have to deliver them later anyway, and besides… that mare was awfully cute.