• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago

Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."


Button Mash has finally convinced his mother to let him stay home alone while his family goes out for a few days, assuring his mother that nothing will go wrong.

Needless to say, something does go wrong. After burning the kitchen in a fire, Button Mash gets the brilliant idea on how to make sure his mother doesn't kill him. He's going to fake his death!

With no other choice, (Mostly thanks to blackmail) Button's friends must help him fool the town into thinking he's dead but he'll have to figure out a way out of this mess or his mother will bury him six feet for real.

Thanks to my Pre-Readers: DbzorDie and Zaphod

Thanks to my Editors: Obselescence and Seether00

Thanks to Kill Joy for the cover art

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 196 )

And away we go...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Wow, that premise doesn't sound dark at all.

Really nifty cover and concept, though. Give me a moment...

Well, you've already got me giggling and this is only the first chapter. Button Mash is just prone to disaster. :rainbowlaugh:

“I was making hay fries when I felt the need to use the bathroom,

Unless hay fries burn really fast a quick bathroom break probably wouldn't have provided enough time for them to catch on fire. Then again, given how disaster prone Button Mash seems to be he's probably lucky if a simple bathroom break doesn't end with him inadvertly giving himself a swirly, or worse.


Unless hay fries burn really fast

...it's hay. That stuff burns if you try to dry it too quickly. :unsuresweetie:

4183344 Even so you think someone would've noticed the smoke, or a smoke detector would've gone off or something. Because, as the old saying goes, "Where there's smoke there's fire."


Not that dark (yet) and even if I can't say I laughed out-loud it tugged at my lips quite a few times.

Solid effort so far. Here's hoping for more of the same quality! :twilightsmile:

Missing a couple sentences in the phone conversation but I was laughing so much it wasn't terrible.
3:44 pm.

Unbelievably hilarious.

Okay, using the Kickassia phone scene? Friggin' brilliant. I almost died then and there.

I love Button Mash. He's such an adorable little dope. Really liking this!

Extremely funny:pinkiehappy:
Keep up the good work!

Button Mash really has no ability beyond gaming to think things through does he? What happens after the funeral once he's buried? Run away? He already said he'd survive all of 10 seconds out in the wild. (Admittedly it's hyperbole but in a cartoon world hyperbole can become quite literal).

Button needs food badly!

*Jumps from computer, runs to room, comes upon shelf containing NES library, quickly and dramticly pulls out Gauntlet.


wow button wow in just those amount of minutes you somehow were able to destroy a kitchen........and his idea is to fake his death.....oh yeah he going to die for real if his mom finds out about all of this going on

Please, :rainbowlaugh: come out with the next chapter soon! :pinkiehappy:

So Gummy is secretly a Totodile... :rainbowhuh:

Works for me! :pinkiehappy:

After Button's Adventure's cancellation, this is the next best thing.

A few mistakes here and there, but not enough to take away ANY enjoyment of the story. Keep it coming!

Here's the only mistake I found when scrolling through it really quickly. It was pretty obvious. The others are subtler so I'm not gonna go looking for them.

“Hey, Scootaloo let me know what’s going on with this whole ‘it’s time’ thing. Just letting you know my Dad’s gonna be dropping me over, okay?”
its stability, despite its coolness.
“Oh, no. We’re taking Bessie with us.”

What's with that fragment in the middle there?

I wonder what Button's dad and brother think of leaving him alone. Also, Button's use of the fire extinguisher reminded me of this.


his mom’s strange black and fancy underwear.

That's gotta be something else, because last time I checked ponies didn't wear underwear. Heck, they barely wear clothes in general.

“... You’re mom actually did that?

You’re parents left you alone?

I saw this sentence variation maybe three times in the same page-space.
I get that they're kids, but...the eye twitch is earth-shattering..
Your mom.

For that to slip by the almighty Obs..
They be enjoying your story too much!

they quickly gasped at the sigh of the flames

And what a mighty sigh it was!

the rest were still trying to comprehend what they had just scene.

A fine display of waterworks just occurred in that scene. I seen it all!

Looking good so far, these are a few things I noticed throughout.
~Dash The Stampede

4184712 What sort of game over music do you think would work best with that cover image?

Ah, much better!
I believe I saw a few more nuances, an instance of "inquirted" ...'Inquired?'

But nothing taking away from enjoying the fic itself. I eagerly await more!

~Dash The Stampede

buttons theme slower and in minor

Comment posted by Matthais Unidostres deleted Apr 6th, 2014

Yeah, it's in no relation to Gift of the Mash I said that

Oh, I must have missed that. i guess the whole "Button's Dead" cliche caused by Hasbro kinda upsets me. But maybe you would've written this clever comedy regardless if Hasbro took down Button's Adventures or not. It is a funny concept regardless. Not my thing, but it's still a fun well written story. Good job.

I was less than thrilled with this.

The problem is that a lot of gags in this are really the sort of thing you do in animation, not in storytelling; there are very different sorts of humor which work in things like novels and things like animations. Stuff like falling into the laundry machine and similar physical mishaps just don't work right in writing - it is, in essence, "explaining the joke". Falling into the washing machine is a very visual joke. There might be SOME way of making it work in writing, but this isn't it, and really, a lot of these gags are too cartoony and make the pacing feel all weird - having someone repeatedly have cartoony things happen to them works in a cartoon or a comic, but in writing, it just feels out of place.

Likewise, Pinkie Pie picking up the phone and trying to invite herself was okay, but Pinkie Pie's appearance later on was too random and just didn't really work (and also felt weird for Pinkie - and out of place in-universe).

Honestly a lot of it felt like it was trying too hard (which is really Button Mash's thing, but it is supposed to be funny because BUTTONS is trying too hard, not because the story is) rather than actually just being funny.

I literally had to Google the JanAnimations C&D to see if it was true...
GOD DAMNIT HASBRO! Quick, someone do a mixup of Danny(from the GameGrumps and NSP) saying God Damnit Hasbro instead of God Damnit Ross...

4185078 from what i heard and then found out. hasbro never realy said anything. Someone was messing around with the guy. I read that the ltter from Hasbro was so badly written it turned out be fake but no one read it carefully and all heck broke loose

Nice Nostalgia Critic reference with the "It's Time" part :rainbowlaugh:
This was hilarious, can't wait for more :pinkiehappy:

o god so funny
needs more macaroni though

Comment posted by Great Noun Plural deleted Feb 24th, 2015

its terrible but they are still working on things, just wait and see

This is one of the few stories that can make me laugh. Good job!

Or else...you'll lose the love and trust of your son...

Or Pinkie pie will kill you, whichever comes first.


<- This person likes Gauntlet Dark Legacy

As this was amazing, the question still lurks: when will the sequel to "Gift of the Mash" be started? If you can't tell, then mabye a hint :rainbowhuh: ? I'm sorry to nag, but it was just so good! :pinkiehappy:

The first two paragraphs.
Basically my freshman year in a nutshell, LOL :derpyderp1:

“I’ll be fine, Mom. I promise. Nothing bad will happen.”

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