• Published 30th Mar 2012
  • 4,904 Views, 43 Comments

Opposites Attract - DJ_Bron3

RariJack... Need I say more?

  • ...

Chapter 2

The doctor had insisted on keeping Applejack overnight for observation. Rarity had stayed the night with her so she wouldn't be lonely. The next morning, Rarity handed Applejack her hat and helped her into a wheelchair. Applejack insisted she could walk on her own, but the nurse informed her that it was hospital policy that all patients leave in a wheelchair.

"I ain't helpless." Applejack hated feeling like an invalid, especially in front of one of her friends.

"Of course you're not, dear. But you must obey the rules." Rarity wheeled her out to the front of the hospital, where Applejack immediately jumped out of the chair... and regretted doing so. She had forgotten just how sore she was. She steeled herself, trying not to show any pain, but she couldn't hold back a slight wince.

"Oh, Applejack. Are you alright?" Rarity rushed to Applejack's side, her voice full of concern.

"'Course I am. Let's head on home. I'm sick of this place." Applejack put on her most convincing smile and started trotting towards the Carousel Boutique, careful not to move to swiftly so she wouldn't hurt herself again. Rarity followed closely behind her friend, watching her carefully.

They soon reached Rarity's home and place of business. Rarity pushed open the door and held it for Applejack, who trotted in slowly, looking around at her temporary place of residence. The doctor ordered her to get plenty of rest, so Rarity led Applejack to her bedroom, insisting that she sleep in Rarity's own bed.

"I can't put ya out like this, Rare. I'll jus' sleep on that couch over there."

"Nonsense. I'll be taking the sofa. You're still badly injured, and you're probably in a lot of pain... more so than you're letting on." Rarity spoke with such finality that Applejack had no choice but to agree. She still didn't like taking Rarity's bed, and she especially didn't like the thought of anypony waiting on her hand and hoof when she could still care for herself. She reluctantly climbed into the plush bed, and Rarity lifted the blanket with her horn, covering Applejack.

"Now, can I get you anything? Are you hungry? Or perhaps you would like something to drink?" Rarity was quick to serve her friend that she owed so much. Applejack was not so quick to accept the service. She was never one to take charity from anypony, and this felt too much like charity.

"No thank ya, I'm fine. I think I'll jus' lay here a spell." Applejack yawned. Rarity simply smiled and nodded, leaving her there to rest. She headed into her workshop to work on her current dress commission. Applejack began to doze. She had only awoken a few short hours ago, but the short walk from the hospital had tired her out. Her ordeal the previous day had taken a lot out of her.


Applejack awoke a few hours later. She attempted to get out of bed, but was far too sore to move comfortably. Rarity was still slaving over her beloved sewing machine when she heard a call from the other room.

"Hey, Rare?" Rarity hurried into to the room to check on her friend.

"Yes? Do you need something, Applejack?" Applejack nodded sheepishly, still uncomfortable asking for help.

"I'm mighty thirsty. Could I please have a glass of water?"

"Of course, darling. I'll be right back." Rarity trotted off to the kitchen. She pulled a glass from the cabinet and poured cool, fresh water to its brim. She headed back towards her bedroom, stopping in the doorway and turning back. She pulled a straw from the drawer and placed it into the glass, realizing Applejack might not have the strength to sit up. When she arrived back in the room, she floated the water over to Applejack. She awkwardly thanked Rarity and sipped the cool liquid through the straw, quenching her thirst.

"You seem uncomfortable, dear. May I ask why?" Rarity had picked up on Applejack's obvious dislike for being cared for and asking for help. She hoped to ease the awkwardness by talking through it and convincing Applejack that nopony would think any less of her.

"I jus' don't care too much for bein' taken care of. I always took care of myself long as I can remember. It jus' don't feel right."

"Everypony needs to be taken care of sometimes. Nopony could possibly take care of herself and all the ponies around her without a little help." Rarity hoped she could get Applejack past these silly notions and take care of her more easily and without criticism.

"Well I know that. I guess I'm jus' bein' a li'l stubborn." Applejack looked to the floor. She knew stubbornness was one of her biggest flaws, but she was too stubborn to not be stubborn.

"A little?" Rarity playfully scoffed, poking a little fun at her friend in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Okay, maybe a lot stubborn." Applejack looked up and smiled at Rarity, then they both started laughing playfully. The tension had been successfully broken, and Rarity believed things would go a lot smoother now. They were going to be roommates for at least a week, and they needed to be cordial at the very least. She hoped they could be this friendly the entire time.


They spent the entire next day together. They sat on the sofa and talked for hours, smiling and laughing. They had never spent this much time together without arguing before, and they were growing increasingly closer.

"I never realized how civilized you really are. I must admit, I always thought you quite the ruffian." Rarity smiled at Applejack as she took another bite of the salad she had prepared for dinner.

"That's awful nice of ya to say. I gotta say, I never thought ya'd be such a down to earth pony. Ya always jus' seemed so prim an' proper." Applejack had never had any real reason to hang around Rarity without the company of their other friends. She never really got the chance to get to know her. Really, she never wanted to. Rarity's attitude had always turned Applejack off to that particular friendship.

"Well I'm certainly glad your opinion has changed." They smiled at each other for a long moment. Rarity got up to clear the table. It was getting late, and she knew Applejack needed rest, but she didn't want the night to end. She was having too much fun with her friend. She thought she was probably being selfish and decided to suggest that they both retire for the evening.

"It's getting rather late. I suppose we should be heading to bed."

"Well I am mighty tired, but I've had so much fun tonight. I wish we could talk like this forever."

"I know exactly what you mean, but you need your rest. Doctor's orders." Rarity smiled as she helped Applejack up from the table and walked with her to the bedroom. She pulled back the covers as Applejack climbed into bed. She turned to walk out of the room to her sofa when Applejack called after her.

"I've been thinkin'... there's a plenty of room here in the bed. That sofa can't be comfortable." Applejack's voice was unsteady. She was nervous and felt awkward for asking Rarity to stay with her.

"I don't know... Though I suppose it isn't the first time we've shared a bed." Rarity smiled softly at Applejack, remembering Twilight's first sleepover with fondness.

"That was a very eventful night." She laughed lightly.

"I reckon it was. We must'a been a sight, arguin' like that." Applejack laughed with her friend. Rarity walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in next to Applejack. They smiled at each other and said goodnight, then they rolled over to face away from each other.

After a while, Applejack gave up on sleep. Her mind was racing with new thoughts and feelings about her old friend. She didn't know how to describe these feelings. They were completely alien to her. She wanted to stay here with Rarity forever. She fought the sudden urge to roll over and cuddle up to the white mare beside her. Little did she know, Rarity was pretending to be asleep. She was feeling the same feelings and fighting the same urges. Neither mare knew what she was going to do.