• Published 12th Jul 2011
  • 3,095 Views, 33 Comments

On Feathered Wings - Tarath

  • ...

Chapter 3

That dark and rather dank cellar underneath Sugarcube corner was not what Rarity at all imagined it would be. Above them was the most cheerful and cute little shops in all of Ponyville, complete with the most bouncy and cheerfully happy resident in all of Ponyville. The wet and dirty cobblestone basement was dark, depressing, and utterly repulsive. Not only were there spiderwebs on almost everything, but the heavy rain fall was seeping water through the cracks in the walls.

It was the last place Rarity would want to visit under regular circumstances, but at the moment? It didn't seem too bad. Not with how the wind outside was howling. Or with how the crash of what could only of been the front of the store's display shattering reached all of them moments after they got down here.

She was feeling rather at home, actually.

“Pinkie dear, are there any more candles?”

That very Earth pony trotted herself from around a row of soggy boxes, shaking her head towards the larger of the two owners of the store.

“No Mrs. Cake. All I found is streamers and confetti-- and I refuse to let Spike burn those!”

The Cakes smiled towards their sole employee-- while Spike, who was sitting relatively close to a dwindling pile of birthday candles, simply sent one jet of green flame against another candle's tip. Reaching out to place it carefully atop the box they'd mounted them on just as the previous wax stick flickered out.

“Mother..?” Diamond Tiara pipped up-- curled against her mother's side like a newborn foal. “I'm getting all wet down here...”

The mare didn't seem to care about getting wet. Not now. Not after the roar of the storm had surrounded the building and began to shake it's very foundations like they were in the middle of an earthquake.

“Sorry about the state of things down here..” Mr. Cake decided to step in at that precise moment, as if hoping the leaking walls would go unnoticed. “We've been meaning to get this place tidied up for a while. It's a good place to store some of Pinkie Pie's party supplies. Apparently not when it rains..”

Pinkie Pie didn't seem to mind her party materials getting a little soggy though. “Aww! No worries Mr. Cake! If we didn't put them down here, we'd have no room for a bakery upstairs. You simply cannot have enough party favors!”

Rarity was inclined to disagree, since she was currently sitting on a box of banners and deflated balloons, but she thought it best not to be snooty. That foal had been plenty snooty for the lot of them, as well as the ungrateful father-- who protested hastily at first before the storm had really settled in.

Spike sighed from his candlelight seat-- sitting on his butt, seemingly not caring about the water. In fact, he looked rather gloomy-- planting his chin in his palms. “I wish Twilight was here..”

“Oh Spike.” Rarity was up on her hooves in a flash. Thankful to be off that soggy box more than anything. “I'm sure she's just fine. Probably up there organizing and overseeing all the shelter efforts. As soon as the storm is over, I'll get you right back to her.”

He seemed to brighten up a little. If not at her words, than just at the sound of her voice. “I.. I know.. I'm just worried. I've never seen Twilight that.. that..”

“Frazzled?” Pinkie Pie hopped in. “Disturbed? Shocked? Confuzzled?”

Rarity gave her a face as Spike just sulked harder. Prompting the pink pony to zip her lips. Mrs. Cake took the initiative-- stepping forward to sit beside the baby dragon.

“Rarity is right little one. I've seen that Twilight Sparkle around enough times to know she's got a good head on her shoulders.”

Rarity nodded excitedly, “Of course she does! You don't get to be the Princess' student if you don't know how to handle yourself during some little bitty storm.”

Of course this storm was anything but little bitty. Not that it seemed to keep Spike from looking a little less down than before. Rarity was relieved, stepping up opposite him to sit within the candlelight. That also didn't harm things as a cute little blush spread across his cheeks..

“Y-Yeah.. You're right. I'm sure she's just fine!” But his face darkened a little bit as he glanced at the withering candle's flame-- reaching out for another one. “I just wish I could with her right now.. What if Celestia sends a letter and I'm not even there to give it to her?”

Rarity blinked. Honestly, she hadn't even thought of that. Spike was the only link between them and Canterlot, and Twilight was practically the Princess' instrument during all this. Separating the two of them had cut all of Ponyville off from the only alicorn that knew what to do no matter what.

“I'm sure Miss Sparkle will manage.” Mrs. Cake stepped in once again-- reaching over to lay a comforting hoof against Spike's back. “When the storm has passed I'm sure Miss Rarity and Pinkie Pie will get you safely back to her.”

Pinkie Pie was quick with a salute, flashing an uncharacteristically tame smile Spike's way. “You bet! I'm sure she'll be at the library. Or out there working that unicorn pony magic on those lightning clouds.”

“I just hope whatever she's doing is helping things..” Rarity muttered, glancing up at the roof of the cellar. She swore she could feel the ground shaking..

“If she's got Dashie with her, I'm sure they're taking care of business! I mean, have you ever seen how she bucks those clouds?” Pinkie Pie leaped into the air, kicking her back legs out in an admittedly good imitation of the pegasus. “She's all like, BAM! And BOOSH! And-!”

She suddenly stopped, landing on the ground-- giving a mighty twitch and a kick of her back left leg. Her tail frizzled up like she'd just been shocked-- and her eye bugged out in a most disturbing manner..


All at once, the weird mannerisms stopped-- and Pinkie blinked. Looking clueless as to what just happened. “Oh my..”

Before Rarity even had a chance to ask what the fuss was all about, the room shook and a loud boom filled the air. Everypony's head snapped up to glance at the floor above, which sprinkled them with dust for a few seconds as the explosion of sound faded into a distant rumble.

“W-What w-w-was t-that?” Diamond Tiara's father stuttered, shivering against his equally terrified family.

Rarity craned her head to listen.. but found that it was creepily quiet. No sounds of rain. Only distant sounds of thunder and the fading rumble of whatever had just passed over..

“The Sonic Rainboom.”

At once, all eyes turned to Pinkie Pie. Who was still staring almost blankly into space. Her mind seemingly processing untold masses of information at once.

“What?” Rarity raised her hoof to her chest in surprise-- cocking her head to the side. “How do you even know that?”

The pink earth pony just rolled her eyes, “Did you not see the twitchy brow, ear flicker, tail spazzer-- leg kicker, eyeball bulger, flank twitcher thingy-ma-jig I just did? Dashie just did a Rainboom!”

Spike was the first one to stop gaping.. “What does that mean..? Why would Rainbow do a Rainboom?”

Rarity glanced down, her eyes flicking side to side as she struggled to think of a reason. The only time she'd seen Rainbow do one was when she was plummeting to certain death. It was no small task. Sure, this storm was the worst she'd ever seen-- but what was a little rain and a little wind? There had to be safer ways for Dash to clear the skies.

Unless things were worse than she imagined.

“Alright. That's it.” Spike hopped up to his feet, and with a deep breath-- breathed his green fire upon one last candle before setting it down next to the almost depleted one from earlier. “I'm going to go find Twilight.”

Mrs. Cake looked shocked. “But.. Dear.. You can't! The storm, it--”

“Stopped.” Rarity said, stepping next to the baby dragon-- who glanced up at her curiously. “At least for the moment.. I can't hear anymore rain.”

The group listened for a few seconds, but sure enough. There was no sound other than the trickle of water upon the stone floor.

Pinkie Pie bounded over next to them-- her smile right back upon her face. “Sounds like just the break we needed! We can get to Twilight's in no time flat.”

Mrs. Cake did not look happy, but she bit her lip and said nothing more. Mr. Cake stepped over to give his wife a quick nuzzle, glancing to the three of them. “You all just be careful. I can still hear thunder out there. I don't think this is over us just yet.”

Rarity nodded, leaning down to let Spike eagerly jump and straddle her back-- his tiny hands gripping her mane. “We will Mr and Mrs. Cake. Thank you so much for letting us stay in your cellar.”

She glanced down at where the water had risen up her hoofs. The whole place was partially flooded by now.

She grit her teeth in the most awkward of smiles.. “It's been a most interesting experience..”

“I'll be back lickity split!” Pinkie Pie hopped forward to give her bosses and quick group hug-- before twirling about to the stairs and trotting her way up them happily.

Rarity followed, glancing towards the young filly cowering with her family across the cellar. Despite their reluctance at the shelter earlier, they certainly weren't coming now.

Quickly bounding up the stairs, the trio exited through the large and heavy wooden trap door and back into the kitchen-- closing it behind them. The Kitchen was still dark, and some of the pots and pans had fallen onto the floor. Bumping about as they moved through it.

The front of the store was not as lucky. The front glass display had, indeed, shattered. It's sharp field of glass glistening with water that had pooled across the store front. Leaves, twigs and other assortments of wind debris were scattered about everywhere. Clinging to any wet surface.

“Watch your step Pinkie Pie..” She circumvented her friend, who seemed.. almost sad at the sight. But she followed behind Rarity, careful to avoid the sharp glass as they exited through the front door. Letting it close behind them with a jingle, stepping out into the streets of Ponyville.

Rarity gasped at what she saw.. Carts were overturned, their produce littering the street. Large canvas tents that normally lined the square were either missing or flat against the ground, muddied and torn. Some were even streaked through tree limbs, who's owners were bent at odd angles. One near the store was even partially uprooted. Windows in buildings all around them were broken. Lining the street with dozens of glittering glass shards that were half submerged in the numerous large puddles that had accumulated.

But when her eyes turned upwards to the sky, she was at a loss for words.

For a good mile around them the faint glow of a rainbow was fading into the distance. Where the colored wave had crossed there were only scattered, mangled clouds. The glow of a blue sky was easy to see-- even without the sun illuminating them directly. It was an almost beautiful sight, but the dark wall of clouds that surrounded this eye of the storm were still tumbling about as menacing as she imagined them ever being. There were still flashes of lightning in the far distance..

As well as massive bodies of cyclones that were passing by Ponyville, swallowing up hills of trees and leaving indescribable carnage in their wake.

“What.. are those things..?” Spike was clinging to her neck almost painfully, but Rarity could hardly care. She was too busy staring at the rolling monsters. Each nearly identical to one another as they rode over hills and crossed the river outside of town. Never slowing..

“I don't know what they are, but I bet Twilight does.”

Pinkie Pie glanced over at Rarity, nodding in earnest. She didn't look like she had anything to say, which alone was enough to make Rarity gulp. The silence that surrounded them was bad, but not having Pinkie Pie to speak over the sound of the distant monsters ripping through their home was another thing entirely.

Almost instantly the two ponies broke out in a swift gallop-- dodging ominous mud puddles and debris as they left the town square behind them. Sprinting down a dirty and just as mangled street and towards the town library. Rarity spotted it easily, and was surprised at the lack of damage to the great tree. Besides a few broken limbs and some scuffs on the outside wood work, it looked unscathed. Not to mention shuttered up completely.

“Twilight must be home!” She shouted, pushing forward through a mud puddle that splashed dirt along her legs.

Just as they neared, the upper window of Twilight's bedroom opened and a pair pegasi flew out quickly. Rising up into the calm air and turning north. Flying higher and higher as they went. Rarity recognized one as the mail mare, but the other escaped her knowledge.

Pinkie Pie scoffed, “Where are those two going? Can't they tell that Ponyville is under attack by -monsters-!?”

They skidded up to the library's entry, with Spike practically launching himself from Rarity's back and taking to pounding his little fist against the wooden door. “Twi!? Twilight are you in there!?”

They waited a moment before a purple glow surrounded the door's handle and a dull click resonated from inside-- the door swung open immediately, and just within the dark building stood Twilight Sparkle. Looking every bit as frazzled as Rarity expected her to be.

“Spike! Rarity! Thank goodness--”

Spike launched up and wrapped his arms around the unicorns neck in the biggest hug Rarity had ever seen anypony.. or.. any dragon give.

“I-I'm sorry! We were going to Rarity's shop but got caught up telling everypony we saw to get inside! We-We were still in Sugarcube Corner when it came in! A-And--”

On cue, Twilight sat upon her flank and wrapped her front legs around her dragon-- squeezing him to her chest as she layed her chin upon his head. Shhing him gently as the reptile began to cry.

Rarity didn't even realize just how much Spike had been afraid. Not just for himself, but for Twilight too. It was hard for her not to smile as she watched the two embrace, but Pinkie was quick to dampen the mood with the urgency in her voice.

“Twilight.. Those things out there. They're tearing up the countryside. What are they?”

Rarity shook her head, mulling on an even more curious question. “And why haven't they hit the town?”

Twilight looked up from tending to Spike, who was shivering and sniffling against her neck. She leveled a glance at Rarity that made her heart sink.

“Tornadoes.. A rare and dangerous weather anomaly alien to Equestria save for the Everfree forest. I don't know why they're here, or why there's so many, but they came from Canterlot. Something happened.”

Pinkie Pie gasped, “Why would they come from Canterlot!? Better yet, why would Canterlot be making tornadoes!?” Her face twitched in horror. “What type of ponies are they!?”

Twilight's eyes narrowed, but she quickly shrugged off Pinkie's randomness. “I can only assume it's some sort of accident.. or attack.. I just don't know.. But as for why they haven't reached the town yet. That's been Rainbow's doing.”

Rarity's ears perked. “Rainbow? So the Rainboom. It was--”

“To stop these things, yes.” Twilight looked like she was nearly in tears, stroking the frills that ran down Spike's head and back softly.. “But.. I've lost contact with her.. I can't feel her anymore.”

Pinkie Pie's horrified face switched to one of surprise, then urgent concern. “Dashie? What do you mean you can't feel her anymore?”

Twilight sighed-- her voice quivering. “I cast a spell on her just before she left for Sweet Apple Acres-- where the storm was going to hit first. It let me speak with her from over distance. Through our minds.” She shook her head though.. suddenly squeezing Spike tighter. “B-But after the Rainboom..”

“Twilight Sparkle.” Rarity stepped forward, putting her hoof down. “We must go to Sweet Apple Acres and find her. We can't just sit here and mope. She most likely needs us right now!”

Pinkie seemed to agree, nodding frantically as she stepped up to the library duo. “And what about Fluttershy? Has anypony heard from her?”

Twilight visually suppressed a sob, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before breaking the tight embrace she shared with Spike-- who seemed calmer now, even if he probably didn't want their hug to end.

“I sent two messenger ponies to fly to Canterlot above the storm. To see if they can tell what's happening. Anything at all.” She was on her hooves again now. Determination coming back to her voice. “Fluttershy is probably home.. I just hope it's still there.”

“We must check on them both then!” Rarity turned to the doorway and peered outside at the sky. The storm was still moving. The great expanse of open sky was beginning to drift away. Mr. Cake had been right. This wasn't over yet.

“Rarity. You and Pinkie make for Fluttershy's. Just be quick about it. Rainbow's Rainboom gave us a quickly closing window of time. I'm going to make for Sweet Apple Acres. To see what I can find.“ Rarity nodded, half expecting the unicorn to flash out of here right then, but she instead turned to Spike. Who was staring at her with tear filled eyes.

“Spike.. I want you to stay here.” She cut off his protest with a sweet, but commanding voice-- giving him a gentle smile. “I'll have to run to the farm, and my magic is weak from the teleporting I've done today. If I find Rainbow, she.. she may not be able to move. I'll use whatever reserves I still have to get her and me back here.”

Spike still had his hand up, and his mouth open, like he wanted so badly to protest-- but he dropped his arm back to his side and lowered his head. Nodding slowly. “A-Alright Twilight..”

Pinkie moved to step outside and Rarity decided to follow-- the clopping of hooves telling her Twilight was right behind her.

“Write a letter to the Princess. Tell her that tornadoes are hitting Ponyville. That we're not going to hold out much longer.”

Spike gripped the open door and nodded again, stronger this time-- swallowing his fear and giving the three ponies a determined stare. “I will..”

Twilight looked upon Rarity and Pinkie Pie with a smile, giving Rarity an almost thankful look. Rarity returned it, and she just knew Pinkie was beaming back behind her too.

“Everypony.. just be careful.”


From the sky she had tumbled, rolling and flailing about through the air with no grace at all. The explosion of light and color had blinded her, but that wasn't what surprised her. Instead of bursting through the barrier like always, she was almost instantly slapped in the face by wind. She'd pulled off the stunt, but there was no way she could prepare for that sort of resistance once she'd broken through.

Her wings had almost painfully been yanked back against her flank, and her dive was thrown into an angle she was not prepared for. Quickly she was losing speed, and she came out of her supersonic vortex and back into the regular world long enough to see trees and dirt before she went flying into them. The branches had stung her, ripped at her hide, tore at her mane and feathers, but what really hurt was the ground.

But.. it was mud. Deep mud. Deep enough mud that Rainbow had to dig her way out of it and gasp for air. Almost covered from head to hoof in the dark brown gooey muck that was surrounding the orchard like a new grass. By the time she wiped the dirt from her face, she could only catch the end of her rainboom's trail pushing clouds in the distance further and further way before it faded into nothing. Where there had been at least six tornadoes was nothing. Nothing but clear sky and drizzling rain.

At first she had sat there in shock. Eying the sky as if it was some illusion.. but with a sigh she fell back, landing in the mud she'd dug herself out of-- breathing heavily as the full weight of what she'd just done sank in.

I... am.. so... awesome...

She was almost content to just lay in the mud until some pony found her-- but the distant lightning was her ever present buzz kill. She eased herself up, shaking from the adrenalin rush flowing through her veins, the sky above still showcasing that dazzling blue.

But the clouds were still moving. The storm was pressing forward all the while she was laying there like it was over. She groaned, feeling her sore body protest at moving again, but she pushed herself to her hooves and sludged her way through the sea of mud till she reached a somewhat more solid ground to stand on. And that's when she realized her front left hoof was undoubtedly sprained. Or broken. Either way, it hurt. Really bad.

“Twilight...” She focused on the unicorn that was probably hyperventilating and clawing her eyes out back in Ponyville. “How many 'impossible' things have I done today, huh?”

She waited a moment, but received no response.

“Twilight..? Twi, can you hear me?”

She redoubled her efforts of focusing on her friend, but it didn't do any good. She didn't feel that itching feeling in the back of her mind, either. No waves of relief. No fear. Nothing.

Her eyes turned upwards at the sky, the glow of the sun evident on the whisps of clouds left in her rainboom's wake. Did the spell wear off?

Something else flashed across her mind after she spied a lone apple desperately clinging to it's battered tree-- her eyes widening as a wave of worry ran through her core. Applejack!

She took just a second to shake herself of any loose mud before leaping into the air and spreading her wings-- beating the sore blue feathered appendages until she was soaring across the farm. In seconds she was over the trees, and the expanse of destruction opened up before her eyes. In the sunlight the flowed from the open sky above, the destruction looked all the worse. No amount of sugar coating it would work. Sweet Apple Acres was gone.

It took her only a minute to reach the remains of the farm house, but all around it were mountains of timbers and at least three massive apple trees that had found their final resting place within the ruins of the house. Two stories of master craftsmanship were blown to bits, with personal affects scattered everywhere in between.

“Applejack!?” She yelled out, her voice hoarser than she expected. All that wind had dried out her throat. “Applejack!? Do you hear me!?”

Dash listened for a moment, lifting her head up high and swiveling an ear for any noise she could discern. She heard the running of water, the shuffling of boards beneath her hooves, and the rumble of distant thunder. Nothing more.

“Apple Bloom!?” She briefly wondered if the little filly had been off someplace with Rarity's sister-- or maybe with little Scootaloo. They both flashed through her mind, and instantly her worry was doubled. Was every -other- pony okay?

“Big Mac!? Buddy!?” Nothing. Nopony answered her call. Not even that big workhorse she'd seen plowing those fields dozens of times before. Surely he would've kept his sister's safe. Surely he would've gotten them to safety before the storm hit.

Applejack's face brushed through her mind so quick, that Rainbow Dash barely had time to suppress a heaving breath before she felt a tear run down her already wet face.

This is where she would be.. It's where they would all be..

She desperately looked down at the rubble under hoof, reaching down to dig-- pulling at a massive plank with all her worn out strength until it budged and allowed her to push it out of the way. Her hooves dug into splintered wood, broken glass, and broken memories.

“Oh Celestia no.. No no..!”

Applejack couldn't be here.. She wasn't under this rubble. She'd been in town. She and Twilight were just mistaken. There wasn't a chance that she was gone. That her family was buried beneath their crushed home. Dead. Dying. Hurt. Wanting to answer her but unable to.

Oh for Pete's sake Rainbow, pull yourself together! She's fine. She's a tough, capable mare. You know she is. She can handle herself. She -did- handle herself!

Rainbow took in a deep, painful breath. Her injuries were beginning to make themselves known. Her sides hurt more than her hoof did-- and her wings were surely just as bruised at the joints. How she managed to avoid more dire injury was completely beyond her. Pulling her hooves out of the rubble proved painful too-- cuts and scrapes the unsurprising outcome of digging into a pile of nail embedded wood of a broken home.

Twilight. Twilight can handle this job easy. She can make with the magic and dig through this pile of junk in ten seconds flat!

No sooner had Rainbow decided on flying back into town to grab up the librarian did she jump into the air and turn south towards home-- but something stopped her. Her skin crawled beneath her fur, and her ears twitched as they popped from a sudden drop in air pressure. She glanced up, seeing the sky darkening again as the sun drifted behind the moving clouds. The safety of her Rainboom beginning to drift away with the wind.

But as she turned around, glancing towards the coming storm. She could see no more tornadoes. None except for one. It's massive, larger than life funnel forming in the sky no more than two miles from where she hovered. Watching in horror as the biggest of the cyclones yet spurred to life and righted itself upon the earth. Lightning illuminated it's massive form just as the ground it alighted upon erupted into a massive dark cloud-- which only turned the otherwise gray twister into a black body of twisting death.

Rainbow could only watch. Waiting for what she knew, deep inside, was coming. The slow hum of the wind building back up gave into the steady and distant roar of destruction that followed the path the wind set for it. And, of course, of all the directions it could turn, it set it's course for Ponyville. Set it's course for the exact spot Rainbow stood upon.

“You've got to be kidding...”

She barely managed to whisper to herself before her determination flooded into her the way that Dash loved. The fear stung at her heart, but it was smothered by that rush of courage, and Rainbow even managed to glare. Glare at this approaching mass of monstrous rage that was coming to take all she ever loved from her.

“Not today..”

Her hooves came up to grasp at her goggles she thought were around her neck, but they weren't there. She'd lost them in the tumble from earlier, but no matter. She didn't need them! She'd taken on seven tornadoes and beat them all. Even wrestled one from within.

Her wings cramped as she glanced upwards. The sky was dark again, the warmth of the sun moving on. This one was fast. There was little time to gain the altitude she'd need for another Rainboom. Heck, she wasn't even sure her wings would manage one even if she did have time for it. Nope. She'd do this one like the first. She'd strangle the life out of it. Whoop it's flank and show it who the head mare was around here. Who -really- owned the sky.

“H-Hang on Applejack!” She yelled down to her friend without looked at her wrecked and mangled home. I'll be back for you..

She was off in a blast of rainbows-- her hooves held out before her as she soared up into the sky. She ignored the pain that flushed through her flanks-- doing a corkscrew spin before tucking her wings in tight and diving straight towards the earth.

Gain your speed..

She turned out of her dive at the last possible moment. She was already flying across the barnyard with the world a blur at the edge of her vision. Her wings pumped anew, and the familiar feel of the air whipping against her mane and tail felt all the better without that painful rain hitting her in the face.

Set your path..

She watched the twister turn and buck, it's body writing like it was trying to escape it's cycle. It was bigger than the one from earlier, but that didn't matter. Not now. This was it, Rainbow thought. This was the final obstacle. After this, the storm was done. After this, she can go and get Applejack and everything was going to be okay.

Take a deep breath..

Her hooves held out before her in their aerodynamic pose, Rainbow narrowed her goggle-less eyes and sucked in a deep breath of air just as the spin of the cyclone's wind began to rippled through her wings. She barely had time to avert a flying tree limb before she passed into the raging wall of nature and into the familiar chaos inside. It bit at her with ferocious intent, stinging her with all it could hurl at her. But Rainbow was determined. Determined to save her friends.

Her body twisted and her wings turned up, seeing the widest expanse of the twister's body. It was dozens of meters up and she didn't follow the wall like she had last time. She angled herself just right, steadily climbing in this death spin until she could once again see her trail. She had leveled off, and fell back into the race for speed this leg of the rodeo called for.

Tie.. Tie the noose..

Her muscles ached, her wings burned, everything was stinging as leaves, grass and hay struck her exposed flanks. But she pressed on. Her hooves in front of her, leading the way as her rainbow trail came into view. Just a few meters away. Welcoming it's master and dancing with the roll of the wind.

The dark spots returned, and the burn for air grew stronger and stronger. Rainbow pushed onward, tears burning against her eyes as her vision blurred and distorted. She was nearly there once again. Almost overtaking that multicolored wash of her own making. Just a few meters more!

She didn't see the dark figure rushing up from below until it quite literally slammed into her body.

There wasn't any real pain to speak of. Just shock. Sudden, unexpected, complete shock. There wasn't a sudden rush of air from her lungs. It'd all been depleted already. The roar of the of the tornado sounded hazy, blurring with a deafening ringing that filled her ears until her head felt like it would burst. But still. No pain. Just.. numbness.

Rainbow could register the sky, flying past her as she spiraled through the air. She faintly noticed she was no longer inside the funnel. The tornado was continuing without her. Unabated. Unslowed. She didn't feel the expected defeat. She was still so confused. Why was she numb?

Rainbow couldn't feel her wings, but she saw them as she leveled out of her rolling and flailing and just took to falling in an almost lazy spin. They fluttered against the wind like her loose fore legs, their blue feathers all moving independently. Some were flowing through the air in her wake-- disappearing against the rushing night sky far above that washed away the clouds like they were nothing but water.

How strange it was to see-- the sudden explosion of a night's sky overtaking the featureless grays of storms with the endless expanse of sparkling diamond stars and distant nebula. Even with this ringing, she knew it must be so loud. Flashy things like that always were.

Dash blinked. Or at least thought she did. She wasn't afraid. She knew she was falling, but she wasn't afraid.

The moon above was just too beautiful.


Fluttershy shivered beneath her table. She had long since stopped crying, but her sniffles had remained an ever constant sound amongst the skittering and whimpering of the multitudes of critters that-- in their own fear-- had taken to encircling her. She had welcomed their company-- squeezing the white rabbit she still held to her chest and whispered to him from time to time that everything was going to be okay.

The sounds of the storm had passed. Now, she only heard the occasional howl of wind around her tossed about home-- who's windows were all broken. Who's roof was most assuredly ripped away from the god-awful sounds that had come from upstairs. Fluttershy hadn't at any point opened her eyes since she crawled beneath this table. She may have tried at one point, but quickly found that she could not.

The eeriy silence that came from the boom from earlier didn't make her feel any better. It made her feel worse. Worse because, even though she knew that sound like the back of her hoof, she was still hiding here. Shaking. Sobbing. Holding onto Angel like he was the only thing keeping her from being sucked away by the rolling storm-- all while her best, oldest friend was out there. Protecting her. Protecting all of them.

Fluttershy was weak. So, so pitifully weak. She'd had her moments where her friend's lives depended on her and she came to their rescue with a burst of bravery she could never explain, but what of that now? The sounds, the feel, the power of this storm. It'd frozen her. It made her abandon all her friends. Abandon those animals outside that still needed her help earlier.

How.. pathetic..

Bang bang bang!

The three heavy knocks against her door made her curl up tighter with a loud whimper-- briefly feeling Angel give a squeeze in protest. The animals all around them jumped up and started making the most noise they could, some even running around the room.

“Fluttershy!” The voice of Pinkie yelled from outside her battered door. “Fluttershy please tell me you're in there!”

At once, her eyes opened-- her head shot up until it hit against the bottom of the table and knocked a family of squirrels from atop it. “P-P-Pinkie P-Pie..?”

No sound came from outside for a few moments..


The door burst in on itself-- kicked off it's hindges by the hoof of that crazy pink pony herself-- who looked downright vicious as she posed in her one legged kick. In she trotted, as multitudes of animals poured past her in a blitz to freedom-- causing none other than Rarity to shriek like a proper lady as she was no doubt trampled in their wake.

Pinkie's eyes fell on her after just a second of scanning the room, and a massive smile spread across her face, “Fluttershy!”

It took Fluttershy all but two or three seconds of staring at her friend before she scampered out from underneath her furniture (kicking it over in the process) and leaping through the air into the party pony's arms. Digging her snout into her friend's mane. And bawled like she'd never bawled before.

Pinkie managed to keep her footing, and wrapped her forearms around her tight. Squeezing her back and nuzzling against her cheek. Fluttershy felt everything flood from her in a wave of emotion that barely kept the shy pony from fainting.

“It's okay..” Pinkie soothed her, murmuring against her ear. Fluttershy didn't doubt her for a second.

Rarity appeared in her ruined doorway after a moment, covered in mud with her hair looking frazzled-- the occasional animal print stamped upon her flank. “D-Dear me.. That.. was not what I was expecting when you kicked in the door..”

Fluttershy shook from a sob, releasing Pinkie and dashing over to grab the dirty and mud coated priss pony up in just as tight a hug-- renewing her sobs with an impassioned vigor. Rarity was undoubtedly taken by surprise, but after receiving a simple smile from Pinkie Pie in answer of her confused look, she wrapped her dirty, disgusting forelegs around her friend and held her in much the same way.

“Y-You came for m-me..”

Rarity's sweet voice was against her ear without a moment's hesitation, “Of course we did..”

The feel of the earth pony behind her, wrapping her arms around the two of them only made Fluttershy feel even better..

“You're out friend, silly. Ain't no storm gonna keep us from coming to save you.”

Fluttershy could only smile, smile against Rarity's purple mane as she sniffled and gradually eased the tighter than tight hug she had around her friend. Her best of friends.

“We're taking you back to the library. It's safer there. Spike is waiting for us.”

“But..” Her timid voice came forward, and she instantly felt her cheeks warm because of it. “What about my animals..?”

Pinkie Pie hopped over to the door, glancing outside-- from left to right. “They've run off.. I'm sorry.. I didn't know you had them all inside.”

Rarity cut in before Fluttershy even had a moment to utter a gasp. “They'll be fine dear. It's you we're worried about. It looks like one of those tornadoes came right through this place.”

Fluttershy blinked, “Tornadoes..?” She'd never heard of such a thing..

“Don't worry about it. We'll fill you in when we get to the library.” Rarity leaned out of their hug after one last squeeze, stepping back over to the doorway to squeeze past Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy swallowed, and nearly jumped out of her skin as the familiar weight of Angel Bunny landed upon her back, squeezing against her pink maned neck.

“Twilight send us to get you while she went to get Dashie and Applejack out at the farm!”

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy's eyes widened, glancing up at the sky-- the circle of clear blue expanse confirming what she thought. “Is she okay?”

Rarity glanced back, standing in the middle of the ruined yard. Cages, ripped up mesh fences, even the chicken coupes. Everything was torn to pieces and scattered everywhere. At the thought of Rainbow and Applejack being in danger though, it hardly phased her.

“We're sure she is, but we won't know until Twilight returns. But we have to hurry. The storm isn't over!”

Fluttershy finally stepped off her stoop-- taking light steps instead of flying. She didn't think her wings would work right now even if she tried.

“O-Okay..” She muttered, glancing down..

She felt Pinkie Pie brush against her side as she passed by, giggling softly. “The sooner we get there, the sooner we can find out what amazing thing Dash did to save the day!”

In the back of her mind, she didn't feel nearly as happy as Pinkie Pie sounded-- but Fluttershy looked up and forced a smile, feeling infinitely better in the company of her friends. She opened her mouth to say something, but it caught in the back of her throat as another boom-- this time multitudes louder-- rippled out through the trees. Nearly scaring all three ponies to death.

“W-What the hay was that!?” Rarity was glancing in all directions, looking like she was about to kick something.

Pinkie spotted it first. “The sky!”

They all looked up, and were greeted by the most amazing display of celestial magic they'd ever seen. Across the dark clouded sky, a single wave of twilight spread and wiped the gray away. It came from the north and spread over so fast that it only lasted a few moments-- but those moments took the breath out of Fluttershy. She found her voice only when the moon revealed itself. Bright and clear and full. Seemingly brighter than she'd ever seen it before.

The three of them stood there in shock for the next minute. It wasn't until Rarity snapped out of it long enough to mention the lack of the clouds. The lack of anything but a peaceful, calming wind.

The storm was gone.


Twilight nearly fell as she ran through another puddle-- the bright moonlight certainly not to blame. She was panting, and with every second that past she could only push herself to gallop faster. She left the town on the north road, and was following it ever since-- even to parts where the torrential rainwater had nearly washed out the road.

It wasn't until she was nearly three quarters of the way to Sweet Apple Acres before she stopped, but not because she needed to catch her breath. The sky had literally exploded into night. The change came so suddenly and so fast that Twilight had nearly screamed as darkness swarmed her-- instantly making her think of the dark monsters that were still appearing on the horizon.

But, she watched instead as this wave of magical nightfall washed over Ponyville's landscape and demolished the massive cloud formations, showering everything arguably the brightest full moon in recent history. In fact, the moon almost seemed close enough to touch. There was little to discern between the natural sunlight and this moonlight beyond the pale color.

The shock had only lasted long enough for Twilight to determine she was not about to die before she sprinted off again, spotting the hills of Sweet Apple Acres just beyond the next few bends. The closer she got, the more damage she saw. Trees were uprooted, fences were missing or in shambles, cobblestone bridges were collapsed in the river they spanned. It wasn't until she started finding apples-- dozens of them-- that the true extent of the farm's damage began to register in her mind.

She climbed to the top of one last hill, and froze in complete shock. Stretched out before her was the childhood home of one of her dearest friends. And there was little left of it to recognize. From one side of the valley to the other was covered in a sea of downed apple trees. Stretches of roots and debris from farm equipment and buildings filled in the gaps. But what shocked her the most was the farmhouse. Or lack there of.

It was nothing but a large pile of rubble that only partially reflected the once impressive frame of the Apple home. Twilight didn't spend too long studying it from afar. She took flight, running faster despite her lack of breath-- all knowledge of pacing oneself going out the window as she quickly ran through the non-existent entryway of the farm and up the hill to Applejack's former home.

“A-Applejack!? Rainbow!?” She called, her eyes glancing everywhere-- head turning this way and that. “Can anypony hear me!?”

She galloped around the frame of the house, looking for any signs of any life, her horn flaring up as she built magic. She carefully climbed up atop the side of the rubble aimed her horn downward. Sweeping it across the house from one end to the next.

There wasn't any sign of anything... until..

With a start, she canceled the magic and leaped down onto the ground. Spiriting herself around the opposite side of the house until she reached a modestly large pile of debris-- complete with a massive trunk from a fallen tree resting atop it.

“Hold on!” She yelled, before her horn flared to life. The tree, planks, and other assortments of damaged farmhouse pieces glowed and radiated a purple aura which only intensified as she lifted the nearly five hundred pound apple tree just enough to roll it off to the side. The rest of the debris followed in short order, much easier to throw across the yard in groups.

She was just about done when the massive cellar door thrust itself open, and the eldest Apple sibling emerged with a sharp whinnie. The family dog went leaping from inside too-- scampering off behind the house somewhere in a made barking dash.

“Big Macintosh!” Twilight nearly felt her body shudder with relief. “A-Are you--”

Quick behind him came Apple Bloom, safely atop her big sister Applejack who, despite sporting a small bump on the head and a bit of blood across her brow, looked perfectly alright.

“Twilight!” She nearly screamed, her face turning from shock to elation as she leaped down the hill towards her friend. “I don't know what the buckin' hay is goin' on but am I -ever- glad to see you of all ponies!”

Twilight nearly cried, but she laughed. She laughed happily. “You.. have no idea how happy I am to see you..”

But the smile was gone from Applejack's face by then-- instead, she was looking over Twilight's shoulder. At the downed trees. At the expanse of down trees. Then at her home. The apple family home that had been passed down to her from her Granny Smith.

“W-Wha... What.. Oh.. my word...”

Twilight could see her heart break. She could see that Big Mac's already had. He was standing up near the cellar door. Or, really, he'd sat back on his flank. Staring across the pastures and fields and orchard. At what used to be their farm.

“A-Applejack..” Apple Bloom was every bit as shocked, looking upon their home with the saddest eyes Twilight had ever seen curse her cute filly face. “What happened to our home..?”

The last thing in the world Twilight wanted to do was say anything during the family's time of grief-- but she brushed the uncomfortable feeling to the back of her mind. There was something more important than their farm.

“Applejack. I know this is a shock, but you need to tell me if you saw Rainbow Dash.”

At first she thought the earth pony didn't hear her, but with a blink of her tear filled green eyes, Applejack rounded on her in shock. “R-Rainbow?”

Twilight nodded, pointing up into the moonlit sky. “She came out here to warn you, and to stop the storm as best she could. I was in contact with her thanks to a mind link spell, but I lost her when she used her Rainboom to stop the tornadoes.”

Confusion was evident on Applejack's face-- no doubt she didn't know what in tarnation a tornado was-- but the concern dawned on her within seconds. If a storm could do this to her farm, what could it do to a pegasus?

“I-I saw her.. Just before we went inside.” She stammered, glancing about. “I.. I don't know where.. I can't recognize anything anymore--”

“The northeast.”

The two turned their gazes to Big Macintosh, who to their horror was... crying. He was staring across at his farm, and silently crying harder than Applejack would ever think capable of her brother.

“Applejack saw her to the northeast.”

Twilight swallowed. “T-Then that's where I'm going..” She stepped closer to the blond maned pony and gave her a soft nuzzle against the foreleg. Snapping her from a shaking, tear filled trance. “Applejack.. I need your help.. I don't know where Rainbow is, and I can't cover all of the farm on my own.”

Applejack stared at her for a moment, and Twilight almost had to write her off as in shock before she finally answered. Blinking her eyes of her tears as focus returned. “O-Of course.. Of course Twilight.” She glanced over her shoulder and plucked Apple Bloom and set her onto the ground. “I'll go north. Big Mac will take the northwest.”

Behind her, the work horse gave no indication he heard his sister. He was deaf to the world.

“Alright.” Twilight sighed, relieved she reached her friend. “If you find her, yell. I'll do the same. We'll meet her in ten minutes if we don't find anything.”

Applejack nodded, looking down at her sister. “Don't move from this spot, okay sugarcube?”

Her sister merely nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks..


They split up. Twilight went scampering off to the northeast while she went and muttered to her brother-- who only acknowledged her with a blink and a shaky sobbing sigh. She wanted to beg him to hang in there. At least until they found Rainbow. But he didn't budge-- and she didn't have it in her to try and make him.

She left her siblings at the ruins of their former home-- and stumbled her way northward. Towards where trees used to roam as far as the eye could see. Now? It was flat. Flat and covered in parts of her farm. Parts of her orchard. The lumps of trees blended together in the pale moonlight.. and she didn't even have enough sense in her to question just why it was full on dark at no later than five in the afternoon.

Everything was a blur at this point. She and her siblings cowered in their cellar until they felt like the world was about to collapse on them. The infernal wind and roar of what had to be a hundred dragons filled their ears and drove them to the point of screaming each others' names as the held on for dear life. She heard Apple Bloom begging for forgiveness for their earlier argument, heard Big Macintosh telling the two of them how much he loved them. She didn't even remember what she was saying. She briefly remembered asking Granny Smith to look after them.

She wasn't sure when she was hit in the head by something, but the cellar was full of unused and rusting tools. No doubt something walloped her good, but it barely hurt. She was stepping over limbs of her fallen trees, skirting around the lengths of her home that had been carried hundreds of yards from where it used to be. -That- hurt.

And to top it off.. Rainbow was out here.

“R-Rainbooow!” She yelled, briefly hearing Twilight do the same elsewhere. “Rainbow...! Darlin' are you out here!?” She was sobbing as she walked. She must of looked so pitiful.

What was going to happen now? They were homeless. Their livelihood was in pieces and she was struggling to keep walking across it as she searched for her possibly dead friend. A friend she valued so much more than just the mere friend label. She struggled to keep from thinking the worse, but every step and every sight she came across made her question the unthinkable.

She miss-stepped from a downed log and took a spill into the mud-- knocking the wind from her mid sob, which made it all the harder to stand. So she didn't. She laid there for almost a minute-- wheezing and coughing, sobbing and crying. Wanting nothing more than to curl into a ball.

But she couldn't. So she pushed herself to her hooves.

Visions of the past year flashed through her mind. Of the night at the Gala, of their return back to Ponyville. Of her Granny's health taking a turn for the worse. Of her confession to Rainbow. Of Rainbow's sweet and kind-hearted rejection. Their friendship stagnating until her Granny's passing. When they shared that one night she'd never forget.

“F-For Celestia's sake Rainbow-- Where are you!?”

She stopped atop a small hill, surrounded by a sea of fallen trees. From the left the right. It all looked the same. There were no defining features. Something had come through and flattened everything into the same featureless terrain for as far as the eye could see.

She was about to turn around, to return to her shell shocked brother and crying sister at their ruined home, when something caught her eye.

Nearly twenty yards straight ahead of her, one thing stood out against the pale light. From beneath a pile of shattered timber outstretched a blue wing. It's feathers marred and tussled, streaks of dark black running down it's length like rivers. It moved with the softest gust of wind, as if waving at her.

All at once, Applejack's world truly shattered.