• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 1,227 Views, 27 Comments

Do you believe in ghosts? - The Infinity Doctor

Companion to 'The Witching Hour'. I'm nothing to these ponies, I hide in the shadows to avoid detection, and I intend to keep it that way.

  • ...

Hour of the Wolf

I stared at Calypso, trapped inside a comically-small cage, her arms and legs dangling out the sides as she glared at me.

"Well...what're you waitin' for?" she snarked.
"I fail to understand, what is it you are waiting for?" I replied, confused as to what she meant.
"Nevermind" she said, her eyes popping out of her skull.
They landed in her claw, and she swirled them around, before dropping them to the floor.

I stared blankly at her.

"...that joke always got at least a few laughs..."
"Well, you're here...why?"
"Just a visit"
"Oh really? Whatever for?"
"Do I need a reason? You are trapped in here, day-in and day-out- I would assume that you'd need at least some company"
"I'm perfectly fine by myself" she said, rolling her eyes "I've got Midnight, anyway..."
"You sound depressed"
"It'll pass" she shrugged.
"I see...and what of Squeaky Wings?"
"What of her?" she snorted.
"You seem to enjoy watching Midnight's memories of her"
"Thare's a little thing called 'privacy' we have here in the real world" she snapped.
"So I've been told" I returned "...but...if you wouldn't mind...why?"

The draconequus was quiet, something I felt didn't occur too often.

"You have any idea what it's like to watch Midnight and Squeaks? Knowing that I can't be a part of it?"
I shot her a flat look.
"Well...*ahem* apparently you do..."
"Do continue" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Before Squeaks...it was just Midnight and I...and...ugh...I don't know!"
"Are you meaning to tell me...you are jealous of Squeaks?"
"No...not jealous..."
"What then?"

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" she roared, slamming up against the bars of her cage "I JUST don't know..."

"I'm sorry...I'll leave..."

I disappeared from the darkness, and reappeared in the real world.

"Hello? Is anypony home?" I called, trotting through the halls.

I stopped upon Squeak's room, spying the filly herself splayed out on her bed, staring boredly into the ceiling.

"Shouldn't foals such as yourself be playing outside?" I questioned.

The filly jumped about five feet in the air, her wings flared as she stared in fright.

"M-m-mom grounded m-me" she stammered, cementing herself to the bed.
"What does the restriction of flight have to do with anything?"

She simply continued to stare, her eyes watching my every movement.

I smiled briefly, before leaning out of the doorway, and trotting down the hall.

I wandered into the kitchen, and stared up. My hooves flew out from beneath me, and I fell up, attaching to the ceiling. I crossed my forehooves as I hung by my hind-legs, I then closed my eyes, readjusting as I did so.

'This is rather comfortable...' I thought, drifting off 'No wonder bats sleep like this...'

My ears flicked forward as my eyes remained closed, I heard the rushed gallop of hooves against the floor, as if somepony were in a hurry.

'That sounds like Squeaks...I wonder where she could be going?' I mused, peeking a bit to see who it was.

The mare Midnight identified as 'Twilight Sparkle' rushed into the room, a large tome held in her magic, panic evident in her features. She let out a surprised shriek as she skidded, bent on keeping her distance from me.

"May I help you?" I asked curiously.

"Wh-where's Midnight?! What did you do with her?!" she cried, her voice shaking in fear.
"I've done nothing with her" I responded "What do you require of her?"

"I have some very...delicate...important business to discuss with her"