A Very Special Sunshine Princess - toodlepip

I'm a princess, come fly with me!

  • ...

Chapter 1

The sun was gone down and I was in bed because Daddy and Mommy told me I had to go to sleep but I didn't want to go to sleep because sleeping is boring but I am a good girl and always goes to sleep when told except when I don't. I was listened to a story told by Daddy. I like it best when Daddy reads even though Mommy does better voices. It was a story about the magic ponies and ponies make me happy.

"Daddy," I said.

"Yes Pumpkin?" asked Daddy.

"Can I has a pony?"

Daddy kissed me on the head like he does and shook his head, "No, Pumpkin, ponies are too big to keep in the house and need to live outside where there is grass and flowers."

I was sad, I has always wanted a pony but Daddy and Mommy always says I cannot has a pony. I sighed and turned over. I was not sleepy but I had tried to get up and watch the telly before and Mommy and Daddy always said NO and turned it off until I went back to bed and then I was tired in the morning and I wanted to be a good girl incase I got a pony in the morning.

"Good night Daddy." I said and closed my eyes.

"Good night Pumpkin." replied Daddy and he kissed me again on the head before going out of my bedroom.

My name isn't Pumpkin but Daddy always calls me that. My name is Sarah and I am eight and a half and I'm really pretty because Daddy and Mommy says so and I am also a princess. I have brown hair and blue eyes but no freckles. I really want a pony because ponies are cute and I love ponies lots and lots but Daddy and Mommy says I can't have one.

I was laying there in bed all tired and stuff and looking out the windows because it was night and I wasn't sleepy and thats when I noticed a shooting star! It was really bright and everything so I wished on it real hard, "Oh star of wonder, star of light, first star I see tonight! I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight! I want a pony! A magical pony!"
The star was silver and cool-looking and whooshed through the sky like a firework... only it was getting bigger and bigger!

"Eeek!" I shouted as the shooting star came zooming through the window which was luckily open already and landed on my bed! I gasped! It was a pony!

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Firefly!" the pony answered, just like in the cartoon!

"Wow!" I said, and it was! She was a magical pony, and she was here in my bedroom! "What do you want?" I asked her.

"I came to find you, we need your help! You're the one we've been looking for! The next Sunshine Princess!"

I gasped! "But that cannot be true! I am just a kid!"

"No, you are the princess." she said.

And then I was the princess.

I climbed upon the pony's back and she galloped through the window with a flap of her wings and we flew into the sky and up and up. I was really scared but it was really awesome and we flew and flew. Firefly flew into Dawn Miller’s back garden and she kicked her playhouse to bits and it was really fun and we laughed and then I set her rabbit free and threw the hutch in the pool to get rid of the evidence.

Then we flew on towards the stars and then the sun came up and below us was a big green park full of stuff like trees and plants and lots of other ponies and they were all magical like Firefly was!

"Hi everypony I am back with the new Sunshine Princess!" shouted Firefly and all the little ponies went "yay!" and they danced a lot up and down and I was so happy to be with them that I danced too.

“I love you Sunshine Princess” said Gingerbread who was a pony who liked gingerbread and looked like gingerbread. “My name is gingerbread would you like some gingerbread?”
I said yes and then bit one of her hooves. It tasted like gingerbread. She looked a bit unhappy that I was eating her and said “sorry I meant I had cooked some gingerbread for you.”

“Who’s the Sunshine Princess?” I said as I ate one of her delicious hooves. All the ponies laughed at silly Gingerbread and I kept eating until I was full, then Gingerbread hopped off to bake a new leg.

“You are the best Princess ever!” said Applejack who was also a magical pony. “Here is your castle which you will live in forever and ever and be happy and daddy won’t hit you.”
I looked at the castle, which was huge, bigger than even a tree. It was pink and made from plastic and had turrets and flags and a playhouse which was bigger than Dawn Miller’s. “It isn’t big enough,” I said. “Make it bigger ponies, hurry.”

I started to stomp my feet to make sure the ponies knew this was important, and they ran around and started to make my castle bigger. Merriweather and Minty tore down the schoolhouse (boo school) and used it to build me an even bigger playhouse. Scoops cut down all the trees in the forest and burnt them to make the plastic for the walls. Paradise used her wings to flap all the fumes away into the sky so they wouldn't make me sneeze.

Finally all the ponies had finished building me a bigger castle. It was now so tall it touched the clouds. “Hmm,” I said. “It is not as big as I would like but it is okay. Now run a race for me!”
The ponies were tired from all their building but they started to run around in circles for hours and hours as I watched.

Moondancer ran so hard that she fell over and went to sleep like my hamster Mr Squiggles went to sleep so we put her in a cereal box and we buried her so she would be comfy. “You are the best Princess” all the ponies said, and then they sung a song about how good I was and that I should get more ice cream also I didn’t break that window and Mommy was bad for shouting at me for that.Medley and Masquerade flew off to kick Mommy for shouting at me for breaking the window. I told them to kick her hard in the head so that she would learn to not shout at me ever again.

As I watched them go I felt my tummy rumble. I was so hungry, I had not been so hungry since daddy sent me to my room for bouncing Mr Squiggles against the wall. “Make me dinner,” I said to my ponies. “Hurry I am hungry. Bring me all your food.”

The ponies ran around town and found all their food and brought it to me. There was a big pile of ice cream and chocolate and marmite and bacon and chicken and beans. “This is all of the food in Paradise Valley,” said Lofty. “We got it out of our cupboards and fridges and we picked all the fruit and beans from the trees. Are we going to have a picnic.”

“No,” I said as I started to eat all the food. I put my head in the pile and opened my mouth wide and started to eat it all up. Lofty looked sad so I told her to go away because I hate Lofty, she is the worst pony and Dawn Miller had a Lofty toy until I pulled its head off and threw it at her dog. Lofty went away and climbed into a bin and I was happy.

When I finished eating all the food I put the rest in the bin Lofty was sitting in and then I sellotaped the bin closed and threw it off a cliff. “You are the best Princess!” all the ponies said as they clapped me.

“I want a teddy bear,” I said because I was tired and the stupid ponies hadn’t given me a teddy bear so I couldn’t get to sleep. Sometimes Mommy forgets to bring my teddy bear and I have to hit the windows until she remembers to be a good Mommy and bring me my bear.

“Can Spike be your teddy bear?” Skydancer asked, pointing at Spike.

“No because Spike is a boy and he is awful please put him in jail.” So the ponies put Spike in jail until he cried, but that was okay because he is a boy and I like making boys cry. I looked at Skydancer’s wings. “Skydancer can I have your wings I want to fly” I shouted out.

Skydancer looked at her wings and said “you are the best Princess so okay.” I pulled off her wings and put them on my back and then I could fly about.

“Now I need a teddy Skydancer so you need to become a teddy.” Skydancer put on a teddy outfit. She had to cut her legs in half to fit into the small teddy bear arms and it looked like it hurt but that was okay because teddies are cool and I wanted a teddy bear so she didn’t mind and it was okay.

I put Skydancer in my bed to hug and then I flew about with my new wings. Below me the ponies all laughed happily outside my castle. “It is time for bed!” I shouted down. “Go to bed ponies!”

“We can’t!” Truly called back to me. “We have torn down our houses to make your castle bigger. Can we sleep in your castle too please?”

I was angry at Truly for being so selfish, it was like when Mr Squiggles tried to run away instead of playing with me. So I picked up Truly and flew really really high and then I tested to see if a pony can bounce if it hits the ground.

Ponies can’t bounce if they hit the ground.

We put Truly in a cereal box and then the ponies all sang to me again about how I was the best Princess. I then went to bed in my lovely castle with my full tummy and my teddy bear and had a lovely sleep.

The next morning I woke up and I had slept in til ten because the ponies were not mean like mummy and did not wake me up and force me to go to school. “I am hungry!” I said as I threw my teddy onto the floor. “Get me sausages!”

“We don’t have any food left because you ate it,” said Applejack.

I munched on some gingerbread while I thought about this. “Look there is a sausage machine,” I said pointed at a big sausage machine which was standing in my castle. “One of you climb in and make me sausages.”

The ponies were all selfish though and did not want to make themselves into sausages. Luckily Medley and Masquerade came back from kicking mummy in the head and they were carrying Dawn Miller. “We have brought you Dawn Miller to punish for being awful,” they said.

“I am sorry Sarah you are the best Princess,” Dawn Miller said as she was crying. “I will let you copy my homework and play with my bunny and borrow my lunch money, I am sorry for being so mean in the past.”

“No,” I said and I put Dawn Miller in the sausage machine. It made lots and lots of sausages because she is so fat, and I ate all of them apart from one. I put the last sausage in a cereal box and dug a hole for it.

The ponies all watched me eating and then they washed up my plates for me and danced for me because I am the best Princess. “Now I am bored I want to go for a drive, take me for a drive!” I said.

“We don’t have any roads or cars!” said Applejack. Applejack was stupid so I bounced her against a wall until she stopped being stupid. Also I told Applejack that I hated apples and changed her name to Flapjackjack because I like flapjacks better.

“Make me a road and a car then,” I said as I sat down and stared at the ponies until they stopped being lazy and hurried up.

The ponies got out some tarmac and poured it over the fields to make a road, and then they started to dig up metal and built me a car. Then they dug a big mine to get oil to make the car work but Sweet Stuff fell in the oil. It was really sticky and she couldn’t swim in it but I couldn’t be bothered to get her out because it was her fault and I wanted my car.

“Now I will drive to Disneyland,” I said as I sat in my car. The ponies all waved as I drove off really fast. I accidently hit Flapjackjack but that was okay because once daddy hit a cat and he said it was okay and it would be fine.

I smiled as I drove down the road. The ponies were lucky to have me as their Sunshine Princess.

Comments ( 120 )

Best story ever.

Author Interviewer



Sarah is best Sunshine Princess. :derpytongue2::pinkiecrazy:

(....and I thought the crazy fantasies I had when I was a little girl where messed up. :rainbowderp: )


That was a story.

That's fucked up!

Ummmm ok? I dont know what just happend but umm what the flying fuck

"There was a big pile of ice cream and chocolate and marmite and bacon and chicken and beans."

Sarah eats MARMITE?!?!?! Truly, this child is born of Satan. *ties Sarah to a stake and sets her on fire, gleefully cackling as she screams*

And that's how little boys write stories. Cuz girls are icky and have cooties and should get burninated! :moustache:

This is SO hilarious. Really great satire. I loved it! :raritystarry:

Wow. This is seriously messed up.

I like it:pinkiecrazy:.

I gasped! "But that cannot be true! I am just a kid!"

"No, you are the princess." she said.

And then I was the princess.

:rainbowlaugh: Bahaha!

Then Applejack wakes up screaming, "What a terrible nightmare..." :rainbowlaugh:

And then I was the princess.

:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: holy shit. TWWWIIIIIIIIIISSSSSTTTT
didn't see that coming

so yea...i kept reading... and that turned....dark...
make moar. pls god make moar

Poor Lofty and Flapjackjack :fluttercry:

Sarah is best princess :fluttershysad:

Well that sure was interesting enough. :applejackconfused:

Sarah is going to grow up to be a very influential person one day. I'm surprised she's okay with Dawn Miller sausages, too.

Also, this story is incredible in an existentially terrifying way.

Oh, Lofty and Flapjackjack.
We hardly knew ye.

:derpytongue2:That was simply amazing. More please!!:derpytongue2::pinkiehappy:

oh god whyyyyyy :rainbowlaugh:

What the effing fuck, man... :derpyderp2:

I NEED FUKIN MOAAAAAARRRR :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

And then Sarah grew up to be Princess Celestia.

Gingerbread is best pony.

... My sisters name is Sarah

She's 17...

It would not surprise me if her internal monologue goes exactly like this...

:pinkiegasp:WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!?!

Wow... A story I can honestly say is better than My Little Dashie.

I cried many manly tears... :fluttercry:

At first it was kind of cute
Then it turns...


I want to see the ponies take revenge on Sarah... Yes... Get that kid tortured for the devil that she is... :pinkiecrazy:

Sorry, that was a touch cruel for my delicate tastes. There is a fine line between comedic sociopathy and plain old sociopathy, and feel that this is on the wrong side. Maybe if she got her just desserts I'd be okay, but as it is, I feel disturbed and not much else.

Dear lord
so much win

"and Daddy won't hit you"

Priceless. So many hilarious moments in this, probably the funniest fic I've ever read. FlapjackJack needs to be canon.

she used alot of big words for a 6 yr old
and she made a 2000+ story with barely any spelling mistakes


This story reminds me of the Peter Pan book and The Hoofwitch Horror fanfic. Both are good reads, I recommend the reading of The Hoofwitch Horror on youtube, and both are horrifying in their own ways.

397686 Don't say scary things like that...

399508 Oh, but I can already see it. Something takes Celestia out of commission for say 3 days and puts for example one of the CMC, or Pipsqueak, or Dinky, or Pinchy, or somepony even younger in a position of absolute power. Returning, Celestia first meets Mane 6 stammering trying to frame what happened in a positive context. "Really, how bad it is. Just tell me straight how bad it is. I know what an unprepared foal can do with power, I've been an unperpared foal with power tell me how many dead!?!"

And then it turns out nothing happened beyond a gross mismanagement of the budget, a food fight, a new giant bouncy castle in the courtyard and overall failure of all princess-dependent duties except maybe the sun (they must have needed a replacement Sunshine Princess to keep something running). Because there are many that age who already have some concept of responsibility and empathy.

Psychologically realistic response from Celestia to the revelation, as well understandable questions from the others, should follow.


Best human in Equestria story I've ever read. Also the only one. Grimdark humour ftw!:scootangel:

Words cannot describe how awesome this is. :trollestia:

Not sure if grimdark...

My jaw was hanging open the entire second half

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