• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Commander Button Mash has assembled a team of the brightest, toughest and deadliest allies in the galaxy, and the time has come for them to launch a suicide mission – to assault the Changeling Base and free his fellow Equestrians from the clutches of the dreaded Reapers.

He didn’t quite expect the ending, though.

(Spoilers for Mass Effect 2 and 3)

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 30 )

*blinks* Why all the downvotes? :rainbowhuh:

That's a good question. It's well-written, it's amusing, and has a decent resolution... in fact, it's written well enough that I could follow what was going on despite not being a gamer, and knowing nothing about the game Button's dream is based on. I can only assume the downvotes are from people who either don't like Button Mash, or don't like the Mass Effect games. :ajbemused:

Heh. I liked it.


Screw my little mommies, this just jumped to the top of my to-read list

The moon weighs roughly [redacted] tonnes

Luna's been eating too much ice cream, apparently. :trollestia:

4187759 Well most of the dislikes are made by three forms of people. The first are people who hate that this story is better written than there's.

Secondly there are the people who just dislike for the sake of dislike

Thirdly and finally people just hate pony's and go to websites such as this one and dislike everything.

:twilightsmile: :twilightsmile::heart: :LOVE IT:pinkiehappy:

4187759 4187789 The ending to the Mass Effect trilogy may still be a sensitive issue for some, and Button's opinion isn't exactly positive, so that leaves me to wonder whether I may have stepped on a few toes with his rant. I certainly don't share his opinion, as both sides of the controversy do make some valid points.

4189099 Well, I wouldn't necessarily jump straight to that conclusion. :twilightoops: They might have legitimate reasons for the dislikes. It would be great if they would state their reasons, though. It would certainly help me to improve and avoid future mistakes.

Never even looked at a Mass Effect game. Loved this story. T'was a most glorious conclusion!

You should try them there a great trilogy of games. :twilightsmile:

This was.....

“I have just been treated to the spectacle of a colt leading his schoolmates on a suicide mission to assault the fortress of a dreaded enemy, slaying countless foes and barely escaping by the skin of their teeth before the fort is destroyed by an atomic inferno worthy of Discord himself. And it was glorious,”

...yeah, what she said! :pinkiehappy:

4196310 Amazing games but horrible endings. Do you know how to save your squad in mass effect 2

I do know how to save everyone in mass effect 2 first you have to get everyone loyal and also upgrade everyone's powers or weapons example jacks L5 biotics. You also have to upgrade everything on the Normandy like Garrus's thanix cannon. Once at collector base have Miranda or Garrus lead the fire teams and have Tali or Legion hack the door and ONLY Mordin must lead the Normandy's crew back to the ship. And that's it :twilightsmile: .

4213075 Thanx:twilightsmile: I'm at the collector base and four of my team members already died:facehoof: I was in a hurry to save the crew

No prob have a nice game :twilightsmile: .

I've had Tali escort the crew and taken Mordin to the final fight at one time.

I made the same mistake sept I sent Grunt

ok, so ...

Mash = Shepard
Babs = Jack
Sweetie = Legion
DT = Miranda
Spike = Jack
Rumble = Garrus
Featherweight = Jacob? He's a biotic so the only other choice is Samara, and I just don't see that one working.
Apple Bloom = not sure. Kasumi? Mordin?
Scoot = Joker

Which still leaves Thane and Zaeed. It implied that Dinky was Chakwas, except she's captured with the rest of the crew.

The maximum aerial velocity of an unburdened phoenix is 187.543 kilometres per hour

:rainbowhuh: Dayum, that's faster than my Hyundai can get.
Those endings. :coolphoto:

It was just so… unfair. Ridiculous. Contrived. Cheap.

Isn't it, though. :ajbemused:

“I mean, what is this, some crazy hack’s fanfiction?

Um ... I'll be over here. :scootangel:

The mortality rate of breaking a Pinkie Promise is 0.183

That seems frightingly high.
Ah, Featherweight is Thane, and dialog implies Apple Bloom is Jacob. So, where's Samara, Zaeed, and Kasumi?

Commander Button Mash blew a raspberry at the immortal enemies of all advanced organic life in the galaxy


“And now that you have assuaged by disquietude


Well played, Raugos. Well played indeed.

What next? Button Age: Inquisition?


So, where's Samara, Zaeed, and Kasumi?

It's not meant to be a perfect mirror of all the characters and events. And I didn't get the DLCs, sadly. :fluttershbad:

4785403 Thanks for spotting that. Fixed! :pinkiehappy: Button Age? Now there's an idea... Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it, though.

4786882 But ... then you missed some of the best goddamn stories in the best goddamn game! :derpytongue2:

you can actually send any loyal crew member to escort the crew as i sent tali and they survived but when i sent a disloyal character the crew survived but the character died

Mondays... been there:eeyup:

This calls for expansion.


Spike = Jack


I think you mean


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