• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 8,763 Views, 173 Comments

Rendezvous with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle manages to set up another interview with the amicable batpony of Ponyville. Yet another chance to uncover the secrets of those remarkable species.

  • ...


: click :

“-are you doing, Twilight?”

“Listen, this is a tape I’m recording for myself only, Midnight. I have to learn one more thing tonight.”


: chuckle :

“Something not to be shared with the public? I wonder...”

“Stop with this grin.”

“I can’t help it. I am pretty sure I know what you are going to ask about.”

“I listened to the first tape very carefully, many times. You weren’t joking at the end. That wasn’t a silly scare. That was genuine hesitation. And that can mean only one thing.”

“Yes, noctrali do drink blood.”

: silence :

: silence :

: silence :

“You are real vampires then…”

“Well, in this aspect, most certainly.”

“Do you... do you need it to stay alive?”

“No, no, no. It is consumed in a more of a... ritualistic fashion, I guess I could say.”

“... you... you have blood rituals...? Now I am glad I didn’t ask about this in the interview...”

“No, no, Twilight, it is nothing as grim as you make it sound.”

“Not grim?! You are drinking BLOOD!

“We do that, yes. But you might want to allow me to tell all the details before you pass your judgment on us, Twilight Sparkle.”

: silence :

“... tell me everything.”

“Naturally. As long as it remains for your ears only, Twilight. It is something extremely personal, blood-drinking. What should I start with?”

“... have you ever drunk blood?”

: silence :

“No. Not yet, at least, I haven’t... But I shall tell you about myself later...”

“... okay...”

“Let me begin. All of the adult noctrali, no matter the gender, can experience something we call rubearu desader. That would translate to ‘red desire’ in Equestrian.”


“Yes, that is a surprisingly correct word in your language. Although you mostly associate that expression with rage and anger. Noctrali, on the other hoof, have a different base for our thirst.”

“I... don’t understand.”

“You see, we believe that blood holds everything that makes us who we are. Ver holds memories, dreams, hopes. All that makes us unique and one of a kind.”

“... where are you going with this?”

“To feel a ‘bloodlust’ towards another noctral is rare and many of us never experience it. I read about it, but even those that studied the topic, cannot pinpoint the cause of this phenomenon. But we all know what such desire means.”

“What is it?”

Rubearu desader is the highest form of affection. It is a unity of souls, we believe, when you find that blood matching your own flows in somepony else.”

“Wait... so it is love?”

“More than that. It is undying loyalty towards another. You sometimes say that you ‘thought you loved somepony’. But when you feel the desire for blood of another... it is never wrong. You never get rid of it. You cannot, it is impossible. Also, you sometimes can love somepony who does not feel anything towards you. But the desader? It is never one sided.”

“That... that is incredible. Such a strong bond? How can this be?”

“As I said, even we do not know for sure why it happens. We just embrace it.”

“You say it’s the greatest affection you can have towards another. Say you love somepony very much, will this... ‘red desire’ appear after a while?”

“It often does, yes, but the lack of it is not something that takes away the beauty of love. You are truly blessed by the Immaculate Moon... if you find that you desire the blood of one you care about already.”

“So it can happen without love too?”

“Not really, since the great urge of being near another noctral and share blood pretty much feels like love. I would put it this way – you can’t have ‘bloodlust’ without love, but you can have love without ‘bloodlust’.”

“Ah, I see. So... it really isn’t as bad as I suspected it might be... maybe...”

“... ‘maybe’?”

“You still didn’t mention anything about the drinking of blood itself.”

“Ah, yes. Well, for us, fulfilling the desader is the peak of physical intimacy. It is even more satisfying than the tender moments between lovers. When both ponies sink their teeth into each other’s necks... I read it is like being in Argentee, by the side of the Immaculate Moon... while still living.”

“I’ve never read about anything even vaguely resembling this. Such a powerful sensation sounds... impossible.”

“Trust me, I am not lying.”

“I believe you... I just have hard time imagining such a strong feeling.”

“Never-ending thirst. That can be but temporarily sated with the beautiful, crimson torrent of ver filling your mouth...”

: silence :

“Forgive me, I might have described too much of a vivid picture.”

“I-It’s alright. I have a hard stomach...”

“No, you don’t. Once more, I am sorry.”

“Really! I’m okay! So… you never experienced this ‘bloodlust’.”

“No. Not even towards my beloved Dusk Stream.”

“Do you feel bad that you never had?”

“No, not really. We all would wish to find the rubearu desader and share in blood, but we know only some of us shall. But it is not something that makes us lose sleep at day.”

“Then you claim that this ‘desire’ is nothing to be considered bad, or immoral?”

“I can’t see it being viewed as ‘evil’, or ‘vile’, or 'twisted'. It is a shared, incredible bond. Still... I would really want you to make sure nopony else but you listens to this tape..."

"Of course."

"Good. For I told you about the most sacred and intimate bond that we can have in our lives. To say that you know the taste of one’s blood is to reveal a most private connection with another noctral. So... we do not really talk about this topic, even amongst ourselves, aside from sporadically mentioning its existence...”

“I see... So... why have you told me all of this, Midnight...?”

“First, let me have an answer. To a question I mentioned I shall have at one point during this night.”

“... yes?”

“Are you considered an Equestrian goddess now?”

“Uhm... no, no I am not... Why...?”

“Hmmm... No, this is not the cause then...”

: silence :

“... the cause of what...?”

“Me wondering..."

: hoofsteps :

"... what is the taste of your blood...”

: click :



Comments ( 128 )

You need to ship these two. I would love to read about those two getting together and the reaction out of both regular and bat pony societies. I can almost picture the rest of the mane six's reactions, especially about the blood drinking bit.

He/She already did ship them.

He had the bloodlust for our little Twilight :twilightblush:

But I agree, shipstory is required!


It's "he". :raritywink:

And, well, I do have a continuation in mind, but it might take a while to make it happen. I would just like to try and avoid the, oh so very overused, "Please, bite me, handsome predator!" approach. Getting slightly sick of it, to put it mildly. :twilightsmile:

Well, can't blame me for trying not to insult anyone =]

But i got a question, your bloodlust concept. Can I use it later on in one of my stories?
(Batpony and Twilight being forced to marry due ancient law and snobbish nobles using said law: of course obvious thing happens later on in story)


I can't see why not, it only means that the idea shall have more opportunities to become popularized. :raritywink:

Just make sure to send me a link to the story once you are done, I shall gladly read it. :pinkiesmile:

And, of course, if you would have any questions regarding the desader, feel free to message.

I won't use it untill a few chapters away, they are still strangers who just got to know eachother 2 days ago.
But i`ll send you the link

I might have been secretly hoping for some romance between Midnight and Twilight, but I didn't really expect it to happen. Bat ponies are described as putting high value in tradition, as well as avoiding "outsiders" somewhat, and the topic of relationships between bat ponies and Equestrians is never discussed.


If I shall end up with a continuation, I assure you I plan on adressing this "situation" with outmost care.


Thank you for your kind words. I was trying to form the noctrali society on the idea of a community who was since the start struggling with hard conditions, forcing them into organization and specialization. Glad to know you find my world well made. :twilightsmile:

Once more, thank you for your comments.

Lovely story, I'm looking forward to the sequel. Just curious, will the sequel will be in the same style, e.g. only dialogue as part of an interview?


I was actually planning on switching to full narration and making it a visually more descriptive story.

Not to mention having a grand plot in my mind. :raritywink:

Great news for me. I strongly dislike stories which are carried entirely by the dialogue, so you can imagine my surprise when I actually enjoyed the interview. Still, I'm glad to hear the sequel will be a more traditional story.


I confess, such a way of understanding this line evaded me when I was writing it. :rainbowlaugh:

Still... I would really want you to make sure nopony else but you listens to this tape...

…and then, Twilight let you listen to it to transcribe it for us. Tsk tsk.


Awesome worldbuilding, I love the language you developed (?) for the noctrali. And the story is very well written. I'll definitely be following your work… :heart:


I have my ways to acquire those tapes, yes... :raritywink: And yes, the language is my invention.

Thank you kindly for your words and the "watch". :twilightsmile: I shall put together a continuation to this story as soon as I am done with my exams.

Oh come on Twilight, be careless for once and leave the tape going. All the cool kids are doing it!


Wouldn't you like for that to happen, my friend... :raritywink:

4429291 Yes. That or a visit to their homeland.


Stick around then. :ajsmug:

Will do then partner

I'm actually going to use english this time... ok, let me start by saying I'm interested in the sequel you have planned...

Though I would like to ask... Would it be strange if a certain somepony knew the flavor of their ex-marefriend? My self knowing that my ex tastes like cherry cough syrup sounds a bit ironic considering how in love we both were and we both exchanged bites and like the story suggests it's very rare indeed... But when I moved from New Mexico to Arizona, our relationship was shattered.:raritycry:


Is the sequel still happening?


Yes, my friend. I finished my exams this Saturday, so I am back to writing. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your impatience. :raritywink:

“First, let me have an answer. To a question I mentioned I shall have at one point during this night.”

“... yes?”

“Are you considered an Equestrian goddess now?”

“Uhm... no, no I am not... Why...?”

“Hmmm... No, this is not the cause then...”

: silence :

“... the cause of what...?”

“Me wondering..."

: hoofsteps :

"... what is the taste of your blood...”

Is it strange that I got a boner while I read this part?:twilightoops:


I cannot really give you a reply other than "TMI", my friend...

4773263 Sorry, I just love shipfics involving Twilight and a bat pony/nocturn/thestral.:rainbowwild:

4242341 *sigh* Spoiler in a completely different story... by another author even.:ajsleepy:


Pardon? What spoiler would you mean, my friend?

5150565 I've been reading cealdra's story since its second chapter and now since they asked you that in comments instead of PMs that development is now 'spoiled' for me.:ajsleepy:

Though about your story, the reveals in the epilogue were obvious from the first story.:stillnoshrugemote:


If you say so, I'm glad you saw through my build-up so well. :pinkiesmile:

Also, it's unfortunate you got spoiled like that. At least you know what you can look forward to, my friend.

I read a story titled a dinner date with twilight sparkle, in which, after the interview, the couple returned to twilights dwelling. Once there, the thestral, proceeded to show twilight, the most intimate show of affection, any thestral could possibly do. He drank from twilight, mostly to sate her curiosity, but I think also to let her experience first hoof, the intimate sensations, of such an activity. Twilight was not yet an alicorn. I believe there might have been more to it, but now, in this second interview, he wishes to drink from an alicorn princess. Perhaps I am overly paranoid, but I think there may be more going on here, than meets the eye. I am drawn in two different directions of reasoning. Either there is an incredible relationship starting, or he is doing some dark natured maneuvering. This will be the second time that he will have drank from twilight, after the first interview. He said that his society, as a whole, is a very closed society. He is here to develop relations with equestria, but he seems to have some personal plans, of his own, that he wants, to involve twilight.


I recall the story you mention. It appeared a couple of months after I've finished my first work in my batpony series and, to be fair, I found it to be a solid work, although emphasizing and benefiting from the "vampire fetish" slightly too much for my liking. Don't get me wrong, it was a superb peace of storytelling in that respect, but I have grown a bit tired of the: "Oh my, I hope he bites me" kind of fiction, even if it has granted the creator a lot more popularity. I prefer a more subtle approach in my work.

I've seen the similarities of my creation and the other story, but I'd rather not connect the character of "Night Song" and Midnight Wind - those two "realities" and story arcs are completely exclusive to one another. I'f you'd like to see more of my way of doing things, I encourage you to follow the story in Journey with a Batpony. :twilightsmile:


I think we can safely say that with everything going on in Ponyville that might have slipped her mind. Also, an invitation is not scientifically as important as other information on the tape.


Do check out the continuation then... :raritywink:


Be sure to follow the ongoing story and you shall learn, my friend. :twilightsmile:

7093467 Oh I definitely will. You've got me hooked. :rainbowlaugh:

"... what is the taste of your blood...”

... and Twilight was never seen again. It's a found-footage story! :pinkiehappy:

Not bad. Not bad at all. The one big nit-pick I have with the whole thing is twilight's speech. Usually it's fine, but periodically she'll phrase something really awkwardly. Almost like she's a non-native speaker. Midnight having that quirk makes perfect sense, but for an academic like Twilight it's really out of character.


As I am myself a non-native speaker, it might show in my works, I cannot deny it. Trying to do my best, however. I hope that, whatever speech-awkwardness happened, it did not ruin the general feel of the story. :twilightsheepish:



Just no.

What a fascinating culture you've developed.. and that ending. *whew*

*fans self* :)


I'm glad you are enjoying yourself! Don't forget to check the well-developed, complicated and massive sequel. :raritywink:


Thank you, I am reading it right now. :)

Is that a yes? Because I'm not gonna read this right now. I just don't have time.

...uh...dude? Is that a yes?

Well, that certainly went from 0-100 real quick, didn’t it!

Something tells me that the Batponies are a lot more direct when it comes to romance


Head over here, friend, and explore that and more.


Well, a gentleman never tells...

... but he might one day describe it. :raritywink:

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