• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2011
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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect


Twilight and her friends complete their greatest journey yet, and gain the amazing Rainbow Power in the process.

But all is not what it seems. Something is about to go horribly wrong. And when it's over...

Who will pay the price?

Written prior to the title of Twilight's Kingdom being announced, let alone the episode being aired.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )
Author Interviewer

NOTE: I guessed at what Twilight's key will be. Once it's revealed in the show, I'll change it.

I won't, of course, change anything else. :V

EDIT: No, I didn't actually change it. You didn't read the author's note, did you?

I don't even...Also I question them all being pink underneath.

Everything else is clearly accurate.

Also does it say something kinda bad about AJ that the symbolic thing for her is wealth?

My guess is that Twilight's key is the diary.

...I have nothing else to say about this story.

oo #4 · Apr 5th, 2014 · · ·

This story literally gave me cancer.

I didn't expect to like this half as much as I did.

Thanks, Obama PresentPerfect.

Incidentally the one technical thing I'd mention is that your piece of six pony dialogue without informative tagging at the beginning of the hospital scene isn't quite clear, mainly because Fluttershy's line doesn't have much of her voice in it. Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack are easy to deduce. Pinkie slightly less so, since her grandmother has never actually appeared as a canon character, but it's pretty obvious from context and the fact that AJ has already spoken. Rainbow isn't too hard to puzzle out either, though her voice isn't very strong. But the only way I figured out Fluttershy was by eliminating everypony else sequentially. The rest of the hospital scene was perfectly clear, though, I thought.

I guess I'm not the only one trying to write character confusion dialogue this week! Anyway, whether you were trying hard or not, I still thought this was a lot of fun.

I could use me some pony Canada right now. Or even non-pony Canada.

Woo! Universal health care. We all know RDs premiums would be crazy high otherwise.

Man those Rainbow powers are going to be dumb. Still more pony tribes means a bigger tax base

Oh, you. :facehoof:

You know, the first time I ever heard of these "Rainbow Power" shenanigans, I was with my little sis at Target. I was looking at the Legos, and she runs up to me, shouting, "[REDACTED], look, more ponies! New ones! Why are they covered in colors?"
If I recall correctly, the box she passed to me had three ponies: Applejack, Twilight, and Vinyl. So, using that, I said the first thing that came to mind. "Oh no! Vinyl has become Nightmare Wub, and she's corrupted the Elements of Harmony through Dubstep! The rave shall last forever!"
And my little sister, determined shipper that she is at the age of thirteen, says, "And Octavia has to save Vinyl... Through the power of Disco."
And then we both giggled quite a lot.

See a doctor immediately if:
Your cutie mark changes shape or size
You notice new cutie marks developing on any part of your body but your flank
Your cutie mark starts to develop sparkles or glitter
Your cutie mark begins to smell like flowers

That... needs to be a fanfic. Stat.

After I wrote that, I actually started thinking about how that would work as a story... If you want a few notes I wrote down, I'd be glad to send them to you! Maybe you could write the story yourself, or know someone who would?

Author Interviewer

I second that emotion. :V

You two wanna collab, or work out who does the story yourselves? :rainbowhuh:

Author Interviewer

Like I need more stories to write. :V

You do it, fool! You came up with it!

Oh boy. Uh... I'll add it to the list. Might be good to release after the season finale.

I said this in a comment in the GDocs, but it bears repeating: I find it hilarious that so many people in this country want my healthcare plan.

Me: *coughhackwheezevomit* Doctor, I'm sick..."

Doctor: "Heh, heh, heh... no, you're not. Next!"

Me: *vomitwheezehackcough* "S-sir, please..."

Doctor: "Ugh, fine. Here's some 800mg Motrin. Take that and drink water."

And yes, that happened.

Eyup made me giggle :3 :yay:

Rainbow was currently zipping back and forth across the clearing they were in. "Gotta go fast!" she said, panting. "Gotta go fast!"

Resisting...urge to...sing...Sonic X...theme song... :rainbowkiss:

This is playing perfectly with the panic and paranoia that everybrony, that thinks Rainbow Power will ruin the show, has. :pinkiecrazy:
Perfect job! :rainbowlaugh:

Author Interviewer

Thank you. :)

No...:facehoof: Just no.

In the silence, some pony coughed.

That scarred me for life, when I read it I cried. I found a written down version of it.

I liked the bulk of the story, but starting from "In the silence, somepony coughed" it all felt disconnected from the rest. All the true random was there at the end, and I think it would have done better with a more consistent denouement. That said, the story part of the story feels kind of like an abbreviated better version of "Magical Mystery Cure."

Reviewed here.

Author Interviewer

9 times out of 10, a Random tag just means that I didn't put my all into a story. They're what I call "shitfics". :B

Author Interviewer

You never actually wrote this, did you? :V

whining dog noise
No... Sadly. Never even got past the planning stages. I keep getting sidetracked, and apparently now I can only write when I'm full of caffeine, and the only source of caffeine I like (soda) was messing up my guts pretty bad because I drank too much of it... It's a long, long series of bad stuff.
There's some stuff I might be able to write, some really good ideas, but that one's not even on the list. If you want, since you've clearly fallen in love with the idea, you go right ahead, Present. I think you'll do the idea perfectly.

Author Interviewer

I'll maybe get around to it eventually :V

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