• Published 10th Feb 2015
  • 572 Views, 4 Comments

The sound of dry dirt. - Fillyfooler

Xenophile tells from her last to her first romantic escapade.

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Chapter 1

The sound of dry dirt.

By Fillyfooler.

I own no rights to My little pony: Friendship is magic™ or any of it characters.


As the buffalo charged and the ground quaked with their combined might, Carrot Hay stood in front of her flat window. Ready and waiting for a foolish buffalo to cross the front of the house close enough for her to jump on it's back and bring it in.

Now she knew what she was doing of course, this was for her town, her new home town. But still something sat just the tiniest not right in her stomach, and why shouldn't it? This almost went against everything that she had done in her life.

The buffalo stood over Carrot Hay panting, her breath smelling of grass and apple. Her large head was very close to Carrot Hay's own, and if she chose too the two of them could kiss. And that's exactly what they did, their nose and snout protesting by banging against each other but still not stopping the couple.

The kiss was passionate and a bit sloppy, fully expectant given the little experience the buffalo had kissing other species, in fact kissing at all but both parties seemed to be enjoining it as they continued. Their tongues mixed together, and they moved saliva between two mouths as the sky above grew darker.

Suddenly a cry of “Fire” went out and a barrage of apple pies flew. It was wild and Carrot Hay felt a manic energy enter her, as a slightly psychotic smile spread across her face. But still a little voice, voiced funnily enough, it's objections.

“So tell us, Carrot Hay, what is your profession?” the Griffon at the head of the dinning table asked.

“Well I went to the University of Cantalot for Mathematics and social sciences, but earned a degree only in Mathematics. But at the moment, I'm drawing up a layout for a new settlement town in the badlands called 'Appleloosa'”. Carrot Hay replied to the elderly male Griffon.

“You avoided the question my dear, I asked what sort of profession you have so that I might know how you're going to support my daughter?” the male Griffon asked a bit forcefully.

“DAAAAD” the young female Griffon protested “I have a profession, I can support myself”

“I know darling, but being an artist can be very hard and sometimes things go badly. I just want to know there's somepony there to catch

you if you fall.” the father Griffon replied.

“Well Mr Talon, I don't really have a profession in the aspect that everyday I go to that sort of work. I'm more of an open work pony, but I can warranty that I always have work somewhere in Equestria” Carrot replied to her marefriend's father.

Suddenly Carrot saw her opportunity, a female buffalo passed close to her flat, seemly just running any which way. She jumped onto the buffalo's back and held on to dear life as the buffalo took her for the ride of her life.

Jumping up and down with as much force as she could muster, the cacao colored buffalo tried to kick Carrot off her back. Carrot held on in earnest, as the thick coat of the buffalo scratched her underbelly and groin making those areas start to itch with scratchy sensations.

A wind kicked up as the buffalo and Carrot continued to kiss. There was a storm coming and both females knew it, they should get back into the cave. The broke their kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

“We should go back into the cave” the female buffalo said in a whisper to Carrot.

“I know, but I just loved being under you so much” Carrot replied as she started to nuzzle the buffalo's face,

“Also, I wanted to prepare for tonight” she continued sensually. A blush formed under the buffalo's thick face fur as she understood the implication,

“Then we had better get back to the cave” she said before continuing “other wise you might be cleaning sand off your tongue tonight.”

Now it was Carrot Hay's turn to blush as her new partner verbally pushed her buttons with implications, as the same buffalo stood up more, allowing Carrot to get up and start running to the cave they had acquired for the night.

Calling over her shoulder as she ran, Carrot yelled “Well, come on then, before my tongue needs a good 'sanding'.” She started laughing as she ran.

The buffalo was truly kicking now, as if her life depended on getting Carrot Hay off her back. It was a wild ride as the buffalo bounced her unwanted payload from heaven to ground, again, and again. Carrot felt as if she was going to slip, but somehow she hung on to the buffalo beneath her.

Seeing the world rise and fall with increasing speed, it was nauseating. The sounds of the battle all around her as she was lost in her own personal movement Hades. In the movement and rustling that she was jostled in, she heard a crash as something heavy feel to the ground and broke, but still the battle raged on.

Then a silence rang out, as everything and everyone stopped. She looked around from her buffalo perch for the reason, and saw that the buffalo leader had been hit. Pie crust and inside adorned his face, making him look sadly comical, the once great leader fallen. She descended from the buffalo beneath her and stood by it's side (She would find later it was a proud cow) and showed her sympathies.

The air in the room was hot and musky, it's occupants exhausted and the furniture ever so slightly out of the groves marked into the carpet. The diamond dog female draped her arm over the breathing form of her lover.

“Baby, that was amazing” The diamond dog said as her heart slowed in it's beating.

“I know darling, I was there.” Carrot Hay replied as she snuggled closer to the large and heavy form of her lover, enjoying the immense heat that radiated from the panting and exhausted form beside her. Suddenly Carrot felt shifting as the form beside moved her arm and body slightly, the desk beside the bed opened, something was lifted from it and then it was closed again.

The female rolled her body so she was facing Carrot and looked nervous.

“Carrot, I know we've only been dating for a short amount of time. And I know you said you wanted to take things slow, but I'm as sure of my feeling tonight as I was 6 months ago, and I know what you mean to me.” The Diamond dog paused as she gathered her courage, what she was going to do would change her whole life, she was sure of it.

Carrot looked concerned, horribly concerned “Oh no” she whispered under her breath, and inside herself, she felt her insides grow cold.

“Carrot Hay, would you do me the most tremendous honor of becoming my wife?” The Diamond dog produced a small velvet box and opened it, inside sat a ring, pure 18 crate white gold, 3 golden topazes between 6 massive shining Onyx gems. “I mined it all myself, took days of extra work but for you, my gem, nothing will ever be to much” The Diamond dog continued, as she looked hopefully into her lovers eyes for an answer.

“no...” Came the reply from Carrot hay, soft as an air kiss

“What was that my love?” The Diamond dog asked

“I can't marry you Granite, so my answer is no. I'm so sorry” Carrot hay said as she watched the heart within the Diamond dog break and shatter, her face betraying her emotions.

A small piece of pie crust and juice rolled down the face of Chief Thunderhooves and onto his tongue. It was amazing, it was fantastic, so full, so flavoursome, he had have more! He jumped to his cloven hooves and ran his tongue around his face.

“Hey everybody, I've got a much better idea!” He said excitedly. And he started to explain in a rushed voice of the ideas that were quickly and swiftly filling up his head. As he explained how this how these ideas were going to be set in motion, he had his herd devour an apple pie each.

Their faces lighting up quickly as the pie's flavoursome juices got to work. They would work with the settlers, to build a situation that benefited everypony and buffalo.

“We will allow the orchid to remain, so long as a portion of it's wonderful fruit goes into the making of special apple pies just for us” Chief Thunderhooves bellowed over his waiting herd.

“All in agreement say 'Aye'” He asked of the crowd

And a great roar of 'Aye' greeted his question.

They raced to the cave front, their hearts pounding, both in movement and excitement. Something in Carrot Hay felt right, for the first time in a long time.

She looked over her shoulder and saw her expedition partner bounding towards her. Carrot Hay's heart soared with possibilities and earning, eager for the delights that awaited her within the cave.


Author's Note:

Evidence that I'm not dead, a story that I planned on being bigger and better but, forgot like 5 times. So have the rushed finished version. If people wish to know more, might do more, and this could be the unfinished idea stage. IDK, just have fun with it I guess.

One second character's life, for fun.

I must note that the different states of the paragraph
Bolded = Present, as in the immediate
Normal = The Most recent past, as in it happened a year to a few months ago
Italic = The Ancient past, far into the past
Italic bolded = Halfway point between Ancient past and recent past

Comments ( 4 )

This... jumped around a lot. Concept-wise, it'd probably make more sense to focus on a single other species at a time (one a chapter). Because, as it is now, the jumping into a fantasy (memory?) about a griffon seemed too sudden. The change in style (bold vs italics) for different fantasies (again, maybe some are memories instead, not clear) did not help the flow at all.

The biggest problem, though, is nothing happened. The pie battle of Appleloosa happened. Carrot Hay participated a bit. Then the battle was over. In essence, this chapter was half 'what we saw in the episode,' half 'fantasies that did not go anywhere.' I'm not saying you can't make that work. Could've been a story of her youth and thinking on these things but being too scared to act. Would also have made sense as being a first chapter so it could lead into her growing and becoming more experimental and forward.

As this stands, this needs focus.

It's all memories, as the Author's note mentiones

That title annoys me.

When I was looking at the short description it seemed like her name is xenophile. A very unfortunate name to be born with to say the least. Carrot Hay is definately a better name for her. :derpytongue2:

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