• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,606 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Guardians of Harmony - The Eternal Dragon

Six young men are about to get the biggest challenge of their Lives.

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“Ugh, it’s so boring around here.” Will said in a groggy tone during breakfast. “I mean, I haven’t gotten much of a chance to really do anything.”

“Trust me, if you ever had to do anything I’ve done, you defiantly would change your mind.” Timmy refuted. “Dark castle really aren’t my thing.”

“Sure maybe for you, but that’s better than lazing around here all day. Fluttershy hasn’t talked to me once since I‘ve gotten here.”

“It’s not all that bad, maybe you should reading a book to pass the…” Andrew suggested until a knock on the door interrupted him. “I wonder who that could be.” He got up and opened the door to find the pinked mane Pegasus at the entrance. “Well speaking of Fluttershy.” He murmured quiet enough that she could not hear, and before she could ask. “Hey Will I think someone wants you.”

“Eh?” and replaced Andrew at the spot. “Well, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I sorry to bother you it’s just that…” Her voice trailed off to the point where Will couldn’t make out the words.

“What? I’m sorry but I can’t hear you.”

“Oh, I wanted to know if you like to…” Again, trailing off. The repeated attempt got on his nerves.

“Look, if this is some kind of weird joke then…”

“Wait! I just wanted to know if you’d like to help me shop.” The outburst was enough to get his attention. “It just that the market is so busy and there’s so many thing I need to get and…”

“Say no more, I’m just the guy for the job.” Will started to walk out through the door.” The statement completely her off-guard.

“Really? I don’t want to be a burden on what I’m sure must be such a busy day for you.”

“Are you kidding? It’s been so boring here, I could grow hair from the palm of my hand.” He gestured, pretending to comb his hand. “Besides I need to get out anyway, maybe it’ll help take my mind off things.” Fluttershy was curious as to what he meant, but passed it off as it was most likely about the fact he was still adjusting to life here in Ponyville.

I suppose I would have a pretty hard time adjusting here too if I was new, it was difficult when first came here myself.

With that settled she lead him to her weekly routine of picking up the different produce the markets sold. She needed to pick up carrots for Angel, seeds for the birds, nuts for the squirrels, and some ingredients for herself. She was perfectly fine with carrying her own bags, but Will insistent on holding everything. To be honest she didn’t need the help, she just wanted to get to know the man better.

“Mr. Will, this should be everything on my list.” She said, double checking to be sure. “Now I can go home and prepare for all my animals.”

“Here then, let me come with you.” He jubilantly said. “Maybe help you with some work, I mean you seem like someone that could use the rest.”

“Oh, well, um, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I don’t want to a burden on you.”

“Burden? Don’t worry about that.”-He rubbed on her soft mane-“It’s no problem at all.” At his insistence, they began to make their way back to the cottage.

Wow, he such a nice person, I’m surprised I didn’t ask him sooner. Even so, I hope he doesn’t run himself to hard, it’s been a long day already.

When they finally made it Will was kind enough to open the door for her, and placed the goods on the table in her kitchen. She was very surprised that he offered to take care of all her needs, but that was when she realized that he had never been at her home before.

“Now where are my manners, I should give a tour of my house.” She directed him to the living room, “Here is living room that is where I spend most of my time just relaxing.”-Pointing upstairs-“Up there is my bedroom, but guest can take it if they’d like.” Fluttershy led him out to the back pointing out the different place she worked on. “There’s the chicken coup, and the garden for my flowers.”

“Wow, all this stuff you got here is so great, but I bet it must be tiring to keep it all together.”

“Oh, of course, but it’s always worth it at the end of the day, but to see the smile on my animals faces.”

“You know what? You should take a break for today, let me handle everything.”

“What? But it’s so late, you should go home, the others might get worried.”

“Don’t worry about them, they know I can take care of myself, now here”-He pushed Fluttershy down to her couch.-“Just lay here and I’ll take care of everything.” She was quite surprised at the rate he packed all her groceries away. Will then headed straight out and feed all the birds, chickens, bunnies, and even Harry the bear. Soon after he dusted off of her furniture and cleaned out the room. Finally he cooked up a nice dinner that they could eat.

“Wow!” Fluttershy got up from her seat. “That was really quick, anypony would be happy to have you as a friend.”

“Yea.” His statement seemed to have a detached manner to it, as if what she said struck a nerve. He quickly put on a smile and pulled her to the table. “Here why don’t enjoy a nice dinner?” The table was set for two, and had steam salad as the main dish, served with a side of oats for Fluttershy. “Bon appetite.”

“Oh, this is nice and all.” She didn’t want to sound rude, but she didn’t want to overwork the guy. “But it is defiantly getting dark, maybe going home would be a good idea.”

“Oh nonsense, like I said I can take care of myself and besides you did say you let guests stay when they need to, right?”

“Well, I suppose you can take my bed…”

“No, that wouldn’t be fair. If I choose not to head back to the guys I’ll take the couch, you don’t need to be so kind.”

“Oh, if it ok with you, then you can sleep there.” She didn’t eat too much of her dinner, she wasn’t feeling as hungry as she usually does. Fluttershy excused herself to bed, hoping that Will would head home soon, even if he didn’t that in the morning she could wake him and send him home.

The next morning Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes and heard the beautiful sound of birds chirping in the air and the sweet scent of flowers that filled her room. She got out of bed and straightened out her mane, humming a catchy tone. Making her way downstairs she was caught off-guard by the sight of breakfast on the table.

“Well, hello Flutters.” An energized Will welcomed her. “It nice of you to join us.” He gave a little bow.

“Wow, this is so nice of you. You really shouldn’t have.”

“Oh, but I want to. Here,”-Pulling out the chair-“sit on this.”

“Why, thank you.” She sat down to enjoy the wonderful breakfast he had cooked up for the two of them. Now filled up she started to persuade him that leaving would be best. “Well now that we done here, maybe you should check in with the others.” But before she could finish her sentence Will got up and moved her out to the couch.

“Now, now, why don’t you just rest here while I take care of your business for you?”

“Well that very kind of you.” Fluttershy was beginning to feel uncomfortable of all the help he was giving. “But really you should go home now.” A sense of urgency could be heard in her voice.

“Oh, but what if you hurt yourself, or maybe a bear attacks, or something like that. I should just stay here and help you out.” He pulled out a fan and used it on her. “Maybe you might get hot and need some cooling off”

“Oh no.” she tried to think of something that would get him away. “Why don’t you go and check on the chickens for me?”

“Great idea!” As he left through the back door, Fluttershy took this opportunity to fly off and find one of the others. When she spotted the house where the six lived she anxiously knocked on their door hoping for an answer. Maybe they might know what’s going on. Luckily for her Timmy opened the door.

“Hey Fluttershy, what are you doing here?” He asked. “And where’s Will, I haven’t seen him since he left with you last morning. You didn’t kill him did ya?” With a comical tone on the last statement.

“Well you see,” She paused, looking behind her, “Maybe we should talk about this inside. While Timmy thought that was an odd request, he gesture her inside. There she met Andrew sitting on the couch reading one of those science books Twilight really liked.

“Oh hey, uh, Fluttershy right?” A nod from the mare was enough to answer his question. “Hey where’s…”

“I believe she was about to tell that.” His brother quickly interrupted. “Now, where were we?”

“Um, well you see” She was having a difficult time trying to find the right way to describe the situation. “He’s doing my chores.” The best way she could think of the way thing have been going.

“That’s a bad thing?” Andrew was puzzled by the response from her. “Last time I checked helping others is a good thing, in fact I’m pretty sure all you ponies learned that lesson.”

“Um, well at first it was fine. I mean I appreciate what your friend has been doing. But it might me getting to a point that he’s doing too much for me. He gave a pet name.”

“Why don’t you just tell him to stop, he listens pretty well for his age.”

“I keep telling him that he should just go home and let me handle my own business, but he keeps insisting on helping me with everything.”

“Well that odd.” Timmy couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into his friend. “Trust me when I say this, but he’s not exactly the hard-working type. If anything this guy is pretty lazy.” He pondered and though hard about this sudden change. Andrew chimed in on his own thoughts.

“Yea, which is why he hasn’t held a job for a long time, or why his girlfriend broke up with him a couple months ago. Speaking of which, I have to say, Fluttershy you certainly remind me of…” He paused as he finally realized the answer to the question. “No he can’t have.” Timmy was about to respond to that revelation when a knock at the door surprise the three of them.

“Hello, is anybody home?” It was Will trying to see if anyone had seen Fluttershy. A panicked Timmy thought up a plan.

“Quick.” He whispered, “Take her and hide, I think I know how to handle this problem.” Andrew grabbed Fluttershy and they both his in Zack’s “inventor room”. Timmy gathered himself and opened the door.

“Oh finally, I was beginning to get worried.” A seemingly tired Will stood at the door. “Hey, I was wondering if Fluttershy came around here.”

“Well, she did stop by here.” Timmy knew that lying would definitely help the situation. “She told me of a problem she was having.”

“Oh really? Well if you know where she went, tell me, I could help her…”

“Yea that may not be so easy.” He interrupted. “You see, she told me that you were causing her issues.”

“What? But I’ve been helping all this time.” Will defended himself.

“Maybe too much, look I know you.” Timmy looked him straight in the eye. “Your definitely not one to help others. So why now?”

“Well new world, maybe this could be my shot at a second chance.” His statement felt as unsure as anything in Equestria.

“Maybe, but that doesn’t seem like the case.” He paused, preparing to use his deduction. “It not because of her is it?

“Who Fluttershy?”

“No you know who I’m talking about.”

“I have no clue who or what you’re talking about” He crossed his arms defiantly.

“You know, Ally.” Getting peeved off by his friend Timmy began the offensive. “Just because you failed to please her doesn’t mean Fluttershy going fix all of that.”

“You know that still hurts!” Will was angered by this accusation. He was about to said what was on his mind when Andrew exited the room. “Andrew? And Fluttershy?”

“Um, I’m sorry that I tried hiding from you.”

“Andrew what are you doing, I told you stay back.”

“Yea I know that, I even understand what you’re trying to do, but you’re going about it the wrong way.”-He put his hand on Fluttershy-“I had a quick conversation with her and I think she can fix this for herself.”-Motioning his brother toward the front door.-“Now let us go and they can handle this.” Timmy was about to protest but didn’t say a word. His older brother may not have been one to handle a problem like this, but when he does it’s generally a good idea to listen. After they left, an awkward silence befell the room.

“Well then.” Will was first to break the silence, he sighed defeated. “I guess he’s right, I did and do have a problem.”

“Is it true, that you had your heart broken?”

“Yea, I might as well tell about it.” Will sat down on the couch, soon followed by Fluttershy. “I was in a close relationship with someone, but I took it for granted.”

“Oh really?”

“She was so nice, and if you met her, you’d be surprised at how similar the two of you are.”

“Why would she break up with you? You seem like such a nice person.”

“Yea well, I didn’t take as good of care in that relationship as I could have. We went to all the dances and we certainly enjoyed each other’s company, but I never did anything beyond that. And two weeks before my friends and I ended up here. I think that dinner may have been to get my spirits up before the summer.”

“You’re very lucky to have such good friends like that.” Fluttershy smiled at the bonds that group formed. “When you were down they came to pick you right up.”

“Yea you’re right. And that did help me get over my break up. But when I met you and went shopping in the market, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities.”-He gave a chuckle at the situation-“I guess I looked at you as a second chance for her, but you’re not Ally, and you shouldn’t have to be.”

“I know you didn’t mean to do that.” Fluttershy consoled him, “And I forgive you, and we should just try to be good friends.”


“Yes, really.” The two hugged each other as the two brothers walked in through the door.

“Yea, I’ll be honest we just watched the whole thing through the window.” Timmy said. “It nice to see us fixing our problems. And I’m sorry for getting mad at ya, Will.”

“No problem.” Will forgave the young man and gave his farewells to the Pegasus. The evening came and the six guys were finishing up their dinner.

“Man Will, it’s so nice of you to join dinner with us tonight, I was beginning to worry if you just decided to up and move in with Fluttershy.” Zack teased.

“Yea what next? Becoming the only butler I’ve ever seen for an animal?” Bryson added.

“Yea, yea, go ahead, make fun of me. But I had a lot of fun doing all that.” Will jokingly defended. “Say Timmy, do you mind if I write in that journal you’ve been keeping?”


“I think there’s something I wanted to add for time here.”

“Sure go ahead, it allowed for anyone here.”

“Really? Could’ve fooled me.” Kendall sarcastically spoke. “You never said anything about writing on it.” As the others laughed about the stories told about the time they’ve spent so far, Will snuck off to write the lesson he learned.

It’s certainly been an interesting time here so far. Getting to know Fluttershy was a fun experience. I just can’t believe I went so far with helping her. All because she reminded me of some girl I let slip away. Next time I’ll avoid projecting my past into my present.