• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 2,871 Views, 107 Comments

15 Years - Mattricole

After fifteen years have passed since their meeting, just what are the lives of the former Cutie Mark Crusaders like?

  • ...

Scootaloo III

“Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! What can I get you?” Pinkie Pie asked with the largest smile known to ponykind. Scootaloo scratched her chin in thought, looking at the various snacks.

“Hey, Pumpkin, what do you think I should get?” Scootaloo asked, causing Pumpkin to squeak in surprise.

“Uh… Um… Gah…” Pumpkin muttered with a blush, unable to think straight. Oh my gosh! S-she’s asking my opinion! Pumpkin thought with glee. Her heart was beating like a large drum, the pounding getting faster as each second ticked by.

“Hey, Pumpkin? You alright?” Scootaloo asked as she laid a hoof on Pumpkin’s shoulder, causing her to scream as if she was stabbed in the chest. Scootaloo jumped back in panic. “What the?!”

“S-sorry, Scootaloo,” Pumpkin muttered with a blush. “I r-recomend the fruity delight cupcake set. I-it’s cheap and we can sh-sh-share it,” Pumpkin managed to gasp out. Scootaloo continued to stare at her for a second, before finally turning towards a smiling Pinkie Pie, who simply sighed happily.

“I remember when I had my first crush,” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle.

“...Huh?” Scootaloo asked, tilting her head in confusion. “What does that have to do with anything?” Scootaloo asked, earning a giggle from Pinkie Pie.

“Oh nothing, you silly little filly!” Pinkie laughed as she ruffled Scootaloo’s mane, much to the younger mare’s dismay. “Oh, and the fruity delight cupcakes are delicious! I know you two will love them!” Pinkie said as she grabbed a small pastry box and hoofed it over to Scootaloo.

“Great! How much?” Scootaloo said as she reached for her wallet, earning a laugh from Pinkie.

“How much?! Oh, Scootaloo, you silly little filly! Pumpkin’s parents run the place, remember?! It’s automatically on the house!” Pinkie said with a nod, though a look of confusion soon replaced her smile. “Well, they’re not literally on the house. That would make it hard to eat for a pegasus that can’t fly,” Pinkie said off hoofedly, earning a glare from Scootaloo.

“I suppose so,” Scootaloo said with a glare.

“I know, right!” Pinkie replied, not noticing (or caring, for that matter) about the death glare she was currently receiving.

“H-hey, Scootaloo,” Pumpkin muttered as she tapped Scootaloo’s shoulder. “L-let’s go e-eat now, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. Alright,” Scootaloo muttered as she lead the way to a nearby table.

“You two have fun now!” Pinkie said as she waved her hoof at the two. “Oh, and Pumpkin!”

“Yes, Auntie Pinkie?”

“No kissy faces until you’re sixteen!”

“A-Auntie Pinkie Pie! Sh-shut up!” Pumpkin yelled with a blush as she ran to catch up to Scootaloo, causing Pinkie to giggle like a mad mare.

“Oh that Pumpkin! She’s so adorable when flustered,” Pinkie Pie said with a smile. She then turned towards her next customers, smiling as wide as ever. “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! How may I help you?!”

“Hey, Pinks,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile. “Lets see, I’ll have a number three, a number eight, two number sixteens…. a twelve, a nineteen…. another nineteen-”

“Uh, Dashie?”

“Hold on, I’m not finished. And a twelve!” Rainbow Dash said with a smile

“Uh, does Rarity-”

“Oh! And I’ll have a fourteen, a four, a twenty-two, a twenty-five-”

“Stop! Stop it now, Dashie!” Pinkie cried as she jumped over the counter and hugged her friend. “Does Rarity even know you’re here?!”

“Y-yes! Of course she knows I’m here!” Rainbow Dash said as she looked away in shame.

“You swear she knows?” Pinkie asked as she made Rainbow Dash look her in the eye. Rainbow Dash sighed as she looked Pinkie straight in the eye.

“Pinkie, I swear to Celestia-” she was cut off as Pinkie Pie slapped her with a baguette.

“Swear to me!” Pinkie yelled as she waggled her baguette dangerously. Rainbow Dash quickly pulled away from her friend in panic.

“Okay! She doesn’t know! Are you happy now?” Rainbow asked, and was answered as Pinkie once again slapped her with the baguette. “Hey, what was that for?”

“You know, Dashie,” Pinkie said with a smile as she ran a hoof along the baguette. “Me and the girls were talking, and we think Rarity’s a little in over her head. As Rarity’s friend, it is my duty to help her in any way possible,” Pinkie giggled. She began wagging the baguette in front of Rainbow Dash’s face, causing everypony to stare at the duo awkwardly.

“P-Pinkie, what are you planning?” Rainbow Dash asked, barely above a whisper. She slowly backed away from her friend, who now had a deranged look upon her face.

“Run,” Pinkie Pie whispered. “Run like the wind Dashie!” Pinkie yelled as she leapt on top of Rainbow Dash and began slapping her flank with the baguette, earning painful yelps from her friend.

Get off!” Rainbow Dash demanded as she began bucking around, trying her hardest to get Pinkie Pie off her back. The deranged baker simply laughed, once again slapping Rainbow Dash’s flank with her long, hard piece of bread.

“Hi ho, Dashie, away!” Pinkie cried as Rainbow Dash raced out of the door, attempting to smash her friend into any nearby buildings.

“...And I lost my appetite,” Scootaloo sighed as she pushed away her half-eaten cupcake. “Hey, Pumpkin, where’s the trash can?” Scootaloo asked, earning a sharp gasp from Pumpkin.

“Scootaloo, no!” Pumpkin yelled as she grabbed the half eaten cupcake. “W-we can’t waste food, it’s wrong! Food is meant to be eaten, not wasted,” Pumpkin said as she caressed the cupcake with a lick of her lips.

“So what are we gonna do with-” Scootaloo trailed off as she watched Pumpkin slowly lick the icing off of the cupcake, before stuffing it in it’s entirety into her mouth. “-Oh,” Scootaloo mumbled with a blush.

“Mmm, delicious,” Pumpkin mumbled with a blush.

“...She’s only fifteen. She’s only fifteen,” Scootaloo mumbled to herself, trying her best to calm down. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, she closed the box of pastries and rised from her seat. “Come on, we’re gonna be late.”

“O-oh, right!” Pumpkin muttered as she grabbed the box and balanced it on her back. “R-ready!” she said as she followed Scootaloo out of Sugarcube Corner.

“Oh, by the way, Pumpkin, I was just wondering- Oof!” Scootaloo grunted as she ran into someone. “Ugh, sorry, didn’t mean to-”

“Yo! Watch it, has-been!” Spike yelled as he pushed away from Scootaloo. “I oughta deck you in the face for that!” Spike yelled with a clenched face, causing Scootaloo to roll her eyes.

“Oh great, it’s the Chicken Feathers of Zoom,” Scootaloo huffed in annoyance.

“Hey! That’s not our name!” Pounder said as he glared at Scootaloo. “You make that mistake again, I’ll make it so you don’t make it again!”

Scootaloo simply raised her eyebrow at him, before turning to Pumpkin. “Come on, let’s go before somepony realizes you’re related to this guy.”

“Okay,” Pumpkin said with a smile as she continued to follow Scootaloo, all the while completely ignoring the existence of her brother. “So… Wanna hang out after school?”

“Sure, I could use some help with my homework anyway.”

Pounder watched on as his sister went with Scootaloo, looking happier than he ever saw her. She looked even more happy than the time she won a bet, forcing him to dress in one of her saddle dresses at her twelfth birthday party. The smile on her face was one he never saw before, reserved only for her idol, Scootaloo.

“Spike,” Pounder said as he turned to his friend, a look of pure rage upon his face. “We must destroy Scootaloo.”

“Can we do that tomorrow? Twi needs me at the library after school, and if I don’t show up I’ll be grounded again.”

“Tomorrow’s fine,” Pounder said with a shrug. “‘Sides, it’ll give me time to devise different ways of destroying her,” Pounder said with disgust as he turned back to the retreating form of Scootaloo. He would get his revenge for being forced to dress in drag and he would feast upon the tears of his sister. And it would be glorious.