• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
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Metool Bard

A weaver of tales who enjoys a good story. What more is there to say, really?


After bonding with Pinkie's friends, Maud Pie is almost ready to leave the rock farm and pursue a higher education. However, there is one member of the Pie family who won't be able to see her off: Her beloved grandmother, Nana Pinkie. Marble and Limestone agree that this simply won't do, and as such, there's only one solution. That's right, it's time for a good ole fashioned trek to Grandmother's house!

Little do they know that one of Discord's creations from way back when has spontaneously attained consciousness, psychic powers, and a burning desire to take over the rock farm and make Maud his queen. Yeah, that's the tricky thing about chaos: It can sometimes do things you didn't tell it to do when you least expect it. Not that Discord cares, of course. After all, he has an airtight alibi. As such, Tom is free to torment the Pie sisters as much as he wants without any negative repercussions.

Or so he thinks.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented Jayesixx.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 44 )

We asked Father about it, but all we found in the Pie family record is this odd smudge.

If it weren't scientifically inaccurate, I'd say that was proof enough that the two families are connected.

4198276 Heh, I suppose that's one way of looking at it. Personally, I don't think it matters in the grand scheme of things whether or not Pinkie is related to Applejack by blood, which is why I opted to keep the answer ambiguous. :ajsmug:

I agree. It doesn't really matter whether they're actually related or not. I thought that nod was the gem of the chapter is all.

Personally, I'm convinced that the smudge was actually part of the pony's name.

That must mean her destiny is to rule this rock farm as my queen!

I have no idea why... but that line nearly rolling over laughing. xD:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Also... a goof-off between Cheese Sandwich and Discord.... Weird Al Yankovic vs. John De Lancie... This is both ultra surreal and EPIC both at the same time!!!

Also, I can't get the image out of my head of Cheese calling Pinkie Pie "Pinkie-Senpei" with calling her his "mentor"...

Oh yeah. This is most definitely going into my read later list. I'm gonna have to make some time. Gotta love Discord's antics going haywire in unexpected ways. Especially with Maud. :yay:

Cheese Sandwich: :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: :heart:

That makes the most sense to me. :trollestia:

Do you watch Big Bang Theory?
Great chapter! I like it!:twilightsmile:

Discord, did you possibly forget tone of the bigger parts of Tom?:rainbowkiss:

Do you watch Big Bang Theory?

Um, no. I didn't even know that the term ba-zing came from that show until you mentioned it. :rainbowderp:

4272114 Sorry, forgot to hit reply on the above comment. :facehoof:

Well, the exactly term use din the show is Bazinga, but I thought that it was close enough to be Big Bang Theory reference.... Oh well, guess it's just me being a big nerd, as always!:facehoof:

4272354 What bigger parts? Didn't you see what happened to the last rock that tried to hurt Maud's family? :duck:

*snerk* Bravo. This was very sweet and funny. Excellently done!

4275529 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Just then, an epiphany struck him. Wait a minute. Rocks aren't supposed to think! By the powers of chaos, I'm sentient! How the heck did that happen?!
After that epiphany came another. Oh wait, I don't care.

:rainbowlaugh: Okay, I lost it at this point. Best use of a hand wave ever.

That must mean her destiny is to rule this rock farm as my queen! And if it isn't, then I'll make it so!

Someone's going to have to tell Tom that no means no. :trixieshiftright:

He then telepathically grabbed two chunks of dirt and superheated them until they formed a pair of sunglasses.

:rainbowderp: Wha-what?! Sunglasses?! What?! What?! Sunglasses?! What?! What?! What?!

Sunglasses, what?!

How do you heat up a rock and come up with sunglasses?!

It's just my Chaos Pager. It lets me know when my chaos magic acts on its own accord without any influence from me. This happens a lot more often than you'd think."

Ah, okay. That actually gives us a reasonable (and quite creative) explanation for the bizarreness that came beforehand. Nice work.


How do you heat up a rock and come up with sunglasses?!

You can blame my cover artist for that one. I really liked the look of Tom having menacing sunglasses as portrayed in the picture, so I just decided to roll with it. That being said, it's not really supposed to make all that much sense. :derpytongue2:

"That's what it means to be spontaneous, you, you... Expensive, crowd-disappointing piece of cake!" she shouted.

Bottom? :rainbowlaugh:

"Well, so much for that," Limestone sighed, turning to the golem. "Sorry about that, big guy. Marble's just a bit cranky because she's putting all this pressure on herself. I'm not all that surprised, really. After all, she is Marble."
The golem stared at Limestone in awkward silence.
"Which, is a metamorphic rock," said Limestone.

Word of advice, Limestone:

By the way, was the golem controlled by Tom, or was he a separate being altogether?

4679701 Yeah, the golem was being controlled by Tom. Also, he (and by extension, Tom), wasn't that bright, which is why Limestone had to explain the joke. :eeyup:

"Traveling on the rocky road,
With my sisters, à la mode,
Hey, I think I just made a pun,
Onnn, the, ro, cky,

Why did I imagine that last note being sung in Brian Johnson's voice? :applejackconfused:

Also, sheesh, Marble can really hold a grudge. Half the chapter I was just thinking, "Sweet Celestia, get OVER yourself." :facehoof:

"See, Mar-Mar? You could've gotten along with them, no problem!" said Limestone.

:rainbowderp: Did you add that after I asked you about whether or not Marble had a nickname back in "The Gemstone Godfather," or was it already there?

5152493 Yeah, I added that after you brought it up in my previous tale. Thanks for that, by the way. :raritywink:

5152672 You're welcome. I'm glad I was able to help. :twilightsmile:

4612708 Your artist's rendition of Tom having sunglasses was likely inspired by this:

Also something that doesn't make much sense, but you just roll with it. :twilightsheepish:

Oh, how I love it when a plan comes together!

:trixieshiftright: Now I have to post this clip:

And this too:

Sorry Tom, you may be awesomely hilarious, but I don't think you can match the level of awesomeness of Colonel Hannibal Smith, especially since your plans don't seem to quite come together. Maybe you should get a stogie.

Meeting Nana Pinkie was a bit...unexpected, but it worked. Anyways, this was a great, fun little story. I look forward to more.

"Yeah, but that's because they got used to him," said Limestone. "Still, I dunno. Something about him just rubs me the wrong way."

Seeing as Tom was Discord's doing, I'm not surprised.

"Yeah, but like I said, he's not like other rocks," said Limestone. "For example, we've never had to rotate him to the other fields. He's just content to stay here. What's more, I haven't seen any hint of erosion on him since he got here. Not a microscopic speck of him has changed. Nothing about him makes a lick of sense."

Seeing as it's Discord who made him, I'm not very surprised.

Mine. All this will be mine. Every rock; every pony; everything. It'll be mine, mine, mine...

This reminds me of Rarigreed, or Discorded Rarity, on purpose? Most likely.

"Idea~! It's so simple! That monotone pony, Maud Pie! She's the key! She said her Cutie Mark resembles me. That must mean her destiny is to rule this rock farm as my queen! And if it isn't, then I'll make it so! Tom, you are a genius!"

Insane Troll Logic at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen.

"The Super-Duper Party Pony never turns down a Goof-Off, Discord," said Cheese, narrowing his eyes. "'Sides, if any of your shenanigans end up seriously hurting somepony, you're automatically disqualified."

I cannot tell you how much I like this, it's so simple, but it shows that while Cheese loves having fun and being goofy, he is well aware somepony could get hurt and wants to avoid that.

Cheese blinked. "Wait, that doesn't make sense."

You honestly expect Discord, whose first line in the show is saying that making sense isn't fun, to make sense, not very Genre Savvy, are you?


Or better yet, have Discord and Cheese interact in Season 5! That'd be awesome! I know there's not much any of us can do about it, but I can dream.

Limestone sighed and rolled her eyes. "No, Pinkie's a toss-up between the spleen and the pancreas. We've already been over this."

Not dignifying that.

"I think we should probably get moving," said Maud flatly.

Good idea.

"Marble, you shouldn't dwell on things like that," said Maud, diving her attention between her conversation with Marble and Limestone's performance. "I'm sure Pinkie's friends think I'm weird, and yet we still managed to become friends in the end."

They do think you're a bit weird, yes. But weird as in unique.

Also, Tom's not very bright, Maud could easily turn him into rubble if he abducted her, yet he continues. Oh well.

"I don't want to be dragged into this, Limestone," said Maud, not even bothering to turn around. "Although frankly, I think you're both acting like children."

Maud is the voice of reason in the group.


Would that even work? I mean, he is a rock...

Maud's eyes went wide for a moment as she watched her sisters being hurt. She turned to Tom and let out a snort. "What's the big idea?" she growled, a subtle intensity seeping into her voice.

Tom, run while you can.

"B-but that makes no sense!" Tom exclaimed.

Says the giant floating psychic rock with sunglasses that was made by a guy whose first line was "What fun is there in making sense?"

Upon hearing this, Maud's eyes snapped open. She watched in horror as her sisters squirmed and writhed in Tom's psychic grip. A raging inferno built up in her chest, even though her expression didn't seem to reflect it. She shot Tom a cold glare.

Uh oh...

"You made Marble cry. That makes me mad."

You wouldn't like her when she's mad.

Limestone blinked and then blew a kiss. "Goodnight, everpony!"

Goddamit Limestone!:rainbowlaugh:

"Oh, poo."

Pretty much.

"Does anypony have a wall I can borrow? I need to slam my head against it," she said.


"Well, that's a fine greeting," Discord huffed, folding his mismatched arms. "Can't a draconequus just walk down the street without everypony thinking he's up to no good?"

Considering your track record, no.

"Living impaired?" suggesting Marble.

Good one..

"Passed on, yes," said Maud.
"And yet you call her coffin a house."
"Well, a house is a place of residence," said Limestone with a shrug. "And, well, that's where she's gonna reside for the rest of eternity."

That, is simultanously genius, and stupid, it makes no sense to the point where it loops back, does the can can and actually does!

Before Tom could protest, Discord snapped his fingers. As the two of them disappeared, a lighthearted yet sinister chuckle echoed throughout the forest.

That gives me the shivers, because it reminds me that while Discord IS reformed, he's still the Lord of Chaos and very imaginative.

Ooh, nice. I loved this fic from beginning to end!

6113061 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

This was fun.

I really hope the second part of season 6 has a scene between Cheese Sandwich and Discord.

This was a sweet and hilarious story.

No, Pinkie's a toss-up between the spleen and the pancreas.

If I was stuck between her spleen and pancreas, I'd toss up too! :rainbowlaugh:

"Well, we can't have two hearts! It would make the team unbalanced!"

See Time Turner/Dr Whooves.

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