• Published 10th Apr 2014
  • 701 Views, 5 Comments

The Food Felon - Sergeant Sprinkles

Applejack only wants to enjoy a slice of pie, but somepony decides to stop her from enjoying one of life's simple pleasures. Now she wants to get to the bottom of this, and she won't stop till she has questioned everypony in the house.

  • ...

Chapter One and Only

Applejack trotted around the kitchen of her home. Her long day's work complete, she decided that she would help herself to the last slice of apple pie. She pulled the pie dish out of the refridgerator and placed it on the table. She noted just how deliscious it looked and couldn't wait to dig in, but she also noticed just how dry her throat was.

She turned around and pulled a glass out of the cupboard above the sink and sat it down on the counter. She eagerly reopened the fridge and pulled out a jug of cold apple juice and placed it on the counter as well. She began to pour herself a glass when she heard a sound.

The sound was that of somepony approaching, but she paid little attention to it at the time. She finished pouring her glass of apple juice, as the pitter patter of steps entered the kitchen. She downed her drink and returned the jug to the fridge. She turned back around, determined to taste the succulant sweetness of the pie, but only saw a rotating dish.

Applejack's anger rose as the dish came to a halt to the table, "Who in tarnation ate mah slice of pie?", she yelled into the empty room.

There was no answer and Applejack was determined to get to the bottom of this most heinous crime. She was determined to punish who ever had done this with the ultamite of punishments used within the Apple household, 'Ah'm gonna make'em eat an orange for this.', she thought to herself bitterly.

Applejack marched into the livingroom and surveyed the area, "Nopony's in here.", Applejack mumbled into the empty room.

Winona entered the room from the stairwell as Applejack started up the stairs. She marched to the top of the stairs and knocked on Applebloom's door.

"Who is it?", Applebloom asked from inside.

"It's Applejack. Can Ah come in?", Applejack asked through gritted teeth.

"Just a minute.", Applebloom said, accompanied with the sound of things being moved around.

Applejack opened the door to find Applebloom pushing a box into her closet.

"Applebloom, what's in the box?", Applejack asked out of curiousity.

Applebloom stopped pushing the box and jumped up on to her hind hooves, facing her older sister, and trying to hide the box behind her.

"Box? What box?", she asked with sweat beading down her face.

Applejack cocked her head and raised her eyebrow, "Really? Are you seriously gonna try to do that?"

"Do what?", Applebloom asked with a forced smile.

"Lie to me, The Element of Honesty and your older sister?"

Applebloom's faux smile faded away and it was replaced by an apologetic one, "Ah'm... Ah'm sorry Applejack, it's just," she began kicking at the ground, ", just take a look.", she said after a moment in a defeated tone.

Applejack moved forward and removed the box's lid with her hoof. Inside the box were several dresses, necklaces, perfumes, and other nice things. Applejack moved a few of the items around, and even pulled some of them out for closer inspection.

After a few moments she turned to Applebloom, "Lil' Sis, what is all of this stuff?"

Applebloom continued to kick the ground as she explained, "Sometimes, after we stop working for the day, I kinda come up here and make mahself... pretty.", she said the last word with a cringe.

"So why do you think you have to hide it?", Applejack asked as she sat down on her haunches.

"Cause, well... Ah've never really seen you like girly things before," Applejack shot her a look of confusion and Applebloom decided to list a few examples, ", ya know like make-up, dresses, perfumes. That sorta stuff."

"So what if Ah don't like'em? It doesn't mean you can't.", Applejack said.

"Ah do like these things, but Ah want to be like you, so Ah guess Ah hid them thinking that if you never saw'em, you'd think Ah was more like you, and make you proud.", Applebloom quickly explained.

"Well Applebloom, Ah'm flattered Lil' Sis', but you don't have to be like me to make me proud.", Applejack said as she pulled her sister into a hug.

"Ah don't?", Applebloom asked after the hug was broken.

"Nope. You just have to be honest and of course just be your natural self.", Applejack said as she poked Applebloom's muzzle lightly with her hoof.

Applebloom smiled and asked, "Thanks Applejack, so why were you looking for me?"

Suddenly Applejack's bloodshot eyes was all Applebloom could see. Applejack had moved to fast for the filly to react when she came face to face with her.

"Ah'm gonna ask you a question and all Ah want is an honest answer.", Applejack said before she continued with her question, "Did you eat my slice of pie off the kitchen table?"

"No, Ah didn't.", Applebloom stated matter of factly.

Applejack quickly pulled away from Applebloom, "Okay then. Good night, see ya in the mornin'.", Applejack said in a cheerful tone, all traces of the earlier darkness gone.

Applejack left Applebloom's room and went up to Big Mac's door. She knocked, but there was no answer so she cracked the door open and peeked inside. The room was dark and empty so Applejack opened the door all the way and stepped inside. She looked around the room and saw that Big Mac was in fact not in the room. She walked up to the window and saw that there was light coming from inside the barn.

"That must be where he is.", Applejack mumbled to nopony in particular.

Applejack wandered outside, sure of herself that she had found the culprit who stole her slice of pie. She walked over to the barn and opened the door to reveal her big brother sitting on a bail of hay staring at the wall.

"Hey Big Mac, is everything alright?", Applejack asked.

"Eeyup.", Big Mac said quietly.

Applejack took note of the depressed look on Big Mac's face, and walked over to his side. She sat down on the ground next to him and wrapped him in a hug. At first she thought that Big Mac was laughing but she realised seconds later that he was actually sobbing.

"Shhhh. It's okay Big Brother, it's okay. You know ya can talk to me.", Apple said in a comforting tone while she patted his back.

"Eeyup.", he said as quietly as before.

"So what's going on Big Mac?", Applejack asked quietly.

"Ah don't think Ah can bear to lose another one of the family again.", Big Mac said solemnly.

"Granny?", Applejack whispered.

"Eeyup.", Big Mac whispered back.

"Well shucks Big Mac, none of us want to see her go, but when it's her time, it's her time. There's nothing we can do to stop that," Applejack said as she broke the hug and stared into his big green eyes, "and besides, she will still be with us."

Big Mac raised an eyebrow, "How's that?"

"She'll live on through us, you, me, Applebloom, and everypony else whose life she has touched. She'll live on through the farm, and we both know that times'll be rough, but we'll make it alright.", Applejack explained with a smile and a comforting hoof on Big Mac's shoulder.

Big Mac smiled and said quietly, "Just like Ma and Pa."

"Eeyup. Just like Ma and Pa.", Applejack said with a small sigh.

Big Mac rose from the bail he was sitting on and began walking towards the door with his worries at ease, "Ah think Ah'll head on up to bed now Lil' Sis'."

"Before you go, did you eat the slice of pie on the kitchen table?", Applejack asked as she rose from the ground.

"Nope.", Big Mac answered as he walked out the door.

"Well alright then, good night.", Applejack said.

She walked back into the house and reentered the kitchen. She sat at the table and thought for a moment.

'If Applebloom and Big Mac didn't do it...'

Granny Smith entered the kitchen from the livingroom and walked over to the sink.

"Whatcha still doin' up youngin'?", she asked in a tired voice.

"Just tryin' to find out who ate mah slice of pie Granny.", Applejack said.

"Slice of pie eh? Well did you find'em?", Granny asked without looking at Applejack.

"No, but Ah did find a whole lot of other problems.", Applejack said.

"Oh? Wanna talk about it?", Granny said as she sat down at the table across from Applejack.

Applejack ran Granny through all the things she had heard and seen earlier that night. She talked about Applebloom and her interest in fancy things, about Big Mac and his worries, and most importantly about her stolen slice of pie. By the end of it all Granny just sat in the chair thinking, like the wise pony she was.

"Well seems ta me, like ya covered all the bases with your brother and sister, but as for the slice of pie Ah just don't know.", Granny said after her moment of meditation.

"You didn't grab it didcha Granny?", Applejack asked with a slight blush for accusing her Granny.

"No Ah didn't Applejack, but there is one member of the family that you haven't checked.", Granny said with a smile.

"Wha...? Ah asked Applebloom, Big Mac, and you. Who else could have..."

Just then Winona came barreling into the kitchen and slid to a halt in front of Applejack. Applejack glanced down at the dog and noticed the crumbs of pie crust caked around her mouth.

Applejack chuckled and said, "Winona! You little raskle."

Granny erupted into laughter as did Applejack. Then the two farm ponies bade each other good night and went to bed.

'A well trained dog will make no attempt to share your lunch. He will just make you feel so guilty that you can not enjoy it.' Helen Thomson

Author's Note:

I hope we all learned something today; if not I don't care. I wrote this cause I was bored, but seriously leave critiques in the comments, tell me if you liked the story or not and explain why.

Thx for reading.

Comments ( 5 )

The description implied comedy, but this story wasn't really much like that. Sure, the line about eating oranges being a punishment in the Apple household drew a smirk from me, but the story's tone was different.

The plot isn't too interesting, and the build up was minimal, but it had more entertainment value than Equestria in Human. Which was a random fic which actually slightly bored me, even if the concept was an interesting twist on HiE.

Although really, I think you need an editor. The errors are obvious, but luckily not too numerous.

Overall? I like it!

This time I am sure that 'deliscious' is not a word. :rainbowkiss:

Ok quick critique
Comical in some ways, but the opposite in others.
It's a story. Not bad, but it's strange in some way. Probably because you is you and 2011 and all, x3 but it's an OK story.

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