• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 1,444 Views, 10 Comments

Stronger Relations - A Mysterious Pony

Second fic. Don't judge me. What happens when Twilight needs her Miss Smary-Pants doll back from Big Macintosh? What happens when Rainbow Dash comes to visit at the same time? Disaster, that's what!

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It was a beautiful, Spring day in Ponyville. The birds were chirping, ponies were relaxing and just in a mild lazy haze.

Everything was silent, quiet, perhaps, even...peaceful.

"Come ON, Big Macintosh! Will you please give me back. My. Smarty-Pants. Doll?!" This was then followed by a loud crash and a barely audible, strained 'Eeenoope!' And some more crashes and thuds.

All except for the giant tree smack dab in the middle of this quiet, quaint town, Golden Oaks Library, (Terribly sorry if i've mistaken the name for another. Onto the story, then). The library looked calm outside, yet twas a chaotic mess inside, at least on this day, that is. This library was run by the newest, most powerful, and fairest Princess in Equestria. Twilight. Sparkle. So, anyway I'm supposed to be telling this little story about love, truth, hate, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, instead of depressing all you good, whatever-you-are's, I'm going to give you the same story, but less drama and tears, and more laughter and joy. So, enough of all my jibber-jabbering, let's start with this tale of friendship, secrets, and.....-oh, see if you can guess the last one. Ta, ta. Now, get started will you? And do try to see who I am, (Hint: I'm in the story!).

Twilight Sparkle had just finished making her schedule for today. Finally I'm finished with my to-do list! Now let's see what the first item is.

"Item One; Make a to-do list. Check! Item Two; Start checking off items as you finish them on your to-do list. Check! And Item Three; Try to ask Big Macintosh to please give back Miss Smarty Pants for visit from parents. Che-Wait, no. No check. Hmm, this is the first shortest list I've ever constructed. And it's the most difficult!" She sighed as she knew that she had to complete her list or else her whole schedule would be thrown out of whack for today. "I guess I'll go ask Applejack to bring Big Macintosh, and Miss Smarty Pants with him, to come over.

----(Meanwhile; At About The Same Time)----

It's a lazy day for Rainbow Dash, like almost every other day. She is the fastest flyer alive to ever come out of Cloudsdale. Sometimes being the fastest and most skilled wasn't all it was cut out to be. To sum it up, Rainbow Dash was bored. She had nothing to do, so she thought she might just fly around and scanning the ground, looking for and at nothing in particular. She began thinking about stuff, like, serious stuff, which wasn't really her quota. Well, I might as well start doin' some hard thinking 'bout my life, what I've done. Haven't done that in a while. What am I doing? Thinking to myself, while lazily flying threw Ponyville skies, wow, Dash. Good job. She flew loops and zigzags, making rainbow streaks across the sky. Rainbow soon eventually settled back into a slow, lazy glide, not caring where she landed as long as she did so. Hmm. What to think about before I land...into somepony. Preferably a purple alicorn bookworm. Thinking of Twilight, I should give her a visit, haven't seen her in a while, not ever since she helped me pass the Wonderbolt test. I should say 'Hey' or something. Yeah. Now that she had a plan she decided to act on it. She searched the sky like a hawk scanning every nook and cranny for any sign of the princess, an extended wing, an indigo mane or tail, but, alas, she didn't see even a magic glow resembling the Unicorn-turned-Alicorn. Dash sighed again and changed her awesome plan from 'accidentally' bump into her long-time no-see friend, to go casually fly over to her bookish friend's home/library/workplace, whatever, and come up with some half-baked excuse to hang out.

Rainbow Dash once again angled her wings towards friends house. Ha! A tree-house. Ahh...aw, man, I'm so corny. She was coming closer in range to her friend's house. As she got even closer, however, Rainbow kept seeing spurts of reddish-purple bright flashes of light shining in the library's windows every now and then, and some loud thus shortly afterwards. "What the hey?" Dash whispered to herself.

"Come ON, Big Macintosh! Will you please give me back. My. Smarty-Pants. Doll?!"

Rainbow stopped in her tracks when she heard the unmistakably agitated voice of Twilight Sparkle when she became frustrated, but Rainbow continued her path just fluttering her wings, not wanting to intrude on anything important...or dangerous.

"Eeenoope!" A deep voice responded.

"What's Big Mac doin there. Oh, Twilight, got a close friend, huh? Let's go find out, now shall we?" A devious smirk spread on her face in the blink of an eye. Dash quickly flew closer and peeked into an unlocked window, nudging the glass door open more than it needed to be.

When she peeked in, she wished she hadn't, all Dash had time to register was that a giant surging ball of energy was coming right at her, practically giving her the signal to get out of the way.

Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer to ever leave Cloudsdale, maybe the fastest pony in Equestria, for that moment, ......wasn't.

------------------(A Bit Earlier)------------------

"Thanks for going out of your way to bring Big Macintosh all the way over here, Applejack. Sorry if it was any inconvenience for you." Twilight opened the door for Applejack and said red pony, too.

"Aw don't worry none, Twi'. It was no hassle at t'all." Applejack looked around confused, then looked back at her brother, who was cuddling Miss Smarty-Pants, but quickly stopped and looked away when he saw his sister staring. "By the way, why'ja ask for him ta bring that there doll. I thought you were over it." She raised an eyebrow in suspicion while she talked, earning a sheepish smile from the Alicorn.

"Hehe, weell. You see, my mother said she and my father we're coming to visit, since they haven't seen me in a while, and she wrote to me that when she arrives in town she wants to come straight here, talk some, and go down memory lane. The thing is she also wants to she if I still have Miss Smarty-Pants, which is also the first doll I've ever had, and the first and only doll she's ever hoof-made for me. And...you can pretty much see where this is going." Twilight was sitting on her haunches now, twiddling her hooves together.

Applejack looked at Twilight like she was playing the biggest joke in history on her. "Well, of course, sugarcube! What kind of silly question is d'at? I'm sure Big Macintosh will be fine with giving back yer doll, won't ya Big Mac?"

Big Macintosh darted his eyes side-to-side rapidly, Miss Smarty-Pants hanging from his mouth. "Uuh." Big Macintosh slowly, but reluctantly started to hand the raggedy-old doll over to Twilight, but then he quickly shot up, turned around, and walked a short distance away from the alicorn librarian and his shocked sister. "Nope!"

"Macintosh! You come 'ere and give Twilight her doll back. An' while yer at it, ya might as well tell 'er yer sorry, too!" Applejack walked around to face her brother, but he kept turning around, refusing to meet Applejack's gaze and continued to be defiant, despite his sister's demands. "Agh-stop 'dat!"

"Nope!" Big Macintosh had a smug grin on his face, until he realized that the doll between his jaws was gone. "'Eey!"

Twilight had Miss Smarty-Pants caught in her magical aura and now she had a grin painted upon her face. "I know you love this doll, Big Macintosh, and I'd happily give it to you, but I don't want to upset my mother, I'm sure you understand."

"Uh, actually, Twi'. We never really knew our parents, Granny Smith won't tell us anything about them, but, that's..for another time." Applejack felt tears beginning to form in her eyes and hotness spread throughout her face, but she quickly blinked them away before they had a chance to fall.

"Oh, I'm sorry for bringing it up, then. So, as I was saying-hey, where's Miss Smarty-Pants?!" Twilight looked up and saw that her doll was not encased in her magic. She looked around and saw Big Macintosh sitting on the floor in the middle of the first floor, she also saw a black tail poking out from behind one of Big Macintosh's forelegs. "Big Macintosh? Is that Smarty-Pants behind your legs?"

"Uuh, eeenoope?"

"Really? So you won't mind if I check?" She tried to quickly snatch Miss Smarty-Pants, but Big Macintosh was quicker and was soon out of her reach.

"Eyup!" Big Macintosh jumped up and started hopping on all the furniture, avoiding Twilight's every move to get her doll back.

"Come ON, Big Macintosh! Will you please give me back. My. Smarty-Pants. Doll?!"

Big Macintosh jumped out of the way as an Alicorn Princess leaped at him. "Eeenoope!"

Twilight grunted and huffed away a stray strand of hair from her face. "Applejack? I want to try something, but it has to do with magic. If it's okay with you, I'd like to put a temporary love spell Big Macintosh. Probably make him occupied with a book or something. It'll probably last just till after my parents visit, in about five days. Can I?"

"Hmm. Well, if ya feel ya need to. Just don't go an' hurt mah' brother or make him fall in love with a turnip forever or something." Applejack shook her head 'yes', but started biting on her hooves in nervousness.

Twilight nodded at the apple farmer, then concentrated on which spell she wanted to use and focused all of her magic into her horn. A glowing, bubbling ball of purple energy started to form from the tip of her horn. She aimed it at her big, red target and started to shoot. She tripped and a runaway shot fired at her mirror, "Hit the deck! I lost control of the spell!", the purple ball flew off the floor from the mirror, ricocheted off from the back of a book, then flew out of a window upwards. Twilight cracked an eye open, and pulled herself up from the floor, where she fell. "Whew!" Twilight wiped her forehead with the back of her hoof. "Glad no one got hurt."

"Uh, sugarcube? You sure 'bout d'at. What 'bout d'at ball o' magic d'at flew outta' yer window jus' now? You don't think d'at it might've hit someone?" Applejack got up from behind a chair. She looked around to see her brother nuzzling Miss Smarty-Pants. "Well, I'm glad everything's normal here."

"You're right, Applejack. Let's go check. Big Macintosh?" Twilight waited for Big Macintosh to look up and pointed a hoof at her eye, then at his eyes. ", I'm watching you." Big Macintosh gulped, then hugged Miss Smarty-Pants for protection.

Applejack and Twilight ran outside to see if anypony actually did get hit from the magical glowing ball. When they stepped outside, however, they saw a huge crowd of ponies surrounding something.

"I'll fly up to see what's wrong." Twilight told to Applejack, who nodded for her to go on. Twilight flew up and over the crowd and towards the middle. When she got there, she was shocked to see who got hit. The one and only, Rainbow Dash. "Oh my gosh! Everypony back up! Give her some space! Applejack! Please hold them off!" Applejack pushed through the crowd and started pushing them back, instead.

"Gotcha', sugarcube!"

"Right. Rainbow Dash? Speak to me! You're going to be alright, you just got hit by my magic by accident. I'm sorry I did this." Twilight lifted up Rainbow's head and put it on her lap.

"T-Twi....light?" Rainbow opened her eyes and saw Twilight above her, smiling happily. Her eyes shut again, then, she passed out.

"Alright everypony! Did someone contact the hospital?" Twilight looked around frantically.

"Um, yes. There right here, Twilight." A soft voice answered from the crowd. Fluttershy poked her head out of the gathered ponies with a sheepish smile, and then she walked out, Nurse Redheart following closely behind through the parted crowd with a gurney.

"Alright, alright! Let me see, let me see! *Gasp* Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Come on! Help me get her on, please! She might have a concussion! Hurry!" Nurse Redheart started picking Rainbow Dash's head and her back gently up, then Applejack came, scooped Rainbow up, head-to-head, back-to-back and ran over to the gurney and gently set Rainbow down on it. "Or we could just do that. Thank you, Applejack" Nurse Redheart then took the gurney in her mouth and started running towards the hospital.

Twilight stood up and looked at Applejack. "Applejack? Can you and Fluttershy please go 'round up the other girls?" Applejack nodded back determined, then grabbed Fluttershy and went to find Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Twilight went to the hospital.

Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity were all in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to tell them they can see Rainbow Dash.

Their waiting was put to rest when the doctor came from the emergency room. "Um, are you all here for a....Ms. Dash?"

Twilight answered for all of her friends. "Is she alright?! Can we come in? Does she have brain damage?"

The doctor looked at her awkwardly. "Uh, yes, maybe, and no."

"Oh, thank goodness!" Twilight sighed and visibly relaxed.

"But. She does keep asking for a...Twilight..Sparkle?" He looked around, as if seeing if one of the mares would raise her hoof and say 'here!'

"Uh, I'm...Twilight Sparkle. Can I at least see her?"

"Yes, but only if you can get her to stop screaming for you."


Twilight left the waiting room, went through the emergency room's doors, and as soon as she walked through, she knew exactly where to go. She found Rainbow Dash's room fast because the doctor told her where to go and Rainbow's room, but biggest thing that helped Twilight find Rainbow's room was how she could hear her all the way from the emergency room doors, yelling 'Twilight! Twilight Sparkle!'

She walked into Rainbow's room and immediately saw the blue Pegasus because, well, she was the only one in the room. Hmm. The nurses must've taken out all the other patients because of Rainbow's yelling. Why is she yelling my name anyway? "Um, Rainbow? I'm here. The doctor said you called me. Are you alright, did you need anything?"

Rainbow turned her head towards the Alicorn with a frown, but it soon turned into a dopey, drunken smile. "Twilight! Oh my gosh, now I'm alright. And, yes, I do need something. C'mere, c'mere, c'mere!" Rainbow waved Twilight over frantically, her hooves going fast back and forth.

Twilight obliged and walked over to Rainbow Dash's bed, stopping at the side. "What do you need."

"Come closer." Rainbow waved Twilight closer yet again.

And closer Twilight came, she walked farther to Rainbow's head and stretched her head towards her friend's face. "Now, will you tell me what you need?"

"I'll do you one better. I'll show you." And with that, Rainbow grabbed the sides of Twilight's head, puckered her lips, pulled Twilight forward, and kissed the struggling Alicorn with all her might and put as much passion as she could into it.

Twilight pulled away from Rainbow as fast as she could, spitting out her own spit to get Rainbow's saliva off. "What is wrong with you, Rainbow Dash?!"

"Aw, don't act like you didn't like it. Hehehe, hmhm, hey, Twilight? Guess what?" Rainbow smiled tiredly at her Alicorn friend.

"What?" Twilight was miffed, but she was oddly concerned about what happened to her multicolored friend.

Rainbow's hooves locked into her chest as she started to giggle girlishly. "I loooove youu, Twi-Twi'." Rainbow giggled even sillier after saying her confession, then, passed out and soon started snoring, only to wake back up again giggling even girlishly than before.

Comments ( 8 )

What? I'm confused... Did the spell make RD fall in love with TS or what?

But since it was out of control the spell intensified.

:derpyderp2: ...wat? Wat?

I think I need an explanation. :rainbowhuh:

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