• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 875 Views, 5 Comments

Just Another Unsuspecting Victim - FeralFox

Another stallion falls victim to Ponyville in heat.

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Just Another Unsuspecting Victim

“Just Another Unsuspecting Victim”
by FeralFox

The sun shined it's bright rays down onto Equestria as it did every other day, but today was different. Somehow, somewhere, the fates had decided the destiny of one poor soul by the name of Star Spangle.

Star Spangle was just your average stallion, his mane a deep midnight blue, speckled with white, his coat a lighter navy blue, just recently left the nest in search of his own place in life. He had left his home in Fillydelphia, and was traveling throughout the land on his search. On his long trek, he had finally reached the seemingly humble town of Ponyville. The quaint village looked so different than he had imagined. All of the stories about the Holders of the Elements of Harmony, the Ursa Minor, Nightmare Moon, Discord. It was hard to believe that all the events that transpired in those outrageous stories occurred here. But what struck him as the most odd was how barren the little town looked. As he walked through the edges of town, he saw hide nor hair of a single other pony. Every now and again he thought he heard some shuffling, or whispering, but it had to have been his imagination. It's not like everypony in town was hiding, right? He continued walking until he came towards the center of town. Then, much to his surprise, a head appeared from a storage barrel on the side of the road. It was a stallion, and he seemed to be mouthing the word “run!” with a panicked look on his face. Just a moment later, the stallion disappeared back into the confines of the wooden barrel. He didn't quite know how to take it, but he suspected that it might be another legendary event taking place somewhere, so he wasn't too keen to run and miss seeing the action firsthoof. He wandered for a little more until he saw a sight quite a bit stranger than the stallion in the barrel.

There, floating from window to window, was none other than Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, who, from stories he had heard, had single-hoofedly persuaded a dragon to leave its roost to prevent the town and surrounding area from plunging into a hundred years of smoke induced darkness. Though, something seemed amiss about her. She spotted him after flying through the open window of a two-story home as if she were searching for something. She floated down to him with her eyes wide, as though she couldn't believe what they were seeing. He stood motionless as she trotted around him, as though she was inspecting him. Once she was done, she walked back in front of him, her eyes now looking hungry. Now that she stood still, he could clearly see that something was indeed amiss. She was completely drenched with sweat, her mane slick against her face. Her wings were open and flared out, though that might have been from just flying. Although, most pegasi folded their wings down moments after they landed. Maybe she was about to take off again. Her breathing was also strange. It was shallow and rapid, and her mouth hung open as she panted from what seemed to be exhaustion, based on what he could tell.

She narrowed her eyes and leaned toward him ever so slightly. As though to herself, she muttered in a low, husky voice: “Oh, you'll do perfectly.” With that, she sprung back to the air and took off in a speed that seemed reminiscent of Rainbow Dash, the well renowned winner of the Best Young Flyer's award. He shook his head to reclaim his jumbled thoughts and resumed his walk through the eerily quiet town. Just seconds after he began walking, the damp, butter-yellow pegasus appeared before him again. She licked her lips and spoke again, her tone still strangely...wanting. From what he had heard, she was supposed to have a demure, soft voice, with a motherly tone, but this was far from motherly.

“Hello, you must be new here. I'm Fluttershy.” She said with more panting breaths.

“Um...hello? My name is Star Spangle. Are you alright? You seem...well, you seem exhausted.” He said with concern laced with trace amounts of fear.

“Oh, now that you mention it, I do have a little...problem, but now that you're here, you can help me. I mean, you look so big and strong, I'm sure you'd be able to help.” The way she emphasized certain words made him uneasy, but he tried to ignore it and thank her for the compliments.

“W-well, thank you, t-that's very kind. Uh...I guess I could see if I can help out.” As he said this, her eyes grew intense, and she continued to lick her lips. He went back to walking and she followed beside him. She seemed to be staring at him. He followed her gaze to...his haunches. Wait, that couldn't be right. No mare had ever looked at him like that before. This was all very strange. Suddenly, more and more mares began to pop up from Celestia-knows-where. Before he knew it, he was surrounded by a hoard of similarly sweaty, hungry looking mares, all muttering similarly strange compliments, like “strong” and “capable” and such. The teeming mass of steamy mares seemed to be guiding him somewhere. Being completely new to this town, and after hearing all of the crazy stories, he couldn't be sure if this was customary or not.

They led him to a large open courtyard near the edge of town. That's when he realized what was going on. He had heard the rumors and stories, but they were so outrageous he couldn't help but be skeptical. He looked about himself in a panic, regretting not taking that barrel-stallion's advice, but better late than never. He bolted out of the crowd as fast as his legs could take him, but the hungry mares were soon upon him. He could just barely outrun the other earth ponies, but he had to dodge and evade the swooping pegasi, and swerve around the unicorns that teleported in front of him. But soon, their numbers overwhelmed him and he was captured. The carried him as he struggled to a strange contraption and strapped him in. He knew that his fate would soon be that of all those mentioned in the stories.

Tales of stallions of all sorts, old and young, strong and weak, being forced to labor for the lusting mares until they gave out from exhaustion. It seemed impossible, but considering how small of a town it was, it made more sense. Every mare in town being effected by heat at the same time. And all that simultaneous reaction seemed to make it more intense. Every year, they would go through this kind of “tradition”. They had taken to calling it 'rutting', but he couldn't see why. At least, he hadn't yet seen why. The mares all formed a line, all fussing about and trying to get in front of one another. Then came the shouts and anger.

“Hurry up! Get to work! I can't stand it anymore!” The first mare cried as she stood impatiently. Star reluctantly began, and even though he started out rather slowly, that didn't stop the delighted moans of the mare before him. He continued to work as the mare's shouts and moans became louder and louder. Once she was satisfied, she left, and to his dismay, got back in line. The next mare was just the same. Soon enough, he found himself sweating from the intensive labor.

“C'mon, put your back into it!” She called in between moans and pants. “Put more power in the hips!” She instructed. He tried his best, and soon enough, she too was satisfied.

One after another, he went through the throngs of steamy mares, but then they started coming in pairs. He strained himself as he tried doubling his efforts to please both mares at the same time, and it seemed to be working. Now, two by two, they came and went, then by threes, and then fours. He wasn't able to comprehend how he was able to perform such feats, but he just kept going. Some of the older mares decided that once was good enough and left instead of getting back in line, but there was still so many others that had taken the latter. He kept pushing and pushing, his legs begging for rest, but he knew that none would be.

Then, he saw them. The Holders of the Elements. All six of them approached him, each as taken by the heat as the rest, but he wasn't sure he could take all six. But at this point, he knew he didn't have much of a choice.

“You'll give us special treatment, right?” Twilight Sparkle asked in a husky tone.

“I'm...not...sure...how I'll...be able to...hooked up to this thing...” Star gasped.

“Oh, Ah'm sure you'll think uh somethin'.” Applejack said with a wink, sweat dripping off of her famous Stenson hat. He went on for what seemed like hours, and finally, all six of them had been thoroughly satisfied. But they were just another group in line, and there were still plenty more groups still waiting for their turn. The day dragged on as he went about using every ounce of energy to 'help' the ridiculous mob of mares. But soon, he was spent. It seemed he had expended his very soul in the brutal process of this 'rutting'.

He collapsed on the ground as the seventh group of mares got their second go, and received an unholy chorus of angry complaints. From his new perspective, he could see why they called it 'rutting'.

The crank he had been strapped to, that he pushed to power a giant fan which helped cool of the heat blistered mares, had taken him in a circle so many times, that his hoofprints had made a defined rut in the ground, making a little moat around the contraption. The mares finally gave in and released the bonds on the gasping stallion. He lied on his back, sucking in as much air as he could, his chest heaving with effort as he attempted to stay alive. He knew he would never forget such an eventful experience, but he also knew to stay as far away from Ponyville this time of year, so that he wouldn't ever get caught up in such situations again. He chuckled to himself as he thought of what an interesting story this would be to tell his folks back home.

The End

Comments ( 5 )

:rainbowlaugh: Well that was...Different. A :twistnerd: to what I expected (Oh, me and my dirty mind:trixieshiftright:).:rainbowhuh::rainbowwild:

388094 As was my intention. I thought it would be fun to take the fandom terms and use them in a more literal sense.

395611 Well, I guess you succeeded.

Wasn't expecting that. A humor twist! How lovely!
I will just give you an upvote and be on my way, then.

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