• Published 13th Apr 2014
  • 764 Views, 13 Comments

The Canterlot High Chronicles - The Incredible Werekitty

The life and times of the highschool students in Canterlot High. This is taking the idea from the end of Mirror Mirror and rolling with it.

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Introductions and Other Beginings.

A whole weekend had passed since the Fall Formal. Honestly, it felt like quite a lot had changed. Twilight Sparkle, newly crowned Fall Formal Princess, and accepted transfer student, was not sure where it would all lead, but it was sure to be interesting. She walked to school with her younger brother, Spike. This was one of the things that seemed to have changed, or was it? She could never be sure, honestly, but she prefered having a little brother to any alternatives. It was more fun, and she had somebody of moderate intelligence to tease. Still… She was not really looking forward to having to face Sunset Shimmer, after that… prank. It was one for the ages, that one.

“So… D’ya think Sunset got expelled?” Spike asked.

“I, honestly, don’t know. I’d hate for her academic career be destroyed because she was a sore loser, though,” Twilight observed.

“Twi, you’re can be a real softie, sometimes,” Spike observed with a huge sigh. “She’s a threat to you and your friends, and Rarity… So yeah, I think it’s better if she’s never allowed back at Canterlot High again.”

“So you think somebody should have to pay, constantly, for one little mistake. Good to know, next time you make one,” Twilight observed, casually.

“Hey! I didn’t mean it like that!” Spike protested.

“Just trying to be fair,” Twilight said airily. “After all, we wouldn’t want you applying double-standards, now would we?”

“C’mon, Twilight…” Spike whined. “You know I only mean that to…”

“Be applied to people we don’t like?” Twilight asked.

“Well… yeah!”

“Spike, that’s what a double-standard is,” Twilight explained with a sigh. “You’re wanting to apply one set of rules to Sunset, and another to everybody else.”

“Is that so wrong? She drove apart good friends, was a total jerk to everybody, then nearly ruined the Fall Formal,” Spike retorted.

“Yes, actually it is wrong,” Twilight argued back. “If you have two sets of rules for people you like and people you don’t like, then the rules aren’t fair.”

“Psh… Like life’s fair,” Spike grumbled.

“Just because life is not fair, Spike, does not mean we have to go out of our way to make it even more so,” Twilight asserted with a firm nod. “Anyway, you’re just mad you haven’t swept Rarity off her feet, yet.”

“Hey! That’s not…” Spike protested.

“It’s true and you know it. You’re worried that the whole fiasco ruined your chances,” Twilight teased.

“Yeah… That was something… Kinda hazy on the details,” Spike observed. “But Sunset was having to clean it up. That must have been some kind of majoly destructive prank, if she’s having to learn masonry the hard way.”

“I know… But hopefully she won’t be expelled. She will need her education, even if she is a bully,” Twilight observed, as they came to a stop in front of the school.

“Aren’t we going in?” Spike asked.

“You forgot we were supposed to meet the new student?” Twilight demanded, looking at her little brother in disbelief.

“Oh… Right…”

“And don’t forget, when he comes, we’ve got to be friendly,” Twilight said, eyeing Spike.

“Yeah, I hear you,” he sighed. “So long as you hold up your end of the bargain.”

“A good word with Rarity, I know,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, you should just ask her out, Romeo, saves me a lot of trouble.” Spike blushed at that assertion.

“You really think she’d say yes?” he asked, hopefully.

“Well you’ve been waiting on her, hand and foot,” Twilight said with a smirk. “That’s got to count for something.”

“I hope so,” Spike said with a hopeful smile. “Hey! That the guy?”

“Who, Spike?” Twilight asked, looking at the boy in confusion.

“The one in a trenchcoat, coming toward us,” Spike replied. Twilight turned, bumping right into him, and falling down on her butt.

“Ow,” she groaned quietly.

“Are you okay?” asked a slightly deeper male voice, causing Twilight to look up, then stare, a blush slowly forming on her cheeks. The guy smiled a bit, offering Twilight his hand. She took it, letting him help her up, as she eyed him. The guy was wearing slacks, a white button-down shirt, a trench coat and fedora. A rather old-fashioned look, but it suited him. She could see his hair was brown, his eyes were silver gray, and his skin was a grayish tone, contrasting Twilight’s lavender.

“Yes,” Twilight said, finally, once she was on her feet, nervously pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “You’re the new transfer?”

“I am if this is Canterlot High… Uh… I’m Private,” the trench-coated young man said, touching his hat-brim in a slightly old-fashioned gesture.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle,” she said, offering her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. And yes, this is Canterlot High. I’m kind of the welcoming committee.” Private took her hand, shaking it, a warm smile on his face.

“Nice to meet you, too, Twilight,” he said, with a slight nod. They seemed to get lost in one another’s eyes, until Spike casually cleared his throat.

“O-oh! This is my little brother, Spike,” Twilight uttered, blushing even more, if that was possible, dropping Private’s hand, and indicating the boy beside her.

“Hey,” Spike said, shaking Private’s hand. “So… what’s with the trench coat?”

“Hey,” Private said back, and grinned. “It’s because I love detective stories, and mysteries.”

“Really? That’s kinda cool,” Spike asserted, nodding. “Bet Twi, here, thinks it makes you look dashing.”

“SPIKE!” Twilight shouted, blushing furiously, much to Spike’s amusement.

“Finally!” Spike laughed.

“Yeah yeah, laugh it up, Cassanova. You’ve still gotta ask Rarity out,” Twilight grumbled. “Anyway, we should show you to the office, so you can get your class schedule.”

“Good idea. So… he’s got a crush, huh?” Private asked, as they walked inside.

“Oh yeah. And just his luck, it’s on an older girl, too,” Twilight replied, with a slight chuckle.

“Well, I’ve heard of stranger couples,” Private observed with a shrug.

“Yeah. Just wish it hadn’t happened in High School… The rumor mill works overtime to make sure everybody stays in their place… And it’s silly,” Twilight asserted, with a huff.

“I tend to agree with you on that one,” Private observed, as they reached the office. They came in, and a woman with long, wavy light and dark purple streaked hair looked up. She was dressed in a slightly severe-looking magenta top with a white collar, and a dark blue crescent moon pin.

“It is good to see you taking your welcoming committee duties so seriously, Miss Sparkle,” she said in a quiet, self-assured voice. “This is the new transfer student?”

“Yes, ma’am. His name is Private,” Twilight said with a nod.

“Hmmm,” Vice Principal Luna mused, clicking some things on her computer. “Ah. Preventus ‘Private’ Eye. Printing out your schedule, now. Twilight and Spike looked at Private, obviously mouthing the word “Preventus”.

“Interesting name. I guess your parents were really anticipating your arrival,” Twilight observed.

“What?” Private asked, looking at Twilight, curiously.

“‘Preventus’ is Latin for ‘the anticipation’... Yeah… Note to self, leave comedy to Pinkie,” Twilight uttered, running a hand through her hair. Private chuckled, smiling at Twilight’s adorkableness.

“Here is your schedule, Mister Eye. Also, here is a map of the school, with the pertinent rooms on your schedule marked,” Luna added, handing Private a couple of pieces of paper. Your duties are concluded, you two. Don’t you have class to attend?”

“Oh! Right!” Twilight said, rushing out of the office, Spike hot on her heels.

Time passed as it was wont, and at around noon everybody was heading to the cafeteria for lunch. No singing, or dancing, this time around, but it didn’t make it any less an enjoyable break from the school day.

At one table sat Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy had just gotten her lunch, and was approaching their table. Just as she sat down, Rainbow came stomping up, quite obviously furious.

"That no good, peeping, con...coniv...something eggheadish for JERK!" Dash griped, tossing her brown bagged lunch on the table and sitting down with a huff.

"Lemme guess, Neighpanese, yay high and has an ego ‘bout as big as you?" Applejack asked, holding a hand up at around a certain boy’s height.

“Yes! I swear, he was SO trying to peek in the girls’ shower!” Rainbow said opening her bag, and pulling out her sandwich. She took a savage bite out of it, chewing it, as if to take out her temper on it. Twilight sighed, shaking her head.

“You know he only does it because he likes you, right?” Twilight asked, as she spooned up some fruit cup.

“There are better ways of showing you like somebody than trying to get a peep show,” Dash asserted.

“She… may have a good point…” Fluttershy observed, as she ate her own lunch.

“Hm… Yes, I have to agree. Just trying to get a peek into the girls’ showers does seem a bit… well… crass,” Rarity said, thoughtfully.

“I know right? If he wants to date me so bad, he should ask me out, like a normal person, not be a total pervy jerk!” Rainbow asserted, pounding the table.

“Like yer a ‘normal person’?” Applejack asked with a smirk.

“Hey! I’m plenty normal!” Rainbow asserted. This declaration caused the other girls around the table to chuckle a bit.

Across the cafeteria, Spike sat with Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. Spike, as usual, was looking, wistfully, at Rarity, as she sit with his big sister, and their other friends. He sighed, a slightly goofy smile on his face.

“There he goes again,” Sweetie said rolling her eyes.

“Eeyup,” Apple Bloom said with a shrug. “Fella’s got a crush somethin’ fierce.”

“And on an upperclassman, too. Guy’s got his sights set high,” Scootaloo asserted. “Just… What does he see in Rarity? I mean she’s no Rainbow Dash.”

“That may be what he sees in her,” Sweetie said, with a giggle. “But… I don’t understand it either, honestly, and she’s my sister.”

“So… Any ideas for a good comedy routine?” Bloom asked. The others looked at each other, and shook their heads. “Yeah… me neither. Bein’ unintentionally funny is one thing, but intentionally funny is hard work…”


“You said it, Applebloom,” Sweetie uttered, with a huff.

Private had just gotten his lunch, and had kind of started toward Twilight’s table when a large hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“Enope. Ya don’ wanna sit over there lessin’ ya wan’ yer ear talked off,” the large blond man said steering him to another table. “Might just get it talked off, here, too, but ‘least it ain’t girl talk.”

“Uh… thanks?” Private said, looking up at the big guy. “I’m Private, by the way.”

“Macintosh. Everybody calls me ‘Mac’,” he replied, sitting his large frame at the cafeteria table. Private joined him, digging into his lunch, and looking around at the table. Like every high school, Canterlot High had its cliques. Strangely, though, they did not have the usual strict separation as other high schools did. Dramas would chat with Rockers about music for their plays, and ask Athletics to help with stunt choreography. The Eco Kids would talk with everybody about how they could recycle the items they use in their various projects, and the Techies would come up with nifty plans to make the recycling more efficient. One guy at the Rockers’ table, though, caused Private to do a double-take. Holding court at there, and casually flirting with the the girl from the Drama table, was somebody that Private never thought he’d see at this school.

“Huh… I didn’t know Raiden Bolt went to this school,” Private observed, taking a bite of his burger, making a face, and continuing to eat.

“Eeyup,” Mac said, pausing in his meal. “Caused a lotta girls to go plum loco. Then the fella goes an’ tries to woo tha girls’ sports captain.”

“What team is she captain of?” Private asked.

“Alla ‘em,” Mac replied.

“Yeah… That’s Raiden, alright,” Private sighed, looking back at Raiden’s table, noting that he was surrounded by an entourage made up of practically every clique. “Last I heard he had become some kind of rock star…”

“Eeyup. Rich ‘nuff ta go to some fancy school. ‘Stead he comes here, an’ upsets tha applecart,” Mac observed.

“I imagine a lot of guys, here, hate him,” Private observed.

“Eeyup. Some of tha girls, too,” Mac observed. “None worse than Rainbow Dash, tha girl he’s tryin’ to woo. But she’s havin’ none of it, ‘cause he keeps doin’ stuff that’s plum stupid.”

“Again, that sounds like typical Raiden,” Private sighed.

“Ya know ‘im?” Mac asked.

“We were friends, when we were younger,” Private explained.

“Mmmm,” Mac grunted. “Fame. Don’t do any good a-tall.”

“Well… It can help, in some ways, but… Yeah, it hasn’t really helped Raiden,” Private observed with a sigh, then finished his lunch.

At the Drama table, a young man with long red hair, and green eyes looks over at Pinkie Pie with quiet longing. Another guy was sitting with the rest of Canterlot High’s JROTC, and he would take the occasional glance at Applejack. Soon, the bell rang for the afternoon round of classes, which resulted in the exodus of students from the lunch room.

Private’s next class was a Study Hall. He shrugged, and went to the designated room, finding an annoyed looking young woman, with wavy brown hair, and glasses sitting at the desk.

“Yes, it is monitored,” the bespectacled woman said, waving him inside. “Yes, you can be tardy for study hall. Yes you may talk quietly, but nothing above a whisper, and only to your immediate neighbor. No, you can not listen to your tunes… Vinyl Scratch.”

“Aw maaaan,” a girl with purple shades, and wild two-toned blue hair uttered, sinking into her desk.

“Yes, I will take away your devices, and you can try to claim them at the Principal’s office, if you can come up with a good excuse for having them in the first place. Seriously, a phone should be a phone, not ten different devices… Call me old fashioned,” the study hall monitor continued. “Or call me stingy for not wanting to pay for all the extra charges that’s being added to accommodate the nine other things on said phone that I don’t need, have separate devices for, which do the job ten times better than having them in my phone. All right. Everybody find a seat next to somebody you can moderately stand. Also, this is called study hall for a reason, people. Gives you the opportunity to take home less homework. Take advantage of it. And, if you absolutely have to ask me something, I am Miss Grapes. Any questions?”

“Hey, Private,” came Twilight’s voice, causing him to look up, eagerly. He saw her waving to him, and he gladly went over to her, and sat in the desk she had been apparently saving for him. “How’s your day been, so far?”

“So far so good,” Private said, pulling out some of his homework, and spreading it out on the desk, so he could get started. Twilight had already gotten her books out, and was making use of the study hall for its intended purpose. Both seemed to be slightly distracted, taking glances at each other, then quickly looking away, blushing slightly. They talked occasionally, about homework, but were adorably awkward with one another, when they did. Also, during their time in Study Hall, they discovered that Miss Grapes was uncannily observant. Several times, she got up, and casually gestured for something to be handed over, much to the disappointment of several students. By the time Study Hall was over, Miss Grapes had a small collection of smartphones, and a pair of earbuds. The earbuds she got from Vinyl, casually yanking them out of her ears, and using the cord to pull out Vinyl’s phone. Naturally the music-loving girl sulked the rest of the time, after that one. Soon the bell rang, and everybody started leaving, Miss Grapes putting the phones into a drawer that held several other similar devices, and locking it. It was quite obvious that nobody was going to get their phones back any time soon.

“Hey, Private?” Twilight said, as they were headed out of Study Hall.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Look, I know this is kind of weird, but… Here,” Twilight said, handing him a card. Private looked at the card, noting it had Twilight’s cell phone number, and her email address. “Keep in touch, all right? If you’ve got any questions about homework, or just want to talk… I’d… I’d like to.. you know… be one of your first friends at Canterlot High…”

“Thank you,” Private said, smiling, and putting the card in his pocket. “I’ll try to catch up with you, later, and give you my number and email… Got class, soon, after all.”

“Oh! Right. See ya!” Twilight said, starting to rush down the hallway only to be intercepted by Rarity.

“Darling, what was that all about?”

“What was what all about? All I did was give a new friend ways to contact me,” Twilight retorted.

“Well… yes, darling, but… aren’t you… well it just seems a bit soon,” Rarity said, nervously, but obviously concerned.

“He’s just a friend, Rarity,” Twilight asserted. “Look, I need to get to class, before I’m tardy.”

“We’ll talk after school,” Rarity said, as Twilight rushed off. The elegant young woman then quickly made her way to her own class. There, she sat down, looking worried, not paying attention to the lecture at all.

“Psst!” came a hiss to her side. Rarity looked up to find Applejack looking at her with no little concern. “What’s eatin’ ya, miss priss?”

“Oh… I saw Twilight give her cell and email to a boy. You know that new one? Private?” Rarity whispered.

“Yeah. Mac says he’s alright,” AJ whispered back. “Ya think she’s jumpin’ tha gun?”

“I’m afraid so, darling. After all she and Flash did break up, recently,” Rarity replied, nodding.

“Maybe we should talk with this here Private feller,” Applejack said thoughtfully. “Let him know we won’t stand fer him tryin’ ta hurt Twi.”

“Hm. Good idea, but not until we’ve talked with Twilight about him, you know see how she really feels,” Rarity observed, looking up at the board, and taking notes, obviously satisfied that a course of action was to be taken.

“Good idea,” Applejack muttered, paying attention to the lecture. The school day went on, like it normally does, but between, and during, classes the five close friends of Twilight Sparkle shared the information that she seemed to be fairly interested in the new transfer student, Private.

“But… that’s totally awesome,” Pinkie whispered excitedly. “She’s finally getting over that Flash Sentry dude!”

“Pinkie Pie, it most certainly is not ‘awesome’,” Rarity declared. “What if dear Twilight is merely on the rebound? She could very well be setting herself up for another heartache.”

“Oh… You think it’s a little too soon, huh?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes, darling, yes I do,” Rarity said, nodding firmly.

“But.. what if all she’s doing is being friendly?” Pinkie asked.

“If she’s being friendly, that’s all well and good, but it would still behoove us to let this Private Eye know that we will not stand by and let anybody hurt our friend,” Rarity replied, with a nod, as if that settled things.

“MMm HMM!” Pinkie agreed, enthusiastically.

After school, the six friends gathered at Sugarcube Corner, it’s usual cosy interior a balm for school-induced stress. The girls relaxed in their usual area, with the comfy couches, by a table. Twilight, naturally, started working on what was left of her homework, so she could enjoy her time with her friends.

“So, Twi, I hear tell ya gave yer contact info that there new feller,” Applejack said, as she sipped her apple spice latte. Twilight sighed, putting her pencil down.

“Yes, I did,” Twilight said, calmly. “I thought he could use at least one friend, here, at Canterlot High.”

“So… it was just a friendly gesture? Nothing more?” Rarity asked, leaning forward, concern evident on her face.

“Yes. That’s right. Why? Is there something wrong with my making new friends?” Twilight asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

“Nah. Just don’t want cha grabbing a guy on the rebound,” Rainbow said with a shrug.

“I am NOT on the rebound! I am just trying to be friendly to a new student. That’s all,” Twilight said, her patience obviously wearing very thin, her stern voice causing Fluttershy to cringe. Applejack looked like she was about to say something else, but stopped, at a hand signal from Rarity.

“Hey, we’re just lookin’ out for ya, Egghead,” Dash said, earning herself glares from AJ and Rarity. “That Flash guy did a number on you, and we don’t wanna have to deal with you going all to pieces again.” Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash for a long bit, very unamused then took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I appreciate your concern. I really do. Seriously, though, the last thing I want to do right now is jump into the dating game. He’s new, he needs friends. I mean, in a couple of months, if he hasn’t found anybody, maybe, but until then I just want to be a friend where he doesn’t seem to have any, okay?” Twilight finally uttered.

“Eh. Don’t come cryin’ to us if you get your heart-OW!” Dash started only to be slapped on the back of the head by Applejack. Dash rounded on the cowgirl, glaring at her. “What was that for?”

“Oh, nuthin’ much. Ya started runnin’ off at tha mouth again’, like ya always do,” AJ replied, crossing her arms. “Somebody’s gotta keep ya from stickin’ yer foot in yer mouth.” Dash just grumbled, slumping in her seat, crossing her arms.

“Oh! I’ve got to go,” Twilight said, checking her watch. “I’ve got to get home, and help Spike with his homework.”

“Why don’t you invite the darling boy here? The more the merrier, after all,” Rarity observed with a cheerful shrug.

“Yeah… but then he’d be distracted,” Twilight said with a grin, as she packed up her things. Applejack, and Rainbow Dash smirked at that. Fluttershy covered her mouth, giggling a bit, while Pinkie Pie just grinned.

“Distracted? What could possibly distract him?” Rarity asked, obviously oblivious. “True he’s got a bad case of puppy love, but I’m sure he’ll get over that, eventually.” Twilight just shook her head, and took off for home. Rarity looked around at all the knowing looks her friends had, and said: “What?!”

“You’re so-o-o-o-o clueless, aren’t you?” Dash asked. “Anyway, what are we going to do about this Private dude?”

“Well I figure we could talk to him, before school,” Rarity started.

“Good idea! Nip this in the bud before it hurts Twi,” Dash asserted with a nod.

“I was thinking more along the lines of seeing Private’s intentions toward Twilight before took any form of rash action,” Rarity observed.

“Yeah! And I still gotta invite him to a ‘Welcome to Canterlot High’ party this weekend,” Pinkie said grinning hugely.

“Oh. That would be very nice. Maybe get to him him, outside of school,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Yepperooni!” Pinie said, nodding happily.

“Ya gonna need any fizzy cider, Pinkie?” AJ asked.

“Oh of COURSE! It’s not a party without the Apple Family’s Fizzy Apple Cider!” Pinkie enthused.

“All right! We’ll meet in front of the school, and have a chat with Private, tomorrow,” Rarity said with a smile. “Then we’ll see how he does in the casual setting of Pinkie’s party on the weekend.”

“Sounds like a plan, sugarcube,” Applejack said, nodding. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie nodded. Dash just sat there looking thoughtful, then smirked.

“Sure. I’ll be there,” she said.

The next morning Private made his way to school, smiling a bit, at the possibility of seeing Twilight, again. Even if all they had was Study Hall, together, just seeing her was something he was obviously looking forward to brightening his day. Suddenly, he was grabbed by his coat collar, and slammed up against the fence that surrounded the school.

“Alright, pal, you’ve got your eye on my friend, and here to set you straight!” declared a girl with rainbow-streaked hair, a white t-shirt underneath a blue overshirt and a pink and white striped skirt. Her magenta eyes glared into his fiercely, as she gripped the collar of his trenchcoat. “I may look like just an ordinary tomboy, but I’ve got a particular set of skills. And if you break Twilight’s heart, I’ll have you know I will find you, and I will Kick. Your. Butt.”

“Did you just quote Took in an attempt to sound badass?” He replied.

“Rainbow Dash!” came an elegantly accented voice. They both turned their heads to see a poised young woman with elegantly curled lavender hair a light blue top, purple skirt, and purple knee-high boots. It was obvious that she was glaring at the rainbow-haired girl who was trying to threaten Private.

“Uh.. yeah, Rarity?” the now identified Rainbow Dash replied.

“I hardly think threats are needed at this juncture,” she said primly. “We merely wish to speak with the fellow, after all.”

“Ah tol’ja that we needed ta have somebody intercept her before she did some dang-fool thing like this,” said a blond freckled girl wearing a brown stetson, green and white western style shirt, denim skirt, and brown leather cowboy boots decorated with a trio of apples.

“Hm… Quite. I apologise for overestimating Rainbow Dash’s good sense,” Rarity said giving Dash another glare. Slightly slow on the uptake, Dash finally let go of Private’s collar, and backed off. “Hardly the example the captain of all of Canterlot High School’s sports teams should be setting, after all.” Rainbow just grumbled, crossing her arms with a huff. Before Private could move, his vision was filled by a pair of big blue eyes.

“Hiiieee! I’m Pinkie Pie! And you’re Private Eye, the new guy that Twili likes, but we think it may be too soon, ‘cause she just had a really bad break-up, and the guy was a total jerk, so we, as her bestest best friends, decided to talk to you, and see if you were an okay guy or not, but Rainbow Dash jumped the gun, and was a total bully, threatening you, and quoting a movie line, which you saw right through, so you must have seen the movie, or at least the trailer, because they loved putting that line in the trailer. So are you a good guy? And are you free, this weekend, ‘cause I’m holding a ‘Welcome to Canterlot High’ party in your honor at Sugarcube Corner.”

Private leaned over to Rarity slowly as the Pink haired girl went on. “What in the name of all that is…”

“Darling, when it comes to Pinkie Pie, one learns to just nod every once in a while,” Rarity said with a knowing smile. “Anyway, we noticed Twilight’s apparent interest in you. She said she was being friendly, which is all well and good, but we wanted to get your take on it. Twilight’s our dearest friend, and we don’t want her to go through what she did with that… Flash Sentry…”

“Flash who now?” Private said, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, hold on, are you saying…” He blushed, his brain on slowdown trying to comprehend what could potentially be. Rainbow Dash laughed.

“Look at that blush!” she said. “He must be a total noob at dating.”

“Like YORE an expert?” the blond girl observed sardonically.

“Come ON, AJ, I’ve had a date or two… Some guys just gotta ask out the captain,” Dash said, smirking.

“Eeyup, you an’ Raiden are perfect for each other,” AJ deadpanned.

“SO NOT! That guy is a total PERV!”

“I meant yer egos,” AJ observed with a roll of her green eyes.

“Darlings, can we try to keep this conversation civil,” Rarity implored. “After all we...wherever did Private run off to?”

Private you see, did the smart thing and bailed before the argument between AJ and Rainbow over a certain rockstar teenager broke out.

“Hey! Where do you think yo-o-o-o-o-ou’re going?” Pinkie said somehow getting ahead of him.

“I’m gonna get out of here before any more awkward questions are asked, and by the way, tell Rainbow she’s not fooling anybody.” Private said.

“Ooooh! Are you psychic or something?!” Pinkie asked, wide eyed.

“Nope, just got a good sense when somebody is lying, will help in the detective field.” Private then left the group with a smile.

“You know, I don’t think he’s that bad a guy,” Pinkie said thoughtfully. “I mean I kinda got bad vibes from Flash, but he seems okay.”

“He seemed… nice…” Fluttershy observed. “I mean, he could have been all confrontational about Rainbow’s threat, but he just noticed her paraphrasing a movie quote.”

“Eh, I’ll give him one chance,” Dash said with a nod.

“Mighty generous of ya,” Applejack deadpanned. “C’mon. We’ve got class ta get to. Try not tah get distracted when ya pass Raiden in tha halls.”

“I’m gonna lasso you up AJ!” Rainbow yelled as they ran inside.


“Hey, Private,” Twilight said, waving to her new friend, as she saw him come into the school. “Uh… You okay? You look a little frazzled.”

“I... found your friends,” Private said with a sigh. “They just wanted to make sure I was good to you.” Twilight groaned, and facepalmed.

“I am so sorry. They’re just worried about me, because… Well… I kinda had a really bad break-up, and they don’t want to see me go through another broken heart,” Twilight explained, as they went to their lockers. “I… I kinda took it badly. But then he was really controlling, and had me thinking badly of myself, and… I thought it was my fault… I guess they don’t want me falling apart, like that, again.”

Private smiled and said, “No man is an island, entire of itself,
every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thy friend's, or of thine own were: Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

“John Donne,” Twilight said, smiling.

Private blinked, obviously surprised, and asked, “Wait, you got that? Usually people fall asleep or say ‘huh?’ whenever I quote something.”

Twilight’s smile only grew, and she said, “I guess we have something in common after all. So… Friends?”

Private returned the smile and said, “Yeah...friends.” There was a quiet squeee, and Pinkie’s eyes appeared over Twilight’s shoulder.

“Yes, Pinkie?” Twilight asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

“Here,” Pinkie said, handing Twilight a bright pink piece of paper, and promptly disappearing. Twilight took it, before it fell on the floor, and read it.

“‘You are cordially invited to the ‘Welcome Private Eye to Canterlot High (hey that rhymes!) Party at Sugarcube Corner, at 1:00pm Saturday’,” Twilight read aloud. “Leave it to Pinkie… Guess you’re getting the official Canterlot High welcome.”

“Won’t be so bad.” Private said with a smile as the bell rang.

“Really?” Twilight said, blinking.

“Well, it’ll have you there...” Private said, blushing and taking off for his next class.

“Uh… He… I… Wow,” Twilight uttered, giggling, then she quickly shook it off, grabbed her books for her next class, and ran like demonic abominations were after her.

Author's Note:

I know I know, not my usual length. I just couldn't think of anything else to add, without pushing it. Big thanks to Jacoboby1 for checking my work, and adding some of Private's dialog.

And yeah, I'm probably going to be kicking Raiden in the gut. A lot. 'Cause I don't like him. He's a self-centered immature manchild who needs to grow the frack up.