• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 568 Views, 11 Comments

Mighty Morphin' Pony Rangers: Darkness Rising - VampDash

For every single hero, or even a team of heroes, there is always a beginning. Welcome to the beginning of The Mighty Morphin' Pony Rangers.

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Nightmare Ascending

The world of Equestria was nothing short of peaceful but that didn’t mean that it still had it’s fair share of criminals and mad monsters. This, however, is the tale of when one of it’s most famous monsters broke free…. and how six mares stopped her in her tracks. It opens when, after many years of trying, Equestria finally landed two ponies upon the moon. It was a great day for Equestrian history. That was… until they discovered something that should’ve never been opened. It was as soon as a crew of ponies landed on the moon and they began to move around.

“Sweet Faust, Equestria is beautiful from this view.” One of the ponies said as he looked down on his home planet.

“Yeah beautiful. Can you come over here now Breaker? I found something really weird.” Another pony said over a com unit as he tapped the rock a little bit. His partner just rolled his eyes as he walked over to help him. He saw where his partner was hitting with his magically held pickaxe. What he saw really did blow his mind a little.

“How in Equestria did a tunnel form on the moon? There wasn’t anypony here before us.” Breaker said as he stared down the tunnel that was right in front of him.

“I don’t know. But I think we should stay away from it. Who knows what’s down there.” He replied as he slowly backed away.

“You serious?! We need to see what’s down there!” The pony said in an excited voice.

“But what if there’s an alien down there who eats brains?” Breaker asked.

“You actually believed that movie? C’mon, just one little peek and then we’ll head back. That better you big baby?” The pony asked back, causing Breaker to snort in anger.

“Fine but don’t go crying for momma if your brain is gone.” Breaker retorted. They both headed down and saw that the tunnel wasn’t like others on Equestria. “I-it looks like-”

“Something fell through here at a speed that would make a bullet jealous.” Breaker’s partner replied. They continued down and soon saw, against all odds, an elaborate but very worn down castle.

“Whoa. A castle.” The pony said as he stared at the building, the walls to a point of near collapsing.

“Alright, you’ve got your peek at what’s in the tunnel, now can we go back? That thing is giving me the heebie jeebies.” Breaker said as he shook in his space suit.

“No way! I’ve gotta check it out!” The pony said happily as he moon galloped to the building. Breaker swore a bit before he raced after his friend. They raced a little before they ran right into the door.

“Ow. Okay that hurt.” Breaker said as the door opened a little bit. They walked in and saw a very strange sight. Inside appeared to be four statues frozen in various poses. One was a Griffon that had her sword planted in the ground, another was a unicorn with a stern look and what seemed to be cheesy cloak and hat used by stage magicians, the third was a Zebra that was brewing a potion due to the cauldron in front of them.

“Whoa. Looks like we weren’t the only things here. We’d better-” The pony said… until he noticed a fourth statue. This statue was in the form of an Alicorn, easily seen by the large eagle-like wings and long spiraling horn in the center of its forehead. It had battle armor on and he mark was encrypted in her stony flank as a moon on a splotch.

“Dude…. do you know who that is?” Breaker whispered to his friend.

“Yeah b-but who the buck would place a statue for her here?” The pony whispered back.

“Why are we whispering?” Breaker said loudly. “It’s not like these statues are ali-Ah!” He said as he cut himself from the Griffon statue which now seemed to glare at him.

“W-What’re these statues?!” The ponies yelled in unison.

I can’t believe how dumb these idiots are. I mean really? A deep and raspy voice asked as it laughed.

Well Trixie should turn them into goop piles! A higher and crazier voice said.

No you shall not turn them into goop, I will make them into soup! A rhyming but gentle voice said angrily. Both ponies started to cower from the voices which started to sound more and more insane until.

SSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A ferocious voice roared, causing the whole castle to shake like it was in the center of an earthquake. It stopped soon after and then, to the astonishment of the two ponies in the room, it turned it’s head towards them. It’s horn glowed slightly and forced Breaker to come to it and twisted the bleeding side.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” Breaker screamed in pain as he felt his shoulder start to twist and blood drip slowly on the statue.Then suddenly, the Alicorn statue began to gain back the color it lost. Its body began to take the color of black, the splotch on its flank purple and the moon white. Its mane and tail became light blue mist and then her draconic eyes became an icy blue. As soon as the stony shell was gone, she opened her mouth, filled with fangs, and cackled like a madmare.

“At long last. My curse has been lifted. After 1000 years…. I AM FREE!” She yelled as her wings flared open. Then suddenly, the statues of the other creatures came alive as well.

The Griffon had a tawny coat with white feathers on her head like a Bald Eagle. She was also wearing golden battle armor and a sword was in its sheath at her side.

“Oh man. It feels soooooo good to be free. Now, who’s skull do I get to crack first?” She growled as she cracked her knuckles.

The unicorn’s horn flared with magic as it caused the rest of her shell to be blasted off her. “Trixie will admit that the prison was very….. intolerable. Never the less Trixie feels so relieved that she no longer has to be a prisoner anymore.” She said with a very narcissistic attitude.

The zebra had a coat of dark white fur with grey stripes. Her tail whipped around as she felt her body become mobile again. Her cauldron hissed and steamed a green fog as the potion she was brewing started to cook again. “Finally I am free, now bow onto your knees! For the large mare in this room, is no other than Nightmare Moon!” The zebra said in a grouchy voice. The two ponies tried to run but the Griffon had them trapped.

“Where do you two morons think you’re going?” She asked them angrily as she walked up to them slowly. The two stallions backed up…. right into Nightmare Moon.

“Ah… my first two meals of my new rule.” Nightmare said as she drew a deep rattling breathe. The stallions looked at each other in confusion but then heard the jaw start to snap and saw it open wide…. then it got wider and wider until it showed what appeared to be a dark abyss. They just stared into it never realizing that their souls were being slowly devoured by the Mare In The Moon. Before they could do anything, it was too late as their souls were entirely devoured and their shells of bodies just laid there. But as they laid on the floor dead, the four beings just laughed.

“Ohoho man! They couldn’t react! It’s a new record!” The griffon said as she held her stomach.

“Trixie agrees! So, my queen, what’s going to happen since we’re now not overgrown paperweights?” Trixie asked the alicorn. Nightmare just growled as she created a hole so that she could see the world below.

“Why my dear Trixie…. I do believe we should pay my sister a visit. After all it would be rude not to drop by.” Nightmare Moon said as a grin spread across her face.

Equestria. The home of ponies, griffons, and other races of creatures. And also it had a little pegasus that was known around as ‘The Rainbow Flash’. She was a thief that stole from ponies in the middle of the night and was in and out in a full second. In reality she was a pegasus named Rainbow Dash and while she did steal from ponies she made sure that they were corrupt ponies and therefore wouldn’t care if a few bits went missing and even gave some to other less fortunate ponies…. like the orphan Scootaloo. This night she snuck into the small pegasus’s room at the orphanage and placed a loaf of bread near her sleeping form.

“Here you go kiddo. Told you I’d get some food.” She whispered before she flew out the window. As she flew away, she felt a part of her melt because she wants the best for the little pegasus filly. Ever since she first met her.

It was another day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds sang, it was nice. Except down by the Ponyville Orphanage. A group of colts began to push around a small orange filly with a purple mane and tail. They kept at this for a while and said words no pegasus should ever had to hear in their life such as “chicken” or even “dodo”. They never saw the blue blur that zoomed by them until it was too late and they were all on the ground with bruises.

“Now if I catch any of you near her and taunting her like that again I promise you those bruises are gonna be the least of your concerns.” She growled. The colts simply nodded before running away. Rainbow looked and saw the little filly, bruised and bleeding, as she sat on the orphanage steps, crying.

“Hey kid, are you okay?” She asked the filly.

“T-T-They’re right. I-I deserved to be called a Dodo. I-I’m not a pegasus.” She sobbed into her hooves. Rainbow frowned a little before she reached back into a bag she kept at her side and pulled out a few bits she….. borrowed.

“Hey kid why don’t we go down to the nearby food mart? My treat.” Rainbow said with a smile. Scootaloo looked up at her with a shocked expression on her face. She then ran towards Rainbow and wrapped her in a huge hug.

“T-thank you.” She sobbed into the cyan blue coat.

From then on the two have shared a sister-like relationship borderline mother-daughter but Rainbow knew she would sacrifice anything for the little filly. But she feared that soon her thief days would catch up to her.

I hope she loves her present. Rainbow thought as she flew through the night sky. As she glided through the sky, she noticed a bright light above her. She kept looking at it as she noticed it started to move… right at her. “OH BUCK ME!” She yelled as she tried to get away from it. As fast as she was the light was even faster and she was soon enveloped in it before she vanished into thin air.