• Published 18th Apr 2014
  • 451 Views, 8 Comments

The Sweet Sweet Taste of Lavender - StreamlessBlueChest

Twilight Sparkle and Sweetie Belle of Equestria get captured and sailed off to another land to rescue their friends, meeting souls along the way who need their help to return Lavendarah back to its peaceful, prosperous state...

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Chapter 1: Morning Ruins

Sunlight shone through the window of the library. It landed upon a purple alicorn. She was under her blue covers that were decorated with stars. The purple alicorn whimpered from the sunlight that shone directly on her eyelids. She moved her hoof to her face and covered her eyes. A sigh came from her a moment later, along with a startled gasp. Twilight soon opened her eyes. What she took in was not what she remembered as her library. Downstairs, books were scattered everywhere. Many were charred or burnt or both. Others were torn at the edges. The floor not only littered with the horribly trashed books, was char marks and a lot of broken wood. Probably from the shelves no doubt. The walls had many cracks and some had even broke through the wall to outside, which explained the draft. This scene appalled Twilight. Her precious books, destroyed! Quickly, she sprung out of bed and ran down the stairs, forgetting to reset her covers. As she ran, she forgot also that she was an alicorn. Once in her library, tears had started to spring from her eyes. Her once clean and organized Library, destroyed!

"Oh no... what h-happened here...?" she whispered to herself. Her wings unfolded and hung from her sides, showing her astonishment. She shook her head. "No Twilight, Don't worry about your books... if this happened to you" She chided. "Then it must have happened to your friends..." Twilight soon ran to her door, opened it and raced out of her library. The scenery out there was worse. So many buildings crumpled. Many were charred aswell. Some houses had fires that burnt out. While others showed a sign of small smoke stacks of the still burning. The sky had many gray clouds, some from the smoke, while the rest were ominously gray clouds. They floated through the light-blue sky. There is not time to waste, thought Twilight. Pushing the thought of throwing up of the scenery, the purple alicorn sprinted off to the closest place nearest her: Sugar Cube Corner.

Soon, Twilight arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. On the way, she saw all the homes as burnt or crushed or both. When Twilight reached her destination, bile rose in her throat. Sugar Cube Corner caved in and had burnt marks on the roof. The worried Twilight rushed up to the door of the bakery. The boards form upstairs were poking everywhere, sharp and black. Using her magic, Twilight yanked out the door that was wedged shut. She maneuvered the boards and nails that fell from the planks of wood. Her eyes were watering and she wore a worried look. She really hoped The Cakes weren't crushed. Or the Cakes' babies Carrotcake and Poundcake weren't harmed. Or worst of all, her friend Pinkie Pie. This thought that wedged in her brain caused Twilight to look harder. As she was looking, her hooves splashed in something. Twilight closed her eyes and hoped it was't what she thought it was. Twilight took a deep breath and opened her eyes slowly. Turning her head slowly down, she breathed a sigh of relief that it was just cake batter.

The sound of soft weeping sounded as the purple alicorn neared the stairs. Twilight's ears perked up and she zipped between the obstacles. The weeping started to slightly louder. This energized Twilight and quickened her pace. A zap of pain shot up her leg. "Ow!" twilight muttered. Finding were the pain was, she lifted her fore-hoof and found a nail wedged in her hoof. A small trickle of blood sprouted from the rusty nail. A groan sounded from her gritted teeth as she too out the nail with her magic. Once the nail was out, Twilight carried on, ignoring the pain every time she landed on that hoof.

Twilight kept following the sound of the weeping. A sprout of hope started to grow in her chest, getting warmer and warmer the closer she got. All of a sudden, Twilight was rubbing her hoof on her head because she ran into a few intersecting planks of wood, blocking a doorway. The source audible enough now that it was clear the weeping was coming from the other side of the planks. Her head pounded from the impact, but Twilight got up. She growled at the planks and closed her eyes. Using her magic, she lifted the planks that were jammed. She knew if she teleported, it would be hard for the other pony to get out, so its to kill two birds with on stone. Twilight's eyes widened when she finally lifted the planks. The pony was holding Mrs. Cake's head that had a big gash. Mr. Cake lay yonder with a board of wood shoved in his flank, splinters of wood poked out of Mr. Cake's cheek. His eyes were glazed. It suprized and almost killed Twilight on the inside. The pony that was holding Mrs. Cake's head was -- Pinkie Pie.

Author's Note:

This is my first full-length MLP fiction!
I would really appreciate it if you read
Because I have so many ideas