• Published 28th May 2014
  • 1,308 Views, 28 Comments

Invasion of The Pink Menace - Orion97

What to do when a crazy pink menace invades through your computer

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Don't look at the picture, she'll find you too!

It was yet another uneventful day, just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the one before that and so on. I follow a general pattern.

I fall out of bed trying to reach my alarm clock. Then I go to school every morning and listen to Sam bitch about how much school sucks, while I agree, it's virtually ALL he talks about. Yeah, he's fun at parties, though I wouldn't know, I'm never invited. Anyway like I was saying, I get home, do homework as fast as possible, waste time playing games and watching movies. After that I browse then internet and delete my search history when I'm done, you know...to avoid um filling up memory, yep.

I was on the internet, finishing up a story on this one site I go to, and no I won't tell you what it is. Ummm...I guess on second thought I'll have to tell you. So I was looking for a picture of the cartoon character named Pinkie as a cover for said story. I just put it on and as soon as I do I see this weird bubble like effect over it, like something wasn't right with it, I should have known otherwise. I had hoped it sort itself out, this computer is already crappy enough as it is. So I finished up and opened a new tab to a more...mature site, oh don't act like none of you ever do, you're reading this and thinking it right now. Perv.

Anyway as soon as I did that the bubble effect from a moment ago grew to encompass the whole screen and it looked like a gateway or something almost. Just before I tried to reach into it I saw a bit of pink hair come into view. Then a big pair of blue eyes appeared that wandered around the strange tunnel the creature walked through. I didn't have any other ideas so I tried clicking back on the other tap but the portal thing was still going.

Without wasting any more time I ducked and hid under my desk, where I still am right now actually. I wasn't sure who or what it was at first but as it, or I should say she walked through, the impossible realization struck me that it was actually Pinkie Pie. She's still walking around my room, lurking around my room like a predator stalks its prey...I don't know how much longer I've got until she finds me. Please, send help I beg you, she's getting closer! Help!

"Hey there, silly! What are you doing down there?" The pink mare said as she unveiled my precious hiding spot

Oh shit. This is it, goodbye cruel world... I closed my eyes and shut off the phone that I was using to beg for help with

"My name's Pinkie! What's yours? Come on out, I don't bite. Usually." She said with a big smile that only served to scare me more.

"My name's...my name is David and sorry but I have to ask...how the hell did you get here!?" I nearly scream in panic, thankfully the rest of the family is out at dinner so no one else is home.

"Well come on, it's always nice to meet a new friend!" As my captor asked, I departed my tiny bunker of safety in the hopes she wouldn't, I don't know, vaporize me or something, who knows what she's capable of.

"So what were you doing on the computer?"

"Oh you know, just writing stories and stuff on this one site."

"Oh, cool! Mind if I see?" She's looking at me eagerly with admittedly beautiful blue eyes that would surely convince me I'm evil if I say no.

"Um...sure. I don't have many stories, I'm working on another though."

"Hmm, I see it. Invasion of The Pink Menace? Let me see..."

Wait a minute, how was she? That doesn't make any sense! I'm just thinking of the story now! How does that even work!?

"Not bad! I'm not that scary though. Hmm...awwww! You said I had beautiful eyes!" She said just before wrapping me in a hug.

"You're welcome?" I say, completely confused as to what's going on.

"You might want to be careful as to make sure you use past and present tense though, a couple of these sentences could use some work. Don't worry, I read ahead and it does get better!" She says, grinning once more.

That's it, I'm already done trying to understand her and quite frankly I'm a little scared now.

"I'll have to read the other ones later. What's this other tab?" Oh no. Anything but that, please don't open, please don't open aaaaand she opened it.

"Whoa! Dude, you need a girlfriend." My cheeks just turned rose red in embarrassment of her discovery, so now I'm trying to avoid eye contact. After the initial surprise she calmly closed it out and got off the computer, the fact that she somehow did that with hooves just now occurring to me.

"Oh uh...sorry you had to see that..."

"It's nothing terrible. Guys like to think we don't know what they do when they're alone." A knowing grin appears on her face to drive the point home

Oh dear god this can't get any worse...

While trying to hide my face in my hands, Pinkie was laughing like a maniac.

"Say...wanna visit Equestria?" She pops the question out of nowhere.

Taken completely by surprise, I provide the only real logical response. "Um...alright."

"Great! Let's go!" She shouts as she opens a large portal in the wall and steps through. Though how exactly she did that I'm not sure I'll ever know

Not one to miss something new like this, I followed her through.

Author's Note:

Just a fun little story I wanted to do to take a break from my more serious stories. It's up to you guys if you want it to bloom into slice of life, adventure, romance, etc. Your wish is my command, or at least suggestion..

By the way I was unsure how to work the past and present tenses in this. If anyone has any advice please comment. By the way, the chapters will get longer but they probably won't be very long . For me short is like up to about 3 thousand words, medium 3 to 7 thousand and longer is a long chapter, I'll probably aim for the border on short and medium.