• Published 18th Apr 2014
  • 1,594 Views, 29 Comments

Ponies Lost Tapes: The Whitetail Woods Monster - Everyday We Shufflin

Princess Celestia, Luna, and a few guards all get attacked by something in the Whitetail Woods. And they catch it all on video.

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Video Tapes

Author's Note:

OK, before we get started I have to warn you. This is a weird story. A really weird story. So if you are allergic to really weird stories do not read this.

A camera flickers on and Cloud Chaser is seen with her body pressed against a tree and looking around the area.

“O-Oh, it’s back on, that mean the thing is going away from me, s-so I might get out of this alive after all.” Cloud Chaser says with a hint of relief in her voice, but then.

GRRRRRRAAAAAAARRRRR, a mysterious growl that sound robotic rings throughout the woods.

“N-No, it’s still here, but where is it.” Cloud Chaser then start coughing as a bright light slowly makes it’s way towards her.

Cloud Chaser looks at the light and it looks like she’s about to say something, but the camera cuts to static before any words come out.

When it gets back to the woods Cloud Chaser is running through the woods with the bright light behind her.

“It’s real, we don’t want to believe it, but this monster is real, the woods hid it well, but if you get lost it will find you!” Cloud Chaser yells before the camera cuts to static.

When the static stops the camera is on the ground, the bright light is going away from it, and Cloud Chaser can be heard screaming in the distance.

There are creatures science refuses to recognise. But new technology But makes us question what is real. If our eyes see it. If our cameras capture it. Does it exist? Enter a realm where fact meets fiction. Science meets legend. Where nightmares come to life. do you believe?

Ponies Lost


The Whitetail Woods Monster

The throne room doors burst open as a royal guard runs in with a mini camera on his armor, “You're highness!” He calls out, running up and bowing.

“What is it?” The white alicorn on the throne asks.

“There seems to be an electrical interference in the Whitetail Woods. And everyone who has gone to check out what has happened has either turned up dead or go missing.” The guard says.

“Has everyone who specialises in this gone?”

“Everyone except the Wonderbolts, but they haven’t wanted to go after a mysterious thing attacked and killed two of them in a bayou.”

Celestia starts thinking, “Fine, I will go.”

The guard starts to worry, “Uuum. You're highness, that would not be the best course of action. What if something happens?”

“You're coming with me.” Celestia reassures him.


“And other guards are coming too.”

The guard fumbles over his words for a minute before sighing, “Alright, fine. I shall gather up a few others.”

The guard gathered three other guards and as they make their way back to the throne room Luna walks in front of them and asks, “Halt, why is it that you hurry to the throne room?”

“We are going with Celestia to the Whitetail Woods to find out what’s causing an electrical interference.” One of the guards says

“Ah………...Might I asks why my sister didn’t send for me?”

“She didn’t say”

“In that case I’m going with all of you”

“I…………..Um………….Ok.” The guard says as they start to make there way to the throne room with Luna behind them.

They all walk into the throne room, where Celestia is waiting.

“Ah, good. Lets go... Uuum. Why is Luna with you?” Celestia asks.

“Sister, I am going with you.” Luna announces.

“What?” Celestia aks confused, “Luna, this is very dangerous. I will not allow you to go.”

“Why not?” Luna questions.

“Like I said, it’s dangerous.”

“Please! I wanna go!” Luna begged.

“No!” Celestia shouts.

“But Tia, I’ve been on the moon for a thousand years and ever since I got back you’ve spent so little time together.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Celestia says putting a hoof on Luna’s shoulder.

“But this could be a chance for me to be with my big sister.” Luna says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Uuugh. Fine” Celestia gives in.

“YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH” Luna yells as she hugs Celestia.

One of the guards stepped in, “We request that you bring these with you.” The guard holds up two helmets with cameras on them.”

In Winter 2013 Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and royal guards: Captain Bluelight, rookies Flash sentry, and Quickshot, set out to find what was disrupting electronic devices. What they found, was something they weren't hoping for.

These are their tapes.

“So this is the Whitetail Woods?” Luna asks as they are just outside of the woods.

“Yes.” Quickshot answered, “From what we’ve picked up the interference is coming from deep in the woods.”

“I see, do you have any idea what’s causing it?”

“None whatsoever.”

“Well, we are about to find out.“ Celestia interferes with the conversation as she walks into the woods.

They all follow after her.

They walk through the forest for a bit, until they come across a tree that looks like it had been knocked over by some opposing force.

“What do you think caused this?” Luna asks.

“That’s not all” Quickshot says, “Look around, all the plants and trees in this area are dead.”

“But why?” Luna questions.

“I don’t know.” The guard replies.

“Has a storm hit this place recently?” Celestia asks.

“From what we’ve been told this place gets a storm every week.” The guard answers

“Maybe that is what caused this. Though, it is confusing. It seems to be in a large circle.” Celestia says.

“And there’s more going that way.” Quickshot says as he points to a bunch of dead plants that form a path.

“Lets follow it.” Bluelight says, “It might lead us to the source.”

“I-I don’t k-know, i-it’s almost nighttime.” Flash shakes in fear.

“Well, who cares if it is? Lets go find this source and destroy it before it does anything else.” The female guard replies.

“But……….I don’t want to, it’s scary”

“Shut up rookie! Were going in there and that’s final!” Bluelight shouts.

“... Yes ma’m.”

The female guard walks off towards the path. Luna walked up to the guard, “Hey, what’s your name?”

“Flash Sentry you're highness.” He replies.

“Might I ask why are you afraid of this place?”

“I’ve heard rumors about something in these wood.”

“Well, something causing the interference, but I'm sure it’s nothing.”

“From the stories, I've heard, it’s not of this world.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, it came from up there.” Flash says as he points to the sky.

Luna chuckles as she says, “There’s nothing up there, except the gods. Don’t be worrying.”

Then Celestia starts to lower the sun as Luna raises the moon.

They walk for a bit longer.

“Where is this going?” Flash asks.

“I don’t know.” Quickshot answers.

“Then why are we doing this?”

“Because it’s our job!”

“But, this could be the death of us.”

“Relax, we've got our gun with us”

“Ok, what if the can handle it?”


The group continues to walk down the path, but after a bit Flash stops and looks at one of the trees, “Uh, captain?”

“Oh, what is it this time?” Captain Bluelight asks.

“L-Look at the tree” Flash says as he points to a burn mark on the tree that looks like two leg attached together.

“What is that?” Luna asks.

“I don’t know.” Captain Bluelight answers.

“Something tells me that we’re going to find out soon enough.” Quickshot says.

“We should carry on.”

They start walking again and come across something rather peculiar. A metal rod, looked to be burnt. Bluelight picked it up.

“This was recently burned.” She says.

“And?” Celestia asks.

“It might be involved in the electrical interference.”

“Umm, what’s that?” Flash asks as he points at a bright light a ways away from the group.

“It might be what’s causing all of this?” Luna answers.

“That’s not all, it looks like it’s moving.”

“That can’t be, it’s just a light.”

“Well look at it, it’s going deeper into the woods.”

“Should we go after it?” Quickshot asks.

“We don’t have a choice, if that what’s causing the interference we have to go after it.” Bluelight replise. “C’mon!”

They all start running after the light, their camera’s start to static up as they get closer and closer. Until the camera’s just static up completely.

After a bit, the static stops and the group can be seen around it.

“Hey, it’s back on.” Flash says.

“But what made it do that in the first place?” Bluelight asks.

“I don’t know, we got really close to the light, and then it just went to static.” Flash answers.

“And how did it go back to normal?”

“Well from what I can tell, the light went away, and the static stopped.”

“Well, we’ve lost the light, now what do we do?”

“Guys.” Quick shot says.

“What?” The other guards ask.

“Do we know where we are?”

They all look around, staying silent for about a minute, until Bluelight speaks up.

“No.” She starts, “Flash, fly up and check where we are.”

“Yes mam.” He salutes and flaps his wings, trying to get off the ground. He only gets about a foot before falling down with a thump. “Huh?” He tried again, same results. “I can’t fly!”

“Something is wrong here.” Bluelight says, “I can’t use my magic either.

“What’s with this place? First there’s the interference, then there’s the dead plants, then the burn mark, then the light, the static, and now this!” Luna yells.

“Luna, please be quiet, we don’t know what else is in here.” Celestia says.

“How can I be quiet, we’re lost in these Zeus forsaken woods!”

“Well……………..That’s a good point.”

“So what are we going to do now?”

“We look for a way out of here.”

Luna starts to walk until she trips over something. She fell into the grass and out of a nearby bush a something shot out and hit Luna’s neck.

“Argh!” She grunted, putting a hoof near the spot where the thing had hit.

The others run up to her, as she rolls around of the grass.

The other try and calm her. “Luna! Luna!” Bluelight tried to calm Luna, “Calm down!” She grabbed Luna’s head and turned it to the side. There was a dart lodged inside Luna. Bluelight used her magic to pull it out. “It’s a dart, probably one to make an unsuspecting trespasser go to sleep. But because of your power, I suppose it didn’t knock you out. Case in point, someone doesn’t want us to be here.”

Bluelight turned to where Luna had tripped and saw a wire in the grass.

“It’s a trip wire. There are probably tons of traps around. Must mean we are getting close to the source.”

“We might not want to see what the source.” Flash says.

“Hey, I think there’s something over here.” Quickshot says.

“What is it?” Flash asks as he walks over to Quickshot.

“I don’t know, but there’s no way it’s from this world.” Quickshot then points to a odd looking metal building, with a lot of equipment around it.

“What is that?” Asks Bluelight.

“I don’t kn- hey that’s the light from before.” Quickshot says as the light from before makes it way to the metal building, the closer it gets the more the light fades until all that can be seen is something hovering of the ground and wearing and ace-shape hoody.

The whole group stands in silence as the thing goes over to one of the machines and attaches a few wires to the craft that’s making it hover.

“Did you see that? It had to long leg-like thing, just like on that burn mark, and it used them to attached those wires, but what’s it doing?”

“It looks like it’s transmitting something.” Celestia says, “I think I’ve got something that can access what it’s transmitting and translate what it saying if it’s not speaking our language in the bag.” She then pulls a device from her bag and turns it on, within a few seconds it picks up the transmission.

This is scout 5201 requesting access to main base” A voice that sounds robotic says.

This is main base, what have you learned so far about the planet?” Another voice asks.

The world appears to be inhabited by ponies, they seem to fear what they can’t understand and because of this, they have shown great fear towards me, it appears that stander issued stun gas causes massive damage to them, in all cases it has made the subject unable to breath, this will last until the subject leaves the area of the gas, but long term effects have been noted, but but I’ve disposed of the subject before the effects have activated.

Is this all 5201?

Negative, I alone do not have the ability to study this planet, I request more scouts.

“WHAT!?” Bluelight yells, forgetting about the monster nearby.

The monster then looks in the direction of the group, it glowing eyes lock on them, and the voice in the transmission says, “I have gathered some more test subjects, will report back.”, After that the monster unhooks the wires from the craft and starts to make it’s way over to the ponies.

“Bluelight.” Luna says.

“Yes?” Bluelight asks.

“I think we have found the source.”

With that, they all took off through the forest, hoping that the monster wouldn’t catch them.

“What do we do?” Flash asks Bluelight.

“Get back to Canterlot, and see if we can f(censored) nuke this place!” She answers.

They run faster until Bluelight trips. Her camera starts to static and she turns around to see the monster comes at full speed towards her, ready to snatch her in it’s claws.


But fortunately, something hit it.

The monster looked to see what it was. Quickshot had his gun out and shot the monster. This gave Bluelight enough time to get up and run.

“Quickshot!” She calls, “C’mon!”

“Go on without me!” He calls back.

He faces the monster and continues to shoot it while Bluelight starts to run.


Quickshot fires again.


And again. And continues firing until the gun runs out of bullets. He takes out his knife as the monster floats up to him, but the camera statics up and eventually turns off completely.

The others ran through the woods as fast as they could.

“Where did Bluelight and Quickshot go?!” Luna asks worrying.

“I don’t know!” Celestia says.

“Just keep running!” Flash shouts.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Do you know how to kill that thing?”


“Then run!”

Flash contenus to run through the woods, but soon enough he trips on something, as he tries to stand up, he hears something click, before he can move an arrow goes through his right eye

“AHHH!!!” The two sister scream as Flash’s lifeless body falls to the ground.

The two stand there for a bit before Luna says, “So, not only do we have to worry about a monster killing us, somepony put traps in this place that can kill us!”

“Calm down Luna.” Celestia replies, “I think I’ve got an idea for us to get out of here.”


“Simple, if we go slow, we’ll have a better chance of not activating a trap then if we run.”

“But what about the monster?”

“You saw what happened when we got close to it, anything that runs on electricity malfunctions.” Celestia then pulls a flashlight from her bag and turns it on, “So if it get close this should stop working, but one thing still make me worried.”

“What’s that?”

“You heard what those thing were talking about earlier, they said something about a gas that makes it hard for us to breath.”

“And you can think of a way to get around that.”

“Not without my magic, and I still can’t use it.”

The flashlight starts flickering and the cameras start to static.

“Time to run!” Celestia shouts grabbing luna and taking off as fast as she can, Luna following close behind.

The monster gets closer and closer, until finally, Luna trips and the flashlight turns off as well as the cameras.

“CELESTIA! LUNA! FLASH!” Bluelight calls out. “Where are you guys!” She stops and looks around. “Ugh. Where did you go?” She starts running again.

She then trips on something. She quickly turns to see what it is. It was the metal rod from earlier. She picks it up and looks around. She starts running again, this time with the rod.

Celestia runs, without Luna this time.

“AAAAAAUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!” Luna screams in the distance
Celestia starts tearing up, as she runs faster, until she starts to slow down. She stumbles and twists her hoof, falling to the ground. “Urgh!” She grunts, “Why does everypony keep falling down tonight?”

The monsters light shines and she looks at it, covering her eyes. The camera again starts to static up, until.

“RAGH!” Bluelight runs over with a metal rod and starts hitting the mechanical beast with it. She continues to whack the monster until it falls the ground.

Bluelight runs up and picks Celestia off of the ground and they both run off into the woods.

“Where are Luna and Flash?” Bluelight asks.

“Dead!” Celestia responds.

“So is Quickshot. Keep running, don’t look back!”

They both keep running as fast as they can.

But soon the cameras start to static up until nothing can be seen.

When the camera goes back to the woods it facing the sky, the only thing of any note from then on, is a glowing light going down into the woods.

Captain Bluelight and Princess Celestia managed to find their way out of the woods and told ponies to never enter the woods again, two weeks after the encounter Bluelight and Celestia started to feel sick, after going to the doctor they discovered they both had lung cancer, Captain Bluelight died from the cancer nine months later, even now ponies still go into the woods, and many have claimed to see as many as five monsters in one sighting.

Leaving us all to wonder

Does It Live Among Us?