• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 9,086 Views, 67 Comments

Preening - Starlight Shadow

Celestia shows Twilight the basics of preening her new wings.

  • ...

Hey! Stop That!

Twilight frowned as she sipped her vanilla milkshake. That stupid feather... She reached back and tried to pull it out.

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Something bothering you?"

Twilight looked back at the princess. "Sorry, Celly. I'm still getting used to taking care of my new wings. I got the edges this morning, but I still can't really preen them to save my life."

Celestia scooted closer to Twilight. "No need to apologize. Feather brushes are rather clunky to use sometimes if you aren't used to them, and it's usually easier for somepony else to do it. You want me to help?" Celestia's horn began to glow.

Twilight nodded. "Thanks."

A small tendril of golden magic worked its way into Twilight's feathers, causing her wings to twitch. The subtle telekinesis felt good, if a bit warm, as it gently readjusted any crooked feathers. She sighed.

"Does that feel good?" A smile twinkled in Celestia's eyes.

Twilight nodded again. "Yes. Very."

A sneaky smile worked its way onto Celestia's face. She lowered her head just a tad, and gently bit the tip of Twilight's wing.

"Ow!" She turned around to see her marefriend laughing, spitting out her feather. "Wasn't me, I swear. Discord did it."

Twilight arched an eyebrow, but turned back around all the same. Celestia lit her horn once more, and Twilight's eyes soon began to glaze over as she stared out the glass door. Celestia revved up the power of her spell, causing Twilight to make a small noise. Somepony's feeling it. Celestia thought with a smile. When she and her sister took turns preening one another, Luna always liked it when Celestia used that level of magic. It appears Twilight and Luna shared that trait.

Once more, she lowered her head just a tad, and bit Twilight's wing. It took a bit of nibbling for Twilight to jolt out of her reverie and turn around this time.

"Stop it!" A small blush began to spread over Twilight's face. "I know what you're doing, and it totally isn't working."

"Your blush says otherwise." A grin only seen on tricksters slowly spread across Celestia's face. "Don't tell me you don't like it at least a little."

Twilight's blush grew. "Yes, it feels good, and I do kinda like it...but still! Quit it!"

"You're sending me a mixed message here." Celestia was stifling her giggles at this point.

"Augh!" Twilight threw a cushion at the wall in her anger. "Celly, you drive me crazy."

"Just doing my job, citizen." Celestia saluted the younger alicorn, eliciting a huff from her.

"Can you still keep going, though? You know, without the biting?" Twilight tossed a meaningful glance at her mentor.

"Sure." Celestia's trickster smile grew softer, and she once again lit her horn. Working the magic into her back now, she heard Twilight make another noise, this time louder. She gently eased her magic into Twilight's back, rubbing up and down in small circles. She then began to gently work the telekinesis downward toward Twilight's hooves as well, effectively zombifying her. Even in this trance, a gentle nibble was all it took. Twilight opened her mouth to speak...

"Oh screw it. Keep doing what you're doing."

Celestia smiled, continuing to bite Twilight's wing, almost threatening to pull the feather loose at parts. Twilight sighed. "Why do I even bother with you sometimes."

"Because I'm just awesome like that." The princess winked.

Twilight rolled her eyes before levitating her book over from the side table a foot or so away. Flipping through the pages, she found she couldn't concentrate. Darn that lovable troll of a princess and her massage sorcery. Setting the book aside, she decided to just enjoy her preening.

It really was heavenly, the combination of warmth magic and gentle pressure creating the sensation of floating. She should take some notes on this later, in retrospect.

Then again, if her relationship with her mentor had taught her anything, it was that sometimes note-taking wasn't necessary, and could sometimes ruin the fun of an experience. Maybe it would be better to...put her new skills into practice...


"What is it?" Celestia didn't cease her magic this time, continuing to let it flow through Twilight's wings.

Fighting her scattered thoughts, Twilight answered, "If we have time, I'd like to put my lesson on preening from tonight into practice." She winked.

"That would be lovely." They switched places, Celestia laying down rather that sitting on her hind legs due to her impressive height. Twilight lit her horn, and began to let her magenta telekinesis ease its way through Celestia's wings, taking care to adjust crooked feathers. Celestia closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh.

"Thank you, Twily. You know, you're more wonderful than you give yourself credit for."

Twilight blushed again. "I'm not that wonderful. Not compared to you or Luna."

"Do you want me to list all your wonderful qualities?" Celestia reached back and gently poked Twilight with her horn.

"No. Yes. Maybe." Twilight focused on her magic.

"You're one of the best mages in the history of my academy. You're beautiful. You're smart, unlike some of the putzes I've come across at the Gala and such events."

"I bet you've met ponies throughout the ages that are smarter than me." Twilight insisted.

"You've doubtlessly earned a place in the history books with all the times you've saved Equestria when Luna and I couldn't. You've ascended to alicornhood. And you know one of the best qualities?"


"You have all of these qualities and didn't get an ego the size of the castle. You instead combined them to make my lovely marefriend." Celestia curled up next to Twilight, resting a wing across her back.

Twilight closed her eyes and rested her head on one of the many cushions scattered around the opulent room. "Nights like these are why I love you." She murmured as she fell asleep. Celestia laughed.

"I love you too, Twilight."

Author's Note:

Been a while, hasn't it?

I saw this image and had to use it. Never mind there's currently a fic in the feature box with the same cover art, The Abyss said it was okay!

Comments ( 67 )

*cough cough* first like *cough* :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Ohh! :duck:interesting idea for a classic Twilestia short so far being that it only makes sense she would have difficulty learning the art of preening.:heart::raritywink: It is still something fairly new to her, and most certainly puts a unique new style on season 4 Twilight. :twilightsmile:

This is really good!

This was too fucking adorable! I loved it! X3

I want to read this now, but I've just thought of a Fic idea and I need to write it now.

If I can get the iPad back today I will read this as soon as I'm done with reading a Fic where a dude woke. Up one morning to find he'd somehow turned into rainbow dash:twilightsheepish:

Comment posted by Akiba deleted Apr 20th, 2014


well shit, i had an idea just like this......
had a custom cover art and all.....
oh well, ill prob still do it.

Very well written.


This was an alright one-shot of Twilestia. It should've been a bit longer but the chemistry between Celestia and Twilight were very good. :raritywink:

Hey congrats on your featured buddy!:pinkiehappy: (turn off the mature filter and you'll see what I'm taking about.)

My heart burst inside my chest like a water balloon! I loved every second of it.:twilightblush:


And thank you for asking us first :twilightsmile:

Very cute indeed.

Cute little story, but there could have been more cuddles at the end. Nonetheless, this was a good read.

Absolutely adorable.

Warm And Fuzzy Feelings FTW!

Aww, that was so cute! :twilightsmile:

A story about preening? Yay. :rainbowkiss:

OOC dialogue? Boo. :fluttershyouch:


What is it with you bronies and Twilestia? It is a doomed ship! it doesn't even make sense; why would an immortal God go after some cheap floozy? I respect Celestia, but Twilight is a horrible character. I have said this so many times - when will you people learn?

4269345 Aw, love you too, cookie. :heart:


Well there are a couple of reasons and you can feel free to counter these points:

1) Being Immortal the only contenders with her life span would be Luna [incest, and most entities don't consider incest wincest when it's there own family members], or Dragons [who are malicous, violent, greed hungry monsters in Equus and would either try eating her or robbing her nation blind to become some super-Dragon overlord]. Of course you have Discord, but they have some rather dirty, violent, and rather tainted history that'd put a damper on romance.

2) Since her choices of immortals are gone down the toilet. She'd have to go to mortals from time to time. Now since this is "modern" times rather than the past there are some further points to take into account.

2a) Anyone she dates becomes a probable political target. Both from Nobles who'd ingrain themselves to that mate to get things they want. Or threats who'd target her mate to get to her. So she'd pick someone smart [to see through BS] and magically powerful [able to protect themselves]. Something Twilight's done in spades.

2b) Being with Twilight for years they know and trust one another. Rather well, a good thing to have in a relationship.

2c.1) While this is a Twilicorn fic, in mortal ones. There is enough history, build up of emotions, and personal connection to allow their friendship to evolve into something more.

2c.2) As an Alicorn. She has a probablility of being immortal. Thus meaning that Tia now has a chance to have a relationship that'd last more than a few decades. So there's that.

So there you have it. It works similarly to any ship / relationship. And while the immortal X mortal ones are doomed for heart break. It's a risk that any immortal would take. Especially when you have such a poor immortal dating pool to begin with.


More adorable than a bucket of ninja, kung fu kittens.

How ironic. I've seen 3 stories with the same picture and none of them were clopfics... well, that's good to know.

Does preening really warrant a sex tag? I'd parallel it to a human giving a back massage or nibbling another's ear, which doesn't seem all that sexual unless you get more descriptive. I dunno, I'm probably being to nitpicky. I'd say it's a nice fluff fic though, nice and cute. :pinkiesmile:


That means that I won this debate lol.


That's okay, I read it for you.

I won't bore you with the details, but basically you agree with TheGreatEater's argument and retract your previous statement.


Let's add some music to that GIF! :pinkiehappy:

And while I'm at it, I'll give you more DRL videos :derpytongue2:

4269345 When will people learn to absorb facts and understand opinions instead of trying to shove their opinions down other people's throats? Yes, I agree with you that Twilestia is an odd paring but you don't need to act like your opinion is the only one that matters and try to correct people for thinking differently. Personally, I don't think any of the shippings fit. Dislestia being the most out of place due to Celestia seeming rather angry when Discord broke free.

4274882 You act like humanity is worthy of having opinions. They ruined that shit when they decided to be of the opinion that its fine to kill people who look different from themselves or pray to a different invisible man than them. People don't deserve to have opinions.

4275599 I didn't mean it that literally bro. Get real.

4275726 I'm the realest 8 year old you will ever meet good sir.

4275791 A true man's only real when he knows it. Spreading it around like its some fad will only make people think less of you.

4275858 I'm not a man though I'm 8, my balls haven't even dropped yet.

4275896 That doesn't mean you can't start.

4275898 Start being a man at 8? Why in gods name would I want to do that? A man has to worry about work and bills and getting a decent mortgage so he can use the money he's not getting fucked on to provide for his shit wife and ungrateful kids. I'm gonna be a kid for as long as I can buddy.

4275950 I'm talking about your inner bad ass, man. Everyone has one. You have one. He has one. That creepy old fuck down the street has one. You just gotta do it right. Know what I'm saying?

4276224 I'm 8 I have no idea what your talking about if it doesn't involve Saturday morning cartoons and sugary cereal.

4276290 I figured you wouldn't. Then again, I smoke a shit ton of weed before coming on here.

4259964 Your name matches the comment you made incredibly well...

4276402 Weed is for pussies real men drink whiskey and eat pretzels.

4276425 I don't get the whole disliking the first comment thing - I'm proud to like and support my friends' stories. Some people just get butthurt about everything I guess :moustache:

Suddenly, the reader suffered a fatal heart attack

Saw this, got high, read it. It is an adorable story and the feelings the characters display are riveting. Then I read through the comments, because people always post hillarious gifs.

Awesome story. Have a Spike 'stache: :moustache:

stupidly cute but i have a problem with all these cute twilestia storys coming out lately.
fuck celestia,shes a damned tyrant and all you fuckers are starting to make me actually like this pairing.
it will never be within a mile of as awesome as twiluna but for some unkown reason all the daaawww worthy diabeetus twiluna storys have been replaced by twilestia.
love the story but im going to hide in my custodial closet at this school and weep for my lost twiluna.

4276547 I don't mind your comment, I just found it insanely funny because of the general reaction, and the fact that your profile name is "famous last words"... :twilightsmile:

Its never a bad time for some Twilestia awwws

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