• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 7,269 Views, 175 Comments

Insufficient - Subsolar Drift

Twilight just hasn't felt right for the last couple of weeks, and Pinkie wants to help.

  • ...


Twilight watched motes of dust drift through the air just above her floorboards. She exhaled. Her breath sent violent swirls through the floating specs and blew away those settled on the floor. She watched as the air currents settled again and the specs began to drift calmly once more.

Twilight didn't know how long she had been there, lying on the ground. Her tears had ceased some time ago. Every muscle in her body seemed to ache, a weariness sinking into her bones. She wanted nothing more than to slip into sleep, but unconsciousness eluded her.

The voice had at least fallen silent. When Twilight ran out of energy for denials and protests, it stopped. A part of her idly wondered if it had just shut up just to save some fun for later. Leave a little fight in her to keep things interesting. Another part of her stubbornly told her to get help. Making up voices in your head that berated and attacked you was not something a healthy mind did.

Twilight ignored these parts. The majority of her mind was circling around the same set of questions. What if the voice was right? What if she was meant to be alone? Had she really done any of her friends that much good? Was she just a burden to th--

She was jarred from her thoughts as the door to her room opened.

“Twilight?” Spike called as he peered into the room from the dark hallway beyond. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light, only to widen in shock a moment later. There was silence as the young dragon processed what he saw.

Twilight closed her eyes and let out a breath of disbelief. She had forgotten about Spike. Curses in all the languages she knew, living and dead, ran through her mind. How could she have forgotten his train getting to the station? How long had he stayed there waiting for her?

“Twilight!” Spike cried, almost tripping over himself in a sprint to her side. “What happened? A-are you okay? I thought you just got caught up studying or something, I didn’t think…” Spike swallowed, his hands shaking. He took a deep breath to settle himself. “Just stay still alright? I’ll go find help!”

Twilight shook her head and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “I’m fine, Spike.” Her voice scraped against her throat and she winced. “I’m just not feeling well,” she reassured him. It was close enough to the truth.

"Not feeling well?" Spike echoed, a note of confusion and disbelief in his voice.

Twilight didn't respond. She shifted slowly and propped herself up on one foreleg. Spike hovered nervously beside her, wringing his hands.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t at the station to pick you up," Twilight sighed as she leaned herself up against the side of the bed. She avoided Spike's eyes.

“That’s no big deal, Twilight.” Spike said as he moved closer to Twilight. He placed a hand gingerly on Twilight's shoulder. “What's important is that you tell me what happened. Why were you on the floor?”

“No big deal?" Twilight snapped, her eyes flying to meet his. "You are like my little brother, Spike. There's no excuse for leaving you there like that." Twilight held the gaze for a second longer before looking away again.

"Okay, whatever," Spike said dismissively. He continued on before Twilight could protest further. "Why were you on the floor? Please--," Spike's voice cut off as he noticed the tear stains on her face. "Have you been crying?" he breathed. He shifted, trying to get a better look at Twilight's face but she turned away.

Twilight pressed her forehead against her mattress as she tried to think. Nothing believable came to her mind. “I-I don’t know,” she stammered after a few moments, still facing away from Spike.

"You don't know why you were on the floor?" Spike asked, kneeling beside her. She could tell he was struggling to stay calm. "O-or you don't know if you've been crying?"

Twilight winced. “I-I was... working on a new spell," she managed. "I guess something must've just gone wrong.”

Spike raised an eyebrow, but his voice was a bit steadier. “Twilight, I can't remember you ever having a miscast that left you... like this." He gestured expressively at her.

Twilight felt a warmth in her chest, but it immediately twisted into a sickening guilt. “I appreciate your confidence in me, Spike, but I've made plenty of stupid mistakes like this."

“I guess...” Spike said noncommittally. He shook his head and a determined look came into his eye. He moved in front of Twilight and held up a claw. “Do me a favor and follow my claw with your eyes. Keep your head still.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile a bit at that, shifting more to face him. “So you did remember my ‘In case I get hurt’ talk."

“It's hard not to when I've heard it a million times,” Spike replied. “Now less talking more following.”

Twilight nodded and followed the dragon's instructions, despite knowing she didn't have a concussion. If it would make Spike feel a little better, she would play along.

“No trouble tracking movements,” Spike noted after a minute's examination. “And your pupils look fine." His brow furrowed as he tried to remember what else was needed. "I think that just leaves a magic test.”

Twilight nodded and lit her horn. As soon as her magic began to flow the room started to swim. With a groan, she sank back down to the ground and cut the magic off. She wrapped her forelegs around her stomach and sucked in a deep breath through her teeth.

Spike bit his lip again and ran a hand up and down Twilight’s back comfortingly. “Magical exhaustion?” he asked sympathetically.

Twilight nodded trying to ignore her throbbing horn, growing headache, and the bile rising up her throat. She sucked in another deep breath and closed her eyes. She focused her mind on her magic, careful not to channel it, but just to sense it.

She watched as her magic began to flow into a pool in her mind's eye, glimmering a soft shade of lavender against a pitch black backdrop. A frown formed on her face as the flow slowed to a trickle, then petered out entirely. She looked down at her small puddle of magic in confusion.

Twilight opened her eyes. How had her wellspring gotten so low? It would've taken hours of casting to leave her so empty. Besides, she hadn’t cast any spells tonight, had she? The only magic she remembered using today was some telekinesis for shelving books. It didn't make sense.

She shook her head and brought her attention back to the room. She’d think about it later. Right now, reassuring Spike was the priority. “I’m just a little worn out. I guess that spell really took it out of me.” Twilight tried to smile but found herself making more of a grimace.

Spike was watching her closely, chewing on his lip. “Twilight," he started, his face full of concern. "I know you think you’re okay, but I really think we should get somepony to make sure. Maybe Nurse Redheart or Doctor Tenderhooves?”

Twilight sighed and sat herself up straight. “There’s no need to go worrying them, Spike. You looked over me yourself. I’m okay. If I don’t have a concussion I doubt anything worse could’ve happened.”

Spike pressed on. “Okay, but what if… I don’t know, some magical side effect from that spell kicks in?” he asked. “Shouldn’t we at least let somepony else know, just to be safe? Rarity doesn’t live too far away, neither does Pinkie—“

“No!” Twilight snapped, her magic flaring brightly.

Spike, caught off guard by Twilight’s sudden shout, took a step back. He stared at Twilight as if she were growing another head.

Twilight cursed through her teeth as she sunk back to the floor, letting out a moan as the pain washed over her. She shut her eyes and took in shuddering breaths, trying to will the pain away.

Spike shook his head and took another step away. “That’s it, Twi. You’re not acting like yourself. I’m going to get somepony. Just stay still okay? I’ll be right back.” He scampered from the room before Twilight could say anything else.

Twilight swore as the door closed behind him, rubbing her temples with her hooves. “First he finds you lying in a heap on the floor, then you go and snap like that… Great job, Twilight,” she muttered under her breath. "Some sister you are."

Summoning her strength, she pushed herself up from the floor and back onto her hooves. Her legs shook a bit, but they supported her weight. She took a breath in and and trudged her way to the bathroom. Twilight turned on the faucets. As the water ran, she couldn't help but stare at her reflection.

The mare in the mirror looked much older than Twilight. There were deep bags under her eyes which were bloodshot. Her face was dirty except for where tears had left streaks down her face. Twilight sighed and her reflection visibly sagged. She tore her gaze away from the mirror and ducked her head under the faucet.

The cool crisp water hit her like a cart, sending a surge of energy through her veins. After a minute she pulled herself out from under the flow, breathing heavily. She flicked her wet mane from her face and then plunged back under. She repeated this two more times before reaching for a towel to dry her face. As she hung the towel back up to dry, she heard the front door close.

“Spike?” she called. "Is that you?" She couldn't think of anypony so close he could've found them that quickly.

“I’m back, Twilight,” he answered as his footsteps pounded up the stairs. They were accompanied by the sound of hoofsteps. “I got lucky,” he panted from the top of the stairs as Twilight stepped back into the hall and froze. “Pinkie was taking a walk and I ran into her like a block away!”

Twilight didn't respond. She and Pinkie stared at each other.

Spike frowned as he looked between the two ponies. He cleared his throat but got no reaction. He waved his hand between them, calling, “Hello? Equestria to Twilight and Pinkie?”

Pinkie shook her head. “Sorry, Spikey-Wikey! Twily and I just spaced out a bit.”

“Oookay?” Spike replied. He stared at them for a moment longer but let the moment drop. “I didn’t get a chance to tell her what happened yet. You want to fill her in?”

“Uh, yes,” Twilight replied automatically. “I think that’s a good idea, Spike, but do you think you could go make us some tea?”

"No problem, Twi!" Spike replied and headed back down the stairs. Neither Pinkie Pie nor Twilight moved until they heard him moving around in the kitchen.

“What happened?” Pinkie asked, still not stepping closer to Twilight. The warmth that had been in her voice when she had spoken to Spike was gone.

“It’s nothing.” Twilight replied. She let out a sigh and walked back towards her room. “It’s no big deal. Spike just worries.”

Pinkie followed Twilight into her room, stopping in the doorway. She let out a frustrated puff of air. “Twilight, in all the time I’ve known Spike, I’ve never seen him like that. I think he said something about you not getting him from the station too. What's going on?”

Twilight settled stiffly down on her bed and looked out the window. She didn’t reply.

Pinkie took a few tentative steps forward but stopped short of the bed. “Please, Twilight. I want to help. I’m your friend.”

Twilight sighed and her whole body sunk as if her breath had been the only thing holding her up. She spoke without turning. “How can you do it, Pinkie?” she asked softly, a hoof rubbing her foreleg. "I threw you out without a second thought. Friends don't do that. You were helping me and I just pushed you away. How can you come back like nothing happened?"

Pinkie let out a small laugh. It was enough to make Twilight glance towards her. Pinkie sat down on the other side of the bed with a small smile.

“Twilight, you’re such a silly filly sometimes," she chuckled. "I can’t just choose not to be your friend anymore, especially not over today." Pinkie's smile wilted, a hint of guilt creeping into her voice. "It was my fault anyway. I was the one who was snooping. You had every right to be mad." Pinkie paused for a moment before adding, "I was actually on my way over to apologize when Spike ran into me.”

All Twilight could manage in response was a quiet, "Oh." She looked away again.

Pinkie frowned but looked away too. Her gaze swept over the room, trying to find some other place to fix. Despite her best efforts, they kept settling on either Twilight or the wadded scraps of parchment that still littered the room. The bed creaked as Pinkie shifted her weight.

“So what really happened?” she asked, breaking the silence.

Twilight closed her eyes and her head sagged. After a moment, she shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. After you left, I was just so mad. At you, at myself." Twilight took a steadying breath but continued. "I just didn’t know what to do. H-have you ever been so frustrated with everything that you just felt like..." Twilight drifted off, unable to finish the question.
She didn't have to for Pinkie to understand.

"I just laid there, crying." Twilight snorted. "I completely forgot about Spike. I don't know how long he waited at the station for me before he walked home alone. Then he came upstairs and found me in a heap on the floor." She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead in an effort to stave off the coming headache. "Some sister, right?" she scoffed.

“I couldn’t exactly tell him I’d just been bawling my eyes out, wishing I’d never have to move again. So I just told him I cast some spell wrong. I'm a big enough screw up that it's no stretch," Twilight finished. She sunk forward and sunk her face into the covers. Her body began to tremble.

Pinkie shifted closer to Twilight and pulled her into a hug. Twilight resisted for a second before curling into Pinkie's embrace and burying her face in the other mare's chest. The embrace almost made everything okay.

Reluctantly, Pinkie pulled away from Twilight. She looked down at the bedspread and idly traced one of the constellation patterns as she gathered her thoughts. “Twilight," she started slowly as she gauged Twilight's reaction. "I don't want to upset you, but we need to talk about the letter." Pinkie could see Twilight's whole body stiffen but she forged on. "Why were you so upset when I read it?"

Twilight swallowed, suddenly aware of how dry her mouth was. She looked up into Pinkie's pleading eyes and exhaled. "It doesn't really make sense, even to me," she said as she looked away. "It shouldn't be that big of a deal. I just can't find the right words to reply, and every time I try it's like this weight is pressing down on my chest." Twilight's words picked up speed. "I can't breathe and nothing feels right, so I just stop and feel stupid for not being able to write a simple letter. Seeing you with the letter just..."

Twilight closed her eyes and broke off. She took a few deep breaths. "It brought it all up at once. I was having a good day and then it hit me out of the blue." Twilight ran a hoof through her mane. "I was so angry. I don't really think I was upset with you, I think I was upset with me."

Pinkie nodded and rubbed her arm up and down Twilight's back comfortingly. "Thanks for telling me, Twilight. I know it wasn't easy." She was answered with an ambiguous murmur.

The room fell quiet. Pinkie watched Twilight. Twilight had gone back to staring out the window. The whistle of a kettle rang out from downstairs, stirring Pinkie to speak.

"I don't think you really need to reply to your brother, Twilight."

The words came out simply, but their effect on Twilight was profound. She blinked and turned towards Pinkie. The unicorn stared at her friend, waiting for her to take it back. When Pinkie didn't, Twilight blinked again.

Her eyes grew distant and she echoed, "I don't need to reply?"

Twilight stilled. Her pulse began to accelerate and her stomach grew uneasy. She tried to shift away from Pinkie, but the other mare held on.

"You owe her an explanation, Twilight,” Pinkie said softly, a pained look on her face.

Twilight's breathing grew rapid. Her head spun as a thousand conversations played themselves out in her head, none of them ending well. She shook her head and stammered,“I-I can’t, Pinkie.”

“Why not?” Pinkie asked resolutely. She held Twilight steady as she spoke. “She has a right to know. She’s not only your teacher, but she’s the one who offered you the position of Archmage. She’s the one that feels like you’re distancing yourself from her."

Twilight rubbed a hoof down her face, her body trembling. “I can’t, Pinkie. I just can’t.”

“Why not?” Pinkie pressed, moving herself closer.

Twilight just covered her mouth with a hoof, closed her eyes, and shook her head. She pulled herself away from Pinkie and stood up. She stumbled over to the window where she rested her head against the cool glass.

Pinkie watched, a hoof twitching worriedly. “Can you talk to me, Twilight?" she asked quietly. "Can you tell me why you won't talk to the Princess about this? Why you turned it down?"

Twilight opened her eyes. Pinkie's reflection looked back at her in the glass. The window fogged as she sighed. “Maybe," she muttered. She turned away from the window and looked into Pinkie Pie's eyes. Something in there reassured her. "I can try," she said with more confidence.

Pinkie grinned. “That's all I— “

“Tea!” Spike called as her pushed the door open. He was carrying an overburdened tray with all the fixings for tea and a small plate of shortbread cookies. Spike set the tray down on the foot of the bed and carefully pulled himself up beside it.

“Thanks, Spike,” Twilight said as she trotted over and gave him a hug. She lit her horn to pick up the teapot but winced. Rubbing her horn, she turned sheepishly to Pinkie. “Do you mind?” she asked with a gesture towards the teapot.

Pinkie gave Twilight an odd look but poured two cups of tea, passing one with to Twilight after adding one lump of sugar and a bit of milk.

Twilight murmured her thanks and took a sip. She closed her eyes and took a moment to enjoy the comforting smell and taste as the warmth spread through her.

Pinkie dunked a piece of shortbread into her cup and took a bite. “Mmmm,” she hummed appreciatively as she chewed. "You still need to give me your recipe, Spikey!"

"You'll never convince me to part with my recipe, Pinkie," Spike laughed. "It's a Canterlot Castle secret I worked hard to... steal." Spike said with a yawn he tried to hide behind a hand, failing spectacularly.

“I think it’s bed-time, Spike.” Twilight said with a smile. “It’s been a busy evening and I think we all need a good night’s sleep.”

For once Spike didn’t argue. He nodded and let out another yawn. He walked to the door but paused in the threshold “So Pinkie’s staying the night?” he asked nervously. “Just in case?”

Twilight opened her mouth but Spike's pleading look changed her mind before she spoke. She closed her mouth and walked over to Spike, giving him a hug. “Yeah, she is."

Spike squeezed her back, murmuring, "Thanks, Twi."

The two separated and Twilight smiled. "I’ll get a place for her set up. You go to sleep.”

“M’kay,” Spike yawned. “Night, Pinkie. I’ll see you in the morning.” With a wave, he shuffled off to his room down the hall, closing the door behind him as Pinkie and Twilight wished him goodnight.
Twilight returned to the bed. The two mares sat in silence taking small sips of their drinks. When the sound of Spike’s closing door came from down the hall, Pinkie took one more sip, then spoke. “I don’t want to pressure you, Twilight. If you really can’t tell me, I’ll just drop it.”

Twilight sighed and put down her teacup. "No, you're right," she said as she rubbed her temples. “I can tell you." She took a deep breath to compose herself. “I guess I just don’t feel like I deserve to be Archmage,” she said softly. "I haven't done enough to even be considered."

Pinkie couldn't help but let out a little laugh. “You, not deserving it?” Pinkie snorted amusedly. “Come on, Twilight, you’re better at magic than anypony in Equestria except for maybe the Princesses themselves.”

“That’s not true!” Twilight protested, blushing slightly at the compliment. “The highest ranked ponies in the guard have much more experience than me, not to mention the professors at Canterlot University. They’ve all been spellcasting for longer than I've been alive.”

“Twilight, your brother was Captain of the Guard, right?” Pinkie asked. She didn't wait for an answer before continuing. “So he must've been the strongest unicorn in the guard. Who's honestly better at magic, you or your brother?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight groaned. “He’s better at combat spells and better on the fly. But I was better at some of the other schools of magic, invocations, enchantments…” Her voice drifted off.

“Twilight. Be honest with yourself," Pinkie said softly as she looked into Twilight's eyes. "You don't have to be modest for my sake."

"Okay, fine!" Twilight groaned, turning away from the pink pony. "I’m better. But just by a bit and that doesn’t mean I’m the one who should be Archmage! I have no relevant experience. I’m way too young.”

Pinkie's brow grew more furrowed. “You were mentored by Princess Celestia, and I’m betting she has a pretty good idea of how much experience you have, Twilight." She moved closer to the other mare. "You already know that, though. It seems like you know all of this. There's no way you haven't gone through all these arguments in your own head. There has to be some other reason." Pinkie grabbed Twilight's hoof comfortingly in her own. "Please tell me, Twilight.”

Twilight bit her lip, struggling with herself. “It’s just… a lot of things," she replied as she pulled her hoof away.

Pinkie pressed on, her voice growing louder. “Twilight, you need let this out. It’s eating you up! Let me help you."

Twilight's only response was a flick of her ear.

"Why won't you let yourself be Archmage, Twilight?" Pinkie dogged on determinedly, the fervor in her voice still growing. "How can I help you, If you don't tell me?" Pinkie asked, her voice gaining an edge of frustration. "Please, Twilight!"

“Because I’m just going to fail again!” Twilight choked out, a shudder running through her body.

The words echoed in the air as the room fell silent. Pinkie sat there frozen for a moment in shock. She moved to the side to get a better look at Twilight.

Tears streamed down the other mare's cheeks unimpeded. Tremors ran through her body even as she fought against them. Her breaths were ragged and uneven as her mouth formed around unspoken words. After a long moment, she managed to form the right ones.

“Because, I always fail Princess Celestia. No matter how hard I try, how hard I want to succeed, I always fail.” She whimpered as she pressed a hoof against her face.

Pinkie exhaled, her own body shaking. She reached out a hoof and placed it on Twilight's side. “How can you say that, Twilight? When have you ever let Princess Celestia down?"

Twilight snorted, a twisted grimace growing on her face. “Who charged at Nightmare Moon all on her own, thinking she could win?" she asked, her voice growing louder with each word. "Who was nearly beaten by Discord? Who made the whole town obsessed with a doll? Who couldn't stay rational at the wedding? Who couldn’t make it to the elements despite having the largest wellspring of any pony in the last seven hundred years?" Twilight spat. Her chest heaved as she tried to bring back her control.

Pinkie didn't say a word.

Twilight looked up, meeting Pinkie's eyes at last. "When Celestia gave me that test in the Crystal Empire, one for, 'me and me alone,' who wound up trapped at the top of the Crystal Palace?” she asked quietly.

Twilight saw a flicker of something there and reflexively looked away, back out the window. She couldn't watch Pinkie realize she was just a fraud. Even if it was true, seeing it in her friend's eyes would hurt. She continued somberly. "If I become Archmage, I’ll just let everyone down when they need me. I can’t do that. Especially not to Princess Celestia. She deserves better.”

The room grew quiet again and Twilight could feel Pinkie staring at her. The stillness told Twilight all she needed to know. It was all the confirmation she had feared. She felt herself tremble as her tears began to flow faster. She shook as the first sob wracked her body.

“Twilight,” Pinkie whispered at that moment, her shaking voice sending a jolt through Twilight, making her hiccup. Pinkie didn't laugh. “Oh, Twilight. No,” she said instead in a soft, wavering voice.

The bed shifted under Pinkie's weight as she scooted closer. She placed a hoof on Twilight's cheek and gently lifted Twilight's chin so their eyes met. Twilight shuddered at the touch, but didn't resist the movement.

“You are not a failure," Pinkie said softly, but with strength, as she blinked the tears out of her own eyes. "You were one who found out how to stop Nightmare Moon, and you were the one who did it. You made it through Discord’s insanity and pulled us out of it. You were the only pony who saw something was wrong at the wedding, and you found the Crystal Heart! How can you consider those failures? Whenever the odds are stacked against you, you find a way come through, to succeed.”

"What can I say, I'm lucky," Twilight said with a bitter laugh. She sniffed and went on. “I wanted to face Nightmare Moon alone. When she teleported, I flung myself after her. Alone. I was just lucky you girls game to the rescue."

Pinkie opened her mouth to argue but Twilight kept going.

"I tried to use the elements without Rainbow Dash there, without knowing what could possibly go wrong! Discord beat me. If it weren’t for Princess Celestia sending my reports back, we would still be in the chaos capital of the world." Twilight sucked in a shuddering breath. She pulled away from Pinkie and stood up.

"Lucky nothing went wrong with the elements. Lucky Celestia knew I would fail. Lucky I found Cadence in the caves. Lucky Spike was there in the Empire to save the day.” Twilight sank down against the wall. "It's all just luck," she sniffed. "I'm just the luckiest failure in Equestria."

Pinkie stared at Twilight, her expression a mix of pain and pity. “Twilight,” she breathed as she rose to her hooves. She trotted over and knelt down beside Twilight. “There isn’t anyone else who sees it like that! You’re the one pony we depend on because we know you’ll succeed. It’s just something you do!" Pinkie grabbed Twilight's hoof and squeezed, doing her best to wear a comforting smile.

"You always find a way. No one would’ve had the faintest idea how to beat Nightmare Moon without you. You were the one who figured out the memory spell that snapped us out of Discord's magic." Pinkie lifted Twilight's chin gently, trying to meet Twilight's eyes. "If you hadn’t accused the changeling queen of being an imposter, how would we have found Cadence? And who else could've found the Crystal Heart? If it wasn't for you, Sombra would've won.”

"Don't you see? It's all luck." Twilight whispered, meeting Pinkie's gaze. "What if I become Archmage, and when ponies really need me, my luck's just gone?"

“Twilight, you make your own luck." Pinkie said with a smile as she wiped a tear from Twilight's face. "You’re more prepared than anypony for almost any disaster! All those times you say we were lucky, we made it further than anypony else would've, and all because of you."

“I don’t know…” Twilight said, but her voice was a bit steadier. She sniffed and wiped a tear from her own face. "It just doesn't feel right."

Pinkie nodded, and pulled her hoof away from Twilight's face. She looked calmly into Twilight's eyes. “I can't convince you to accept the position if you really don’t want it, Twilight. But at least talk to Princess Celestia before you decide. Tell her how you feel. Tell her that you're worried about letting everypony down. Tell her you're worried about letting her down. Listen to what she has to say, and then reevaluate."

Twilight bit her lip while her eyes searched Pinkie's. The other mare held her gaze even.

“O-okay,” Twilight managed as she swallowed the lump in her throat. She closed her eyes and took a breathe. When she opened then again, she gave Pinkie a weak smile. “I’ll give it a shot.”

Pinkie pulled Twilight into a hug. When they separated, Twilight swallowed and lit her horn with a wince.
A violet glow surrounded a piece of parchment, a quill and an ink bottle on her desk. They wobbled through the air but made it to Twilight intact. Twilight took another steadying breath. After a quick glance to Pinkie for support, she set the quill to paper and wrote.

Every word seemed to fight her as she wrote, but the letter slowly formed. It wasn't much, just a simple request to meet face-to-face with the Princess to discuss the position. Twilight looked down at the nearly finished letter. She took a breath and signed her name. The letter was quickly rolled up and tied with a ribbon. Twilight floated the finished letter over to her desk to be sent in the morning.

Pinkie pulled the unicorn to her chest and held Twilight in her embrace. Her chest felt light and full of warmth. It was as if the spark of joy she felt when seeing somepony had lit a fire that was dancing merrily in her chest. She had really helped someone. Not just made them laugh or smile, but truly helped them. It was like comparing a candle to a furnace.

Pinkie closed her eyes and basked in the glow. Her head settled against the side of Twilight’s. She breathed in, smelling a hint of vanilla and lilac. Her breaths grew deeper.

Twilight leaned back, her body still quivering slightly. She let more of her weight lean on Pinkie. She sank against Pinkie, who held her steady and firm.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Stay?” she asked in a small voice.

Pinkie just nodded. She pulled the other mare closer and laid down into a more comfortable position.

Twilight’s eyes drifted shut as she floated the duvet cover off the bed to cover them. It was easy to melt into the warmth of Pinkie’s embrace and let sleep wash over her, faster and more welcoming than it had seemed in weeks.

Twilight was fast asleep before she could feel the kiss on her cheek. Pinkie smiled and let her eyes close. The last thing she saw before she fell asleep was the smile on Twilight's face.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay! This chapter is a little longer than usual and was a pain in the butt to edit. Let me know if I missed anything. I actually meant to get this out last Tuesday but life got super busy over the week. Still, three weeks wait is a lot better than a year right? :twilightsheepish:

Hope you enjoy, and as always comments and feedback are appreciated.

Comments ( 17 )

She wanted nothing more than to sleep into sleep

Sleep²: Sleep Harder

That was a heartwarming piece. It feels good for Twilight to finally open up about her insecurities and start working towards fixing them. And the final moment with the two of them gave my heart many warm fuzzies.

It's good to know you're still going strong. Here's hoping the rest of the story flows with more ease. :pinkiesmile:

7710773 I wish I could Sleep squared! (Thanks for spotting that!)

He shifted, trying to get a
She hook her head and brought her
you find a way come through.to succeed.
we were made it further than anypony else would've

1. Extra spacing after Trying.
2. Shook.
3. Either you forgot to capitalise or meant to put a comma here.
4. Extra Were.

Oh the feels, why do they hit?

Awwwww. :twilightsmile:

Bits like this make this story one of my all time favorites. It's going straight into my Heartwarming folder, now. Good ol' Pinkie Pie, blowing away the troubles. That low wellspring of Twilight's is a little worrying, though. I wonder if emotional balance is linked into magical ability, and if so, maybe Twilight's been worrying herself sick to the point where it eats at her poor neglected mana reserves?

*swallows* Boy I know how Twilight feels. Sounds like depression with Imposter Syndrome (the feeling that all your achievements come down to luck, and you have no skill of your own.) It's hard, but she'll get better with her friends beside her.

7710822 Thanks for spotting those!

7710999 Thanks so much for the compliment.

Well done so far. Can't wait to see more of this. :twilightsmile:

I wonder if Celestia is going to share past experience, letting Twilight know that she suffered the exact same thoughts and doubts about not simply being a ruler, but also the prospect of running Equestria alone for a thousand years.

Or even pointing out that simply because things don't go as we like them, don't invalidate the results that were achieved.

Twilight returned to the bed.

A violet glow surrounded a piece of parchment, a quill and an ink bottle on her desk. They wobbled through the air but made it to Twilight intact. Twilight took another steadying breath. After a quick glance to Pinkie for support, she set the quill to paper and wrote.

Move down a line.

I was just lucky you girls game to the rescue.



That'd actually be nice to see happen.

Hmm... this story sounds interesting! Would y'all recommend it to someone who's been looking to read a story with a lot of Twilight and Pinkie being friends?

Please continue this wonderful story!

It's very deep and very interesting, with a lot of emotional depth and subplots going on besides the romantic pairing. Your portrayal of Twilight is quite good, but I can't really get a bead on Pinkie; she seems rather OOC in the later chapters. I know she has hidden complexities, but she was never that serious or contemplative on the show. I wish the story had continued so I could see where the whole thing was going.

Just as good as I remember.
I wanted you to know that, even if you never get back to this story, it'll always have a special place in my mind.

Thanks for saying this! You really don't know how much it means to me. I do intend to finish it, I've only recently gotten back to writing and this is on my list, once I get my rust worn away. Hopefully it'll continue to please once I get going again.

Wow! It's great to know you're still active. I'm glad to know you plan to continue. God knows this is one of my favourite Twinkie fics.
i wish you the best. Hopefully we'll talk again when a new chapter is out.

I love this story with all of my heart
The emotions this chapter has is just so perfect
I do hope you will continue this masterpiece, but if you don't it's okay too 'cause it's always nice to revisit this story :pinkiesad2:

Are you... alive? You're alive aren't you, tell me you're alive please

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