• Published 21st Apr 2014
  • 2,919 Views, 120 Comments

Robot Scootaloo - alarajrogers

When Scootaloo falls off her scooter, Discord rescues her, turns her into a cyborg and makes her watch bad fanfic.

  • ...

Twilight, I Am Your Mother

"You will never defeat me, Twilight Sparkle!" Nightmare Moon sneered at Twilight.

"I will! For Princess Celestia!" Twilight shot back.

Nightmare Moon laughed. "You ridiculous foal. Once you know the truth that Celestia hid from you, you won't even want to fight me!"

Twilight blinked. "Princess Celestia never hid the truth from me!"

"Didn't she? What did she tell you about what happened to your mother?"

"Wait, what does my mother have anything to do with this?"

"Twilight, I AM YOUR MOTHER!"

Twilight stared at Nightmare Moon in disbelief. "Oh, come on, now, am I expected to buy that?"

"Search your heart!" Nightmare Moon said. "You know this to be true!"

"I know this to be one of the oldest cliches in the book!" Twilight said.

"Actually," Pinkie said, "it just dates back to the 80's when The Empire Strikes Back came out!"

"Ok, but still, that's pretty old," Twilight said.

"What, and eternal night is fresh material?" Nightmare Moon said. "I have to work with what I've got! Now join me, in the dark side of the... darkness!"

"You girls getting all this?" Twilight asked her friends.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said. "Totally lamesauce. 'Dark side of the darkness?' Isn't it supposed to be the dark side of the moon?"

"Well, um, there's no dark side of the moon, really," Fluttershy said. "As a matter of fact, it's all dark."

"Why, Fluttershy!" Rarity said. "I would never have guessed you to be a Pink Floyd fan!"

"How in the hay is Twilight supposed to believe you're her mom when you've been on the moon a thousand years?" Applejack asked. "Ah know you like to throw the word 'foal' around a lot, but seriously, Your Highness, we weren't born yesterday. And ain't none of us born a thousand years ago, neither."

"I don't know how it happened!" Nightmare Moon said. "Just go with it!"

"Um, no," Twilight said. "I have a better idea. How about we use the Elements of Harmony and defeat you?"


"Sheesh, you'd think we just told her that the special somepony she sacrificed herself to the dark side to save died because of injuries she caused, or something," Pinkie said.
