• Published 21st Apr 2014
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Giggle at the Ghosties - JusSonic

Twilight and her friends goes up to a mansion to deal with some three mischievous ghosts and a friendly colt ghost.

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Chapter 1: Orders from the Princess

Chapter 1: Orders from the Princess

On a hill somewhere near Ponyville and Canterlot is a house that hasn't been used and lived in for years. The princess has plans to have this place, big enough for a lot of people, to be remade into an orphanage. Worker ponies are inside now...

Of course, there's a problem. Inside the house, there's booing, screaming and howling. Some noises of stuff being knocked over and such are heard. The fore-stallion looks concerned as his workers run out of the place screaming.

"Hey, get back here! We got to get to work on this place!" The fore-stallion exclaims to his scared workers.

"DO IT YOURSELF!" A worker screams. The boss hears moaning and turns to see red eyes from the doorway, making him yelp.

The fore-stallion screams as wind blows him away from the house.


The princess was in the throne room, looking over some new rules. She sighs in irritation. It is the New Year in Equestria and some ponies make up laws that either help the country or make things worse.

Celestia hears a Royal Guard coming in, making her look up as the guard spoke, "Your highness. The fore-stallion for the work on the new orphanage home is here to see you."

"Send him in." Celestia said. The Royal Guard leaves for a moment and came back with a shaken fore-stallion. She looks concerned, fearing the worst. "Sir, is there a problem? How are the work on the old building into the orphanage doing?"


Celestia gasps a bit then frowns as the Royal Guard help the fore-stallion to his hooves. This is the fifth time already that this happened. Something must be done to deal with the ghostly activity in that house.

Celestia must call in her fellow princess and her friends.


Pinkamena is reading and says, "Well all is doing well. Still need to think of a name for my light elf who is the commander of the Light Elves as soon as the time is right."

Golden Heart pauses then shrugs, saying, "Hmm; beats me."

"No idea." Omega remarks in agreement.

"Got nothing," Jack Zen said with a shrug of his own.

Gold Wing shrugs as the Light Elf says, "Well how about them readers? They might have good names."

All of them stare as Pinkamena smiles. She say, "Great idea." The mare looks at the readers. "Can you help in picking a Good name for my Light Elf please and if it's a good name and if JusSonic and me like it, that will be his name, and also as a prize a OC of your choice will be part of JusSonic MLP FIM Future Fanfics so anyway hope to see good names and they need to be something like a good elf name."


In the library, Twilight was looking through some books, frowning a bit; so far, no clues on the boxes. She wishes that the Tree of Harmony would give her more info.

Twilight is also concerned about one other thing: Chase the Warrior. So far, it seems that he's a good guy and that Brave Heart may be overprotective...but for some reason, even the Alicorn is getting an uneasy feeling about him. Luckily, Ben is keeping an eye on him during the training progress.

Just then, Spike came in with a message, speaking, "Twilight, there's a message from Princess Celestia."

Twilight takes the message and reads it. She frowns and spoke, "My research on the boxes and Chase will wait for later. This can't."

Twilight quickly goes through town to find her friends. Luckily for her, they are easy to find. She brought them back to the library.

"The princess got us an important mission for us. You know of Hillcurse, right?" Twilight ask her friends, making them gasp.

"Oh howdy, who didn't?" Applejack ask in concern. "'Dat place is said 'ta be haunted, filled wit' ghosts an' places not o' 'dis plain."

"Right, it's a creepy ridgety old place." Pinkie said, shivering, "Brrrr! I shiver to even think about it."

"Why you ask?" Fluttershy ask Twilight in concern.

"The princess told me that recently she is planning on turning that place into an orphanage but the worker ponies kept getting scared off. She suspects ghostly activity and want us to go up there to investigate." Twilight said in concern to her friends. "Listen, I know you're scared but..."

"Awww, we ain't scared! I can handle a lot of things like creepy vampire fruit bats! Uh, no offense, Fluttershy," Rainbow said, apologizing to Fluttershy on the last part due to the fact that she was once turned into one herself.

"No offense taken. Of course, I am a bit scared...but I don't want my friends to get hurt." Fluttershy said meekly. "If the princess wishes to make the place into the orphanage, why, I will do what it takes."

"Really; you girls want to come?" Twilight ask puzzled. Her friends nod. "Weird. I thought you would oppose to going up there to check the house out."

"Normally we would but we would end up going up there anyhow." Applejack remarks with a scoff, recalling a few times that this happened. "Anyway, Fluttershy is right. Ah rather mah friends who does goes up there not git hurt."

"We can make a party out of it!" Pinkie exclaims, waving her upper forelegs up, causing some confetti to fall down. "The get rid of the ghosties party! We can laugh, laugh!"

"Well, the house does need a good decoration. I think it would be fabulous to go for it." Rarity said with a grin.

Twilight giggles. She knew that her friends would go in, regardless of the stories and dangers. The Alicorn said, "Thanks; before we go up there, time to make preparations."


Moments later, the Mane 6 went into the laboratory to pick up some stuff they'll need for the mission at hoof.

"So why are we down here?" Pinkie asks Twilight curiously.

"While I am an Alicorn, I made inventions as well. After the incident involving the three tribe leaders, I was working hard on some inventions to deal with ghosts." Twilight explains as she uses her magic to give some sort of pack and guns. "Now then, you remember the Ghostbusters films that Megan show us one time, right?"

"Oh, we sure do!" Rainbow replied with a grin, "Those Ghostbusters are awesome! They used their atomic suckulators to zap ghosts and contain them! Man, I really wish they could show a few things from the third movie! I really can't wait to see it!"

"I made something like them. Though be careful, it's like having the powers of the sun." Twilight said, giving the equipment to her friends. She also picks up some traps. "These are also needed to trap the ghosties."

"Oh dear. We aren't going to hurt them too bad, are we?" Fluttershy ask in concern.

"Relax; it's just to keep the ghosts trapped until Celestia knows how to deal with them." Twilight promises Fluttershy. The mare then gives some other stuff to her friends. "And also, some extra stuff."

"What's the story about this house anyway?" Rarity asks curiously.

"Nopony knows, but according to legend, it used to belong to an inventor who lost his colt due to illness years ago. He claimed to have made a device that could bring him back...but the inventor was declared crazy and locked up." Twilight explains to her friends in concern and sadness.

"That's horrible!" Fluttershy exclaimed in horror.

"Tell me about it. Why would 'de house be haunted by a colt?" Applejack asks puzzled.

"We would have to wait and find out." Twilight said as she gets the last invention in her saddlebag. "All right, you girls ready?"

"Hey mom," Nyx exclaims as she and her friends came in. "Whatcha doing?"

"We're going to Hillcurse, the haunted house that the princess plans on making into an orphanage." Twilight explains to her adopted daughter.

"A haunted house," Apple Bloom squeals eagerly, "Yew hear 'dat?"

"Yeah! Hey, let's come along!" Scootaloo exclaims, excited too.

"Right, we could be...Cutie Mark Crusader Ghost Catchers!" Sweetie said with a squeal.

"YAY; CUTIE MARK CRUSADER GHOST CATCHERS," The CMC all yell out at once, making the Mane Six and Spike cringes at this.

"Why do they always have to be so loud?" Rainbow asked with a frown while rubbing one of her ears.

"Girls, this isn't a field trip. This is a presumably haunted house." Spike said with a frown. "Somepony could get hurt."

"Awww, come on!" The CMC pout a bit, giving the girls and Spike puppy dog eyes look, "Pleeeeeease; Pleeeeeease?"

The girls, especially the mother and the sisters, try to fight it but no good. The girls' looks are sooooo cute to resist.

"Oh, all right." Rarity groans a bit.

"You girls do promise to stay out of trouble and not get hurt, right?" Rainbow asks the CMC with a sigh.

"We promise!" The CMC replied in unison.

"Pinkie Promise," Pinkie exclaims to the girls sternly.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." The CMC all said at the same time as they do the Pinkie Promise.

"Okay, good." Twilight said with a nod, "Right, time to get going."


It was blowing snow as the Mane Six, Spike and the CMC are heading to the spooky house known as Hillcurse. They are wearing clothes as to keep themselves warm.

"Brrrr; I wish Ben was here to help." Fluttershy said with a shiver. "Shame he is training with Chase."

"Girls, I know we thought Brave Heart to be...well, overprotective...but I can't help there's something about Chase I don't get." Twilight said in concern. "Call it being over precautious but..."

"We understand, Twilight." Applejack said with a nod. "We done will keep an eye on 'de new feller too."

The group reaches the house, which looks more creepy than usual. Nyx remarks, "Spooooooooky."

"Let's get this over with." Rainbow said as they head off to the house

"Stay right with me, Sweetie." Rarity said as her little sister got on her back.

Unknown to the girls, right now, some activity is happening. Inside the attic, a bell is heard as a fat ghost named Porko appears, yawning while sitting in an old chair. Then he groaned as he said, "Honestly, guys. This place is dead...dead boring! We don't have any fun around here anymore!"

A skinny ghost named Stringbean is playing cards at another table, sighing while saying, "Tell me about it. There isn't any pony, Dragons or whatever to scare nowadays. Even our own nephew doesn't want to scare! What a wimp!"

A ghost with bad breath named Putrid appears to be fishing as he comments, "Yeah, we scared them all away! We are too good!" The stinky ghost laughs. Of course, the ghosts are still bored. They need some new blood or ponies or the three ghosts may have to look for another place to haunt. They already scared off the worker ponies trying to rebuild this place.

Just then, Porko looks outside and saw something, then smiles eagerly as he calls over, "Guys! Come over and take a look at this!" The other two ghosts flew over and saw the Mane Six, Spike and the CMC coming up to the house. "Hey, some fresh meat and they're those mares that we heard about: The Mane Six."

The three ghosts laugh madly as if being told a funny joke. Stringbean remarks mischievously, "Well, well, look like we got a couple of wise ponies! Say, how about we let them come in here?!"

"Right, we will have fun with the mares!" Porko laughs in agreement. Maybe the ghosts can have fun with these so-called heroes of Equestria. At least then the three has somepony to scare!

"We'll scare the pants off of them!" Putrid remarks madly. The three ghosts laughs as they prepare themselves for the visitors.

Back outside the haunted house, the Mane 6, Spike and the CMC gathered around the front door.

"Knock knock!" Pinkie exclaims happily...causing the door to fall down. "Huh. Guess I didn't know my own strength."

"Hello? Hello?" Sweetie asks as she looks around. "Wow, this place looks dead!"

"D-d-d-d-don't say that." Fluttershy said, shivering in fright.

"All right, girls, Spike, let's go in slowly and carefully." Twilight said cautiously, "Ya never know when those ghosts could cause mischief even by the front door."

The gang slowly goes into the place...unaware that the door that they're on is lifting up...that is until they scream and fell to the floor, their equipment fell.

Pinkie yelps as a mousetrap hits her snout, making her yelp in pain. As she got rid of it, the gang heard laughing throughout the house.

"Ghosts," Twilight gasps in surprise.

"Ghosts," Rainbow exclaims while looking around.

"G-g-ghosts," Pinkie asked nervously.

"Wow, this place is really haunted!" Nyx exclaims in amazement.

"I wanna go home!" Fluttershy cried in fear.

"Girls, we can't let these ghosts scare us off. Princess Celestia is counting on us." Twilight assures her friends. "Listen, let's split and surprise them. Applejack, you go with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy? You're with Pinkie. Rarity; you're with me."

The other girls nod, though a bit shaken. Spike asks with a frown, "And what about me?"

"You keep an eye on the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Nyx and keep them safe. Can you do that, Spike?" Twilight ask her little brother/son/assistant in concern.

Spike nods a bit. The Mane Six heads off in separate groups while Spike and the CMC heads off in another direction. Hopefully this mission will not take too long.


Rarity and Twilight heads down a hallway, looking around in precaution. The white unicorn said in concern, "If we do run into these...these things, I doubt that even Brock Williams's music can help us."

"Relax, Rarity, just some ghost busting trap and they will be taken down in no time." Twilight said to Rarity with a grin. "But be alert. The work ponies had a hard time with these fellows."

The two tiptoe through the way through the place in precaution. However Porko chose that time to appear behind them, smirking mischievously as he taps Rarity on the head. The mare, startled, turns around and gasps upon seeing the ghost.

"A GHOST," Rarity screams, making Twilight turns to see the ghost. They fires blasts at Porko but he dodges, laughing madly as the ghost push the two unicorns down down, making their ghost busting weapons shoot out in another direction.

Porko laughs as he flies off with Twilight chasing him while yelling, "Come back here!"

Twilight chases Porko up a bunch of stairs to the next floor, chasing him to an opened doorway of a closet. The ghost smirks however as he closes the door, causing the mare to crash into it. Twilight fumes as she tries to use her magic to open the door but to no success.

"Ugh, you ghosts are crazy!" Twilight exclaims in annoyance. Suddenly the door slams down onto her before the hinge open up, the purple unicorn got up and jumps forward while the door itself closes. Twilight looks confused as she saw no closet, "What the hay?!"

Twilight heard some noises coming from the doorway that opens up, sending her falling to the floor. As the pony got up, she gasps in shock as the ghost came out of the doorway with Stringbean, Putrid and Porko, all of them are 'marching' to a war march with the usual flag and all. Twilight is dumbstruck.

The ghosts then dance as if taunting Twilight while going through another door. The mare chases them while snapping, "Oh, not so fast!"

Twilight however was too late as Porko closes the door on her. She opens it...but yelps a whole flood of water came out of the said door. The mare does her best to swim, looking confused as Stringbean and Porko surf past her with smiles on surfboards.

Then Putrid came out of the doorway in a small motor boat, whirling around Twilight with the water, twirling the mare until the water vanish, leaving the pony right on the floor.

"Darling, are you okay?" Rarity asks as she came onto the scene, helping Twilight up, "Those horrible things."

"Ugh...so much water..." Twilight groans as she looks around, hearing the ghosts' laughter. "I hope Rainbow and Pinkie are doing better."

"I do so too. I can only hope that poor Spike, my sisters and her friends hadn't run into those three."


Pinkamena reads as she says, "It won't be long now; the time to be known soon comes and no spies will be safe."

Golden Heart comments, "Indeed sister; best I better get going; rather not be late for when the gang show up."

He heads off as Pinkamena says to the readers, "Still waiting for the name for my Light Elf and also soon my time to show myself comes soon." The others nod.


Spike's group opens a room, looking inside. They saw three beds with interesting names on them. Sweetie reads them off, "'Stringbean’; 'Porko'; and 'Putrid'?"

"I thought only an inventor and his son used to live here." Scootaloo comments puzzled.

"I'm guessing that three ghosts must've moved in." Spike remarks with a chuckle. "I wonder where Grumpy and Dopey sleeps at; Hee hee."

The five leaves and heads down a hallway. Unknown to these, something is following them, something curious. The gang found another hallway which Nyx tries to get into which appears to be locked.

"Locked," Nyx said with a frown. Apple Bloom motions her friend to step aside then bucks the door open. "Well, I could've used magic to open it."

"Eeyup, but why used 'de energy?" Apple Bloom asks Nyx with a smile.

Well, that's true. The group enters what appears to be a child's room. This must be the room of the kid that died of illness, which Twilight told the CMC on the way over here. They look amazed at the toys, especially the toy train on top of the room.

"Wow! Toys," The foals exclaims as they rush over to check the toys out. Sweetie giggles as she held up a teddy bear. This must be the young colt's.

"Baseball," Scootaloo laughs as he throws the ball to Nyx who caught it with her magic. "Nice catch, Nyxie!"

"Go long, Spike!" Nyx laughs as she tosses the ball to Spike. The baby Dragon yelps and dodges in time, "Ooops, bad claws!

"Knock it off! We came here to get rid of some ghosts...well your mom and your aunts are but still." Spike said with an annoying frown.

"Awww, come on, Spike! Let us play a bit. I promised we won't hurt anything." Sweetie said with a pouty look on her face.

"Yeah, come on! Let us play!" A voice calls out to Spike.

"Yeah, what he say..." Apple Bloom begins to say. But then the foals and Spike looks alarmed. Wait, 'he'? They brought only four fillies and the only 'he' was Spike...and the baby Dragon didn't say a word. "Wait a minute...who..."

The five slowly turns and saw the baseball floating in midair...someone appears, a smiling colt with a black mane and tail, his eyes are blue and he is white all over.

The colt smiles as he said, "Hi."

The five's response; Scream in a panic.