• Published 24th Apr 2014
  • 1,116 Views, 7 Comments

Draconicus Incognito - zztfox

Can Discord fill another certain Purple Alicorn's Horse Shoes for a Day?

  • ...

~CHAPTER ONE: Princess for a Day~

"I am grateful for your promptness, Bearers of the Elements"


"...And you too, Discord."

Celestia's royal demeanor wrung through the Great Hall of Canterlot Castle, currently being occupied by herself and her sister, a draconicus, and five of the Bearers of Harmony. There was a noticeable absence of the sixth Bearer of the Elements, a certain young, purple Alicorn and her small dragon assistant.

"As you are all aware, Princess Twilight Sparkle is currently fighting the Feather Flu, with Spike making sure she is attended to," Continued Celestia" And with the Trader's Exchange at Rainbow Falls tomorrow, it leaves us in quite a bind"

Luna picked up where her sister left off "For you see, it is tradition that a princess attend the Exchange. This year it was to be young Sparkle's turn, with droves of ponies across Equestria eager to see their newest Princess. My Sister and I have business to attend to in the Crystal Empire along with Cadance, leaving us stretched worryingly thin on options"

Applejack spoke up almost immediately "Um... but none of us here ARE Princesses, 'specially not THAT one!" An orange hoof flashed in the draconicus direction.

"Quite right you are, pony of apples and honesty!" a smirk played across Discord's complexion "Neither you nor I are titled "Princess". A shame really, as a horn and some wings would suit you quite well!"

With a snap of claws, Applejack found herself adorned with a wing sprouting out her forehead and a pair of horns on her back. Not to mention more than a bit of well earned frustration.

"Why i outta..." Applejack retorted

"Discord." Came a quiet, yet stern voice.

Fluttershy, a timid, yellow pegasus, friend to draconicus and ponies alike, stepped forward at the sight of Applejack and Discord teasing each other.

"I thought we had a discussion about your use of visual effects..."

With another quick snap, the orange pony found herself restored to her prior state.

"Dearest Fluttershy, even you can see it was just a harmless bit of fun. I wholly intended to change Apple Pony back to her old self. See, she is as good as new!" Discord pointed out.

"...And Applejack, you should apologize as well. Discord was summoned here by the Princess the same way we were." Fluttershy finished.

"Fine, I'm sorry." The farmer pony apologized, with a tip of her hat. She turned to address the group. "It still doesn't solve us not havin' enough Princesses for the Trader Exchange, though."

After a bit of brainstorming, it was Luna that first broke the silence.

"Discord's display of his abilities just now hath given us an idea." Quipped the midnight blue princess.

Celestia smiled "I am all ears, dearest sister."

The two sisters whispered back and forth, with a look of mischief starting on Luna's face. This followed with a bit of a shocked expression on Celestia's face, then a look like one gets after eating peanut butter on toast for the longest time, then trying grape jelly and discovering how genius an idea they were missing out on.

"That is quite brilliant indeed, Sister!" chimed Celestia.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." whispered Rarity to the group.

"Aw, come on, it's the Princesses!" Rainbow Dash interjected rather loudly "They've lived for like, what, thousands of years. How bad of an idea could it be?"

Pinkie Pie, having been shockingly quite (due in part to a brilliant plan by the Bearer's involving balloons and a motorized train looping endlessly around an oval track), finally caught wind of the conversation.

"Unless it involves cardboard cutouts, or using oversize plushie to break the space-time continuum-loopy-thingy. In fact time travel isn't nearly as awesome as it sounds, just ask Twilight sometime when she gets better." Rambled the Pink Party pony at a speed no pony in the room could follow.

"Of course, none of them would be as bad as if we asked Discord if he could change himself into Twilight for a day using his super crazy chaotic powers!" finished Pinkie.

Celestia smiled rather warmly at the group in front of her "Which is exactly what we would like to ask of Discord."

The hall fell into such a silence that you could have heard a strand of hay, let alone a pin, drop.

Rarity was the first to recover her wits. "That is a rather, well, CHARMING idea," The unicorn feigned laughter "But surely Discord would not want to romp around ALL DAY as something as uninteresting as an alicorn princess, and with all those official duties. It would be quite the bore indeed!" The Bearer's silently wished she had hit a cord as they all faced Discord for his response.

"Dear Rarity, the points you have made are valid indeed. Royal duties can be quite a bore, and to experience them as something as unexciting as a boring old Alicorn, no less." Discord chuckled, possibly at the flat look that had fallen on the Princesses face at the jab. "But I owe you ponies SO much for showing me the magic of friendship! So without further adieu..."

There was a brilliant flash of light and, where the draconicus had been standing, now stood an spitting image of their Alicorn friend.

"Princess Purple Smart, at your service!" Announced the doppelganger in an unnervingly accurate copy of Twilight's voice.