• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 6,751 Views, 216 Comments

Just Like Mommy - Pteri

Little Sparkler always loved her father. He cheered her up, played games, and even helped mommy smile. Life was never boring, thanks to Daddy. Sparkler was always proud to call herself his daughter... Until the first day of school.

  • ...

Chapter Four - The Conference

Celestia sighed, slipping on her jacket as she looked out the window. The glass was dappled by beads of rain. On days like this, the princess would've preferred to stay inside, sipping a cup of coffee or tea as she waited for Discord to wake up. She'd get ahead of some paperwork so she could get off early to play with her beloved daughter and husband...but today was different.

Her normally joyful daughter sat alone in her room. She did not beg to play out in the rain despite knowing what the answer was. She didn't beg her parents to play with them despite their work. All Sparkler did was sit in her room. Not a single word peeped from her little mouth.

This bothered the princess greatly. She never realized how easily one can be emotionally torn down. Especially not her beloved Sparkler. With a sigh, Celestia stepped out into the cold rain, shivering slightly as she felt the cool air hit her fur, despite the jacket. The first thing she did was look up. Nothing but gray clouds hung in the sky, to her disappointment. For she was hoping to see her beloved draconequus... He would sometimes sneak his daughter out in the rain, and together they'd laugh and play in the clouds.

Celestia shook her head, beaming her two violet eyes forward as she took a step. Today did not consist of happiness, but sorrow. She needed to fix it. It's true she once wielded the Elements of Harmony, so its possible she could still have some positive effect on some ponies... Right?

Her head was full of doubt. A princess should not be feeling so insecure... But then again, she was just a pony like any other. Why did she set such high expectations for herself? She would never always be happy...

She continued her trot across the empty yet wet paths, making her way through Canterlot. Many ponies were inside, enjoying their Saturday off. It has been a week since Sparkler started school, and yet, she only made it two out of five days.

Sparkler understandably blew a fuse on her first day, and she's been weeping ever since. On Friday, Sparkler went back to school. She didn't tell anypony, and walked there by herself. Celestia assumed she was still in her room, ignoring her mother's attempts to contact her. Well, until she got home of course.

She came home covered in scratches, her eyes dull as she stared in to nothing, with ripped spotted ribbon dangling from her ears. Discord was the first to see her. He hadn't left the windowsill since Monday. His eyes widened as he saw his precious daughter. Her hooves blocked him from laying a claw on her. Hurt, but still wanting to help, he called for Celestia.

Celestia, of course, had came in to the room as fast as she could, quickly trying to figure out who would do such a thing to such a beautiful little filly. Sparkler ignored all questions asked, until finally she screamed to get her parents to shut up and leave her alone.

Her confession of jumping into the thorns herself rang in Celestia's ears, and she had to stop before the door of her destination to quickly wipe a tear. It was fortunate she hadn't put on makeup since the past week, but also a bit of a scare to the ponies who saw her. Bags hung low under her eyes, her eyelashes clumped together, and her fur had went to sparkling snow and faded into a sick, pale color.

With a deep breath, Celestia knocked on the door of the house. It was no castle, but certainly not a small shack either. It was without a doubt one of the nicest mansions in Canterlot, and was quite well known by one particular occupant. It was that mare which just so happened to be who Celestia was looking for.

The door opened, and it wasn't surprising to see a butler standing on the floor. He immediately recognized the princess despite her horrid looks, and called for his employer. He stepped to the side as the pony called back, and quickly (yet still formally) trotted down the stairs.

Before her stood a pink mare, her mane glittering with a bright purple and white color. Her blue eyes were clear, and a tiara sat on her head to go with the dress she was wearing.

"Diamond Tiara..." Celestia bowed her head.

"Princess.." She said, not sounding at all pleased. In fact, for a moment Celestia thought she saw the mare wrinkle her nose in disgust at the sight of the alicorn, but she quickly shook away the assumption. The two stood there awkwardly as Celestia waited to be welcomed in, silently begging with her eyes for the mare to greet her instead of leaving her stand in the rain.

"Can I... Help you?" Asked the mare inside. This time it was certainly clear. She was not happy about the visitor, and chances of getting out of the pouring rain vanished.

"Why, yes. I came to speak to you about your daughter..." Celestia stared back at the mare, who seemed to be making judgments over ever little flaw found.

When the pony just continued to stare, Celestia began to feel a bit of rage light in within her. She was not used to being treated this way... It didn't matter how famous of a model this mare was, this was no way to treat a princess... Or anypony for that matter!

"Well, is there a problem?" Diamond finally replied, impatiently holding the door open.

"Yes... There is. You are aware of my daughter, Sparkler, yes?"

"You still call that thing your daughter?"

Celestia was taken aback by the pony's cruel words. "Excuse me?"

"I'm still surprised that you married Discord, of all creatures. You would've been better off with a cockatrice. Calling Sparkler your daughter is just a gross icing on an already awful cake."

The alicorn stared back at the pink mare, shaking her head slightly in confusion. "Perhaps you forgot you are speaking with a princess..."

Celestia hated to pull the princess card, but in desperation to help her own filly, she found it to be the best choice.

"Oh, I know very well of your royalty. It's just that you lost quite a bit of many ponies' respect after marrying a used-to-be villain creature. It only got worse after your so called daughter was born."

Celestia felt her eyes twitch slightly. The lack of sleep plus this pony's down right bitterness was driving her over the edge. With a deep breath, the princess blocked out her rage and focused on the reason she had come.

"I don't care what other ponies think of me. You and your daughter have no right to speak to anypony in such cruel ways. I don't give a flying feather about your rather popular career. I can easily take it away from you."

The alicorn felt proud for what she said, and couldn't help but let a small smirk cross her face.

"...And you think it would go unnoticed? Do you have any idea who I am? I'm on the cover of every magazine, I get a thousand letters a day from companies wanting me to advertise with them. I get a million letters from my fans from every corner of Equestria. If you so much as take away one of my many fashion stores, ponies are going to think that monster you call husband is doing it."

Celestia opened her mouth to reply, but Diamond Tiara continued her little rant.

"You say you don't care about what other ponies think of you (which might I add is completely obvious), but what about your little daughter?"

The alicorn began to raise her voice in attempts to drown out any chance of interruption.

"My daughter hurt herself because of your daughter's wrong doings! No pony should ever speak in such a cruel way to any creature!"

Diamond rolled her eyes before looking sternly at the princess as if she were nothing.

"If your daughter gets upset just because of my daughter expressing her opinion, that's Sparkler's problem. Freedom of speech is a privilege we citizens of Equestria have. And I should also warn you I have quite a few lawyers that had got me out in several pickles, and I can easily call them up to kick you off your throne."

"I'm not breaking any law!" Celestia protested as she stamped her hoof.

"Technically, neither am I."

With that, Diamond Tiara slammed the door on the princess's face. It was bright red from anger. Her throat was strained from screaming, and her head felt as if somepony had bucked her as hard as they could right at her horn. Celestia felt her purple eyes burning from the attempts to hold back tears. How could anypony be this cruel? Was it really so hard to discipline your daughter?

Forgetting all intentions of staying dry, the alicorn ripped the jacket from her body, throwing it carelessly on the ground. She ran as fast she could to the edge of Canterlot, where the city dangled off of the edge of the mountain. The princess let out a scream of frustration, anger, and sadness. It took almost all the energy she had left, and the princess collapsed on the edge, sobbing quietly.


Celestia ignored the familiar voice.


A paw was set gently on her shoulder, and the rain stopped penetrating her fur. She looked up to see a floating umbrella with wings above her. With a sigh, she turned to Discord sadly.

"I don't know what to do..." Celestia admitted, wiping another stray tear. "Even if we continue to home school, Sparkler will still struggle to find friends, and that can really rip a pony apart..."

Discord pulled her tightly in a hug, though it didn't last as long as Celestia would've liked. He was surprisingly warm, but yet, it wasn't surprising to see him so warm in such cold rain. That was just how he did things.

"I have an idea that could be put into consideration..." Discord said, snapping up a glass of water to satisfy Celestia's dry throat.

"What might that be...?" Celestia asked curiously, desperate for any idea that may help her beloved daughter.

"Well... Ponies in Ponyville are known for being fun and kind... Perhaps we could send her to school there?" Discord suggested, remembering what he was told about Twilight being sent there to make some friends. He waited patiently for a reply from his dear Celestia, but felt a small bit of happiness return when she looked back up, her beautiful violet eyes ringed with hope.

"That could work... But how would we...?"

"We'd send her stay with somepony we trust.. Somepony we know well... Then we could let her stay there for a bit and visit her as often as we can..."

"Y-You're sending me away..?"

Both Discord and Celestia immediately turned at the familiar, high-pitched yet adorable voice. Sparkler stood behind them, crawling out from a bush. She had followed her mother out, curious as to what she was doing. She heard everything. Right down to the bitter insults shot at her by Precious Tiara's mother.

"Sweetie..." Celestia stepped close to her filly. Discord watched, unsure of what to say. The sudden appearance of his daughter startled him.

"No! Don't call me sweetie!" Sparkler cried out. "You think I'm a monster, too! You made me like this by marrying that beast! Why am I blamed for your mistake!?" Tears streamed down her eyes as she pointed at her father, who did nothing but stare back sadly. Sparkler began to recall all of the horrible things her classmates had said about her father.

"Sparkler..." Celestia tried once again to reach to her daughter verbally, but was interrupted once again.

"No! No! No! You think I'm a disgrace!" She spat out, crying louder with each word. It wasn't necessarily

"I just want to be loved! I just want a loving family! I just want to be perfect, just like mommy so that I can actually be loved!" Sparkler sobbed.

"Nopony is..."

Discord rested his paw on Celestia's shoulder, silencing her. The draconequus hid the hurt he felt for the sake of his family. Sparkler was young, and therefore couldn't possibly mean all of what she was saying. Celestia looked back at him, and nodded her head slowly and understandably. It's better just to let this tantrum go through until she tires herself out, rather than trying to talk over her loud screams.

Bolts of lightning flashed in the sky, which was then followed by the low rumbling of thunder as Sparkler continued to scream.

"How long have ponies looked at me like this!? What did I do wrong!? It's daddy's fault!" She sobbed louder and bolted towards her monster of a dad.

Discord knelt down and opened his arms, willingly accepting her series of weak punches in to his chest as she sobbed.

"I hate you, daddy! I hate you!" She cried louder, but her punches became even weaker and slower. Discord slowly wrapped his arms around his filly, as if right now, she was the most important thing in all of Equestria. Sparkler's throat was now too sore to protest anymore, and pretty soon, her punches were nearly but a small tap.

Sparkler had tired herself out, and suddenly realized how cold it was as a gust of wind brushed through her fur. The filly immediately cuddled in to her father's chest fur, and wrapped her small arms around him in a hug. Her anger and "hatred" melted away as she realized how tightly her daddy was holding her with tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, daddy... I'm sorry..." She whimpered.

"Shhh... No, no my little darling... You don't need to apologize..." Discord said softly.

Celestia felt the smallest bit of relief at the sight of them finally making up, and trotted towards them. She used her large wings to wrap around them as she joined in on their hug.

Sparkler was now fairly warm as she cuddled against her daddy's warm chest, and the sound of his beating heart slowly began to soothe her, despite a few rasping breaths.

"A-Are you really going to send me away...?"

Discord and Celestia looked at each other, unsure of what to say. It was Celestia who decided to speak up.

"We're not sending you away, sweetie... You're just going on something that's a bit like vacation..."

Sparkler's eyes continued to water, and her voice was barely audible as she cuddled even closer to Discord.

"Will you visit..?

Discord gave a faint smile, and nuzzled his beloved little daughter.

"All the time..."

Sparkler let out a sigh and wrapped herself in her two wings, and though she still had many more questions, she was too tired to continue asking.

"I love you both..." She said with a yawn.

Discord and Celestia both smiled at their foal with teary eyes, and watched her drift off in to sleep despite the rain.

Celestia kissed her husband on the cheek, for she too was growing quite tired. After the events that took place, it was probably the best time to finally get some rest.

"Let's go home."

Author's Note:

After a long hiatus, Sparkler is back!

I will do my very best to continue to post a chapter every week from now on!