• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 2,016 Views, 40 Comments

Sweet Harmonics - LDSocrates

[One-Shot] Rainbow Dash is having a great time. She's just become a Wonderbolt, she's on R&R in Canterlot, drinking with her new comrades; in short, life is good. Then the alcohol sets in, and of course, a drunken dare is made.

  • ...

Must Be the Music

The music blared in her ears, the beat shaking her down to the bone. The lights and strobes were blinding, every color of the rainbow flashing in her eyes. The air was humid against her fur, heavy with the scent of sweat from dancing, stomping bodies.

And Rainbow Dash was at the bar, having the greatest day of her life.

“Another drink for the new Wonderbolt!” Spitfire said happily to the bartender, yelling over the thunderous techno beat.

“And another for me too!” Soarin said with a hiccup. He was already well past drunk and barreling towards plastered, swaying in his seat and booze blush bright on his face. Spitfire eyed her compatriot and furtively shook her head at the bartender.

Rainbow Dash set her glass down and licked her lips. She suppressed a belch behind her hoof before saying, “Actually, I think I’ve had enough for the night.” That, and being able to walk straight going back to the hotel would be nice.

“Lightweight,” Fleetfoot snickered, elbowing her in the side before chugging her own drink.

“You aren’t a Wonderbolt until you’ve got a good story of your first day to tell the grandkids, Dash,” Spitfire said with a smile.

“Don’t plan on having them,” Rainbow laughed. “I’m as gay as Celestia’s flanks are big, Spitfire!”

The three senior Wonderbolts laughed – mostly Soarin, who almost fell out of his chair – before Fleetfoot said, “Still, newbie, you need to do something tonight!”

“Like what?” Rainbow asked.

“How’s a dare sound?” Fleetfoot asked back.

Rainbow Dash puffed up her chest proudly with a daredevil grin. “You’re on. Anything you can think of; gimme your best shot!”

An evil smirk grew on Fleetfoot’s muzzle as she swerved in her seat, looking around the club. “Let’s see… how about… flirting with the DJ? I’m sure she’d really love a tipsy mare interrupting her job in front of everypony.”

Rainbow Dash followed Fleetfoot’s gaze, her own eyes falling on the alabaster pony with electric blue hair behind the turntables at the head of the club. “Hey, I know her! She’s a friend of Pinkie’s. I think her name is DJ PON-3 or something.”

“She looks like a wild gal,” Soarin giggled drunkenly. “Go on, show us your moves, Rainbow!”

“Yeah Rainbow, show us how it’s done,” Spitfire snickered.

Rainbow’s ears perked up as she looked to her three senior officers. They… they were being serious. “Wait, I don’t know if she’s straight or not! Hay, I don’t know what kind of mare she is at all. She might deck me!”

"We'll pay for the teeth regrowth potion, then," Fleetfoot said, grinning wider.

“And you did tell Fleetfoot to give you her best shot,” Spitfire reminded. “Not scared of just talking to a mare, are you?”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes flitted between her fellow Wonderbolts. A dare was a dare, and her marehood was being challenged. No choice but to accept. “Okay my friends, watch a mare-killer at work,” Rainbow said as smoothly as she could manage, slipping out of her seat and trotting towards the DJ. Her ears flattened and went red as she heard the other three laughing, but she didn’t break her stride.

Wading through the jumping, stomping, and dancing ponies was a challenge in itself. They didn’t exactly part at her approach. Most were too drunk to even notice her. One pony’s flank even socked Rainbow right in the face, and she had to stop to make sure she didn’t dislocate her jaw. She thought about yelling at the drunk, but then it occurred to her she’d be drawing attention to the fact she was just smacked by another pony’s behind. Last thing she wanted was for that to be her big “first day as a Wonderbolt” story, so she just skulked forward muttering to herself.

After a lot of pushing and shoving, she finally came within spitting distance of the DJ and her altar of tech and sound. The alabaster mare was bobbing her head to her music as she pumped up the crowd with her hoots and hollers, though what exactly she was saying was drowned out by the crowd – or Rainbow Dash was going deaf. She honestly couldn’t tell anymore. More importantly, the ponies that were drunker than her still knew to keep their distance. So she’d be making an ass of herself alone. Goody.

Bracing herself to get her teeth knocked out, Rainbow Dash swaggered up to the DJ with her best charming smile. “Hey there, hot stuff!” she yelled over the music.

The DJ’s ears perked up before she looked down at Rainbow, an eyebrow raised quizzically over the rim of her tinted shades. “Hey there, yourself,” she yelled back. “You here to make a request?”

“Oh, I’ve got a request for you, babe,” Rainbow said with a lurid smile, the line sounding perfectly smooth to her addled mind.

“Oh really?” the DJ said with an amused grin. She leaned forward; Rainbow could practically feel her eyes look over the pegasus. “Aren’t you Pinkie’s friend?”

“Yeah; Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, savior of Equestria, no big,” Rainbow said, polishing her hoof on her own chest and examining it.

The DJ laughed with a big, toothy smile. “Oh, I’m honored! DJ PON-3 here, but the name’s really Vinyl Scratch. What brings you here tonight?”

“Just became a Wonderbolt!” Rainbow replied proudly, saluting.

Vinyl peered over her shades, her grin taking a strange twist. “Oh really?” She pushed her shades back up and giggled. “So you’re a mare in uniform?”

“Well, I don’t have it on me, but…” Dash stopped herself before she drunkenly prattled on, shaking her head vigorously. “I mean, yes! Mare in uniform, right here.”

“Congratulations, then! Want a celebratory bang?” Vinyl asked, arching her eyebrow higher.

Rainbow Dash was about to nod in agreement, not really paying that much attention, before what the DJ just said hit her like a train. “W-what?” she squeaked out, her voice drowned out by the music.

“Do. You want. To bang?” Vinyl asked slower and louder. “I’ve got a room upstairs!”

On the outside, Rainbow’s jaw was slack. On the inside, the gears in her head were turning. She glanced back at the other Wonderbolts; the three of them were eying her back with barely contained giggles. They thought that the DJ was gonna shoot her out of the sky. But if she turned it around, scored with this hot mare instead…

She pulled her jaw off the floor and flashed a confident grin, standing tall and nose in the air. “I’d love to,” she finally answered.

“Just a second, then!” Vinyl pulled out a headset and fastened it to her head, using her magic to turn off the music before speaking. “Having a good time, Canterlot?!” There was a huge cheer in response, leaving a ringing sound in Rainbow’s ears. “Then let the good times roll; give it up for DJ W1SH!”

Vinyl let her replacement on stage as she hopped down next to Rainbow, the crowd cheering as a new song blared through the speakers. “Follow me!” she said, turning around and trotting away with a sway to her hips.

Rainbow shot her fellow Wonderbolts a triumphant grin before sticking out her tongue. Their giggles stopped, and looks of surprise took laughter’s place.

The noise died down as Rainbow was lead along by Vinyl. The tipsy pegasus was shameless when it came to where her eyes were fixed, swinging left and right with each step the unicorn took. Vinyl snickered and asked, “Looks like that you really like what you see.”

“What’s not to like?” Rainbow asked with a grin.

“A mare in uniform and a flatterer? I haven’t had a catch this good in a while,” Vinyl said with a teasing flick of her tail.

Rainbow blinked, tearing her eyes away from the bouncing curves and looking up at Vinyl’s face. “You, um… you do this often?”

“Eh, a bit,” Vinyl shrugged. “A girl’s got needs, and I don’t have a girl of my own. So when a hottie like you comes along practically begging for a bang, I’d be crazy to say no!”

“I’m hot?” Rainbow rapidly shook her head and hastily said, “I mean, of course I am!”

Vinyl giggled and looked over her shoulder. “Cute, too? Wow, did I hit jackpot. I guess it’s a good thing that you didn’t bring your uniform.”

“Why’s that?” Rainbow asked, tilting her head.

“Because I’d probably have torn it off you by now if you had,” she answered, sticking out her tongue.

Heat barely had enough time to rush to Rainbow’s face before Vinyl opened up a nearby door, wordlessly inviting her inside with a flick of her tail as she trotted in. Rainbow, already practically drooling, slipped in after her. Within was a simple room; a double bed, a TV, a side bathroom, not enough space for much else.

Vinyl hopped on her bed and sat upright. It was as disheveled as its owner’s mane; looked like it hadn’t been made in over a week. “Welcome to my pad! Well, while I’m performing here, anyway. I keep my show on the road.”

“It’s very… small,” Rainbow said as she looked around.

“Hey, there’s more than enough room for the two of us,” Vinyl said with a smirk. “Right now that’s all that matters, right?”

“Um, yeah, of course!” Rainbow said with a lurid grin. Something kept it from being genuine, though, something niggling at her in the back of her brain. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it.

“So, want foreplay, or should we get right to it?” Vinyl asked, setting her shades aside on the bedside table.

“Foreplay,” Rainbow said without really thinking.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Vinyl snickered. “What kind?”

Rainbow wracked her inexperienced brain, the unidentifiable thing at the back of her mind still nagging at her. “Er, cuddling?” she asked more than answered.

“Oh, want the marefriend experience, do ya?” Vinyl asked with a soft giggle. She laid down, practically draping herself across the bed, looking at Rainbow with a siren call in her eye. “I can do that.”

Her brain screamed incoherently at her as she lay down next to the other mare, though she still couldn’t figure out what was wrong. She snuggled up to Vinyl, their undersides pressed up against each other. Warmth spread through Rainbow as she wrapped a foreleg around Vinyl’s back. “Yeah… this feels nice.”

Vinyl hummed sweetly and nuzzled their muzzles together. “I hope so. But don’t get used to it. I plan on making it wild soon…” Vinyl leaned in and kissed her; it wasn’t until their lips connected that everything clicked inside Rainbow’s head.

Oh. Yeah. She was about to lose her virginity to a mare she barely knew. Just to impress her new friends. Even through the tipsy haze of booze, that realization settled in her gut about as well as a cinderblock.

Then Vinyl stroked her wing with an experienced touch, and Rainbow’s worries crumbled and settled down. “Wow, you’re tense,” Vinyl chuckled, setting her chin on Rainbow’s forehead. “You need to relax, girl.”

“Yeah, just need to… relax,” Rainbow repeated, nodding into the crook of Vinyl’s neck. She stretched her hind legs and gave her hips a little wiggle to loosen up as the DJ’s hoof traced along her spine.

“Just like that,” Vinyl breathed into her ear before taking it gently between her teeth. Rainbow suppressed a squeak. Okay, ear nibbling. New, but not unwelcome. Kind of felt good, actually. She could feel her tense muscles unwind as Vinyl giggled.

Rainbow took a breath as she melted into Vinyl’s forelegs. She could do this. She could totally do this. She was Rainbow Dash; she could do anything.

Then Vinyl’s hoof slid right off of Rainbow’s spine and came to rest on her haunch.

“I can’t do this!” Rainbow yelped, her voice cracking. She put both front hooves on Vinyl’s chest and pushed her away, the DJ letting out a surprised gasp from her chew toy getting pulled out of her mouth.

“What’d I do?” Vinyl asked with an annoyed frown and confused eyes.

“You didn’t do anything,” Rainbow said hastily. “Just… I did something.”

Vinyl cocked an eyebrow, looking Rainbow up and down. “An explanation would be nice.”

Rainbow bit her lip and squirmed under her bedmate’s scrutiny. “I… well… let’s say that the other Wonderbolts might have dared me to flirt with you as a sort of initiation. And let’s also say that I said yes to sleeping with you to, um… look cool in front of them. Hypothetically, what would happen then?”

Vinyl’s eyes went from confused to unimpressed. “I’d call you a jackass and kick you out of my bed.”

“Well, that’s exactly what happened,” Rainbow admitted with a sigh, ears flat. “And I know it was a stupid thing to do and makes me a huge, huge jerk.”

“Big understatement,” Vinyl sniped flatly. “I’m a mare who loves a good time, not one that loves being somepony else’s bragging rights.”

“Okay, an enormous jerk,” Rainbow conceded, cringing. “But I’m sorry. If you want me to go right now, I will, but I just want you to know I’m sorry.”

Vinyl’s lips pursed into the thinnest of thin lines as she hummed in thought. “Well… you’ve earned a lot of points back in my book for coming clean and apologizing. That’s something, at least.”

Rainbow let out a little sigh of relief. It was short-lived, and anxiety shivered through her again. “So, um… what happens now?”

“Well, you aren’t getting laid, that’s for sure,” Vinyl said, rolling onto her stomach. “And you’re going to Pinkie Promise me that you won’t lie to anypony later and say that you did sleep with me.”

Rainbow let out an exasperated sigh as she sat up and did the motions. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Vinyl nodded with a satisfied smile. “Good. Better not break it, or Pinkie will be after your hide.”

“Trust me, I know that very well,” Rainbow said with a small shiver. “Look, I’m still really sorry about all this. Is there some way I can make it up to you? Take you out to dinner sometime, maybe?”

Vinyl cocked an eyebrow and frowned. “You aren’t just trying to save face with your friends, are you? Gonna tell them that you scored a hot date instead of just scored?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Rainbow recited, going through the motions again. “I promise, I just wanna make it up to you.”

The two mares jumped in surprise when the TV clicked on, Pinkie Pie’s face on the screen with an agitated look. “Daaash…” she said dangerously.

“Okay, fine!” Dash said, throwing her forelegs in the air. “I also want to take you out because I love your music, you seem like a really awesome mare, and you’re extremely hot.”

“Good Dashie.” Pinkie nodded before the TV clicked off again, leaving the two alone.

“Hate when she does that,” Vinyl muttered.

“You get used to it,” Rainbow brushed off. “So, um… is that a yes to the date?” She flashed her best hopeful smile, trying to look as innocent as possible.

Once again came the scrutinizing scan of Vinyl’s eyes as she looked the pegasus over. After a few seconds of tense silence, she said, “Alright, fine. How does tomorrow at five sound? I work nights, so afternoon works best for me.”

“Sounds awesome to me!” Rainbow Dash said with a big smile. “Trust me, you won’t regret it!”

“I’m beginning to think I won’t.” Vinyl wore an enigmatic smile as she climbed out of bed and put her shades back on. “Now, get out of my room. You got my hopes up, so I need to work off some tension before I go back on stage.”

Rainbow’s face went as red as the first stripe of her mane. “U-um, of course, right away! See you tomorrow!” Dash sped out of the room like her tail was on fire, Vinyl howling in hilarity behind her.

It took a lot of self control and a long skid mark for Rainbow to come to a stop before her re-entrance to the dance floor. She took a deep breath and straightened her mane before she exited backstage, trotting calmly and confidently back into view of her fellow Wonderbolts.

By then, Soarin was passed out in his chair, so Spitfire was the first to notice Rainbow’s approach. “Welcome back, mare-killer!” she greeted.

Fleetfoot perked up and looked over with a grin. “Hey, here comes the conquering hero! Didn’t know you had it in you, newbie. How’d it go?”

“You certainly don’t look worn out,” Spitfire teased as Rainbow calmly took her seat. “If only you showed that much stamina in flying practice!”

“Whatever you gals think we did, we didn’t,” Rainbow said with a shrug and a simple smile. “We just talked.”

“So she took you backstage wagging her behind like a bell just to talk?” Fleetfoot asked, “I’m not buying it” written all over her face.

“Yep; just talked,” Rainbow nodded.

“Nothing else?” Fleetfoot pressed.

“Nope,” Rainbow answered.

Fleetfoot cocked an eyebrow and shot Spitfire a glance.

“Hey, don’t look at me. She’s one of us now,” Spitfire said with a good-natured shrug. “I trust her. If they just talked, they just talked.”

Fleetfoot rolled her eyes. “Fine; starve me of the juicy details. See if I care.”

“I’m sorry if you lose sleep over it,” Rainbow said with a teasing pat to Fleetfoot’s shoulder.

Spitfire giggled while Fleetfoot pouted. “Come on, let’s get going. Better get Soarin back to the hotel,” Spitfire said, hopping out of her seat. “Fleetfoot, you help me carry him.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Fleetfoot grumbled before hopping down herself.

Rainbow Dash hopped down as well and was about to follow when she heard the speakers blare “give it up for DJ PON-3!” She turned her head back to the stage, and indeed Vinyl was taking her place again, shades and all. The unicorn quickly scanned the crowd before her eyes fell on Rainbow. She lowered her shades and winked, sticking out her tongue.

“Wow, she’s fast…” Rainbow mumbled as she sheepishly followed her senior Wonderbolts. She had to admit though, she became a Wonderbolt, she had a bit of an adventure, she ticked off Fleetfoot, she got a hot date…

All in all, still the greatest day of her life.

Comments ( 37 )

Not bad, not bad at all.

I like it! Can't wait for more!:rainbowkiss:

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Don't know how to tell you this, chummer, but this is a one-shot. :twilightsheepish: Though this is ripe for a sequel in the future.

I'd totally read that sequel. I've never seen RoinbowScratch before and it totally has potential.

This has a HOLE lot of potentual!!! I enjoyed the chapter and if you added more to the story I would not mind not one bit.... :rainbowkiss:

4295476 Yeah, I second that! :raritywink: This story really does have potential for a sequel!

We demand SEQUEWWLSSZZZZ!!! (Pweaz?:scootangel:)

Hmm, well done. :twilightsmile:

4295476 4295661 4295702 4296109
Hm... now that I think about it, yeah, I could probably turn this into a short story like some of my others, with four or five chapters to it. You'll have to give me a bit of time to think up an overall plot, though. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

4296293 :yay: YAY! :pinkiehappy: I definitely hope to hear more on what happens on their first date!

I rather enjoyed this. :pinkiehappy:

One shot! Well then I guess I'll just have to check out some of your other stuff! :P

4296293 :pinkiegasp: *Gives-massive-overthetop-bonecrushing-HUGS!!!*

4296293 please do make more.

Alright, you guys convinced me; I'll make this a short story. Currently trying to formulate the exact plot, but if you guys have any ideas, feel free to send them my way. :twilightsmile:

Hope I don't disappoint! :rainbowkiss:

Glad you did! :pinkiehappy:

Hope you like it! :raritystarry:

Hrrrk! Air! Need air! :derpyderp2:

Will do. :twilightsmile: Just keep in mind I also have other ongoing projects, but I will be working on this.

I liked it, not just because it has Vinyl in it but because it shows honesty and what real love is "you can't force love"..so did I like this story, well the answer is yes 20 times yes to that fact.:rainbowkiss:

Huh, I feel like I've seen this pairing before but I can't remember where. Anyway I'm glad to hear you're extending this.

4297174 :yay: :moustache: Good sir we are very pleased!


If you ever do write a sequel, be sure to tag it as such/link it to this one or whatever way that works so I will see it ^^ Cute and simple one shot that was a fun read.

This is pretty good.

“A girl’s got needs, and I don’t have a girl of my own. So when a hottie like you comes along practically begging for a bang, I’d be crazy to say no!”

Best logic I've heard in a while.

:heart:Reading the chapter title prevented mei from reading on, because nao im all giggly inside
thanks alot :facehoof:

Your syntax confuses me, but I think I get what you're saying. :derpyderp2: Glad you like!

Well, I have seen some art of this pair (obviously, since I found a pic to use for this), so it doesn't surprise me that much. Would love to find it, though. :twilightsheepish:

Actually just gonna extend this. Once I have it all planned out, anyway. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Makes sense, don't it? :raritywink:

Oh really? Why's that? :duck:

Sometimes I wish I was better with my words, but all I could come up with was that simple statement.

Yay for a sequel to this!!! :pinkiecrazy:

They'll make sweet music together.:trixieshiftleft:
Probably at night.:trixieshiftright:

The great overlord Pinkie is always watching...

Which leads me to... if they hadn't stopped, Pinkie would have been privy to every moment. Including Dash's inner turmoil.
Dear Celestia, Protect my mind!

lol:rainbowlaugh: that was funny.

This story, I like it.... ANOTHER!


Ha ha ha ha!:rainbowlaugh:

I must say I enjoyed this one. Good job. :yay:

4327439 I sincerely agree with this. More please?
I'm checking out anything else you might have as soon as I favorite this too.

“Don’t plan on having them,” Rainbow laughed. “I’m as gay as Celestia’s flanks are big, Spitfire!”

I read her as more bisexual, because she's been shown in-show to be attracted to both stallions (Soarin) and mares (Fluttershy and Applejack). I also read her as sexually being much more talk than action, because nothing ever seems to come of these attractions. In fact, my Rainbow Dash is a virgin as of the time of Luna's Return, when she's 18, though she isn't any more four years later.

A really drunk and happy Rainbow -- all bets would be off.

“Congratulations, then! Want a celebratory bang?” Vinyl asked, arching her eyebrow higher.

Rainbow Dash was about to nod in agreement, not really paying that much attention, before what the DJ just said hit her like a train. “W-what?” she squeaked out, her voice drowned out by the music.

Yeah. Pretty much like that.

Oh. Yeah. She was about to lose her virginity to a mare she barely knew. Just to impress her new friends. Even through the tipsy haze of booze, that realization settled in her gut about as well as a cinderblock.

Ah. I see a similar conclusion here. She's maybe even more inexperienced than my Dashie.

I'm actually quite glad that you didn't have them have sex just to have them have sex.

One story read. one. And you got a follower.

I'm a SoarinDash shipper, but this was a pretty good story.

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