• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 7,006 Views, 63 Comments

Our Hearts That Summer Morning - maxxxxxx

Twilight and Rainbow Dash have both been set up on blind dates by their friends.

  • ...

That Summer Morning

Gentle, morning's light streamed into the room, bathing her in it's warm glow. Slowly she stirred, awoken by the intrusion of morning into her dreams. Sleepily sitting up from her soft, comfortable bed she gave her body a wide stretch before rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with her forelegs. Still in a dreamy haze, Twilight turned her bleary eyes to the calendar by her bed and stared blankly at it.

“The twenty-second...” With her hoof she wiped away a trail of drool left from her deep and comfortable sleep. Suddenly her eyes shot fully open and her ears pricked to alertness.

“The twenty-second!” She shouted, frantically stumbling out of bed. Thrusting her hind leg beck she disentangled herself from the blanket that had wrapped itself around it in her hurry as she turned towards Spike's bed. The baby dragon was still sound asleep despite her raucous awakening.

“Spike! Spike! It's the twenty-second! What time is it!? My alarm clock didn't go off! Spike!” She violently shook him awake. Spike bolted up, eyes wide as he looked around the room in a panic.

“What!? Huh? Twilight...” Spike rubbed his eyes, shaking his head to get his focus. “What's going on Twi? I was having a nice dream.”

“Spike it's the twenty-second and my alarm didn't go off! I think the magic battery died! Oh what a day for this to happen!” Whipping her head around towards the wall to her right she quickly found her working clock. She squinted at the numbers, then her heart nearly skipped a beat.

“It's already nine! Spike why didn't you wake me!?” Without waiting for an answer, Twilight bolted across the room, screeching to a stop in front of her dresser.

“Um... I was asleep? What's going on Twi? What's so special about the twenty-second?” Spike asked as Twilight pulled her dresser apart with her magic, pulling her brush and several outfits from it. Twilight turned to spike with a look of dismay, her articles of clothes and her brush floating in the air around her.

“Spike, today is incredibly important! Its...” She gulped nervously. “My first date!”

“Morning Tank.” Rainbow Dash said cheerfully as she walked by her pet into the kitchen. Cantering over to the counter, she opened a cabinet and pulled out a small bowl. Setting it to her table she fetched her cereal and milk. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? A frustrating feeling scratched at the back of her mind. However she struggled to recall what was so important she could only draw a blank.

“Eh, can't be that important if I can't remember it. Right Tank?” Dash grinned at tank who blinked slowly in response.

“Exactly!” She affirmed, returning to her cereal as she took the bowl in her hooves and chugged it's contents with satisfied gulps. Suddenly, a heavy impact nearly knocked her off her of her chair and causing her to nearly inhale her breakfast. Slamming her bowl on her table she pounded on her chest, coughing out milk.

“What the hey Tank?!” She glared at her pet who was floating less than a foot away from her. He slowly craned his neck towards the wall at the far end of the room. Equally slowly, Dash followed his gaze until the both finally settled on the calender pinned to the wall. Raising her brow she looked from the wall to her tortoise.

“It's Tuesday, so what?” With the expedience only a tortoise could produce, it began the process of turning it's head back to his owner until their eyes met. He stared at her, almost compelling her brain to work with his gaze alone. Dash's eyes shifted back and forth as she ruminated on what the significance of this day could be. Tuesday... Tuesday. The twenty-second. What's so special about the twenty-second? I can't think of- Suddenly, she took off from her seat, nearly going through her ceiling.

“Rarity! The Wonderbolt tickets! My Date! That's today!? What time!?” Whipping around to her clock her she sighed in relief. “Good, I still have an hour and a half.” Her relief degenerated to annoyance a she flapped back to her floor, puffs of cloud dispersing around her hooves as she landed.

“This is stupid.. Why should I have to go on some stupid date anyway. Rarity should just give me the tickets. I don't need to date, I'm Rainbow Dash! Anypony would just slow me down and keep me grounded. I would rather be alone and free to do what ever I wan't when ever I want. Besides, I already have all the companionship I need from my friends. Why would I let somepony come between me and them. Whatever, the date will be a disaster, then Rarity will give me the tickets and we can all move on with our lives.” She stomped her hoof on her floor, tearing more fluffy tufts of cloud from it.

“I guess I'll take a shower then go for a fly. I've still got plenty of time. Anyway, thanks for reminding me tank.” She had already left the kitchen by the time Tank had finished nodding his understand of her thanks.

This is ridiculous. I can't believe Rarity got a ticket to watch a real Wonderbolts practice session from the Wonderbolts designer. How does that mare know a pony everywhere!? If it wasn't for that I wouldn't even consider it! I mean, I have an awesome time being single. I don't want somepony slowing me down, I don't care who it is! Taking a towel from her room in her teeth she slung it behind her neck and cantered to her bathroom. Whatever, I like I said, It'll be a disaster, we'll both get over it and then I can enjoy the Wonderbolts in peace.

“And that'll be that!” Hanging her towel on a hanger she proceeded to her shower. Still... What if it doesn't go horrible? What if I don't hate it? What if I have a good time? What if... “Why isn't my shower working?” She spoke out loud to nopony. Turning the shower's knob back and forth, but only drops of cold water dripped from the fluffy white cloud that was her shower head.

“Did I forget to refill it? Darn it, why did this have to happen now?! I don't have time to go and get more rain clouds to refill it, on a day as hot as this that could take hours, and the refill service would take about as long to get here.” With an impatient growl she unfurled her wings and lifted off her floor before darting out in a rainbow blur. Busting through her front door she took to the air. I'll have to ask Aj if she'd let me use her shower. I doubt she'll mind. Buck! Whoever this is they better be worth all this trouble. With a thrust of her powerful wings she accelerated, quickly streaking across the sky towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Twilight Sparkle stepped out of her steamy bathroom, her fur fluffed up from a brisk towel dry. Her mane was disheveled and frizzy from the steam. Testing her multitasking skills she fought with her mane to stay down while also vigorously brushing her teeth. Frantically, she bounced between various parts of her room. Stopping to make her bed, mark off a check list on her desk and cleaning her room. After ensuring she had returned the last of her study materials to their proper shelf she hurried back to her bathroom, spitting out her toothpaste and rinsing her mouth. Spike watched the rather raucous morning ritual unenthusiastically, still groggy from his disturbed sleep.

“And why are you going on a date again?” Spike asked with a dubiously raised brow.

“Because Spike, Fluttershy asked me to. It's an old friend of hers and apparently they have a crush on me or something. What's more, Fluttershy received an extremely rare magical tome from Zecora for taking care of a cockatrice infestation. The tome is so rare, it may be one of a kind! If I do this, she promised to give it to me. It belongs in the Canterlot Royal Library where it can be properly preserved and displayed.” By the end of her spiel she was huffing from loss of breath while still hurriedly brushing away at her mane and tail.

“So... You're doing all this for a book?” He question. Twilight sighed.

“Yes Spike, I'm doing this for a book.”

“And you have no idea who this pony is?”

“No, I don't. I tried to get Fluttershy to tell me but she just kept saying he would rather not say, that he was shy or something. I just want to get this over with, with as little fuss as possible. Just a nice casual date, then he'll realize I'm not his type, then I can get my book and go home.” Twilight said with an exasperated edge.

“And what if it does go well and you hit it off?” Spikes simple question gave Twilight pause.

What if it does go well? What then? I'm always so busy, I don't have time for longer term dating or a more committed relationship. I don't want to lose time with my friends, I just don't see how it could work out at all. Just what is Fluttershy thinking, she knows all of this and yet... But, maybe it doesn't have to be so bad. Maybe whoever they are will get along with my friends as much as I do. After all, He's apparently an old friend of Fluttershy's so I bet he'll get along well with everypony. A sudden snapping sound shook her from her deep thoughts. Looking up she saw Spike snapping his fingers.

“Equestria to Twilight. You totally spaced out.” Spike said impatiently. A light blush spread across her cheeks.

“Oh, sorry Spike. I just got a little lost in thought. I highly doubt that will happen. Besides, I'm a busy mare, I don't really have time to be tied down. If it comes to that, I'll just have to let him down gently.”

“Poor guy doesn't stand a chance.” Spike said sympathetically.

“It's not like that Spike, I'm just happier being single and I'm not really the type a stallion would want. Once he sees me, he'll understand and that will be that. Now, I have to finish getting ready, can you get downstairs organized and keep an eye on the library while I'm out?” Twilight said as she placed the dress she had chosen on her dresser.

“You got it Twi. Good luck!” With those encouraging words Spike retreated down the stairs, leaving Twilight examining herself in the mirror. 'I'm happier being single... Right? It's not like I'm missing anything. I've never even thought about having a special somepony.' She slipped into her dress. It was a soft green with simple white accents around it's hem. A nice light fabric perfect for this summer heat. Looking into the mirror she sheepishly smiled, a soft blush reddening her cheeks. “A special somepony huh...” She said dreamily. Glancing back into the mirror she shook her head disapprovingly. Get it together Twilight, It's never going to happen. It may seem nice but realistically I know it would never work out. I'm not really the dating type. I'll just let him down gently. Turning from her mirror she made her way to the stairs.

“Spike! I'm going out!” Twilight called as she crossed the threshold from her room.

“Right now? I thought you still had-” Spike stopped as looked up the stairs to Twilight, his jaw nearly dropping in surprise.

“H- how do I look?” She asked bashfully. After taking a moment to gather his composure he responded.

“You sure you're doing all this for a book?” The suspect tone in his voice wasn't lost on Twilight who smiled and teleported beside him at the bottom of the stairs.

“Of course. And to help Fluttershy.” Twilight turned from him and padded over to the door leaving a less than convinced spike.

“Well, I'm going to head out now, you and Owlowiscious keep an eye on the library while I'm out. I won't be gone long.”

“You're leaving now? But you still have like an hour.”

“It's a beautiful day out, I'm going to go for a walk before I meet him.” She smiled innocently. I still need to think about all this. Gah! Why do I even have to do this?! I'm no good at this sort of thing, Fluttershy of all ponies should be able to appreciate that.

“Okay then.” Spike shrugged, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere with Twilight like this.

“Alright, I'll see you when I get back.” Twilight bid her assistant farewell as she closed the door behind her.

Stepping outside, she had to squint her eyes against the harsh sunlight. It was hot, but not stifling. I should keep my walk short, I just took a shower. Maybe I'll grab a drink somewhere and find a place to relax.

“I don't want to go somewhere too out of the way, I should have plenty of time, but just in case I-” Her heart lurched, stopping her mid step as she felt her dress suddenly become looser following a dreadful tearing sound. Slowly looking at the ground, she saw what she had feared, a button from her dress had popped off, and a tear ran down its length to her flank, following the seam. Blushing furiously she glanced rapidly around her, soft giggles of passerbys made her blush deepen. What happened? I couldn't have gained any significant weight could I? Why is everything going wrong today!?

“Twilight?” A soft voice said from behind her.

“Ah!” Twilight shouted spinning around.

“Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked as she shrunk down to the ground, dipping her head low to her hooves. Twilight took deep breaths in an attempt to calm her pounding heart.

“Sorry Fluttershy, you scared me. Are you okay?”

“Y- yes, I'm alright. Um, I scared you?” She she asked disbelievingly.

“Well, my dress tore. It's really strange because I got this from Rarity and her outfits are usually so sturdy. Anyway, I was focused on that I guess I didn't hear you coming.” Twilight laughed it off to detract from her embarrassment.

“Oh, that's a shame, and your date is soon to.” She said with concern. “Well, I think Rarity is busy, she's not at her shop. I could sew it up for you if you come back to my cottage, it wont take long.” She said hopefully. After a moment of internal debating Twilight resigned to it with a sigh.

“Alright, I guess. If I'm late don't hold it against me though. Can't you tell you're friend to reschedule though? Nothing really seems to be going right today and-”

“Oh no, It has to be today!” She exclaimed earnestly, earning a suspicious look from Twilight. Fluttershy again shrunk under her gaze as she shifted uncomfortably. “I- I mean, they have to leave town tomorrow and they're busy tonight... Um, they aren't usually though so it's not like they are always busy. Oh please Twilight just give them a chance! I know you two will have a great time if you do.” Fluttershy implored fervently, taking Twilight by surprise at her conviction. Under her wide, pleading eyes, Twilight knew she didn't stand a chance.

“Okay, okay. I'll go. Let's get this dress fixed up so I'm not late. I would hate to leave a bad first impression.” She smiled reassuringly as she gave in.

“Oh Thank you Twilight! You wont regret it, I promise.” She smiled brightly before turning in the direction of her cabin with Twilight close behind.

Fluttershy seems to really want me to do this, whoever this is, they must be a good friend of hers. It's kind of nice knowing there's a pony who thinks of me like that though. I wonder what he's like... Who am I kidding, I really should know better than to let myself get caught up in all the oxytocin and other chemicals. It just wont work out. A sudden movement in the sky stole her attention. A rainbow blur soaring overhead towards Sweet Apple Acres. Stopping, she watched the rainbow trail of her friend fade as she descended. Rainbow Dash... I wonder what she's doing right now. What would she think of this whole date thing? It's not like it will go anywhere so there's no reason to bring it up. Feeling a surprising pang of disappointment, she proceeded after her shy friend to her cottage.

The wind whipped around her as she flew, whistling over her ears she let it drown out the sounds of the ground below. That was Twilight walking with Fluttershy, I could recognize that egghead's mane and coat anywhere. I wonder what she's up to. What would she think of this whole date thing? Like I'd ever tell anypony that I'm going on a date, especially Twi! She slowed as her friend's orchard came into view. She glided into a controlled fall. Especially Twi? Why? I wouldn't want anypony to know that I'm going on a blind date, so why would I care more if Twilight found out? Whatever, I just want to get this over with. Vigorously shaking her head she cleared her thoughts. Dash dipped low, gliding only a tail length above the groves of trees. After a minute of scanning she spotted the light orange coat of her farm pony friend.

“Hey Applejack!” Dash called out as she touched down on the ground behind Applejack.

“Howdy RD. What brings you out of bed this early?” She smirked as she turned to face the pegasus.

“Ha ha, funny. I need to use your shower, I guess I kind of forgot to fill my clouds up. Anyway I'm kind of in a hurry, can you help me out?” She asked, hoping ardently that her friend would pry no further. To her bemusement, Applejack began chuckling to herself.

“I understand, ya want to get all prettied up for your date. Got to make a good impression am I right?” Her teasing was lost on Dash, who's jaw gaped limply at the mention of her date. Then in blur of color she closed the distance between them.

“H-how do you know about that?! Who else knows?!” She looked around the otherwise empty orchard frantically.

“Don't you worry none sugar cube, I just happen to know the pony who'll be taking you out that's all.” She said nonchalantly.

“You know him!? Who is it? What are they like?!...” Her panic vanished as she looked bashfully at the dirt beneath her. “Why me?” She all but whispered. At her friend's obvious distress, Applejack's eyes and voice softened to a comforting tone.

“Listen Sugar cube, I'm sorry, but I can't tell ya much. I promised I wouldn't say anything. I wouldn't worry none though, they're really sweet and smart and I think they really like you.” Dash stared gloomily at the ground. Smart? Great, I'm getting set up with an egghead. Jeez, If I wanted that I would just hang out with Twilight. At least we could talk about Daring Do or our crazy adventures in between her boring me to sleep with her way too gently and soft voice and boring lectures. Wait? Why do I keep thinking about Twi like that? It's not like... Gah, forget it, It doesn't matter. I guess It wont be too bad, I'm just doing it for the ticket after all. Besides, Rarity and even Aj think this guy is alright, the least I can do is sit through one boring meal.

“Just give them a chance and I'm sure the two of you will hit it off real good.” She placed a reassuring hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. Taking a steadying breath, Dash looked to Applejack with a thankful smile.

“Alright, I guess I'll just have to find out when we meet. Even if it sucks, I'm still getting those Wonderbolt tickets from Rarity so it won't be a total loss... But, could you do me a favor?” She asked sheepishly. Applejack was so taken aback to see a blush spread across the brash and head strong pegasus that she froze up for nearly a minute, no response sounding appropriate in her mind.

“Sure sugar cube, what is it?” She couldn't help but raise an eye brow at the uncharacteristic behavior.

“Don't tell anypony about this date okay... especially Twilight.” Dash fidgeting with her hooves nervously as she spoke. A warm and strangely gratified smile came to Applejack's face, though Rainbow was too caught up in embarrassment to notice.

“Don't worry, I promise I wont tell a soul.”

“Thanks Aj.” Dash smiled.

“No problem. Now, ya can use our shower, but Granny Smith is using it right now. Shouldn't be long though. Hey, wanna help me with a couple things around the farm while we wait? I know you have your date soon so I wont keep you long. What do ya say?”

“Sure, why not. Just let me know when it's like, fifteen minutes away. My Date is supposed to be waiting for me at Sugar Cube Corner and it would kinda suck if I kept them waiting.”

“Sure thing, I'll make sure you have plenty of time.” Applejack looked up to the clear sky, shielding her eyes with her foreleg. “Looks like you have a little less than an hour. I'll keep an eye on the sun, make sure you make it in time.”

“Thanks Aj. Alright let's get going!” She grinned confidently as she scrapped the ground with her hoof and took to a sprinting crouch. “Race ya!”

“You're on partner!”

Twilight said on the hard wood floor of Fluttershy's cottage. Despite all the animals she kept and cared for, her place had a warm and comfortable smell. The air only carrying a hint of her plethora of pets. Her smaller animals were playing, napping and eating throughout her house. Chirps and squeaks of her animal friends mixed with Fluttershy's gentle and rhythmic humming as she stitched up Twilight's dress.

“Fluttershy, I'm sorry for asking again but, how much longer do you think it will take?” Twilight asked, trying to conceal the hint of inpatients in her voice.

“This is a complex stitch, but don't worry Twilight I'm doing my best to make sure you get to your date as planned.” She smiled softly as she continued to work the fabric and needle.

“I know Fluttershy, I'm sorry. It's just that I've been here for almost an hour and well, I don't want to be late...”

“Twilight! I'm so happy your excited for this, and I know your date will be to. Oh I can't wait to hear all about it. Oh, if that's alright with you two that is.”

“I guess, but I think you're getting your hopes up for nothing. There's no way it'll work out. Besides, I'm not really interested in dating. Anyway, I'll do this for you, but don't be disappointed when it doesn't work out.” She said sounding defeated. Fluttershy looked up from her work, smiling brightly at Twilight.

“Sometimes things don't go as you expect but if you give somepony a chance they might surprise you. I'm confident that this will go well, just you wait Twilight, I'm sure you'll agree after today.”

“If you say so. But like I said, I'm pretty content as I am.” Ending the conversation Twilight turned her gaze out the window towards the sky. Rainbow Dash was flying towards Sweet Apple Acres. I wonder what she's doing. She's probably off doing some crazy stunts, flying around without a care in the world. Maybe she's spending time with Applejack. Those two get along so well. They're both athletic and confident and outdoors types. It's not really any wonder that she never comes by the library anymore. Never alone at least. She's more than content with somepony who can keep up with her, or at least one who could challenge her. I don't even know what I'm thinking. Unlike me, She's really just fine being single. If she wasn't, she could find a special somepony in a heartbeat. Somepony like Applejack would be perfect for her. Not an egghead like me. I'm better off with an intellectual, a pony who I can hold deep and thoughtful conversations with. That's just how it is. Some types of ponies just aren't compatible. Wait? What does it matter if Rainbow and I are compatible? She's one of my best friends and she would always be there for me, and vice versa, so that's all that matters... Right?

“Twilight watch out!” Fluttershy called, loudly jarring Twilight from her deep thoughts. She turned to the source of the shout just a moment before she felt two soft but swift impacts land on her back.

“Angel, Squirrelly! Stop!” She implored as her pets wrested around on Twilight's back. Twilight frantically spinning to get a look at where the creatures were, craning her neck. The animals separated as angel tore through her mane with the flying squirrel in hot pursuit.

“Ah! Fluttershy get them off!” She yelled, keeping her magic reserved in favor of letting her friend deal with it, lest she upset her. Rapidly she shook her head, successfully dislodging the bunny along with several of her hairs torn from her mane. The squirrel scurried up her neck then dived off her head onto Angel. They wrestled on the floor, rolling about until they slammed into a certain butter yellow hoof. Stopping immediately, they both looked up apprehensively at her disapproving stare. Immediately they separated.

“Angel! Squirrelly! You two should know better than to fight, especially when we have guests. Now, you both go and think about what you've done.” Looking guilty and regretful, they slumped out of the room.

“Fluttershy! My mane! It's ruined! I need to borrow your brush.”

“Oh, um, my brush? I um, I don't know where I put it... Oh! Twilight! The time!” Her eyes darted towards the clock on the wall as she pointed at the time piece with her hoof. Following her lead, Twilight turned to the clock.

“What? I've still got time?” She said bemused.

“Oh, I'm really sorry Twilight, that clock is off by half an hour. I'm really sorry, I meant to change it but...”


“I'm really sorry.” The shy pegasus dipped her head.

“But! That means I have to leave right now! I'm in no shape to go! Fluttershy, you have to tell your friend that I need to reschedule!” She exclaimed frantically.

“Oh Twilight no! Please, you look fine, please go!” She implored, making her eyes wide and glistening.

“I just had rodents fighting in my mane! I can't go like this!”

“Twilight please! We had a deal! You promised and they'll be so disappointed if you don't go. If you leave now you'll still have time. They'll be meeting you a few minutes after you get there. I promise they wont care what you look like. Please Twilight, if not for them do it for me!” Her begging and her large puppy dog eyes wore on Twilight.

“Uhg! Fine, fine, I'll go. But if it's a disaster don't blame it on me. And I'm still getting that book right? No matter how it goes?”

“Of course, I promise. But I know it will go well and you two will have a great time.” Her gentle and confident smile returned.

“What about my dress? Is it ready?” She looked wearily at the gown in question. 'I'm guessing not.'

“I'm sorry Twilight, I thought I had more time.”

“It's fine, I'll just go without it.” Frustrated, she turned towards the door.

“Oh, good luck and have a great time!” Fluttershy called out cheerfully as the door closed.

“Ya got a straggler RD, round 'em up!” Applejack screamed out over the thundering sounds of hundreds of hooves as she slammed her shoulder into a cows side, forcing it back into the herd.

“I'm on it!” Dash banked, soaring just over the heads of the cattle she quickly spotted the straggler. Folding her wings half way she dropped in front of it. Then, she flourished her wings pulling up only inches from the ground before being trampled and successfully startling the animal back into the throng. Ha! Piece of cake! She grinned smugly. Suddenly, a powerful impact knocked the air from her lungs and flung her to the ground. Everything turned into a blur as she tumbled along the dirt until she was brought to a less than comfortable stop in a nearby bush. Slowly she regained her focus. Well that hurt! Uhg, why is everything upside down? Dash watched the stampede storm by her neck uncomfortably bent and her hind end up in the air leaning against the prickly bush. She could barely make out Applejack's voice and Winona's barks as they finished corralling the herd into their fenced enclosure. Gingerly, Dash began to extricate herself from the bush, its branches tugging painfully on her tail and fur. With a painful thud, she fell forward flopping onto her stomach.

“Ouch...” She groaned, rubbing her sore back with her hoof.

“You okay there RD? That was a mighty long tumble ya took there.” Applejack said, extending her hoof out to her dazed friend.

“Y- yeah... That cow just took me by surprise that's all.” She smirked, keeping up her trademark bravado despite her soreness. Taking Applejack's hoof she shakily stood. “Thanks Aj.”

“No problem, just glad yer okay.”

“Please! Like a little bump like that could keep me down!”

“Glad to hear it.”

“So what's next?” She smiled confidently. However, instead of getting an answer, Applejack's eyes became serious and contemplative. She looked towards the sky, seemingly losing herself in some serious thought.

“What's wrong Applejack? It's not like you to space out like Twilight.” At the mention of their friend, Applejack brought her eyes dead on to Rainbow's, looking deeply into them. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but be taken aback. Sensing something serious was about to be said she folded her wings back to her sides and sat down, never leaving her friends eyes.

“Why didn't you want me to tell Twilight about yer date?”

“What do you mean? It's embarrassing, I wouldn't want anypony to know about it.”

“Then why did you say Twilight specifically?” She narrowed her eyes accusingly. Rainbow Dash found herself almost sweating under her gaze as she turned her eyes towards the ground.

“I- I don't know why, I just did. It's not like it means anything. What's with you?”

“What do you think of her? Of Twilight?”

“What? What do you mean what do I think of her? Where is this coming from?” She asked, with an overarching confusion. Why is she asking me this? And why can't I think of an answer? It's an easy question, I've known Twilight for years, I should be able to say what I think of her.

“Answer the question Rainbow!” She reaffirmed sternly, almost elevating her voice to a shout.

“I- I think... Twilight... She's smart and, um, really nice and she's always there for me. Pushing and making me better in ways I never even thought of...” It's true, she's always got my back. Even when I didn't believe in myself, she showed me that I'm even better than I thought. Like when she opened me up to reading, or when she wouldn't give up on me when I was studying for my Wonderbolts reserve test. She knew I wasn't stupid, she showed me that there's more to me than just an athlete. For reasons unknown to her, anger flared in her chest. Shutting her eyes tight and gritting her teeth she shook her head, trying to dispel the uncomfortable thoughts.

“This is stupid! What does it matter what I think of her! She's my friend and that's all that matters! So just drop it okay!” She yelled angrily, more angrily than she had wanted. She watched her friend wearily for a moment, worried she may have unintentionally upset her. Instead of a hurt look however, Applejack only hung her head and slowly shook it in disappointment.

“If you say so Rainbow. If you say so.” Lifting her head she glanced up at the sky once more. Suddenly her expression drastically changed to one of dramatized surprise. “Oh golly Rainbow! I misread the time!” She blurted out.

“What! What time is it!?”

“Let's just say I think you should be on yer way now, and fast!”

“But, I'm a mess! I haven't even showered yet!” A brief fickler of anxiety flashed over her eyes, but was quickly overwhelmed by frustration and anger. “Whatever! I don't care! I'm not going on some stupid blind date with some random pony who's just gonna bore me to death!” With a bitter growl she began to stomp away.

“RD wait! What about the Wonderbolt tickets?!” She called out.

“Not worth it!” She huffed, keeping her back to her friend.

“What about yer promise to Rarity!?” She called, her voice beginning to take on a more frantic tone. To this Dash didn't respond, instead she simply picked up her pace. Now nearing panic, Applejack's eyes darted about, searching for some sort of answer. Then, her eyes widened with enlightenment as an idea struck her.

“Yer just scared aren't ya!” At the accusation Dash immediately came to a dead stop, still keeping her back towards Applejack.

“That's it isn't it?! Ya know you couldn't handle going on a date so yer running away! You couldn't hold a decent conversation if yer life depended on it and ya only ever talk about yer'self. I bet you're wimping out because you just don't know how to go on a date and that scares you!” After her onslaught of rapid fire allegations she stopped stared anxiously at the pegasus' back. Her heart was racing in her chest from anticipation as she awaited a response.

“Hey! Nopony talks to Rainbow Dash that way! I'm not scared of anything! Especially not a stupid date!” She spun around, glaring at Applejack with challenging eyes.

“Oh yeah? Prove it!” She scoffed, smiling coolly.

“Fine! But when they bore me I'm out, that's their fault not mine!” With a defiant growl her wings flashed open and, with a mighty flap, she took to the air. Stupid Applejack! I don't need to date, I've always been better off alone. A special somepony would just keep me down! It's not like I couldn't get a date if I wanted. I'll show her, this will just be a disaster. They'll bore me and then she'll see that it's not my fault I'm single!... It's not my fault. There's just, no pony right for me. Sadness swelled up in her chest as she left Sweet Apple Acres behind and sped towards Ponyville. Towards her date. I'm not going to get my hopes up just to get let down. It wont happen to me, I'm not going to let somepony mess with my heart like that. I'll go, and it will be awful and I can get on with my life!

Not long after leaving the Apple's orchard, Rainbow Dash could see her destination rapidly approaching. Sugar Cube Corner. This is it... I guess my date is supposed to be waiting for me. From what Aj and Rarity told me, they should know what I look like, but I wish I had a clue who they were. Wait, is that... Twilight!? Flaring her wings like a parachute she brought herself to a stop, staying airborne with only light and quiet flaps.

“What is she doing here!? Darn it, If I go down there I'll have to explain this whole thing to her. I- I can't do this, I have to go.” Reluctantly she began to turn, giving one last glance at her friend who was standing almost perfectly still by the bakery's door. Her mane looked messed up and she seemed worn out. Something's wrong... I don't know, she just doesn't feel right. Focusing her hawk like eyes, she could just make out a forlorn and downcast expression on the mare's face.

“Twilight...” She whispered as the prospect of something upsetting her friend was confirmed. For a moment, her eyes softened with sympathy before heating up into an unyielding determination to be by Twilight's side. With conviction in her eyes she glided down, quickly reaching ground level and landing silently only two tail lengths behind her. Taking a step forward she opened her mouth to speak. Then, she froze, her mouth slightly ajar. What do I say? How do I explain why I'm here? What will she think? Why do I keep asking myself that? What is it about her? Why should I care more about what she thinks than anypony else? I- I don't want her to know, I don't want to lose her! Wait? Lose her to what? If I start dating somepony I would still be able to hang out with her right? It would be the same as always. Is that okay though? Keeping things the same? I don't understand what I'm feeling right now! I just don't know! I- I can't just leave her alone. Something is wrong with her and I need to make sure she's alright. It doesn't matter what she asks me, even if I have to tell her why I'm here, I would rather try and help her than... What ever would happen if she found out. Taking a deep, steadying breath she steeled herself.

“Twilight.” She said softly. Despite her gently tone Twilight jumped.

“Hi! I um... Rainbow Dash?” She asked with a puzzled expression.

“Yeah, why? Were you expecting somepony else?” She chuckled, though much to her surprise, Twilight looked away sadly. There was a long moment of uncomfortable silence, Twilight's mood weighing heavy in the air around them making Dash almost able to feel her disappointment and dejection. Concerned, Dash prepared herself to speak, but was cut off before she could by Twilight soft voice.

“Well, yes actually. I guess I was being stupid though.” Her voice trembled as she spoke. Dash could clearly hear the tell tale sound of constrained tears on her words.

“Twi, what happened? Come on, you can tell me.” She said reassuringly as she padded beside Twilight who still held her head low, obscuring her tear strained eyes.

“I- It's just that, I was supposed to have a date here. They- they were supposed to come and meet me here. But- but they didn't.” Her voice was choked as fought off her sobs through her every word.

“Wait, you got stood up too?!” She exclaimed tactlessly. She immediately regretted her outburst as Twilight's depressed air grew. Darn it Dash, why did you have to say that?!

“Wait, you got stood up to? Rainbow, you had a date as well?” She asked as she wiped tears from her eyes. Dash flinched at the question, struggling within herself, debating how to answer or if she should answer at all. In the end, she knew she couldn't lie to Twilight.

“Yeah, They were supposed to be here, but I don't see anypony looking for me so I guess they came to their senses and left before I showed.” She put on her best bravado, but traces of bitterness and sadness permeated her tone.

“Rainbow Dash, I'm so sorry.” She offered sympathetically, her eyes full of sincerity.

“Don't be, I expected it. Even if they didn't bail, it would have been boring. I'm just surprised somepony would do the same to you. Like, it's unbelievable.”

“Not really, I'm not surprised. There isn't much about me that's romantically desirable. Who'd want a mare who spends all her time in a library and-”

“That's not true Twi!” Dash interjected fervently, her eyes were ablaze with passion. “Don't be crazy Twi, there's loads about you that's amazing! You're so smart and kind, you always see the best in others and you're always there for me! Anypony who was stupid enough to miss a chance to be with you wouldn't know a good thing if it bit him! Honestly, they don't deserve you Twi!” It was only when she saw the absolutely stunned look on Twilight's face that the repercussions of what she had said hit her. Why did I just say all that!? Well, It's not like it wasn't true, she is all those things and everypony knows it so what's the big deal? She is smart and kind and amazing and beautiful... She is all those things, she's great and, and I think I...

“Rainbow... You really mean that?” Was all Twilight's shell shocked mind could come up with as a blush slowly spread across her cheeks. No way, there's no way she could think of me like that could she? No, that doesn't make any sense, why me? Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself, she's just trying to comfort her friend. Why do I feel this way when I think of her, when I look at her? Could it be that, I-

“Of course I mean it!” She said resolutely, locking eyes with Twilight. 'No turning back now. No more denial. No more fooling myself!' “Y- you're amazing Twi, I've never known anypony like you. You're great at so many things and you never gave up on me. You're beautiful and, I- I just... Whoever stood you up really lost Twi, they lost big time. Don't you dare think less of yourself because of one idiot who couldn't see how great you are!” Her elevated voice was attracting the curious eyes of onlookers, but neither cared, not for a moment did they look away from each others eyes.

I won't lie any more Dash thought as she summoned her courage.

I understand it now. It's true. Twilight thought as her shock blossomed into a warm smile.

I'm falling in love with her.

“Um, Twilight. Since we're both here, How about... We grab a bite to eat? my treat?” She fought the urge to look away. Hope and fear surged though her chest.

“L- like a date?” Twilight all but whispered. Her body felt light, all the sadness and doubt from only minutes ago had vanished and in it's wake, was hope.

“Yeah, you know, if you want.” Dash smiled bashfully, trying and feeling to keep a semblance of her cool voice. Suddenly, she was pulled into a warm embrace in a blur of violet. All her nervousness and apprehension melted away in her soft fur. Almost without a thought, she returned the gesture wrapping her forelegs behind Twilight neck, running her hooves through her soft but bedraggled mane.

“So... Is this a yes?”

“Yes, Dash. It's a yes. I would love to go on a date with you.” She said pulling Dash ever tighter into her embrace. Closing her eyes she took in every nuance of the moment, from the earthy and sweaty smell of Dashes fur, to the content and gleeful hums rhythmically emanating from her throat. The warmth of her body and her rapid heart beat. This feels right, It's so unreal it's like a dream! I never thought she would ever return my feelings but it's happening!

“Awesome!” Dash almost squeaked with glee. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I can't believe this is happening! She, she actually feels the same about me. What does somepony like her see in a pony like me? It doesn't matter, I know her and I can tell she really cares about me. She's so warm, that's just like her, even when it's like a hundred degrees out, somehow, her warmth is comfortable. Begrudgingly, Dash separated from her partners hooves, savoring her scent and the softness of her mane as she pulled away.

“So, should we head in?” Bowing her head she crossed one hoof over her chest and extended the other to Twilight like a proper gentlecolt.

“Y- you mean now? I'm a mess?” Her blush deepened.

“Hey, I got thrown into a bush by a cow! Besides... you still look cute to me.” Dash shifted her eyes from Twilight as her cheeks also reddened. Twilight's composure returned with a soft smile. Placing her hoof in Dash's she curtsied.

“Thank you... Dashie. You're really cute too. I've always thought so.” At the use of her nickname, Dash's blush turned a deep and conspicuous red.

“T-thanks...” She stammered. Twilight broke into a soft giggle and, after recovering from embarrassment, Rainbow smiled right along with her. Waling side by side, flanks pressed against each other they entered Sugar Cube Corner, smiling and laughing all the way.

“Looks like it worked.” Applejack said with a satisfied smile. As she and her friends watched Twilight and Dash disappear into the bakery.

“Oh I'm so relieved! I felt really bad about all that, but seeing those two together, they just look so happy.” Fluttershy said with equal part relief and happiness for her friends.

“Oh of course it worked! Those two were head over hooves for each other. They just needed a little push.” Rarity declared confidently, feeling quite proud of herself.

“Still, I didn't much like lying to Rainbow. Once she said Twilight's name and seeing that look on her, I knew you were right. And that mare is stubborn as a mule, she'd never have gone after Twilight on her own, or at least not until there was some actual competition and by then it would probably be too late.” Applejack thought of how long it may have taken Dash to deal with her feelings. She'd be as old as Granny Smith by the time she got around to it.

“And Twilight isn't the most socially attentive mare in the world.” Rarity concluded.

“You think they'll make it? You know, together?” Fluttershy posed her concern.

“Did ya see those two? I ain’t never seen either of them looking so happy!”

“Indeed. I can't say for sure if they'll last, that's for them to decide. I do know that Applejack is right and they are incredibly happy right now. Whether that's enough to make a lasting relationship on is another story entirely. Personally, I have faith that those two will get their happily ever after.” Rarity was beaming, both with pride at her clever plan's fruition and at her dear friends' happiness.

“No doubt Pinkie is throwing them some crazy party right about now.” Applejack laughed.

“Well, I'm sure we'll hear all about it tomorrow. For now, let's give the new lovebirds some time alone. We've done a good thing girls.” With agreeing nods, they all made their way to their homes. Pleased that their plan had succeeded, and given two of their best friends a chance at a happily ever after.

Comments ( 63 )

That was pretty sweet. :twilightsmile: A few spelling errors here and there, but nothing too bad.

i kinda want an epilogue where twilight and rainbow find out that they were set up, and decide to play a prank on them for revenge. the prank wold be they pretend to hate each other after another date night.

4295474 yea, this was a story for a competition and had to be 8000 words, I'm thinking of doing a few sequels to this depending on how it's received and that sounds like a great idea for the next part. :twilightsmile:

4295513 i'm also reading another one of your stories, 'Essence of a Sunrise.' loving that one as well! every story of yours that i've rad has been amazing. keep up the good work!

4295520 oh, you read it's prequel right? I'm fairly certain i remember seeing a comment from you on it.'That which makes up a Rainbow':

4295525 i did. that was a very interesting story. one part of me always wanted to hug her and make the whole thing stop, but every time it revealed more and more about who she really was, i also wanted to just sit back and enjoy the show. very riveting.

Just a couple of formatting issues:

I would rather be alone and free to do what ever I wan,t when ever I want. Besides, I already have all the companionship I need from my friends

Wan't should be just want.

on partner!”

Is this meant to be on two lines?

Wait, you got stood up to?!”

'To' needs a double 'o' in this case; 'Too'

“Thank you... Dashie. You're really cute to. I've always thought so.”

Again, double 'o'; 'Too'

Waling side by side

You missed out the K; 'walking'

“Looks like it worked.” Applejack said with a satisfied smile. As she and her friends watched they Twilight and Dash disappear into the bakery.

What about "“Looks like it worked.” Applejack said with a satisfied smile, as she and her friends watched Twilight and Dash disappear into the bakery.

Otherwise, great story!

4295536 Well I'm happy you could enjoy another one of my stories. I'm not sure how far you are in sunrise but it's getting intense and nearing the end. If you liked those, you should check out an OC story I'm doing. It's not getting much attention but it's still a good story. If you like sad reads i recommend it. if you feel like reading it it's City of Dreams :twilightsmile:

4295622 Thanks bunches, I think i got them all now :twilightsmile:

4295773 i actually finished it, and now i'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter! and i'll give it a look-see.

Lovely story, I would gladly read an epilogue if you were to make one, since it seems like there's a room for it. :twilightsmile:

I thought that it was quite good. I'll eagerly await a possible epilogue. :twilightsmile:

“Oh, that's a shame, and your date is soon to.”

Too not to.

I'm still getting those Wonderbolt tickets from Rarity so it wont be a total loss...

Won't not wont.

What do I say? How do I explain why I'm here? What will she think.

What will she think?

“That not true Twi!”

That's not that.
Great story. :twilightsmile:

4299467 Thanks bunches for pointing those out, i really appreciate it. I'll get then fixed up right away :twilightsmile:

I'm all aboard for this epilogue bandwagon.

if only I could finnish my entry for the compotition... oh well, this was nice and sweet.

4300951 Oh you couldn't finish :fluttershysad: I was looking forward to reading what you came up with too.

4301021 I'm not out till that last day has past, I still have three days, and even if I dont make it I'll keep writing.:rainbowdetermined2:

I read the first paragraph and liked your story. It's a beautiful style, truly!

Don't mean to be rude... but I read the competition rules. It said between 2,000 and 8,000 words... r u over the limit?

4302547 i cleared it with the Surry and the judges, it's only 7880 words when i typed it, but fimfiction counts words differently and, without me adding any words on upload, it counted it to 8179. It always does that, they understand. Don't worry, you're not being rude :twilightsmile:

4301606 Makes me super happy to hear that :pinkiehappy: I'm glad you enjoyed it so much:twilightsmile:

That is a nice story, though it feels sort of... forced?

4303725 Their thoughts about each other seem to come to their heads a bit too randomly. So, yeah, twillight saw Rainbow flying towards Sweet Apple Acres. Big deal. Why would she stop and think about her and her possible thoughts about Twillight having a date today? No reason. Just random. Like if it has been set up in their heads.

I understand that you're trying to imply that they already have been having the hidden feelings towards each other, but that's what we find out only at the very end. So, during the process of reading this story, it seems forced to me.

4303740 Fair enough, i can see where you come from on that. though my intention was to make it feel as natural as possible, with latent feelings bubbling up as considering their romantic lives or lack there of brought them forth. I suppose i could have done better, Thanks for pointing that out though, sorry it didn't really do it for you.

4303763 If you'd like to do it THAT way, maybe you should have considered writing a few chapters, where we could see their feelings from very beginning. How it all has started in their hearts, I mean.

A good story, though it did feel a bit forced. As if the characters were on rails, if that makes any sense. Regardless, an epilogue would be right up the alley for this story, and you'd be able to do one without a problem once your contest is over.

4303791 I'm thinking of turning this into a trilogy actually. Anyway, I'm particularly disappointed that i left a "Forced" Impression. This is my first non-tragedy romance story and i had hoped to do it properly seeing as how i primarily read TwiDash fluff. I'll take this as a leaning experience and make the next parts better. :twilightsmile:

This was... alright. There were several spelling and grammar mistakes that interrupted the flow of the story, and the story was very cliche. Also, how does Rainbow just go from saying that twi is nothing more than a friend to spilling her heart out to her at the end of the story? Also, you have Twi get messy, and then you have Dash get messy. Those situations are just too similar, and it felt like you were really forcing yourself to write this.

Romance takes time, buddy, sometimes a whole lot longer than 8k words. Keep at it, you're doing a whole lot better than most writers out there, and with time comes experience.

4302547 Yup; my thoughts exactly. The only glaring problem with this story is how forced the implications that they already had feelings for each other are. Like PicturePerfectPony said, their thoughts need to be spurred on by something, not just a random event that they feel strangely compelled to equate to their present situations. Also, I feel like Rainbow's realization of her feelings towards Twi and her confession all happened way too fast. Other than that, it was a great story and I'm certain you'll improve over time! :twilightsmile:

4304567 You're right :ajsleepy: I tried to fit too much into a short story. Given that this is like my 12th story is should have done better. I do hope you both come back and read the sequel when it's up, no doubt your advice will help make the next parts better. :twilightsmile:

4305469 I'll definitely be there! :pinkiehappy:

Personally, I think it wasn't that you tried to fit too much in, but that you spent too much time on the build up (Twilight's interaction with Fluttershy and Dash's interaction with Applejack), rather than the shipping itself, considering this is a shipfic. However, I can understand how it would be hard to pace a story like this; starting off at your own pace, only to realize you've already spent 80% of your word budget. :derpytongue2:

At this point, I think the main thing you need to avoid is having your stories be too contrived. In other words, while you're writing your story, stop and think: Could this whole situation really happen purely by chance? The more unlikely it seems, the more unrealistic the story is, because it seems like the whole scenario was set up by someone - the author. That's basically what "contrived" means. My best advice at this point is to pay more attention to the feasibility of your plots, and when you find something that seems "fake" or "set up", try to squeeze something in earlier in the story that could help explain why it is happening or make it feel more possible.

Anyway, keep up the good work! :raritywink:

Personally I thought the build was was something out of a comedy and I thought it was funny and very adorable at the end.

Yep. Too many errors and odd/repetitive grammatical constructs for me to get out of the first couple of paragraphs. I'm just picky like that. Sorry.

4310753 What are you apologizing to me for?

Sorry, though I quoted your post to agree with it, my comment was directed more generally. As for the presence of an apology at all, well, I'm a Fluttershy. Apologizing is what I do. :fluttershbad:

4310753 um, would you possibly mind telling me what "repetitive/odd grammar constructs" I used? I'd like to avoid putting off readers if i could help it and your feed back would be greatly appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Alright, here goes. I took the things that tripped me up in those first few paragraphs, and added either descriptions of what bothered me or of any suggestions I might have.

Gentle, early days light

I assume this is intended to be something similar to "The gentle light of early morning", but the original phrasing is awkward at best. Also, in this context, "days" probably needs an apostrophe (i.e. it is the day's light we're talking about), but I'd really just rewrite this to be clearer.

bathing her in the warm glow

Who is the pronoun "her" referring to in this sentence? We aren't introduced to the subject until the fourth sentence in the paragraph. Also, "the" should be "its" here, as I am assuming the "warm glow" is supposed to be emitted from the "gentle light".

Slowly she stirred

A minor nitpick, but I'd prefer one of the three following: 1) remove "Slowly", 2) use a comma to separate "Slowly" and "she stirred", 3) Reverse the order so that it reads "She stirred slowly".

Slowly sitting up out of her soft, comfortable bed

This is the repetition I was referring to. These two sentences both begin with the "Slowly" phrasing. Also, "sitting up out of" is odd. I'd suggest "sitting up on" instead.

she gave a wide stretch

I find this, again to be a slightly odd description. "gave her forelimbs...", maybe?

Still in a sleepy haze, Twilight turned her bleary gaze to the calender

The two bolded phrases are repetitive to me; nothing is lost by removing the second description and just allowing Twilight to turn to the calendar (spelling error in original)

and stared blankly at it for.

The sentence just ends there. There's clearly another thought that's supposed to follow it.

“The twenty-second...”
“The twenty second!”
the Twenty-second!

Please, be consistent. Three places, three different ways of writing out "twenty-second"

With her hoof she wiped away

Comma between hoof and she.

Suddenly her eyes

Comma between suddenly and her.

her ears pricked to alertness

"to alertness" is, again, slightly unusual. You could say "pricked alertly" or just leave off the descriptor altogether.

“The twenty second!” She

Burying spoken words in a paragraph impedes readability, in my opinion. New line here, please. Also, "She" should be lowercase ("she")

Kicking the sheet that had entangled it's self on her hind leg off,

The clause [that had entangled it's self on her hind leg] is inserted in the midst of the phrase "Kicking the sheet off", and makes the sentence hard to read. Also, "it's self" should be "itself". I'd suggest rewriting similar to "Kicking the sheet off her entangled hind leg" or "She hurriedly kicked the sheet off her hind leg, which had become entangled as she sprung off the bed".

turned towards spikes bed

"spikes" should be "Spike's".

The baby dragon still sound asleep despite her raucous awakening

This is a fragment, as there is no verb. I think it also could use better connection with the prior sentence, either by combining the two: "Twilight turned towards Spike's bed, but the baby dragon was still asleep, despite her raucous awakening". or by adding some description: "Twilight turned towards Spike's bed, her eyes full of worry. Thankfully, the baby dragon was still asleep, despite her raucous awakening." Also, I've left "the baby dragon" in there, but it really could be replaced by "Spike" or "he" to avoid perceptions of LUS.

What time is it!

This is a question. You could use an interrobang "What time is it!?" to show emphasis, but it needs the question mark.

Okay, so that's a bit more feedback than I'd have intended to leave, but I hope you find it helpful. If I've given any inaccurate advice, I'm sure the Internet will be quick to correct me :pinkiehappy:

4312211 Thanks, I really appreciate the in depth critique and all the advice.:twilightsmile: I'm going to go an fix all that up tonight and give it a re-read just to be sure.

Author Interviewer

Ultimately, this story didn't work for me, but I have to give you credit: you actually made the repressed feelings angle work. Far too many shippers use that as a cheap excuse to get two ponies together, but in this story, I could believe that not only were they realistically transitioning from a friendly relationship to a romantic one, but that it's a relationship that could last. Unfortunately, I just couldn't believe that their friends would manipulate them emotionally like that.

4323064 Well, there's a reason behind the manipulation so i may do a prequel, but i have some good plans on where to take this story. I do hope you stick around for more:twilightsmile:

Aside from a few grammatical issues, not bad, maxxxxxx! Twi's and Rainbow's antics gave me a couple of fits of the giggles. I loved that their first date started off with them both messy and exasperated; it shows them that they don't have to change or improve just because their relationship has gone to the next level.
That said, it seemed a bit forced and the Twidash at the end was too sudden. The internal monologues weren't enough to convince me that their feelings for each other were true, no matter what their friends said.

4325150 ya know... I got a lot of comments about how the relationship felt forced... but all they really did was hug. I'm not saying anyone is wrong, had i more time and more experience with this sort of story surely i could have done better, but most of the admission of having feelings for the other was internal. I don't know, it seemed like it made it balanced to me. Anyway, thanks for the comment and thank you for reading :twilightsmile:

It just seemed as though they hugged for no reason. Well, not no reason, but not enough to start a relationship on either. You're right, though; with time and experience, I think you'll blossom into quite the writer. Just keep working and I'm sure things will work out in the future!
You did say that this wasn't your typical fare. If that's the case I'll have to give another of your stories a shot! I suppose I should bump 'That Which Makes Up a Rainbow' up my reading list. :twilightsmile:

4325426 Oh i hope you do! :pinkiehappy: I consider that to be my best story i've written along with Exiled. I hope you like sad stories, that's more where my strengths lie :twilightsmile:

I adore sad stories. Just ask 'Miss Sparkle'. :raritywink:

I've gotta agree with Vertorm here. It did indeed feel forced, and the main reason why is because of the thoughts. The thoughts seem contrived, not natural. No normal person thinks that way, and really, this whole romance idea is pretty similar to the majority of all anime romances. At least, they are similar in handle.

Either way, I did enjoy the split narrative. That was a great decision. I enjoyed the read.

4326514 ... well, i was hoping to avoid hearing some thing like that. In most cases anime romance sucks. (minus the really good ones like Clannad or Spice and Wolf). Well, live and learn. I'll just do better next time. Thanks bunches for reading and I'm happy you enjoyed some of it:twilightsmile:

Just on premise alone, I look forward to reading this. :raritystarry: Even though reading all these stories within a time frame is going to be hell in a hand basket... :twilightoops:

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