• Published 7th May 2014
  • 1,071 Views, 17 Comments

Winter of Our Discontent - CommunistTaco

Three Russian boys are on their way to Vladivostok for a Christmas vacation when their plane crashes outside the Siberian town of Noril'sk. They wander into town to find out it's deserted and recently. Maybe there's more going on than

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[4] Fiction Becomes Reality

In front of me was what I can only describe as a small horse, or pony I guess. That would have been totally fine was it not a light blue color with freakishly large eyes and a tattoo of a roll of parchment and a quill on its rear. I was also pretty sure it had just talked to me. "Holy fucking shit! What the fucking hell is that thing!" Sergei screamed right in my ear causing me to flinch.

Makar on the other hand was exclaiming 'Svyatoye der'mo!' ( Holy crap!) as fast as he could with a panicked look in his eyes.

"Guys calm the hell down!!!" I shouted silencing my frantic buddies.

I turned back to the pony thing that had what looked like a bemused expression on its face. "At least somepony here is able to stay calm," it said in a masculine voice.

"How is it that you're talking?" I asked trying to suppress my urges to either stab the pony repeatedly or turn tail and run.

The pony looked at me and then did what seemed to be the equine version of a shrug. "I don't know... I was human like three days ago so I do speak Russian," he said.

"What the hell happened to make you turn into... this?!" I demanded.

"Well that blue shit that your friend was about to touch, it's what did this to me," he replied gesturing to the vile that Makar was still holding.

Makar's pupils dilated in shock upon hearing this and he immediately put the vile back where he found it to ensure his own safety. "Thank fucking god you interrupted me. I don't think I would want to end up like you," Makar said recovering from the shock that he almost turned himself into a mutant colorful pony.

"Names Ivan Bogdanovich," the pony said reaching out a hoof to me which I promptly shook.

"Nice to meet you Ivan, my name's Yegor Baryshev the Eighth and these are my friends Makar Zheleznov and Sergei Rakossovsky," I replied with a small grin.

"So," Ivan stared, "How are you guys not ponies? I thought HE got everypony three days ago..."

"We just got here," I explained, "We were in a plane crash and wandered into town looking for help."

"Holy shit! You fella's were in a plane crash?! Are you ok? Are there any other survivors?!" Ivan exclaimed.

"We're fine, just a bit cold and hungry. And as far as we know, we're the only three survivors," I replied.

"Well fuck, c'mon over to the refugee camp me and the other townsfolk set up. It's only a few blocks down the street," he said leading us out of the research facility and back into the darkened streets.

We began walking along the moonlit streets discussing as we went. Ironically, Ivan was the owner of the phone that I destroyed earlier and we all had a good laugh about how frustrating those cheap plastic pieces of shit were. "So, just a quick question..." I started, "Why were you saying everypony instead of everyone or everybody?"

"I have no idea," he replied, "Every time I try to say it normally my brain automatically changes it to 'everypony'."

"That's strange... It's like your speaking a really strange dialect of Russian with equine substitutes for certain words," I stated with intrigue.

"I know. The whole town is in the same situation as me too..." he said solemnly.

"So who or what did this to you?" I asked.

"I don't know. Most folks just call him No-Name. He never really told us who he was..." he replied.

"Strange... I hope he doesn't come back around to get us..." I said nervously.

"It's possible, that's why I think we should get to the refugee camp as soon as possible. He'll be less likely to spot you there," Ivan said ushering us on.

We broke into a light jog down the street checking over our shoulders every so often to make sure no-one was following us. It looked like it was all clear as we approached a small recreation center that I assumed to be the refugee camp. We went inside through the front doors then into the gym and were greeted by an unbelievable sight.

Ponies, as far as the eye could see. To my surprise some even had wings or horns adding mythological creatures to the list of fucked up shit in this town. Upon us entering they all turned to see who it was that had entered and seemed shocked to see my friends and I.

A dark purple unicorn approached us upon seeing Ivan and spoke up. "Ivan? Who is this?" it asked in a feminine voice.

"Hi ma'am, my name's Yegor and these are my friends Makar and Sergei." I said.

"How did you survive the attack?! I though he got everypony!" she exclaimed.

"We just got into town ma'am. We were looking for help after being in a plane crash." I replied.

"You poor dears! Come over and get warm, you must be freezing. And feel free to help yourself to some food if you feel hungry," she said sympathetically.

"Your too kind. Ivan filled us in on your town's 'situation' and I can't even imagine what your going through," I stated.

"It's not so bad once you get used to it," she replied, "My names Eva by the way. I'm Ivan's wife." she said with a small smile.

We walked over to a heater that had been set up near the center of the gym and began to thaw out our fingers and toes. The ponies were giving us odd looks but we took it as morbid curiosity rather than suspicion. Eva brought us some bread and water to munch on which we downed in ten seconds flat.

We we're currently commencing in small talk over various things when we heard a loud *BANG* originating from outside. I jumped to my feet and ran to the door to see what could of created such a noise. I stepped outside with Makar, Sergei, and Ivan close on my tail. We inspected the building thoroughly but after finding nothing turned back to go inside. It was then that the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end sensing something.

I spun around to find my self staring at a cloaked figure just across the street from where we were standing. He wore a pitch black cape and hood that shadowed his face and I could only assume that this was the fabled No-Name. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A few lowly humans that I missed?" he said in a chilling voice.

"Fuck off you sick psychopath!" I shouted.

"Oh, we have a feisty one do we" he replied raising what looked like some sort of weapon and pointing it at me. "How about we fix that attitude of yours..."

Just as he pulled the trigger, I dove for the ground and whatever he fired at me zoomed over my head and hit the wall behind me. I looked back to see a syringe with some of that blue shit in it embedded into the concrete structure. "Guys! Get inside! He's trying to get us with that shit he fucked Ivan over with!" I shouted.

Makar and Sergei immediately reacted bolting inside the door while Ivan remained. It made sense considering he was already under the effects of Formula P. I got to my feet just as No-Name aimed to fire again. I looked back in fear as he gave me a grin of malice that made my blood turn cold. I lunged for the door with all my might just as he pulled the trigger. Everything turned into a blur as I flew through the air towards the doors. I was going to make it..... so close...... just a bit further.... and then *BAM*
The syringe hit its mark....

I flew through the doors and landed on my stomach. I looked back to see a syringe inserted into my thigh. I ripped it out to try and avoid the shit taking effect but it was too late. I had already been injected and was beginning to feel woozy. Makar and Sergei rushed to my side to see if I was OK. I tryed to wave them off but it was too late and they were hit themselves through the still open door. The last thing I remember was being dragged away and the door shutting behind me...

I was drifting around my unconscious as I waited for Formula P to work its shit. Memories of my early childhood floated here and there and I was rather bored. That was until everything came to a grinding halt and my visions shifted to a pitch black void of nothingness.

"Ugh, finally!" a voice rang out in the emptiness of the void.

"Who's there?!" I demanded.

"Not to fear, I mean you no harm," the voice rang out again in a much softer voice.

In front of me materialized what appeared to be a large blue pony with both a horn and wings. It also had a crown and chest plate suggesting it to be royalty and its mane and tail seemed to blow in a non-existent breeze. "Wh-who are you?" I asked nervously.

"I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night. Pleasure to meet you," she stated.

"Uh nice to meet you too, my names Yegor..." I replied still a bit confused about what was going on.

"Indeed. Now first let me tell you, this is not your imagination, we truly are talking. We are merely inside a section of your subconscious better known as the dreamscape. I know this may seem far fetched but I ask that you pay attention to the information I'm about to give very carefully."

"Um ok... so why are you here?" I asked trying not to sound like a complete idiot.

"My sister and I have gotten word that a rogue pony from our dimension has somehow traveled through space and time to yours and is converting your species into ponies to form an army. His name is Psikh and he is extremely dangerous. The fact that I am amble to enter your dreamscape must mean he has already converted you."

"Sounds about right. He shot me in the leg a little while ago and my body is being converted now I think..." I replied scratching the back of my neck.

"Well I'm afraid my time with you must be short lived due to us being in separate dimensions so lets get down to business shall we? Psikh must be stopped at all costs. I do not know his weaknesses, but I do know that he often lets his arrogance blindside him. If he isn't stopped soon I'm afraid he may overpower your species, humans was it?, and use you as a force to overthrown my sister and I's kingdom. I rely on you to relay this information to everypony else."

"This seems like a lot to do... I don't really think I'm the right guy for the job either... but I'll try my best!" I said with hope in my eyes.

"Thank you Yegor, until we meet again..." Luna said before fading back out of existence.

As my presence in the dreamscape faded I could only grimace at the humongous task that lay before me.

Comments ( 15 )
Comment posted by Living Madness deleted May 7th, 2014

4350942 defiantly? You mean definately, right?

Interesting Premise, will definately read :twilightsmile:

Not sure I buy the threat level. One pony, versus humanity? Starting in Siberia? Well, even then, unless everyone converted is magically forced to obey... :trixieshiftleft: ... :trixieshiftright: That's what is going to happen, isn't it?

This does have the making of a suspense thriller, got the atmosphere of those virus outbreaks down with the previous chapters, you spent at least some time on the characters, so yeah, I'll be looking forward for the rest.

*reads final paragraph of fourth chapter*
Well, that escalated quickly.

Now I want to do something like this:raritycry: And I just posted a new story

Will the Russian Army come in at any point?

4352473 Only if there is enough Vodka to go around.

4351346 Thanks for the comments. I fixed the errors you pointed out. I will state that I do not have an editor and my ability to revise my own writing is mediocre at best.

I hope the conversion fails, or at the very least that it leaves most of him human.

Whatever happened to this? It was a good concept:applejackunsure:

6766806 I'm still working on it but I've lost a lot of the free time I used to have. I'll see about finishing the next chapter soon.


Wow, i.... um... i actually didnt expect you to say you were still working on it. I mean its been well over a year and a half since this last updated

Taco r u still working on this

Comment posted by DitzyDoo4 deleted Sep 24th, 2021
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