• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 5,673 Views, 282 Comments

Light's Shadow - Jorofrarie

Taken from a dying world, Light turned up in somewhere quite the opposite...

  • ...

Chapter 17

What do we know of the sun? The biggest question is to think about where to start in the thinking.

There are many different opinions of it.

Some say that the sun consists of many different elements, forever combining and changing in a process of nuclear fusion, destroying and creating, the perfect balance, a beautiful cycle. The people that say this have never actually been there, they haven’t seen the center, and while they may be correct about the structure of it, that’s not what it is.

There are other perspectives.

One culture situated on a long forgotten, bleak, desolate planet thought that the sun was a being in a chariot that would fly across the sky each day, before diving into the underworld at night.

That’s not true either, but sadly that culture will never know, they disappeared long ago, as has every creature on that planet.

Another culture believed that being the sun god was more of a position, a role, as if there was one giant board that elected the current god. This was closer to the truth than this culture would ever realize, but they had neither the means nor the motive to investigate, they were happy in their blindness.

These are but a few of the thoughts that circulated around the many universes, every inhabitant trying to figure out exactly what the sun was.

But they didn’t realize the truth of it.

And they never realized their attraction either.

The inhabitants of the many universes would look at everything, and anything. A natural curiosity that was present in everything would drive these inhabitants to research, to investigate, to think. They would look at the world around them and demand to know why, and how everything worked.

This would work with everything. There is a reason that some creatures tried to get to the moon. It was because it was there. They had observed it, and made theories, and the next step was to go.

And go they did.

But there was always one place that they never could go to. Even though it was one of the first things that anyone saw, and one of the most constant things in life, and the longest lasting process in most universes.

The sun.

And in the end, all of those theories, and speculations, would come to nothing. They could never set foot on the surface of the sun. It was just too hostile, forever a candle out of reach. And, like a candle, while it would provide light, and lead the way, in the end you would just end up burned.

That was the reason why the cultures around the universe never knew of the truth behind it. Only a few beings knew of the nature of the sun, and they were rarely seen in the lower dimensions.

The sun was composed of elements being changed, but that wasn’t what it was.

It was linked to a being, but not a chariot.

It was a bit like a role, but not in that respect.

It was an idea, nothing more, nothing less. Ever since the idea of warmth and comfort existed in any universe, so did a sun. Every star existed purely for the purpose of symbolizing the idea, a representation if you will.

And all of them were linked to one being, just like every other true Element, this particular one being the ‘sister’ to the satellites that would sometimes find themselves around planets in need of guidance and help with culture.

And that was exactly why this one was different. This one, special star in the middle of an isolated patch of space. It was an oddity, something not seen regularly.

It was completely black.

No, that’s an understatement. This wasn’t simply a tone, the opposite of white; this was the absence of any light whatsoever. But it wasn’t a black hole.

It was just a black star.

I’d come a long way for this star; it was going to be a helpful force in my pursuit because if we take what we know about symbolism and ideas, then we can come to the reason why this star was special.

It had been corrupted.

To the normal eye, it would look like a black orb, dark flames licking at the edges, hungrily eating away at itself.

But not to me. I could see the veins that had spread through what had originally been a healthy and perfectly normal star, see them as they wormed throughout the body of the flaming ball, turning it from something that had once been an abomination, to something that had become beautiful in my eyes.

I hovered near the surface, untouched by the flames and the coldness of space. The sun wouldn’t touch me. It knew when a kindred soul was nearby.

And besides, it wouldn’t have survived my wrath.

But as it happened, this was a call of a relatively friendly nature, and to that extent, I did the most natural thing for getting something’s attention.

I knocked.

The sun, however, shuddered as if struck by something as dense as a planet, and I knew that the inhabitant had heard.

For you see, as I’ve already said, this sun wasn’t always black. It was like that for a reason.

It had been corrupted.

The surface of the sun slowed its writhing, and the flames parted for only an instant, allowing a creature through. It appeared as a dark mist, ooze that flowed lazily through the æther.

It was the reason for the corruption.

And it would be having a very… in depth chat with me…


I do work with it, yes, that much is true, but not by choice...
-'The Nightmare'

Chapter 17

True Nature


Well, I’ve gotta hand it to the god-sister people whatevers…

They sure know how to pull off a good poker face.

So anyway, I’m sitting there, trying to get my head out of the massive pile o’ shit that it had recently been dunked in, which I suspect was placed there by a certain male animal. And it sure as hell wasn’t a pony.

It was a hell of a plot thickening, which in itself is a disgusting metaphor, especially in a place where the inhabitants are ponies…

Let’s watch shall we?

“Ha! I get it! You’re joking, right?”

I looked away from the dynamic duo, and instead focused my gaze on the six colourful little balls of fun that I oh so loved. Note the sarcasm, they were actually quite annoying, and would not stop talking!

Except for that Fluttershy, I liked her.

Sadly however, the six of them were seemingly drinking in the Princesses’ words like it was happy hour at… well, my old apartment, and believe me, for a group of five mutant-wannabees, we could down a lot of grog…

Usually at my expense…

But anyway, I’m getting off topic…

So the six of them are just staring at me, mouth open wide enough to possibly catch a fly if one happened to fly by. Rainbow looked like she was trying to act cool, but she was obviously taken off guard by the whole statement that Luna had said.

And why wouldn’t they be? They’d just been told that I, Light, was a true Element, something that caused a vital aspect of life to exist.

Like I said earlier, Bullshit. There’s no way that’s true.

But here I was, sitting in a land of colourful ponies, having just been released from a stone imprisonment and being incinerated by the literal sun.

…I’m starting to believe that not everyone goes through that chain of events…

“Oh come on! You don’t think that’s true, do you?!” Apparently the six of them did, as they just stared at me with wide eyes and stunned expressions. It turned to Luna, “Hey, you know that it wasn’t that nice to say that to them, I think that you just broke Twilight!” And it was true too! She wasn’t even trying to ask me a question or anything! In my books, Twilight not asking any questions leads to the conclusion that she needs a checkup.

At the mechanic.

Check her oil pressure?

But Luna was being mean, she just gave me a sad smile and slowly shook her head. I thought I almost saw a tear come to eyes, but that was just my mind playing tricks on me, right?



Wait, is Luna crying?

And she was too. Not much mind you, just a little bit, a slight moistness around the muzzle, but it was enough.

To this date I’m not sure if it was because she was a pony, or if it was because she reminded me of Water, or anything like that, but I stood up and walked over to her, knelt down.

And I hugged her.

She froze under my touch, her muscles coiling in hesitation, but a moment later she relaxed and fell into my embrace. I let my head fall onto her shoulder and just let her stay there. I could see Celestia standing there, and she was giving me another teary smile.

But this one was different, she was happy, and this hug looked to be making Luna slightly happy too, so I just closed my eyes and went with it.

But apparently my reputation just isn’t good enough yet, because a certain hotheaded rainbow pony with rat wings decided that it would be a good time for paranoia to poke his head in and say hello.

Come on, I’m practically giving the answer away!

Well you’re wrong, it was actually Rainbow Dash, I’m really not sure how you got Applejack as the answer there, she doesn’t even have wings…

Rainbow must have a gift at annoying people - maybe that mark should become an open mouth with words shooting out of it? – because she sure as hell gets to me quickly. Or maybe an isolated pony with a bunch of others staring at her, to symbolize that she has absolutely no tact whatsoever?

I’d assumed that the sight of a teary princess hugging a mysterious glowing figure that didn’t even have a shadow, surrounded by another princess that was okay with it, and all of your friends apparently not thinking that anything was amiss would deter you from making a fool out yourself.

But as they all say, assuming makes an ass out of uming…

You can kinda guess where this is going…

Rainbow Dash

What. The. BUCK?!

This is messed up, the princess should not at ALL be hugging IT! I mean, didn’t he just attack me a few seconds ago?! Nopony even remembers that I’m the one that was almost killed by him! No, screw that, I’ve got more fighting talent than him! He was just lucky! That’s it!

He’s obviously done something to them, they don’t know what they’re doing…

It’s time for Rainbow Dash to save the day...

The prismatic Priscilla let a small grin wash over her features, before hastily covering it again. After all, she couldn’t let Light know that he had been found out…

She waited until he closed his eyes for a few moments before hastily making her way behind her friends, making sure not to alert them at all to her presence. She knew that in their corrupted state they would not hesitate to attack her, and maybe even kill her…

Rainbow shuddered, but hardened her resolve and quietly took a few more steps around the outside of the group. Luckily Celestia was hidden from sight by the hugging pair.

It was perfect, Rainbow was poised to jump, ready to take down the threat and save the day, again at that. The princesses would probably give her a medal or something, just to recognize her efforts.

And they might even drop her name to the Wonderbolts and put in a good word!

That was it, the pegasus’ mind was made up. She stalked closer, still just out of the line of sight of her corrupted friends.

She was within range…

And then she screwed the whole situation up, but not in that way. To Rainbow Dash, it looked as if she had done the right thing and come out victorious, but really she had just made an ass out of herself.

But that didn’t deter Daring Dash, she knew that she had done the right thing and defeated the threat to Equestria in general! Her friends will be thanking her any minute now!

Why is everyone looking at her like that?


Why is it that everything peaceful in my life has to come to a sudden and unexpected end?!

My hug with Luna was ruined by, you named it, RAINBOW DASH! And the worst part was that she didn’t even seem to realize that she had made a mistake in the first place.

From my position on my back I could see her puffing out her chest with pride, and she was pulling a pose of all things. A POSE?! Meanwhile, for the creatures that weren’t in the loony bin, there was a sudden case of the ‘What the Hell was Rainbow Dash Thinking’ syndrome.

Applejack was the first one to move, and there was only one thing I can say to describe it:


But I’m serious here, Applejack didn’t even hesitate to walk steadily over and give Rainbow a good ol’ fashioned hoof upside the head. Rainbow just fell to her side in confusion. “What the hell?! What was with the hit AJ?!”

Applejack just gave a stare that bore right through Rainbow’s head, and I could practically see the bloodstains on the floor beneath her as her brains invisibly exploded out of her head. “Rainbow! You jus’ tackled Light, an’ hit the Princess as well!”

“But-but-but she was under his influence!”

“No she wa- wait, what?!”

Rarity stepped forward, “Uhh, Rainbow my dear, are you sure that you feel… fine?”

“I’m perfect! It’s you guys that should be worried! You didn’t even do anything! He tricked Luna into hugging him!”

It was my turn. “Umm, what the fuck are you talking about?! How did I trick Luna into hugging me?! She was just sad and needed a hug!”

“Yeah, sure tough guy, you’re not fooling any of us, is he girls?” She halted for a second, “Is he girls?”

The rest of her friends were looking at her with mixed looks of concern and annoyance. “Rainbow, Light did nothing to influence us, nothing at all,” Twilight said.

“B-b-but he did! D-didn’t you see? Luna was in tears and he was doing his whole glowwy shifty thing again!”

I said, “Rainbow, I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but unless I purposely put effort into stopping that, I’m normally like this…”

“Don’t try and get away from this! You attacked me! You’re evil! Don’t you girls see! He’s been playing you like a, like a… like an instrument-y thing!” She was getting angry now, “It’s all his fault! He’s the reason that I’m hurt, and why Luna’s crying, an-“

I couldn’t stand for the crap any longer, “Rainbow! Don’t talk shit here!” I stood and walked towards her, “You fucking attacked me! And it wasn’t my fault that I wasn’t in a mood to take shit any more! You started the argument and the fight!”

Rainbow wasn’t to be deterred however, “But how do you explain why the Princess started crying then?! Huh?! And you did the whole evil darkness thing too! And you attacked heaps of guards and ponies too! You di-“



Instantly a deathly silence fell over the room as all eyes turned to the source of the noise.


She was standing there with a face that conveyed a universal message of ‘No Shit Tolerated’, and she did not look happy. Celestia was surprised, but quickly put up her façade of complete neutrality, but I could sense that she was still surprised.

Luna turned to Rainbow, “Light has done no such thing! He has been under constant threat from wildlings, and ponies such as us, throughout his entire time while being known to us!”

Rainbow winced as if hit by a physical blow, but Luna saw this and softened her tone slightly.

But only a little.

“Now I know that it is your duty to be loyal at all times, but that is no excuse to act like this.” Her expression turned downcast again, and she almost looked to be struggling to find the right words. “Now, you ask why I am see willingly open towards Light, correct?

Rainbow just nodded violently, for once choosing not to open her big mouth.

Luna sighed, “This would be best if you all listened, as I will only say this once.” This had all of the mares’, and Princess Celestia’s attention at once.

Luna sat. “Now, I have explained how a true Element’s form cannot be destroyed, correct? But there are other equally devastating things. The fading from existence is the least.”

Rarity leaned in, “Excuse me for interrupting Princess, but that sounds terrible!”

Luna nodded, “I know, sweet Generosity, but that is still a fairly low price. One of the harshest is watching the world go by… I have seen more ponies than I can put names to, and I have had to watch each and every one pass away.”

For a moment it looked as if she would lose her composure, and Celestia didn’t look too far away as well, “And while there may be many different Elements, there are also many different universes, so meeting a kindred soul is rare. I’m lucky enough to have Celestia, and that is all that I ask for.”

She looked at me for some reason, and touched me on the shoulder with her hoof. “And there is no doubt that Light here is an Element, although I cannot think what he might be the Element of. Regardless, he would have lived for an unimaginably long time.”

I looked at her suspiciously, “But if I’ve lived for so long, why don’t I remember anything?’

“I was hoping that you might be able to tell us that Light…”


Celestia joined her sister, “Light, tell us something, anything, from when you were just extremely young, before you could talk, when you weren’t as you were now.”

I scoffed at their request, “Ha! That’s it? It can do that!”

But it was harder than I thought. I tried to think of my parent’s faces, but only drew a blank. Memories of my childhood only resulted in more fuzzy, indistinct pictures. Panic welled up inside of me as I was still unable to think of anything.

But there was something! I could remember something from before I first met Fire! Ha! I did have a family!

Wait, why was I so tall? Was I just floating in a blank void? I was still glowing?! But it wasn’t like now, it was a bright golden light, as if I was coated in brilliant gold magma.

And there was something else, another being there with me, and it said one thing.

Oh no…

Oh fucking no…

This isn’t true! It can’t be true!

My earliest memory, the one from before I met Fire, was just me, a void, and the other being. And it said one thing, “Time to forget, brother.”

But that wasn’t what worried me, it was the voice that said it.

A voice that I had known, and hated, for as long as I could remember.

A voice that I despised like no other.

It was the hard, cruel, despicable voice of the Director.

The plot thickens...

Now that that's out of the way, a quick note. I won't be able to upload, write, or do practically anything for at least the next week, so please, hang out there dear readers.

So that once again, nothing for the next week, kapeesh? I probably won't even be online for that time either...

...Fucking hate camping...

Also, only 3 dislikes to 109 likes? Huh, must be doing something right then...