• Member Since 25th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


"...as for the Why: beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can."


They know what he is, everyone the world over knows of humankind, they are prepared and expectant, for the worst and the best. Their histories tell a story he doesn’t want to hear, things of his own world, much of his own history as fables, and a human influence on all things from the lowest to the high, but he has no clue what any of this is, what it means.

The expectations of a world, the suspicions of its people, and the fear of change in so many minds.

It’s a world all too ready for him, and one he never wanted to see. The world embraces a reluctant stranger with open arms, though its hold is at times… possessive.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 17 )

How does this only have 72 views? Their loss, I guess.

Edit: *finally notices publish date* Ah. Damn shame.

Interesting premise, one I do not think I have seen before. Hope this continues.

Work’s been busy but I hope to keep these weekly for the most part, so in a day or two should be the third chapter. Glad you like it, I’ve been thinking about this concept for a few years so there’s a bit to write.

I’m not sure if that first chapter date affected the story showing up in “New Stories”, but this was submitted and approved a day before your comment. Either way, it’ll take time and consistency for this project to gain some traction.

Feedback always welcome, I’m happy the reception is majority positive.

Hi, I'm from the Diplomatic Liaison Office. :raritywink: Like I said over there; Good overall and I like the premise. I usually avoid the "dark" tag but I'm guessing the "comedy" means it's within the context of the world's history and/or those that came before. I look forward to reading the next chapter and seeing where the story goes.

Don’t you worry, I applied at the offices for a reason

Darn, I really wish there was more of this, I can't believe I haven't seen this hidden gem sooner!

Hmm, I love how realistic his reactions is portrayed. None of that instantly accepts it bs when all it takes is like one chapter and they're all over it.

I must congratulate you, good sir and/or madam. Other than some minor spelling errors this is quite superb.

On another, slightly darker note, the road I see before James might lead him into some depressive thoughts. I was curious if this was found to deal anything with suicide or similar?

More on the way this week
I want to emphasize realism as best I can here. It's an entire world with its own people and I want us to see it together. There's a lot to living. To address your darker note, I find it interesting how a take on realistic reactions for a Human in an HiE naturally leads to the conclusion of suicidal impulses, but for the sake of storytelling all I can say is the topic will be broached at some point. To what end and in what capacity will have to be discovered on its own terms

I think its because being ripped from everything you own and care about is a very traumatic event. Especially when there is no other humans around, and the only support one can get is from a completely different species.

This is true, and is a large part in why it probably isn't dealt with in such a full capacity in most fics, and also people may just want to get to the highlights. It takes a certain amount of balancing to make it something worth reading while knowing how to avoid being stuck in the depressive sludge so you can keep things moving in a linear, storyteller sense. Something I hope to do in a believable manner

I'm glad your continuing this, I really hope to see more of the background lore of other humans arriving, and how they shaped the world in the future, and I really like James and spate here, good job!

Happy to hear it, thank you for the encouragement. I'm certain you won't be disappointed

Very nice, though I do detect an undercurrent of stress. While very cushy and friendly seeming, it DOES seem like a prison and Spate more like his keeper than someone who can be truly trusted and depended on. It seems like he is a metaphorical golden goose, and they're expecting him to lay an egg for them. They really don't seem to have let him know anything really about what's going on, and it seems rather suspicious they were right there to get him when he woke up. Seems to me they brought him to equestria.

I am pleased to see this story has an update. I do hope you continue. It feels we've only scratched the surface about these characters and the world they reside in.

I'm happy to see this story has people thinking, there's going to be much more to consider next chapter
At the risk of patting myself on the back I'd like to say you're right, I'm hoping to let you all see this alongside James just as well as he can, if not more due to some extra perspectives

I believe Spate mentioned in thought that Luna had a knack for knowing where a "new" human would turn up. Perhaps the dimensional crossing causes a ripple in the dream realm that Luna can triangulate?

I look forward to it. Additional POVs can help clue the reader into things the protagonist might not know right away as well as setup a situation that reveals said information to the MC.

Is this going to get a new chapter in the future?

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