• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 2,223 Views, 24 Comments

Call Upon the "CMCpony" - Matthais Unidostres

What if the CMC's had a show like "H2O Just Add Water", and the antagonist was Diamond Tiara. . .

  • ...

Hanging at the Beach

Well, here we are, chapter one! I actually decided to write this Fan Fic! So, Enjoy!

Chapter One: Hanging at the Beach

Photo by Deviant Artist Giant Mosquito

One day the Crusaders were hanging at the beach
When they saw something sparkly next to a coral reef
The Crusaders were curious and decided to dive in
The sparkles enchanted them, an adventure begins

It was a beautiful summer day. A beautiful hot summer day to be exact. Which is why the beautiful beaches of San Celestio were the perfect places to be. The Mane six had all been looking forward to this outing, and they were making very second of it count. Spike was also beyond excited about the trip, as were the three fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

It was the last day of the week long getaway. Rarity and Fluttershy were sun bathing on the sandy shores, while Spike waited on the marshmallow unicorn hoof and hoof, giving her a hooficure, suntan lotion, and the occasional massage. Twilight was busy exploring the tide pools, checking off the various sea creatures she found off a checklist. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were in constant competition, seeing who could make the biggest splash, swim the fastest, or hold their breath underwater the longest. However, Pinkie Pie would end up winning every contest.

As for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, well, let's just say that big changes were in store for them. . .


The three fillies were all gathered on the opposite of the tidal pools Twilight was exploring, causing her to jump a little at the shout, but then shake her head in amusement and continue her own tour.

"Wait, so what are we doing again?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Applebloom sighed and said, "We're studying marine life."

"Okay, er, what's 'marine' mean again?" Sweetie Belle replied.

"Ocean! Duh!" Scootaloo drawled.

"Aha! Now who's the dictionary!" Sweetie Belle said triumphantly, pointing a hoof at the orange pegasus.

"We're at the ocean! You don't have to be a dictionary to see that!" Scootaloo argued.

Applebloom groaned and said, "Come on guys, ya'll are gonna scare the aneme-, anama-, enemanema-, oh, ya'll scare the starfish with yer arguing."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and said, "Come on, anema- er, starfish don't even have ears."

Applebloom sighed, "Look, here's what Ah though we could do. Ah brought a bunch of jars, and we can scoop up some of the little critters. . ."

Applebloom went into her explanation, unawares that something did hear them, but it certainly wasn't a starfish, or an anemone.

A few feet away, where the land went into a shallow, cliff-like drop into deeper water, was a sandbar, turn coral reef, which could be faintly seen through the crystal clear water. On the lee side of the reef, something slowly peeked through the surface. Somehow, the thing was camouflaged, blending in to the sea floor that could be seen. It slowly broke the surface, being especially careful, knowing that this would break its camouflage. And then, it just floated there, staring at the three fillies. . . until. . .

Sweetie Belle whirled around fast.

Nothing. . .

". . .and then we'll bring 'em all home and take care of them. It'll be like having our own aquarium!" Applebloom finished loudly.

"Helloooo! Equestria to Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said, giving Sweetie Belle a poke.

"Shhh!" the unicorn hushed, "We're being watched by something."

The Crusaders looked toward the water across from them. They slowly made their way over to the edge and stared into the gently lapping surf.

"I'm going in," Scootaloo said seriously, "Cover me."

"With what?!" the other two Crusaders said.

Scootaloo ignored them, took a deep breath, held it, and plunged her head into the water. After a few second, she took it out and shook the water out of her purple mane.

"You won't believe it!" she said excitedly, "There's some kind of sparkly light down there. It's really bright when you look at it underwater. Maybe's it's treasure!"

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom also took turns dunking their heads in the water. Indeed, there was something bright and shinny on the ocean floor.

"Come on! Let's get our scuba diving stuff!" Applebloom said.

"Wait! What about giant squids!" Sweetie Belle said fearfully.

The Crusaders all shuddered as they remembered that failed crusade.

"Well, that was just the lake, and we're still near the shore. Anyway, there's no way we're loosing that treasure!" Scootaloo said.

"Ah agree!" Applebloom added.

Sweetie Belle gulped, and then put on a brave face, "Okay, let's do it!"



The fillies dived in, wearing fins, goggles, and snorkels. The first thing they noticed was right next to them: the coral reef.

It was fantastic, so bright and colorful and full of life. Corals of all different shapes, sizes, and colors. there was even a funny yellow one that looked like a brain. Around the coral, there were fish, tons of them. Angel Fish, Clown Fish, you name it. Swimming all over happily and without a care in the world.

The Crusaders were so taken with this beauty, that they ended up using up all their breath and had to go up for air again.

"Okay," Scootaloo said, breathing heavily, "This time, we go straight down, grab the treasure, and get back up. Got it?"

The other two nodded, and down they went again.

The descent wasn't that far, probably 20 to 30 feet deep. The deeper they went, the brighter and more beautiful the glowing blue light became. Before long, they had reached its source.

Three, perfect, beautiful, crystal clam shells lay on the sea floor, arranged in a perfect triangle, almost as if something had placed them there for a secret purpose. Suddenly, the clam shells opened, revealing a pear in each one. However, these pearls were not white pearls, or even the rarer black pearls. These pearls were not pearls at all, but rather perfect little sphere carved from crystal-blue aquamarine gemstone.

And then, all three gems exploded with blinding light.. . .

Applebloom slowly lowered the hooves from her eyes. . .

. . . wait. . .where were her goggles? Her fins? Her snorkel?

She looked up to seen all three Crusaders' equipment floating up to the surface.

"Hey! Ya get back here!" Applebloom shouted. The filly immediately froze. She spoke? Underwater? She gasped, but then gasped again when she realized something else.

She was breathing water.

She turned to the other two Crusaders to see if they were experiencing the same phenomena.

Nothing could've prepared her for what she saw.

After a solid two minutes of staring at each other, the fillies then slowly brought their vision down to each of their own lower halves.

The scream that followed could have easily been heard all the way in Canterlot. However, the fillies were underwater, so all sound was muffled to the six mares and dragon nearby.

The surface was silent for a minute, until it was broken by a white object shooting out of the surface at top speed. It was a unicorn filly, from head to middle that is. But instead of two rear hooves and a pony's tail, there was a long, flowing, pure white fish's tail. It didn't have rough, armoury scales like a normal fish, but was smooth, transitioning smoothly from the filly's white fur. The filly laughed uncontrollably as she crashed back down into the water, then popped and began reverse tail walking, shouting, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SEA PON-."

Sweetie Belle's cheering was forcefully halted by two more of her kind, however, one was half a yellow earth filly, while the other was half an orange pegasus filly.

"Are you crazy!" Scootaloo hissed in a loud whisper, "We can't let anyone see us like this!"

"Why not! This is incredible! LOOK AT MY TAIL!" Sweetie Belle said esctatically, waving her new appendage in Scootaloo's face.

Applebloom tightened her grip on Sweetie Belle, "Don't you get it it! We could be stuck like this forev-."

"No! Don't say that word!" Scootaloo hissed, "Pinkie Pie might show up."

Sweetie Belle wrenched herself out of her friends' grasp and folded her two front, or in this case, her tow only hooves indignantly. "Well, this is a dream come true for me!" Sweetie Belle gained a faraway look in her eyes. They sparkled big and wide as she said, "I would sometimes wonder what it would be like to be a sea pony, just like the ones the fairy tales." Sweetie Belle suddenly gasped,a sudden realization coming to her, "Oh! Of course! How could I forget!"

The filly dove underneath the waves, and then reappeared nearby a collection of rocks sticking out of the waves. With a flick of her tail, Sweetie Belle flipped onto the rock, her tail hanging a few inches above the water. With her tail bent where her bottom would've been, Sweetie Belle sat on the rock, giggling and gently brushing her mane with her hoof.

Scootaloo and Applebloom just stared at her as if she was crazy.

"What?" Sweetie Belle said innocently, "This is what sea ponies do. They sit on rocks, take in the sun, endlessly brush their long gorgeous hair. You know. That's what they do in the drawings of them."

"I can't believe you!" Scootaloo shouted, "We're all freaky looking now! How am I supposed to join the Wonderbolts with Rainbow Dash looking like this?"

"And what about our friends and families?" Applebloom whimpered, tears beginning to well up in her eyes, "We stuck here, in the water. We can't go home to Ponyville. We'll never see Sweet Apple Acres, or Sugarcube Corner, or the Carousel Boutique, or the Library, or the School, or-." Applebloom suddenly gasped, "Twilight! She can fix us! Maybe she'll cast a spell-."

"No spells from Twilight!" Scootaloo said sternly, "Remember the last time Twilight cast a spell on us, oh and by the way, I think Sweetie Belle must really like her mane if she plans on brushing it endlessly!"

Scootaloo said this last part loudly to get on the unicorn's nerves. Sweetie Belle just stuck her tongue out at her for a reply.

"It wasn't her fault, she was just stressed out," Applebloom said indignantly, slapping her tail in frustration out of instinct.

"Oh yeah? Well remember the Parasprites! She just made things worse with her freaky magic! She'd probably end up turning us all into octopuses or something!"

"It's octopi!"

"What are you, a dictionary?"

"Stop calling me a dictionary, ya Chicken of the Sea!"

Scootaloo dove under the water and slapped Applebloom in the face with her orange tail. Applebloom growled and dove down as well. Scootaloo jumped out of the water, extending her wings and desperately trying to flap the like some kind of strange flying fish. Applebloom jumped out as well and slammed into Scootaloo, sending them both splashing into the waves. They both surfaced and began to splash water at one another, until the were interrupted by a shout.


The fillies turned, and gasped to see a perfectly normal looking unicorn filly sitting on the rock.

"You changed back!" Applebloom gasped.

"Quick! How did you do it! Tell us!" Scootaloo demanded.

Sweetie Belle shifted nervously, "I- I don't know. I was just sitting in the sun and. . ." Sweetie Belles suddenly looked up at the brightly shinning sun. She gasped and said, "Oh, oh! I've got it! The sun dried me off! You have to get out of the water!"

Both fillies leaped out of the water and onto the rocks near the shore. Scootaloo began scrubbing at her tail, as if it would just peel off under her hooves. "Come on! Come on! Dry already!" she said frantically.

Applebloom caught Scootaloo's hooves with her own and said, "Relax Scoots, just wait. the sun will dry us off soon."

Scootaloo sighed, closed her eyes, and laid back on the rock, "Thank Celestia. . ."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders just lay there quietly for a bit, but then Applebloom said, "Ya now, was it really that horrible?"


Applebloom and Sweetie Belle turned to the owner of the voice.

"It wasn't that bad," Scootaloo continued with her eyes still closed, "Sure, it was freaky, so I freaked out. But now that I know that it was only temporary, I actually think it was awesome." Scootaloo opened her eyes and said, "Heh, I guess I got you good back there Applebloom. I'm sorry."

Applebloom chuckled and said, "Aw, it's alright. I'm sorry I called you a chicken."

"It's alright, I'm sorry about the dictionary thing. Hey, Sweetie Belle. You were good with that swimming."

"Thanks! But you know, you were awesome with that leap. You went so high!" Sweetie Belle replied.

Applebloom nodded and said, "Yeah. With those wings going, golly! You were piratically flying!"

Scootaloo smirked, but then her expression turned thoughtful, "I wonder who left those magic clam shell thingies there?"

Sweetie Belle sat up excitedly, "Ooh! Ooh! I know! It was a for real sea pony! A gift for us! A full day of sea pony fun!"

Scootaloo's eyes widened, and she looked down at herself. She moaned, as if in physical pain, "Awwww man! And we all blew it!"

The three fillies looked down at themselves, and moaned in harmony. They had rear hooves and ordinary pony tails once again.

It was over.

"Girls! Come on, it's time to go!"

The Crusaders turned to see Twilight approaching them. She suddenly gasped when she saw them on the rocks, "What are you girls doing! It's dangerous to climb on those rocks! You slip and hit your head! Get back here!"

The fillies jumped from rock to rock until they were on the shore near Twilight.

"Sorry," they all chorused.

Twilight sighed, "It''s okay, just don't do it again."

As the group walked towards the boardwalk and hotel, Sweetie Belles suddenly piped up, "Twilight! Do you think sea ponies are real?"

Twilight stopped for a second, caught off guard by the question, but suddenly began to burst out laughing. However, she caught herself after a few seconds and said, "Oh dear! I'm so sorry for laughing! It's just that, well, I don't believe in sea ponies. They seem to be just made up legends and myths. But, there isn't any proof that they don't exist. So. . ." Twilight then gave the fillies a big smile and a hearty wink, "You girls are free to believe in them if you want."

The Crusaders smiled back, but as soon as Twilight turned around, their faces fell. they doubted that they could ever get over the guilt off messing up their magical once in life time chance to actually be a mythical sea pony, and they were all sure that what they experienced would surely never happen again in a million years.

Boy were they wrong. The magic they had experienced was far from gone, and before long, they would find themselves torn between calling it a blessing, or a curse.

Wow, that was a long first chapter! And I'm pretty sure you all can deduce the basic plot of the first few chapters of the story based on the clues I gave in the song. But of course, the song came before the story. But don't worry, after chapter three, we'll be able to move out into uncharted waters!

Also, as you can see, I prefer the Mer-pony design to the Sea pony design. Basically, the original sea ponies were just basically sea horses. NO HOOVES. Just a head, fins, and a tail. A straight, curled up undivided tail. I really don't like that. I like the more mermaidish design, as depicted by Deviant Artist Giant Mosquito up top. Half fish, while half the other animal. So, here we half an acutal half pony half fish model, with front hooves intact, NO FINS (UGH, ponies with fins! Never!), and an actual fish's tail, a V-shaped caudal fin. Okay, got that out of my system. Good.

Anyway, stay tuned, because things are about to get wetter and wilder for our little Crusaders! I hope you all Like, favorite, and watch this story!