• Published 2nd May 2014
  • 6,236 Views, 211 Comments

The Twilight Empire - AimlessPone

Twilight awakens to find out she had been very active 'politically' for the last two years. Unfortunately she can only recall bits and pieces.

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Royal Meetings

Twilight watched as a new room formed into vision, as her surroundings formed she ventured a guess that she was located inside of a ship, she could vaguely smell the sea air, even in memory as she watched the scene unfold before her. Sitting across from her past self was Princes Celestia in all her ethereal maned glory.

Before Twilight could really take measure of the situation however, she felt a wave of heat bubble up from her chest as her view of the world shifted and she suddenly found her reliving her pasts perspective and feelings. Words flowed from the gestalted mares mouth.

"Celestia, Please stop avoiding the argument! There are some serious problems that need to be addressed here," she said shaking what looked like a small ream of paper being held aloft by her magic.

"Twilight, there is no need to shout," Celestia deflected lightly.

Twilight took a deep breath, to calm herself before continuing.

"In the time it took for us to get to Baltimare and meet up with Shiny, I've managed to go over everything I could find between us and the griffons for the last hundred years, and almost as long for the other allied nations. To be completely blunt, we are hemorrhaging money, and thats just the most pressing problem. Trade, Law, Economics, pretty much everything is a colossal mess, If this where a footrace Equestria has been doing its best to assure it comes in last. I don't even know how something like this could happen, Its like no pony has ever really bothered to simply gather everything together and just take it all in as a whole."

'given how much everypony trusted Celestia, they very well may not of, If they had they would of noticed that our government is being held together by bits of string and paper clips' Twilight found herself thinking, unsure if it was her past or present self who had the thought. It made an eerie amount of sense too. Luna was a thousand years behind in everything and wouldn't know the first thing about current politics, and Cadence never showed much political acumen. They would let Celestia take care of the business end on most political dealings.

"Twilight, I appreciate your concern but I really don't think its nearly as bad as you're making it out to be," Celestia attempted placatingly.

"Princess It's likely worse, other nations literally don't need to mint money, they are getting so much from us its easier for them to just use ours. Literally the only three reasons I can find that we haven't collapsed financially is your vast experience somehow pulling us just above the red year after year,

Then there’s the inherent desire ponies have to use their special talent which ensures that most ponies will remain productive regardless of how much they make, which coupled with the kindness most ponies show towards each other ensures our citizens almost always have what they need.”

"Lastly there's the residual magics ponies produce which as a side effect increases Equestrians inherent wealth. Ponies are wishing to find gems in their back yard long enough, that gems eventually gets pulled up by the residual magic of all the ponies in the area."

"We are literally being held afloat by last minute saves, kindness, and wishful thinking." Her emotions a mix of mounting frustration and turmoil.

Twilight hadn't been this frustrated since Cadence was kidnapped and no pony would believe her that something was off. Actually this was even worse because with Chrysalis, some small portion of her mind honestly had thought she had been wrong. In this however she was quite entirely positive.

"The worst part is that this is just what i've found peripherally while researching Griffon related policies, and its already as bad as my report states" She finished while indicating the paper packet.

"Who knows what I'll find when I can get into the Canterlot archive," she added gloomily. Her pasts anger subsided, and Twilight found herself no longer re-experiencing the event from her original perspective and was instead standing nearby her past self, unsure if she had been doing so the entire time.

"Okay Twilight, If it is that important to you I can at least read over your report, and we can talk about this later." Celestia said regally, to the young mares apparent joy that she appeared to of gotten through to her mentor.

She continued, "In the meantime however, I'm sure your friends have begun to miss you seeing as you've been spending all your time researching. Again." she finished with a smile.

Twilight blushed before nodding as she walked out the door, leaving her packet on a nearby work desk.

Her future-self watched the room dissolve as her previous-self walked out the door in much lighter spirits, as the room faded into another area of the inside of the ship.

Past-Twilight was sitting in a chair in a corner reading while her friends, lounged about around the room. Rarity was going over numerous outfits, on what was likely Twilights bed, given the size. While Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack , and Fluttershy were playing some sort of card game.

Twilight might of joined but ever since she learned about counting cards she hadn't been allowed to play due to doing it subconsciously. Incidentally both she and her friends were banned from a number of gambling houses in Los Pegasus..

Her friendship report from that little episode reading along the lines of; 'Just because something isn't against the rules does not necessarily make it automatically okay to do. Also its a bad idea to mix drinks.' Although they all did manage came out quite ahead in the bits for their efforts.

Applejacks voice rose taking hold of the conversation. "I'm tellin ya, we're lucky to of made it to the boat alive. Sometimes I think those fillies ain't got a lick of sense. No disrespect to Big Mac, but I'm glad your parents volunteered to help keep an eye on them for a bit before taking them back to Ponyville. It might not be our busy season, but Big Mac would of been run ragged trying to keep up with 'em all by himself. And there's no way I'd be wanting to take ’em with us just to cause a diplomatic incident."

"Of course Darling, they were happy to help. The fact they didn't have to cut their trip short and could pick them up on the way home made everything work out for the best. ",she said while she divided her attention to look over various outfits .

"Although, while Cutie Mark Crusader Train Conductors was a bad idea. You must admit though, we did make excellent time." Rarity commented, causing the assembled mares to giggle. It went unsaid that they also proved that the safety protocols in the stations against runaway trains, worked just as well in practice, as in theory. Needless to say getting scolded first by Twilight, then by their sisters, or sister figure in Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo case did much to get them settled for the remainder of the trip.

A moment of peace took hold

"Arrg, I simply can't decide what to wear!" Rarity had been stressing over it for the entire trip.

Twilight rolled her eyes "Rarity I told you before we left that the Griffons don't wear clothing. Wearing it to any events would just make you stick out, and not in a good way. Did you bring your Jewelry like I told you to?

Rarity nodded, not really listening, "Of course darling, however I cannot simply go in unprepared, fashion is fickle darling, you never know what may become a trend, especially in a foreign lands. Besides wearing them could make us appear exotic. Sometimes fitting in is simply the last thing you want." Rarity finished passionately as Twilight rolled her eyes.

Rainbow decided to speak up however "By the way Twilight, Why did you tell us to bring whatever Jewelry we have? I only have some wing clips, and I only have those because rarity got them for me, we hocking them off or something?"

"No Rainbow, we're not going to be selling them," Twilight began. "Griffon fashion typically consist of wearing various types of jewelry or gems. One of the greatest advantages Griffons have over ponies is their physical endurance. Aside from certain special cases the average griffon can out-endure most other species. They have been known to even beat dragons in long flights. Its one of the reasons we have to travel so far south by boat, they only have a few port cities, one being their capital, simply because they can fly to just about anywhere. Nobles often overladen themselves as a statement of strength and wealth in that they can fly even overburdened and that they can afford precious metals and gems in the first place. We won't be wearing as much, but going unadorned is unacceptable in the higher social circles. Also I hate to say it Rarity, but Griffons are known to look down on non-fliers even the nicest ones have to watch themselves to make sure they don't do it. They almost see pegasi and non-winged ponies as separate species."

Rarity looked disheartened for a moment before she shook herself out of it. "I see, thank you Twilight, I think I might have to put something from scratch, but I can work with that I believe," she said as she began to gather some of her emergency supplies, as well as Fluttershy who was now having her wings examined by the fashionista"

Losing the pony who had almost all the bits in their little game caused the rest to lose interest it, apparently being able to look intimidated by everyone no matter what makes for rather effective poker face.

Curiosity would seem to win the day however as Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight looking pensive for a second before asking.

"So how are things going with Celestia?" she asked as the rest of the group flinched slightly.

Apparently her past self was not currently getting along.

Past-Twilight placed a bookmark in her book before closing it with a snap, followed by a sigh.

"It's fine" she said addressing her friends reaction before shifting to face the chromatic mare.

"And ‘not well’ to answer your question," she grumbled.

Rainbow continued undaunted. "I know we've been trying to not butt in , but what's the problem, you've always been almost attached to the hip"

Present-Twilight was curious as well, due to not actually knowing all the details.

The moment drew out before the question was answered. "What would happen if a griffon committed a crime in Equestria?"

Dash blinked, "Err, I dunno, they'd get arrested or something?"

Twilight responded immediately. "Nope, they'd get deported back to their home kingdom where they would pay a minor fine as a deportment fee."

"That doesn't seem so ba-" Twilight cut her friend off, her temper warmed a bit causing her future self to feel the words coming out even though she wasn't moving her mouth.

"That is what happens more or less regardless of the crime. Anything short of getting somepony killed has the same punishment. If a pony does the same crime in the Griffon kingdoms however they are tried to the full extent of the law. And they almost always get the maximum sentence allowed even for minor crimes. By the way the documents that allow for this were signed within a month of each other. I asked Celestia about it, and she said it was because 'we need to try and practice understanding' or something along the lines" Twilight petered off.

Surprisingly Fluttershy spoke up, though less so than if they would of been in a group outside her immediate friends. "Umm Twilight..That doesn't really sound all that fair.." she observed quietly.

Twilight's past sighed before agreeing, "No. It doesn’t, and that’s just a sample from a preliminary reading. I've been finding all kinds of problems left and right. If you read just a few agreements it doesn't seem that bad, but if you sit down and compile them its a colossal mess. To make matters worse I've found some evidence of similar practices internally as well." Twilight finished letting silence fill in the wake of her words.

The somber mood was broken by Pinkie before it could get comfortable, "It'll be okay twilight, Now that the Princess Twilight Sparkle is on the case, I'm sure you can work out a way to start getting everything back on track just as soon as we get back! Celestia might even agree with you, its just she doesn't wanna get worried over things she can't do anything about right now and want's to wait until we get back! " she exclaimed jubilantly.

"Yea besides Equestria never had an egghead like you as a princess before, I'm sure you'll figure something out sooner or later" Stated Dash as though it were a foregone conclusion.

"Sounds about right to me, ain't no good worrying about things you can't do nothing about. Best to take care of things as opportunity arrives instead of gettin' all riled up." Applejack added her two bits..

Rarity and Fluttershy simply smiled and nodded agreement.

Twilight felt the shimmer of her past selves feelings, joy, relief, love for her friends that she herself was sharing, as the room shifted once again.

Twilight found herself on the top deck looking on at events as the ponies aboard the boat finished tying the dock as a small group of griffons. Her past-self along with her friends, as well as Celestia and her brother where all on board and awaiting the meeting. Rarity was wearing an adapted dress that had been toned down , folded and ruffled to give the vaguest impression of folded wings on her back, without actually appearing to attempt to do so. Her brother was wearing full royal guard regalia armor. instead of his normal dress shirts. Twilight was disconcerted that her past self wasn't standing next to her mentor. It was the first place she would of been when waiting to meet foreign dignitaries, if not only for advice but for comfort but instead she was standing next to her brother who took the opposite end of the line.

The Griffon city had both a familiar and alien beauty to it. The first thing the lavender alicorn noticed was that the buildings seemed to be made primarily of stone walls, as well as heavy looking logs similar to the forested area surrounding it. The cliff face was pocketed with hundreds of almost grid like stone caves that were cut straight into the rocky outcropping. The largest feature was the tremendously oversized palace in the heart of the city. The entire thing seemed to be made primarily of giant stone fragments, cobbled into a beautiful mosaic of fortification.

The whole city was a hive of activity, the sheer number of flying bodies was somewhat daunting, however before she could begin to work out flight patterns both twilight and her past self where jogged out of their likely similar musings.

"Greetings and welcome to the Griffon Kingdom, Celestia, young Twilight!" a rich voice cut across the harbor.

"Majestic" was the only word to describe the creature before them. Lithe and large, he was a good half again the size of the average Griffon putting him around the same size of Celestia herself. His feathers all flowed smoothly like pitch black cloak he had wrapped himself in at all times. If he held still he could pass for a beautiful sculpture of Ebony,betrayed only his golden eyes and foreclaws, both where tipped with alabaster claws that darkened to pitch at the tips. Intimidating as he may of had the capacity of, it was somewhat belayed as he waved in a casual, but friendly manner towards their party.

The assembled ponies departed down the pier towards the High King and his small entourage of comparatively bland griffons.

Twilight noted that the Emperor seemed to be given an extremely large amount of space for his meeting. Twilight heard her past self whisper to the shy pony who was next to her. "No Fluttershy, you can't take one home" she heard accompanied by suppressed snickers from her nearby friends.

Twilight looked to see what they were talking about, when she noticed Fluttershy looking somewhat embarrassed as she watched at a couple of tiny young griffons rough housing in a bout of adorable, if ineffectual, chirping and growling. They seemed to only be partially affected as their bout rolled them in about a third of the way into the bubble of the High Kings personal space, before it spontaneously broke up and they chased after one another down a nearby street.

Before either mare knew it they were upon the High King, who spread his wings slightly to keep balance, as he gave a traditional bow between peers, lowering his just only slightly with his fore talon behind his back, while the other took Celestias hoof when offered, touching his beak lightly to it.

"Ah good to see you yet again Celestia, and how is our favorite goddess of the sun?"

Celestia looked distinctly uncomfortable for once.

"Please don't use such titles with Us, Blacktalon, we have never claimed them." she said with whatever shyness and modesty she could muster both real and feigned.

Blacktalon guffawed, "Ha, you have claimed them by way of your nature and deeds, my dearest Celestia, my people remember very clearly how the first Griffin Equestrian war was ended. However I suppose while maintain your mortal form you can technically say the claim is false." he said as though making a great concession.

The other ponies aside from Twilight and Shining Armor looked shocked at this line of conversation, while the others looked uncomfortable, but none said anything. "And this is the young Twilight, I must admit, by the stories that have reached my ears I would have thought you would be taller. Although I must admit, if you were proportioned to the mockeries of truth that normally assault my court, you would seven feet tall and your mane would be made of fire! " He laughed. However Twilights friends wondered just how much of said mockeries were spot on. "Our Carvers will be pleased they won't end up having to enlarge all the guest quarters and halls to hold such a mythical warrior" He laughed cheerfully

Past-Twilight couldn't help herself. "Carvers?"

The griffon king looked vaguely surprised she'd decided to speak but answered readily enough. "Ahh but I forget, you are both unfamiliar with Griffons, and are a scholar at heart, An excellent figure to have in any pantheon I must say." he said as a throwaway comment which made the other elements of harmony steal curious looks at Twilight and Celestia.

"You see my dear," he said in a tone that could be either paternal or condescending "Griffons, just as we appear, have a dual nature. We all have magics of both Air and Earth. The Air as should be obvious allows us to fly even though our forms are too sturdy by far to normally allow for flight, This is similar to your Pegasi, he said nodding to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in quick succession. One of which puffed up and the other seemed to try and collapse into themselves with the attention.

"Although we don't have the level required to actively control our weather, it is a bit unfair for most creatures to compare their magical abilities to that of Equestria." There the slightest hint of annoyance in his tone before he continued. "In addition to Air, there is Its opposite of Earth, this gives us our tremendous endurance. Some Griffons however hone this secondary ability which when channeled gives them great ability in working with earth and earth based magics, They are actually the ones who Carve out much of our mountain homes and even allowed for the construction of Our imperial palace." He finished with flare.

He paused a moment before smiling slyly at Twilights past self. "If you'd like I could see about letting you meet a few. I'm sure they would be overjoyed to get to meet the equestrian goddess of magic herself." Both Twilight's felt off balance just from the information dump and sharp change in topic.

Celestia however saved her from having to respond. "That is most kind of you Emperor Blacktalon. However I believe it might be in everyone's interest to continue at a more appropriate setting."

It was true, by now they had gathered a large crowd of Griffons who were busying themselves with not obviously watching what was going on.

Blacktalon looked annoyed for the briefest moment before smiling and nodding amiable "But of course you are correct my dearest Celestia. Come, let me show your apprentice my kingdom as we make our way over to the palace," he said as he began walking towards the largest building in the middle of the city.

Twilight only noticed after he was done and the scene was fading away that he never once looked at any of the non-winged ponies in their party.