• Published 8th May 2014
  • 504 Views, 14 Comments

The Gardens of Aegis - Lorthalis of Crows

What might be sealed in a garden of power, watched over by five immortal shades? Discord? Tirek? No, just an unstable unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter One: Who let the warlord out?

"Freedom! And it doesn't smell like rhododendrons! finally, I'm out of that bloody prison! I can now....... now...
What was I going to do again?
.... I've got to be kidding me! One thousand and one years in that bucking garden, and I can't remember why- ARG!
Alright, keep calm, keep calm. You're an intelligent something or another, you can figure this out. Let's got through what I know..

1.)I've been sealed away for a very long time, so only scholars would know about me.
2.)I was apparently dangerous enough to warrant the binding of five other souls just to keep me there.
3.) I have no clue why, or why I remember what little I do.
So, avoid scholars, then find a scholar, and learn what I did and can do. Before that though, I need a mirror and a pond. I'm covered in grime, so much that I can't even see my leg. After that... find scholar, and hope they don't recognize me, at least not until I'm safely away."

Days since last prison break: 0


There is a special set of alarms in Canterlot Palace. These alarms were once seldom used, but have seen much more action since the return of the elements. These are the A.E.R. (Ancient Evil Returning) alarms, They will blare and whine loudly all throughout the castle. Recently, they have been installed in the crystal palace as well. They are now going off. In the middle of Celestia's morning coffee, no less.
Activating Royal Canterlot voice in 3... 2... 1..
"Sister!" "Luna!" "Aunty!" "Princess!....es!"

"Jet set Darling, did you feel something just now?"
"No Upper Crust, I don't believe I did. I'm sure its just your imagination."


"Sister! What hath-"
"Luna, please, for the love you bear me, lower your voice. Now then, I'm going to take my hoof out, and your going to speak quietly. Understand?"
Nod nod nod.
"Aunty! I heard the alarms and-" "Princess, is everything-"
Celestia's voice echoed throughout the castle, as the three alicorns felt their unofficial-but-not-really-leader voice. Her glare of pre-coffee irritation pass over each of them, leaving them shaken and fearful one by one. Having calmed her fellow princesses down, Celestia takes a long drink of her coffee.
"Aah~ Much better. now that we're all calm, let's get things straight. Yes, the alarms are going off. Yes, an ancient enemy has returned. However, we should not discuss this where all of Canterlot will hear. Let us adjourn to the meeting room, and make our plan there."
With that, Celestia leads her fellow rulers through the great double doors, sipping her coffee all the while.


So let's see here~
Ah ha! A pond, excellent. Time to finally shed what appears to be a solid shell of grim..
Brushie Brushie Brushie~ Damn that Gilded Brush , why can't I get her song out of my head?
there we go! So, unicorn, green coat, pinkish-gold mane... so I look like an off-color watermelon. Great. Ah well, at least I'm finally clean and presentable. So, its time to fine a library. Or food.... Damn conflicting desires. At least there's what appears to be a town in the distance. I'll have to get some food there. Hmmm, feels like I'm missing something. Eh, I'm sure it will come to me eventually. Hopefully the town won't be too expensive. I need food, but I barely have any bits at all. In fact, I don't...have...any at.. al...


"Sister, what is the meaning of this? Those alarms are pre-banishment runes. Anything we sealed away during that time would've already attacked the palace by now."
"That you know of, dear sister. There was one menace that I had to deal with while you were away, fighting the Griffons. Your 'transformation' occurred so soon after your return that I never got around to tell you."
"Yes, my trip to the moon did complicate things. What was this menace, exactly." Luna says, shuddering.
"Not what, but who. He was one of our generals, actually. Do you remember a stallion by the name of Pyrrhic Victory?"
"Hmmmm.... Green coat? Pink and brown mane? Rather effeminate, kept getting mistook for a mare by the soldiers?" Luna asks, putting a hoof to her chin.
"Yes, that's the one. While you were gone, he betrayed me. I suppose he saw it as revenge, considering I had revoked his credibility as a general and any authority he may have had."
Cadence speaks up ,"Aunty, why did you do a thing like that? From what little of him I've read, he almost never lost."
"While it is true he rarely failed to win a fight, the cost was... Well, there's a good reason the phrase 'Pyrrhic Victory' has the meaning it does today." Celestia winces as old memories resurface.
Cadence shakes her head, stopping her aunt before she's lost on memory lane. "No, I mean why was he imprisoned? My understanding was that would've been a dungeon sentence or execution. Trapping his soul in a garden seems like overkill."
"He united the Twelve Everfree Cults of Madness, took on a portion of each Avatar, and then tried to make off with the treasury while leaving the cults to die."
"He... what? How?"
"Perhaps I should give a bit more detail..."


Trudge. Trudge. Trudge.

It looked a lot closer from the pond.

Trudge. Trudge. Trudge.

Almost there. I think.

Trudge. Trudge. Trudge.

Finally! I'm here, and nopony has run away screaming. So far so good. I need only- "Hi there!" Ack!
"Wh-wha? Who-?"
*Gasp*"I've never seen you before!"
"This means a PARTY!"
"Huh?" Where did the confetti come from...?
"O-kay. Um, bye?" What in Tartarus?

"First time meeting Pinkie?"
She called it a 'Pinkie'. Must be some sort of new species...
Turn around, greet the nice pony and- Oh. She's ah... Nice. Blue coat, blue and white mane. Reminds me of Gilded Brush, but with different colors.
"My name is Colgate. Yours?"
Name, name, name. Can't be Pyrrhic Victory, for obvious reasons.... Uhhh....
"Pyrite Fortune." Where did that come from? eh, I'll take what fortune I can- Oh no, did I seriously just think that?
"Pyrite Fortune? Rather ironic name. Anyways, based on Pinkie's reaction, you're new here. Need a tour?"
"Oh! Yes, yes that would be nice. Tell me, does this village have a library?"
"Golden Oaks? Right this way..."


"Roseluck, what's-?!"
"Cult meeting, now!"
"What?! Why?!"
Roseluck grins with equal parts joy and dread.
"He's back! Pyrrhic is back!"
"I'll go get Lily.
The two mares run their separate ways, Roseluck to set up the meeting ground and Daisy to grab the third member of their group. Both think on phrase repeated endlessly.

He's back!
He's back!
He's back!

Author's Note:

So yes, Colgate now has an ancestor. One Gilded Brush. Still debating on how exactly to bring that in though... Any ideas would be welcome.

And yes, I know its not great. Keep in mind it is my first time. Still criticism is appreciated, but keep things civil please.

Comments ( 13 )

Honestly mate for your first story this isnt bad.

I would highly recommend a editor though, as it seems like this is all a tad bit rushed. Try and pace it all out. Once you've done a chapter or paragraph read over it and check if it isnt going so fast. Editors and proof readers are a authors best friend. Other than that this story has extreme potential with your imagination and a little bit of work.

I look forward in anticipation to the next chapter.


:facehoof: You're right, it is very rushed....


Dont worry. Its a simple mistake. Dont worry about it. Revise it thoroughly and slowly to work out all the kinks. Trust me its takes a while but its worth it. I know what this is like mate and trust me if you revise it, it feels awesome.

On the third sentence capitalize "Finally"
Your description says pre-Nightmare Moon, which would be over 1000 years earlier, however, Pyrite Victory said 800 years and Celestia said after Luna was banished. You need to change your description to post-NMM.

These a;arms were seldom used

Replace ; with an L.
Your missing an l in all when he realizes he has no money.

"roseluck, what's-?!

Capitalize Roseluck.

the two mares

Capitalize The.

Nice story anyway. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Actually, Pyrrhic was supposed to around just before NMM, being a small part of the depressing whole that brought about Luna's trip to the moon.

Oh. Wait. I'm still confused. He still said he had been stuck in there for 800 years and your saying it's pre-NMM so it should be over 1000.

I know, that's where I screwed up.

It seems a bit bare in description; what is being felt? Heard? Tasted? Smelled?

Also, remember to break into a new paragraph every time a different character speaks, stay with a chosen tense and don't be afraid to slow down and describe a scene.

As for Pyrrhic victory, I like the name, I like it very much. Just make sure that he doesn't become a Gary Stu.

On yet another note, this fic seems very similar to the league of humans acting villainous' fics.

Is this fic going to be continued?

Eventually, yes. I have the next couple of chapters written out, I'm just having to type them up.

Wow, this is totally crazy! :applejackconfused: This is a funny story, you should write more! :pinkiehappy:

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