• Published 4th May 2014
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Son of Chaos - Unimpressive Chaos Lord

Celestia and Discord have always been rivals, as Chaos an Harmony are antagonistic elements. But how deep is this relationship in reality? What ancient secrets, unknown even to the bearers of Order and Chaos exist between them?

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This tale I am going to tell began a long time ago, longer than what you could ever imagine. Before anything existed, even before this remote space we call universe, there were two entities, two siblings who spanned all trace of existence. Their names were Chaos and Harmony. They inhabited the limbo, a realm which did not know the significance of time and space, with each other as their only company. At first mistrustful, both divinities maintained the distance. But after millenniums of continuous silence, life was created, and that same instant was when they accepted their mutual presence, as for them it was understood that they were dependent on the other. Their union had been responsible for something marvelous, and that is why they concluded that they needed each other to survive, in fact, for their work to survive. This idea was not born even as a thought, but a mere instinct, an impulse neither of them could comprehend. And then, once combined the forces of order and chaos the universe took form. During the first millions of years, nothing but the vast necessity of taking care of their creation occupied their minds. No detail could escape from these deities; omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. But, after eons of contemplating death lands and lacking of life galaxies their eternal tedium undermined their docile spirits. Their mutual company became insufficient, and for the first time in their existence, they felt fear. The possibility of death, a concept unknown for them evoked the apprehension in them.

However, much to their surprise their saviors were about to meet life. Both of them sensed it, a perturbation in the natural order. Something they had never experienced before: The presence of souls.

They sought through the entire cosmos, without a pause. What was the cause, what would they meet?
Their response was given in the form of a humble, even insignificant world, at least for foolish eyes, populated by mortals. They were little, delicate, but powerful. They possessed the don of virtue, the most precious gift ever conferred: Conscious.

From then on, until our days, their efforts and attention were directed to that small planet and the creatures that it hosted. They witnessed the rising and falling of empires. Terrible monarchs were succeeded by benevolent rulers, the most atrocious battles took place, the culture and its evolution. Both gods were horrified and delighted at the same time. Harmony would always side with peace and order, Chaos with discord and attempts against the natural order, which despite cruel were necessary at times. Harmony controlled every constant; the pass of days and nights, the course of life and death, the advance of seasons… Chaos, on the other side, would be in charge of destruction, mischief, the unexpected and even sentiments which are out of hands control, such as the pure love.

The diverse species which populated their favorite spot in the immensity of the universe proved to suffer of substantial lacks in what concerns to perfection, but if there was a particular kind of creature which stood out above the rest was the pony kind. Their wisdom, ferocity, aplomb and vigor were unprecedented, which quickly made of them a predilection.

But, suddenly, both gods distanced. They could not deliberate which way of reigning was the most appropriate for the mortal creatures. Until the last trace of wick burnt.

And so, the most terrible war ever witnessed in history began. The universe wobbled when the two titans faced in combat. Reality found itself close to extinction; everything that had ever been made endangered of being purged forever. Even the ponies, who ignored the battle that was taking place could perceive some of its effects, although they never knew what the cause was. Words are banal to describe those months of everlasting strife, so I shall conclude stating that even the apocalypse on earth would pale if it was compared with the monstrous calamity that almost set an end to everything that has ever, is and will be known.

Eventually, one of them rose with victory. Perfectly aware of the consequences that prolonging the conflict would entail, Harmony, gathering all her strengths, reduced Chaos and earned the right to govern the world both siblings had been sharing since the birth of their beloved offspring.
Weather control became into pegasi´s responsibility, animals required the care of ponies, the Sun and the Moon had to be raised by worldly magic. And so, absolute order was imposed, as Chaos´s figure degenerated until transforming into a mere shadow.
However, Harmony, incapable of resisting her benevolent nature, agreed to wide Chaos domain. What she could not now was that disdain and rancor had flourished in her dear brother.

In the beginning, Chaos maintained his promise of being a simple reinforcement in Harmony´s rule, only an occasional variety to provide the world with some “unpredictability”. But as the passage of time resumed its continuous advance, so Chaos´s greed did.
As years went on, Chaos little by little fed his ambition by spreading in the yet nameless land tiny samples of disharmony. Harmony, sinning of naïve, never attributed them to her brother. She blamed the natural order, and always found a way to repair Chaos damage. His futile attempts of amusement, constantly restricted by his sister´s actions only enraged him more and more. Until one day which will always be and is still remembered by the pony kind, Chaos ventured into carrying out a final movement. An action whose cost was almost the absolute extinction of every living creature on earth. The Chaos that had once enjoyed the company of “his little ones” had disappeared, being replaced by a power insatiable beast whose sister could not recognize anymore.

Harmony opened her eyes and saw the hideous truth, and felt the last sentiment she had ever expected to experiment: The acre taste of betrayal. With great repentance, Harmony contained her brother long enough to fix the harm he had caused, before finally facing him.
Knowing that the brother that had fought her in the last war was nothing compared to the animal that stood before her then, she tried to reason with him. She exposed why his constants and pernicious interferences had endangered the balance of chaos and order, and that if he did not cease everything they loved would disappear. Chaos, blinded by his rage blurted her out and encouraged her to fight, but she refused. Her last desire was losing her brother.
Her words caused such impact on Chaos that his fury instantly dissipated. Much to his dismay, Harmony was right.
And then they reached the point of the story that concerns us.

After that, both of them concluded that their desire of control had just caused pain, and with time it would only degenerate the bond that linked them until it would be too late to reason. And so, knowing that after eons of life their existence had reached an end, both siblings made preparations for their “death”. However, a little glimmer of evil still ran through Chaos´s veins. And so, he outlined a master plan to ensure his victory. Even if he was gone, only chaos would prevail on Earth.

He informed Harmony of his concerns: If they both were gone and whether chaos or order imposed over the other, since they no longer existed no one would be able to restore the natural course of events. As much malice Chaos remained, as much innocence Harmony did. She agreed, and for that they decided to create tools that in the hands of a worthy bearer would confer him or her the might of a god.
Harmony then proceeded to form a seed of the purest crystal. From the seed it would germinate what she baptized as “Tree of Harmony”, which would be the pillars on which the world would stand. And inside its crystalline bark, its fruits would reside; "The Elements of Harmony”, such powerful items that in the hands of a worthy bearer they would expiate any vestige of evil or discord and restore the order.
Chaos, on the other side, was astute enough to reserve his own “tool”, which inevitably awoke Harmony´s suspicion. Despite what Chaos believed, she was not the naïve fool her brother presumed.
And so, the only task left to be attended was encountering the dignified emissaries of their two elemental forces. Being omnipotent beings they were perfectly aware of the risks of succumbing to the corruption that is preceded by power, so they agreed that despite the love they professed for them, their beloved ponies could not be trusted for such transcendental commitment. In this way, two new species would be born, entailing only the most desirable qualities to be found on mortals, being in this way fated to eventually meeting the destiny the gods had traced for them.

Harmony, letting been taken by her nature, gave birth to the perfect incarnation of order and harmony; the union of the three species of ponies on the land recently named “Equestria”. Provided with the humility of the earth ponies, the wings and tenacity of the pegasi race and magic and grandeur of the unicorns the Alicorn took form; a creature which had been heard of in pony myths for centuries. And since Harmony was prudent, she created two Alicorns, in part, inspired by the idea of that two siblings are the best possible method of reigning. Chaos, on the other hand, formed an idol that would always be associated with his name, a creature that would evoke the fear and respect among mere mortal ponies. In order to create him, Chaos took a series of which he considered the most majestic creatures on earth and blended them until giving birth the perfect incarnation of chaos. When Harmony contemplated his brother´s creation with amazement and admiration she asked his name. Chaos simply smiled and responded saying:

“Names are merely given in order to distinguish similar individuals from others. My son has no equal, and so he does not require to be discerned.”

When they stood together, watching their world for the very last time they felt the temptation of stepping back, but they both know that their sacrifice would result in their children´s happiness. Harmony then proceeded to introduce the seed of her creation into the monarch of Equestria, a unicorn with the name of Queen Platinum. Chaos selected a humble pegasus mare, a modest peasant with nothing particularly relevant.

After their legacy had become earthly there was no turning back.
But Harmony, whose suspicion had not been assuaged, proposed Chaos a pact. In order none of them tricked the other, both siblings would confine each other´s powers so the only purpose they could serve would be conferring them to another item and no other type of meddling. Chaos had to agree in order not to uncover his true intentions. Once their deal had been sealed, Harmony offered to be the first one to abandon her existence. And for the very first time in her entire reality, she felt a sudden stabbing pain, not physical, but caused be the possibility of not being able to see her brother again. Harmony said goodbye to her antithesis and planted the Tree of Harmony in the remotest area known by the pony kind, where it would always be guarded by nature. Once it had sweetly embraced the mortal realm, Harmony´s figure dissipated before Chaos´s eyes.

Though Chaos had lived more than any other being in this or other universe, he could firmly swear that no silence like that had ever been experienced. It was time to go. But he did not. He remained quiet, and during the coming years he would not alter this position, not until his descendant was prepared, not until his masterpiece earned the privilege of being called the Son of Chaos.

Author's Note:

First of all, thank you very much for giving my story an opportunity. I hope you have enjoyed it and want to read the rest. If you notice any mistake in grammar, spelling, plot, continuity... please, inform me and I´ll correct it. I am still learning English. Don´t be shy and share any thought you have about this story.