• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 3,686 Views, 121 Comments

To End A Life - Diceman

After decades of isolation Twilight finally finds a cure for a curse put on her by who she thought was a friend

  • ...

I: The Cure.

Chapter 1: The Cure

Beams of sunlight slowly crept along the old oak floor until they reached the edge of a bed lined with blue sheets. They began to climb up the bed, slowly, until they reached a lavender blanket. The beams started to spread quickly across the bed, illuminating the face of a creature sleeping. The warmth of the sun roused the sleeping creature and she slowly turned over, to face the light. The sun illuminated the face of a purple Alicorn with moderate sapphire blue mane with two streaks of moderate violet and brilliant rose running down its mane on the left side of its horn.

"Morning already?" The creature groaned in a feminine voice. She quickly pulled the covers over her eyes, but the sun would not relent, she could see the beams of light even though the cover. She tossed and turned for a few minutes, trying to find a comfortable position to get back to sleep.

"Bah, fine." The purple Alicorn tossed the blankets off the bed and rolled out onto the floor, landing on all four legs. She gave a long yawn and began to stretch out, her back arching into the air as if she were a cat. She soon reversed her stretching and added her wings to the morning routine.

"Ahh, that feels good." The Alicorn flapped her wings a few times, a few stray feathers falling out. She looked back at her wings and noticed that a few feathers were jutting out at odd angles, some of them overlapping and some of them stabbing into other feathers. She checked her right-wing and than her left. "Maybe I should manually preen them today" she said to herself. She flapped her wings a few times and some of the loose feathers fell out, but none of the others seemed to want to go back into place.

"I don't have time for this, I'll just use the auto preen spell." She closed her eyes and her horn began to glow a deep pink, a pink that soon enveloped her entire body. The feathers that were stubbornly jutting out at odd angles began to swivel back into aliment with the others and the ones that were too damaged to salvage dissolved into puffs of purple smoke. The spell wasn't perfect however, as some of the feathers just flat out refused to be straight.

"Bah, whatever. Not like I go out much anyhow." The Alicorn moved toward a mirror on the end of her room, a single brush levitated off a nightstand next to her as she stepped in front of the mirror. "What I wouldn't do for some Canterlot blue sky shampoo." The Alicorn stared into the mirror, trying her best to brush away the split ends on the hair that hung just above her eyes.

"Oh well, enough faffing about. Time to check on Spike." The Alicorn walked through the door to her room and into the hallway. She made a quick left turn and walked down some stairs into what looked like something right out of a science fiction novel. A room filled with many different contraptions ranging from the mundane like a cappuccino maker to the bizarre like an assembly conveyer belt for bottled products, all of the bottles labeled 'Starlight Chemical Co' on them. Strangest of all was a massive chemistry set that ran along the ceiling of the entire room, dropping down every so often to funnel contents into beakers near the floor.

"Ah, the fresh smell of the laboratory." The Alicorn inhaled deeply, her face breaking into a smile. "Today should be the day. The last test with gravel wort was promising." The Alicorn walked though the lab to the end of it where a large metal gate stood, an elevator. She opened the gate and stepped inside, closing the gate behind her.

"Bottom floor please." A pink orb at the top of the elevator whirred to life and responded in a robotic tone.

"Good morning, Twilight." The orb said.

"Good morning, Sam." Twilight replied.

"I have finished mailing out your entire repertoire of spells and ingredient lists for potions for all scholars in Equestria. Operation immortal tome is 95% complete. Awaiting your order to initiate the last phase." The orb said.

"Good. I should have the potion finished within a week at most" Twilight said.

"This may seem a bit off topic, but what about the dragon below once your plan is complete?" The Orb asked.

"Oh, I built a fail-safe into my lab. It will shrink down to the size of a pea, destroying the front wall in the cliff face and the ceiling inside his cave. This will shine light on his project that hes been at for the past thirty or so years" Twilight said.

"Oh, his memorial that he wanted to build?" The orb asked.

"He finished that a long time ago, he decided to build more statues" Twilight said.

"Are you going to tell Celst-" The orb cut itself short.

"For the last time, NO. I want nothing to do with her" Twilight said angrily.

"I am sorry. Remember I am a learning AI. Your lack of explanation as to why you're angry perplexes me. I will endeavor not to bring the subject up again." The orb apologized.

Twilight sighed. "Sorry, when I get angry I don't focus very well and my work suffers for it. I will upload an explanation from my journal to your mainframe when my work is complete."

The elevator continued down the shaft and from inside one could sea an ocean of yellow set to the backdrop of leaky stonewalls. Suddenly a large purple head appeared in front of the elevator. It was the head of a large dragon, it had long green spines running down its head and neck, two sharp fangs stuck out from the edge of its mouth and piercing emerald green eyes.

"Good morning, Twilight. Have you come to join me for breakfast?" The large dragon said as he lowered his head to follow the elevator to its destination.

"I guess I could go for some juice and toast. If you would be so kind as to set the table, Spike." Twilight replied. As the elevator descended Twilight could make out more of Spike's titanic girth. In just a little over a couple centuries the once small baby dragon had ballooned into a massive amethyst dragon. Even though he wasn't full-grown and wouldn't for another ten centuries or more, his sheer bulk was always breathtaking to behold.

Spike nodded and reached over to a pile of gold at the far side of the room. With his massive powerful tail he pushed large piles of gold out of the way as if they were mere balls of dust. He kept at it until the gold neatly piled to the left of its original position. Underneath all the gold was a small cupboard, a mini fridge and a wooden bench that looked as if it was bolted to the stone floor.

"Sorry about that. When I sleep I sometimes toss and turn, things get moved around and all that" Spike said as he tried to pry open the door on the cupboard carefully, his single massive claw larger than the entire cupboard itself.

The elevator came to a stop and Twilight opened the gate. Twilight spread her wings and glided to the far side of the room where Spike was trying his best to open a single door. "Silly dragon. You're much too big to be trying that stuff. Here, let me get the little stuff, all I wanted you to do was clean up the gold pile on it."

Spike frowned. "I almost wish I was small again, I would even settle for those awkward teenage years. At least then I could make nachos for myself without help."

"I understand the feeling, Spike. Back when I was a unicorn everything seemed so new and fresh, every new thing I did or tried was exciting, but now..." Twilight sighed. "I really miss the challenge in things, now even the most complex spell is a breeze. Potions are simple and even spell creation is too easy. The only potion left for me to discover is-"

"Let's not go over that again. You know how I feel about your project, let's just try to eat breakfast without going over that discussion again" Spike said.

Twilight shook her head. "Maybe one day you will understand my position. Dragons may not be immortal, but elder dragons can live upwards of ten thousand years."

"I am well aware and actually some dragons never age past five thousand. Both silver and onyx dragons cease all aging at five thousand years of age." Spike corrected.

"I remember reading about them. Never met either kind before though." Twilight opened the cupboard door with her magic and levitated out what looked like a metal box with a round cylinder battery object strapped to the side. "I heard rumors they went extinct."

"Not entirely. There are the few of them that still roam the skies of the far north. They don't socialize much, some say they even went mad and lost all sense of self eons ago" Spike said as he flicked a spare gold coin off the table and into a pile behind Twilight.

Twilight bit her lip, she wanted to use this as an argument for her plans, but she knew it would spoil the mood. "Anyway, what bread would you like this morning? Raisin, cinnamon or wheat with jade chunks?" Twilight asked.

"Jade chunks if you would be so kind. The last time I had raisins it gave me gas for a week. I almost accidentally melted one of the statues" Spike said, giggling.

"Speaking of, how far along are you." Twilight asked as she pulled a loaf of cinnamon and wheat jade bread from the cupboard.

"The last one should be done by tomorrow morning at the latest. We are still in agreement about the rest of our hoard right?" Spike asked.

"Yes. The entirety of it is already arranged to be transported to the Equestrian orphanage association. Lightly toasted or dark, Spike?" Twilight asked as she shoved two slices of the bulky wheat bread down the makeshift toaster on the table.

"Oh, medium if you would be so kind" Spike replied.

Twilight tapped the toaster with her horn and the device began to jump up and down, spewing sparks all over the table. Seconds later the toast popped out of the top of the toaster and onto the wooden table. Twilight then shoved two slices of cinnamon bread down the toaster and tapped it with her horn. This time the device hummed for a moment and spat out two slices of lightly toasted cinnamon bread.

"Really should fix that problem it has with gem encrusted bread." Twilight turned her head to the mini fridge under the cupboard. "Would you like anything to drink?" Twilight asked.

"Some Apple Family cider if there is any left" Spike said.

Twilight opened the fridge door and indeed there was nearly an entire gallon of the stuff on the bottom shelf, right next to it some orange juice. Twilight lifted the bottle out of the fridge and set it on the table. Something however, caught her eye and she leaned closer to the jug. "Huh, when did they start using this red filly on the front of the jugs instead of granny Apple bloom?" Twilight asked.

"A couple of months ago I think. It's been many years since she passed away, I guess it was time for a new face for marketing" Spike said as he picked up the jug and examined the label. "I believe this filly is Big Mac's great great granddaughter."

"I miss the old label, and the one before that" Twilight said as she moved a small bottle of orange juice from the friend. Closing the door lightly as she set it on the table.

Spike scratched the back of his neck. "You know Twilight, you could always leave here and go learn more about all the descendants your friends left. I mean it couldn't hurt right?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, as much as I want to know how well they are doing, I don't want the same pain I felt each time one of the others passed away. If I never get attached in the first place than the pain of loss won't be as great."

Spike nodded his head. "I understand, many of my own kind live in absolute seclusion. Their entire lives being nothing but building up their treasure hoard." Spike looked up to the large cloth covering his statues, particularly one with what looked like a point in the blanket at the top. "They miss the entire point of living."

Twilight took a bite of her toast and swallowed. "Spike, when did you get so smart?"

Spike smiled. "I learned from the best" Spike said while staring at Twilight.

Twilight smiled. "Flatterer."

Twilight took another bite of her toast and took a drink of her juice. "You want this last piece, Spike? I really should get to work." Twilight picked up her toast and set it next to the jade toast on Spike's side of the table.

"You sure? You've been working really hard lately" Spike said.

"I can feel it Spike. I'm so close to being done. I'll finally be able to end my suffering, to end my story on a positive note. I've already rewritten nearly all the laws of chemistry. It's time for me to leave this world behind and let some other ponies rise to be even greater at chemistry than I am" Twilight said.

Spike sighed. "I wish you would just hang out for a while. You're always consumed with work."

"Oh Spike. Tell you what, we can go down to the beach this afternoon, I'll bring dinner" Twilight said cheerfully.

"Really? That sounds awesome. I guess you will be going in disguise again?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. I'll be going as Star Burst. I guess I should disguise you as well, unless of course you want the entire beach to ourselves like the last time we went." Twilight grinned, rubbing the back of her head.

"Hey now, they don't have to know I'm a gentle giant. Having the ocean to yourself is kinda cool, I mean I don't want to scare them off, but if I want to go swimming they have to vacate the water. I make massive waves when I cannon ball" Spike said.

"I know, my rowboat ended up in the middle of town the last time we went" Twilight said, rolling her eyes.

Both of them shared a hearty laugh.

"Anyway Spike, I'll see you later tonight" Twilight said cheerfully as she made her way to the elevator.

"I look forward to it" Spike replied.

Spike watched the elevator ascend until it was out of sight. He turned his head to where the statues he was working on were still covered up. "I wonder what they would have said to stop her..." He said to himself.


Twilight opened the gate after the elevator stopped and flew into her lab with gusto. "Sam, activate experimental setup alpha. I want a clean slate for when I start this next batch up."

A floating orb of pink with a single large purple eye descended from the ceiling. "As you wish Twilight." The ball fired an electrical beam at a circuit board on one of the walls and slowly the machines in the room began to move around. The larger machines used for mass production flipped under the floor one by one while cabinets marked with various tags for ingredients popped up along the wall in their place.

"Error, there is a gear stuck in section C7" Sam announced roboticly.

Twilight reared up on her hind legs and stomped on the floor, she then quickly took to the air as the floor beneath her flipped around to reveal a large chemistry set on a large blue desk. Beakers and valves adorned the top, mixing pots and wooden salve mixing trays, even a complete safety equipment set.

"Error corrected. May I advise you check out the gearing later tonight?" Sam suggested.

"Yeah that gear has been acting up lately. Probably just needs some lubricant though." Twilight levitated the safety equipment to herself. She quickly put on a face mask, safety goggles, lab coat and rubber mitts for both her legs and her wings.

"I always wondered, if you are technically immortal than why all the safety gear?" Sam asked.

"One of the defining principles of any science or any field of work for that matter. Just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I can't get crippled, actually I read in a book once that immortality just means there is a very high chance I will be trapped forever if something bad were to occur to me or imagine a toxic potion I'm working on can't kill me, but end up blinding me. That kind of stuff." Twilight explained.

"Any other issues?" Sam asked.

"Say for instance I accidentally made a shrinking potion and it got on me. Then, say something really heavy, something outside my ability to lift physically or magically landed on me. I would be stuck there until either the potion wore off, the object rotted away or somepony found me" Twilight said.

"Sounds ... strange. I will store this conversation for later use. I do have another question, wouldn't Spike get worried about you and start looking if he didn't see you for an extended period of time?" Sam asked.

"I don't think Spike could fit in here to look for me, he would have to tear the house apart bit by bit to do so. No, if something goes wrong that's what I have you for" Twilight said.

"You mentioned in the past that I was to replace an assistant. Was said assistant once Spike?" Sam asked.

Twilight walked over to a cabinet with a skull and crossbones insignia on it. "Yeah, after Spike hit his teenage years a combination of size and hormonal imbalances made him something of a liability. He would knock things over constantly, even when being excessively careful. He had wild mood swings too. Everything from sad-sack slumps to pure rage." Twilight opened the cabinet and began to levitate ingredients onto a table nearby.

"My knowledge of dragons is very limited. It seemed there are very few books on the subject according to my records" Sam said.

Twilight levitated a clipboard from a pin on the wall over to her and began to examine it. "Years ago I had the same problem and until fifty years ago next to nothing about dragons was really concrete. I had to write the darn book on dragons myself, had to venture into the dragon wastes and everything to study them, at least for adult dragons. Teenagers seem to be just as hormonal and moody as any other creature."

"That doesn't seem too dangerous, you are immortal after-all" Sam said.

"You would think that." Twilight levitated a quill from the table and began to mark off sections on the clipboard. "Dragons are quite capable of killing even an Alicorn, their entire body is magical. So much so that ancient Zebra tribes even tried hunting them to fashion things such as armor and elixirs, to ... less than fantastic results."

"Wait, you are trying to make a potion to remove your own immortality, correct?" Sam asked.

"Yep." Twilight replied.

"And dragons are capable of killing even immortal creatures yes?" Sam asked.

"I see where you're going with this and yes, I already tried that. As dangerous as dragons are the ones I asked were shocked about such a request. As big as they are most of them avoid confrontation were possible. Some breeds are even outspoken against such things." Twilight pulled a few more jars from the cabinet and set them down. "Also, I think being torn to ribbons while still alive is a terrible way to go. As much as I detest this curse and the certain pony that gave me it, I couldn't stand for a friend like Spike or Luna to find me that way ... or what is left of me, anyway."

"Could you not fashion what you seek from leftover parts of a dragon? Say their teeth or scales?" Sam asked.

Twilight picked up one of the jars labeled 'DoomShroom' and opened it, the smell of rancid death assaulting her nostrils. "Ick, seemed the stems on these things are starting to rot." Twilight put the lid back on and picked up another jar. "The thing with dragon bodyparts as part of a potion is that dragon scales, teeth, dorsal spines and such is they lose massive amounts of magical power over time. They lose close to eighty percent of their power the second they are shed from the dragons body. Here, I'll show you." Twilight opened up one of the cabinets and pulled out a jar labeled 'Dragon Fang' and levitated it toward her. She quickly unscrewed the jar with her magic and lifted out a small fang.

"This is one of Spike's baby teeth. I saved them from when he started to turn into a teenager." Twilight set the jar and the dragon fang on the table and levitated a small orange box from across the room with little metal diodes sticking out of it. She turned on the device and held it near the small dragon fang until it made a short beep. Holding up the device, Sam came in close to see what Twilight had scanned.

"Mpu of less than two? There are flowers with more magical potential than that" Sam said.

"See what I mean? Even adult dragon teeth only get a magic power unit of around twelve or less. If they are still in socket they grow tenfold." Twilight put the small dragon fang back in the jar and pulled out a much larger fang and held it up next to her device, the machine reading a steady seven and a half.

"This one was from Spike's moody teenage years. I won't get any adult teeth from him for at least another thousand years or more. Then again adult teeth have few uses aside from those in the blacksmiths trade." Twilight set the large fang back in the jar and closed it tight.

"Is there a way to stabilize the magic loss pre-extraction? They could be used in a potion if you could do so" Sam suggested.

"You know, there may not be a way to stabilize it, but there may be a way to push power into them." Twilight opened another cabinet and levitated a book onto the table in front of her titled 'Everything About Dragons' and began to flip though the pages, quickly scanning them.

"Isn't that the book you wrote?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I'm flipping though it to see if I ever actually tried to empower the dragon fangs before. So far, I've tried a few different ways but I seemed to have missed one." Twilight closed the book and then levitated the jar to her. She pulled out the largest dragon fang in the jar and set it on the table. She then moved multiple smaller fangs around the larger one on a hexagon-like formation. "I've tried direct input, fabrication input from rare metals, potions and even petals of the White Solstice flower which falls from space and only grows on the friggin sun, but not this. Actually this should have been the first thing I tried now that I think about it. I wonder how I missed it."

Twilight levitated what looked like a tuning fork from across the room and began to tap each individual tooth. "Let's see, this onei s off tune, this one is not centered right, this one is useless due to fracture." Twilight kept hitting each tooth with the strange device, slowly tossing away teeth that didn't fit her experiment.

"What are you doing now?" Sam asked.

"Checking their magical resonance frequency. I need them to all be synchronized for when I start pumping magic into them." Twilight hit all the teeth in a circle followed by hitting the table they were sitting on. "Perfect, all of them are in perfect harmony." Twilight lowered her horn onto the edge of the table and began to channel magic into it. "Ummm, just for safeties sake Sam, could you temporarily turn off the fire system? I kinda don't want to have to replace all the machinery here and un-waterlog you like I did two months ago.

"I already did so. Bobbing around in orb mode in the water for hours made me motion sick. A feeling that I do not want to revisit any time soon" Sam said with a hint of aggravation in its voice.

"I don't even remember programming that kind of feeling into you. Astounding the progress your systems have made." Twilight slowly began to funnel purple magic onto the table. At first it went in a straight line to the smallest teeth on the outside of the hexagon-like structure then moving outwards to the other teeth until they encircled the largest fang in magical power.

"Okay, now to stabilize the ring." Twilight lifted her horn off the table briefly then set it on the large fang in the center. "Now to pump this full of as much magic as I can muster." Twilight gritted her teeth as large arcs of purple electricity began to arc from her horn, striking some of the grounding nodes in the lab. He eyes began to glow a hot white with just a tinge of purple in them. Soon her entire body was enveloped in a vibrant purple aura, her magical might shaking the floor and instruments as if a reasonable large earthquake was occurring just beneath her.

Twilight took a deep breath, the air around her growing thinner from her own power. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the large fang in the center and slowly, she began to pump vast quantities of magic into the fang, making it glow red.

"Structural integrity field active, currently reduced by ten percent." Sam chimed in to notify Twilight of the lab conditions.

"Only ten percent? I must be slacking off or something." Twilight grunted, pouring even more magic into the center fang. The teeth on the table began to vibrate in sequence with one another, slowly hopping inwards toward the larger fang. "Just a bit more."

"Warning, magical output has depleted integrity field by 80%. Suggest immediate cancellation of current project." Sam chimed in with what seemed like sheer panic as the machines in the room began to rock back and forth violently.

"Almost got it..." The teeth began to jump one by one into the larger fang, disappearing as the larger one absorbed them one by one. Twilight, sensing she was close to something grand pushed with all her might until the fang could take no more and the backlash hit her in the chest, sending her tumbling clear across the room and clean through a couple of her machines.

"Twilight!" Sam cried, the pink orb descending from the roof to check on Twilight. "Are you okay?"

Twilight flipped one of the machines off her with her magic and stood up. As she took a step forward she felt a sensation that she hadn't felt in a very long time on her side. It was pain, but not just the typical bruise like pain she had been accustomed to since she became an Alicorn, deep, writhing burning pain. The kind that indicates a serious wound. Twilight stared down her left side and found where the pain was coming from. All along he left side was a nasty half inch deep cut that ran under her wing. It was only a minor flesh wound, but it bled profusely for such a small injury.

"Is that ... my blood?" Twilight had to hold back the instinct to lick her wound.

"Twilight, you are bleeding. I will get the first aid kit." Sam buzzed off to the other side of the room, frantically searching for the first aid kit.

Twilight just stood there in shock. She was actually hurting, bleeding, for the first time in a very long time she actually felt her own mortality working against her. Part of her wanted to go back to her experiment, but the other side just wanted to stand there in awe of her own mortality.

"I have found a first aid kit." Sam came buzzing back, carrying a white box with what looked like a thick layer of dust on the cover, obscuring the red cross sign on it.

Twilight, however, ignored Sam altogether. Her wound was beginning to close itself up and she needed to savor this moment, for science and her own sake.

"Twilight?" I need you to -Oh, I see." Sam set the first aid kit down and watched as Twilight's wound sealed itself up. "Are you okay Twilight? Shall I get you medication for shock?"

Twilight stood there, staring at where the wound once was, noticing her own blood was beginning to dry up as well. I just got injured in a serious manner. If I can get injured, than that means I can die? Have I finally found a way to end my own life after all these years?

"Equestria to Twilight, come in Twilight." Sam said as he buzzed in front of Twilight's face to get her attention.

"H-huh? Oh, sorry Sam. I was a bit preoccupied with what all this means." Twilight noticed a vibrant red glow in a reflection on a metal plate below her. "Where is that coming from?" She looked up and saw the red glows origin. On the table where she was fusing dragons teeth together was a small red orb.

"Sam? Get my testing equipment. I think we discovered a new element!" Twilight raced toward the table, her horn glowing and attracting instruments to study the object to her. If it is strong enough to injure me than maybe it is strong enough to kill me.


Spikes ear scales shot up and he felt a cold shudder run down his body followed by the strongest urge to hurt, no, kill another creature, something he had never had the slightest inclination to do. He looked down at his own scales which had small bits of green magic dancing up and down his spinal scales. He looked around his lair, trying to find what was making him feel so...angry. filling his mind with urges to hurt and kill. He looked toward the elevator that led up to Twilight's lab and realized what she had done.

"Celestia warned me of this!" Spike began digging in his gold pile, tossing massive piles of gold as he searched frantically through the pile. "Where is it? Where the hell is it?" Finally he came across a small bright blue package. "There you are!"

He quickly picked up the small package and ripped it open as if it were a birthday present. Inside was a silver lined note wrapped around what looked like two green grapefruits. Spike quickly removed the note and ate both fruits, package and all. Just as suddenly as urge to kill started it quickly left him as soon as the fruit was swallowed.

"Bleh, she didn't tell me it would taste like old rotting tofu." Spike scraped at his tongue to try to remove the aftertaste in his mouth but to little effect. "What else did she say to do?" Spike looked at the small note in his claws, but couldn't read the small print. "Keep forgetting I'm the size of a small mountain now." Spike picked up a diamond from his gold pile and put it on front of the letter, using it as a magnifying glass.

"Dearest Spike,

If you are reading this note, then it must mean that Twilight has discovered one of the few known ways to kill an Alicorn, this one being the Dragons Rage orb. I suggest you eat the Moki Moki fruit I put in this care package for you post haste or barring that get as far away from the orb as possible. A dragon your age and mannerisms can resist the orbs suggestions, but not for very long, staying within its influence can drive even the most peaceful of dragons into a frothing unquenchable rage. After you have eaten the fruit, I want you to send this letter to me. I have put a tracking spell on this note and even though you have refused telling me where you are in the past you simply must tell me now. If Twilight manages to concoct a potion from that orb she will be treated to a fate far worse than her silly quest for death. Please, we must stop her from making a potion from it. I know she must hate every fiber of my being for what I did to her, but she MUST not be allowed to die this way. For her own sake.

best wishes, Princess Celestia."

Spike tossed the diamond aside and shook his head. "Twilight is so going to hate me forever for this, but If Celestia says its bad then what choice do I have." Spike held up the note in his claws, but was hesitant to send the note on its way. "She will never forgive me if Celestia finds her ... but maybe she can talk some sense into Twilight." Spike inhaled deeply and blew his flame onto the note. It shriveled up and with a pop, was sent on its way to Princess Celestia ... along with about a quarter ton of his own gold, as the flame reached farther than he anticipated and vaporized the top part of a pile near him.

"Opps. Well, worst case they can use it for the treasury" Spike said as he grinned to himself.

Suddenly spike felt something in his gut that he hadn't for a very long time. A burning sensation that quickly ran up his throat and into his mouth. He instinctively held it back in his mouth until all the magic was too much to contain and then burped green sparkly fire. The fire hung in the air for a brief moment then began to spin, collapsing in on itself until it dissipated with a pop, leaving behind a scroll. A scroll curled up and tied, a seal representing Princess Celestia's personal stamp of approval.

"That was fast." Spike grabbed the scroll out the air, picked up his diamond and began to read.

"Spike, the spell only managed to track her down to an area of twenty or so square miles. Me, Luna and Cadence along with the entire 7th division air force are on our way to scout the area. Do what you can to stall her, with any luck we will be there within the hour. Also, what's with all the gold you sent me? Can I count that as a donation to my cake fund or something? You know I'm on a diet."

"Seems Twilight knew I might betray her and put up an obfuscating spell to stop this kind of thing." Spike rolled up the parchment and set it on the table by the fridge. "I don't know what she expects me to do to delay her. I can't even fit upstairs. I would have to do something drastic to signal the others where we are-" Spike had an epiphany. "Wait, I'm a pretty big dragon. I can just signal them with fire."

Spike made way to the double rock plated doors that were the entrance to his hoard and pressed a red button. However, the door didn't budge. "Huh I wonder what is wrong with it?"

"I'll tell you what went wrong with it, Spike." Twilight's voice was loud and clear over a little intercom by the door. "I locked the doors so you can't signal Celestia my location. My sensors picked up the after trail of the magic transmission spell. I got curious and decided to turn on the intercom just in time to hear your plan."

"W-what plan? I was just going to go out for a flight. You know stretch my wings a little." Spike lied, knowing full well Twilight could detect the tells in his voice.

"Sure, if by 'flight' you mean signaling that ... that ... bitch by means of fire, then sure 'flight' " Twilight said in a sarcastic tone.

"Twilight listen you need to talk with her, give her a chance to-"

"NO!" Twilight shouted so loud that the speaker began to spark. "I will not give her the time or place to try to talk me down like some child. Like she always did before, the trolling, condescending bitch. No I will have none of this. I locked the doors for three hours, Spike. I'll be done with the potion by then." Twilight composed herself. "I will open the large skylight in the botany lab as well as these doors so you can say goodbye once it is finished. Even after this betrayal know that I still love you, Spike."

The intercom went silent. Spike just sat there, feeling sorry for himself. "I'm sorry big sis, I wish there was some other way."


"I want full mobilization. I'll need at least three of our top chemists and a crew of ten or more of our strongest fliers. Move your hides!" Luna shouted as the ponies in front of her scattered to carry out her orders.

"Luna, calm yourself. We have at the very least five or more hours. Twilight may be good, but she cannot control time, or at least I hope she can't" Celestia said softly.

"Stop acting like such a soft hearted prat" Luna growled. "She betrayed us and hurt your feelings. She threw off her crown and flew off to who knows where in Equestria."

"Luna, please." Princess Cadence said as she walked into the room. "She has been really busy, she has cured many diseases, found a potion to repair the blind and the lame. Even came up with an artificial intelligence machine. I think its high time we stop blaming her for the past and look forward to what other greater things she can do in the future."

"She did those things? How? When?" Luna asked.

Cadence's horn lit up and with a pink pop a large heavy book fell to the ground in front of her. Cadence opened the book and began to turn the pages. "For years the Starlight Chemical corporation was sending scholars here in Canterlot all kinds of goodies."

"I know of that company, they make a very nice coat soap that gets your coat sparkling clean. I also know that the director of the factory they have set up in Stalliongrad is the real brains of the operation. Twilight Sparkle has nothing to do with them" Luna said stoutly.

"Luna, why don't you see this for yourself. This book is the original recipe book, all the prototype notes are in here as well." Cadence turned the pages as Luna watched.

"You're right, this writing, the style is all consistent with Twilight's penmanship" Luna said as she observed the rigid structure of the step-by-step processes on each page. "It even has the little double asterisks that she does when a note she makes becomes irrelevant."

"That's not all." Cadence turned to the back of the book where a single hoof-print and signature was stamped on the back cover. "When Twilight was but a foal she chipped her left hoof in a very peculiar way. All of her hoof prints on her left hoof have a little double star stamp on the right side."

Luna leaned over and inspected the imprint. "You are correct. This matches Twilight's signature style as well." Luna's ears folded back. "It seemed I was quick to judge her. This still doesn't excuse what she did, but I also have no excuse for my ignorance."

"You should really learn not to hold grudges. Besides what's at stake here is much worse than hurt feelings" Celestia said.

"You have been quiet about the specifics of why we are in such a rush to stop Twilight. I mean, I want to stop her, but I can understand her reasons for wanting to well ... die." Cadence looked down at a locket hanging around her neck and opened it with her magic. Inside was a picture of her long deceased family; her husband Shining Armor and their son, Unbreakable Bulwark.

Celestia sighed. "It's not so much her reasons why or the fact that she wants to commit suicide that bothers me. Luna and I have both dealt with that issue in the past. No, it's more the reason how she's going about it."

"Shall I explain sister?" Luna asked.

"No, Luna. I need you to ready the sky chariots. I will explain to Cadence exactly what will happen and exactly what is at stake" Celestia said.

Luna bowed her head respectfully and busied herself with shouting at a couple of slacking air force troopers.

"Cadence, have you ever heard about an old treasure called the 'Dragon's Rage Orb'?" Celestia asked.

Cadence scratched the back or her mane. "I think it was mentioned very briefly in history class, but I...kinda was never good at that class to be honest."

"Thousands of years ago an adventurer stumbled upon an abandoned dragons hoard. Inside, he found the skeletal remains of a colossal dragon, one like no pony had ever gazed upon. It was well over a hundred feet long and even it's smallest claws would make an elephant blush with size envy" Celestia said as she did a motion with both hooves as if she once caught a fish this big.

"I thought dragons left their hoards to their offspring? Surely this one had many offspring" Cadence said.

"Oddly enough, no. It was a corpse of a Titanic Wyrm, a dragon that is typically far-out of its own breeding age, but just below the last level of dragon based power; of which we only think is hypothetical. Anyway when this adventurer tried to take a sample with his magic the entire skeleton collapsed in on itself and began to glow. Slowly all the bones started merging together and left behind an orb no larger than a hoofball." Celestia used her magic to show an image of a glowing red orb that fit snugly in her outstretched hoof.

"And this little thing is what will kill Twilight?" Cadence asked, still skeptical.

"Worse. Generations later a Unicorn that even you should know the name of began to experiment with the orb. He found it had properties that made other dragons frothing mad with rage, fighting each other, even killing one another to gain possession of it. Furthermore, he found a way to concoct a potion that could in theory remove the immortality a creature that drank it." Celestia explained.

"Wait how do you even test something like that? I thought we were-" Cadence stopped when she noticed Celestia's stern glace. "Sorry, continue."

"He tested it on ... me or at least an impure prototype" Celestia said.

"I see. You tried to kill yourself at one time as well?" Cadence asked.

"I did, but this potion had a very different effect. While it is theorized that yes it will eventually kill you, it does it in a very slow and torturous manner. The impure version makes you relive every single bad event in your entire life and at the end of the cycle causes minor wounds. Star Swirl hypothesized that the perfect version would make you relive all those moments, but in real-time. Meaning you would relive them all in your mind while standing up in a daze, with only a single drop" Celestia said.

"That sounds terrible!" Cadence looked down on her locket. "I...don't want to even relive one bad moment, let alone a lifetime of them."

"It gets worse. The lethal part at the end doesn't scale well at all. Star Swirl did the math after my ... experiment and found that you would need to relive your worst memories for a billion years before it would wear off and give you a lethal wound. He even said that with how Alicorns heal there is even a chance that we won't die and the other part of the potion with continue on for the rest of eternity. It is literally condemning oneself to an eternal personal hell from which there is no known escape." Celestia sighed. "Twilight doesn't deserve that. No creature does, even the most horrifying villains Equestria has ever faced deserve a fate that horrible."

Cadence wiped a tear from her eye. The thought of the little foal she used to take care of being condemned to a fate worse than death was just too much to handle.

"Dry your tears, Cadence. Sister, preparations are ready. We can leave at any time." Luna announced.

Celestia nodded at Luna, a determined look on her face. "I just hope we find her in time."