• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 27,338 Views, 289 Comments

Dash's Secret - HopeFox

A visit from Rainbow Dash's parents reveals that she may not be the mare everypony thought she was.

  • ...

Growing Up Sonic

Sonic Dash ran along the wide cloud bank near his parents’ home, laughing with the joy of movement and the sensation of wind in his bright yellow mane. He pushed forward with his hind legs and sprang into the air, flapping his wings in a frantic attempt to take flight.

He felt his body gain about two feet of lift before he lost his balance, tipping forward to crash head-first into the cloud. He slid several yards along the cloud bank before coming to a halt, his cyan coat covered in bruises and scratches.

“Nice flying, Sonic Crash!” came the jeering voice of another pegasus colt. Sonic looked up to see one of his school friends, Hailstone, laughing at him. He and a handful of other colts were clustered at the edge of the cloud, peering down at the ponies walking or flying along another cloud running at right angles beneath it.

“Hey, he got more air than you ever have!” rejoined Snowdrift, another of Sonic’s friends, shoving Hailstone with one hoof. The two colts flailed ineffectually at each other as Sonic trotted up to join his friends.

“Yeah, that’s right! And I’m going to be the best flier in Cloudsdale one day, while you’re all still stuck at flight school!”

The other colts laughed, although several looked as though they believed Sonic. Snowdrift in particular nodded his head. “Yeah, Hailstone! We’ve all seen how high Sonic Dash can get. Compared to him, you fly like a filly!”

“Hey, you take that back!” yelled Hailstone, launching himself at Snowdrift again, hooves extended. The two colts rolled along the cloud bank, kicking up vapour as they tussled.

Sonic turned his back on the fight, trotting over to the edge of the cloud and looking over. “What’s wrong with flying like a filly?” he asked a nearby colt, who was hauling a bucket of water towards the edge. “Spitfire’s a filly, I mean, a mare, and she’s... well, she’s Spitfire! Nopony’s as awesome as her!”

The colt set the bucket down at the edge of the cloud, directly above the other cloud below. “Yeah, but... that’s Spitfire, she’s a Wonderbolt. Most fillies are lousy fliers. I mean, look at Fluttershy. She’s a year above us and she can’t get her hooves off the cloud at all.”

“Hey!” objected Sonic, stamping a hoof on the cloud. “Fluttershy’s my friend! She tries really hard! It’s not her fault she’s so sick all the time!” He peered over the edge of the cloud again. “What are you doing with that bucket, anyway?”

The colt chuckled, as Hailstone, Snowdrift and the others clustered around the edge. “We’re waiting for Miss Windsong to come past with her fillies’ choir. They won’t know what hit them! It’ll be a bucket of water,” he added unnecessarily.

Sonic laughed, grinning down at the unsuspecting ponies beneath them. “Yeah, that’ll be pretty hilarious... wait. Why are we doing this again?”

Snowdrift gave Sonic a quizzical look. “Dude. Fillies. Bucket of water. How is that not awesome?”

Sonic shook his head and turned away. “Whatever. I’m gonna go hang out with Fluttershy.”

Hailstone laughed as Sonic trotted back down the cloud bank. “Yeah, sure, go hang out with your marefriend instead of us!” The other pegasi turned their attention to the mayhem that was about to ensue beneath them, not paying any more attention to the cyan colt.

Fluttershy’s parents greeted Sonic at the door, pleased as ever to see him. “Fluttershy’s in her room, Sonic dear,” smiled her mother, a mare with a blue coat a little darker than Sonic’s. “Here, I’ve just boiled the kettle, you and Fluttershy can have a little tea party!”

Sonic obligingly took the tea-tray in his teeth so that she wouldn’t see his grimace. Fluttershy’s “tea parties” were possibly the lamest thing Sonic ever did on a regular basis. In fact, Fluttershy had to be the least cool pony Sonic knew, including his parents. Somehow, though, the two of them had been fast friends ever since Sonic’s first day at school. Sonic usually found himself visiting Fluttershy’s house whenever his fellow colts left him exasperated or bewildered, like today.

“Sonic Dash!” exclaimed Fluttershy, looking up from the hoof-powered sewing machine at her desk. She took the tray from Sonic and carefully placed it on her dresser, then wrapped her front legs around Sonic’s shoulders in a tender hug. “I was hoping you’d come and see me today! I’ve just finished some outfits that I think you’ll really like!”

Sonic flopped onto a pile of tiny clouds in the corner of Fluttershy’s bedroom, watching as Fluttershy took the teapot between her teeth and poured them both a cup of tea. “Yeah, well, I got tired of hanging out with the other colts. They’re all being so weird lately. I’d rather be here anyway. What have you done?”

Fluttershy slid a table over to Sonic, laden with cups and saucers. She took a slurp of tea, then reached into her wardrobe and drew out a long, flowing dress. The fabric was a soft, light red with a faint blue tint, with a white trim. “I’m so proud of this!” she said as she draped the dress over her shoulders and flank. “I saved up my allowance to buy the cotton – it’s imported from the ground, you know. What do you think?”

Sonic drew in a sharp breath. “That’s awesome, Fluttershy! It’s just like the sunsets my mother makes! You should totally wear that to the Best Young Flier competition next week. We’re still going to that, right?”

“Oh, of course! That is, I’d like to, if you still want to.” Fluttershy hugged the dress tightly, then poked her head back into the wardrobe. “I’m so glad you like it! And look, I even made something for you too!”

Sonic scrambled off the cloud pile, his wings beating in excitement as he looked to see what Fluttershy had sewn for him. Fluttershy trotted forward with a bundle of cloth in her teeth and draped it over Sonic’s shoulders. “It’s a suit jacket! Just like the ones I’ve seen your father wearing. Try it on, I think I got your measurements right.”

The young colt slipped his front legs into the sleeves of the jacket, pulling it tight around his shoulders with his teeth and a helping hoof from Fluttershy. He turned to look at himself in the mirror. The jacket was made of a bright yellow cloth, matching his mane, and trimmed with a dark grey braid reminiscent of storm clouds. He shifted from left to right, trying to catch his reflection from every angle.

“Do you like it?” asked Fluttershy anxiously, watching Sonic fidgeting. “I thought the colours would go so well with your coat and mane...”

Sonic chewed on his lip. “It’s... nice, I guess,” he finally replied, sighing.

Fluttershy’s face fell, as Sonic was afraid it would. “You don’t like it.”

“No, I like it,” said Sonic hurriedly. “I like the colours, it looks awesome. I just... don’t think it suits me, that’s all.”

Fluttershy nodded and helped Sonic out of the jacket. “That’s alright. Why don’t you see if there’s anything else in my collection that you like? I usually sew when I’m bored and I can’t go outside.”

Sonic nudged Fluttershy’s neck gently. “I’m sorry you’re stuck in here so often. I’ll come around more often, I promise.” He disappeared into Fluttershy’s wardrobe, nosing through a variety of outfits, before emerging with one folded over his head. “I really like this one.”

Fluttershy stared at Sonic for several seconds before speaking. “That’s a dress, Sonic,” she said slowly, as if speaking to a much younger foal. “Fillies wear dresses. You’re a colt.”

Sonic looked awkward for a moment, then snorted and tossed his head, dropping the dress to the ground. “Yeah, you’re right. Don’t know what I was thinking.” He stomped back into the corner and threw himself down on the clouds with a sigh.

A few moments later, Fluttershy nudged Sonic’s shoulder, and draped the dress over his flank. “If you want to try it on,” she whispered, “I won’t tell anypony.”

Sonic whickered in delight, and thrust his head into the dress. Fluttershy helped him to fit his front legs and his wings through the right holes, and tightened some sashes with her teeth before ushering him in front of the mirror.

The dress was long in the body but short in the legs, covering Sonic’s rump and tail but leaving his legs free. The fabric was striped in bright red and blue, running diagonally along the dress and ending in a fluffy white trim at the hem. A darker red hem edged the wing-sleeves, contrasting against the blue of Sonic’s feathers. He stretched out his wings and danced from side to side, watching the way the stripes of the dress rippled with the motion.

Fluttershy watched Sonic modelling the dress, her heart swelling with pride and delight. “Do you like it?” she asked, fluttering her wings.

“Like it?” exclaimed Sonic, his eyes still fixed on the mirror. “I love it! It’s just the way I can see myself when I’m flying!” He flapped his wings hard, lifting a couple of inches off the floor before touching down again. “Did you make this dress for somepony?”

Fluttershy looked at her hooves, mumbling. “Spitfire.”

Sonic gasped. “Spitfire asked you to make a dress for her?”

The yellow filly nibbled on her lip. “Um, no. But I kind of pretended that she did, and this is what I would have made for her if she did. I mean, it’s not her size or anything, so... um... do you want to keep it?”

Sonic whinnied happily and pressed his neck against Fluttershy’s. “Really? I can have it? Thank you, thank you, thank you, this is so awesome! It’s exactly what I’d wear if I were a filly!”

Fluttershy blushed and returned the gesture. “Oh, Sonic, you know I’d do anything for you. You’re so good to me, coming to see me when I’m not well. Maybe you can...”

“Sonic! Your father’s here!” came Fluttershy’s mother’s voice through the bedroom door.

Sonic yelped, his wings fluttering in panic. “Quick, I gotta get this off!” he fretted, trying to shrug out of the dress without damaging it. “I don’t know what Dad’s gonna say if he sees me in this, and I don’t wanna know!”

Fluttershy eased Sonic’s wings out of their sleeves and pulled the dress over his head just as her mother opened the door. Sonic’s father, Lightning Dash, stood behind her, smiling warmly. “Hello, son! Hello, Fluttershy!” he greeted them. “Having a nice tea party?”

Sonic grinned and stepped over to greet his father, while Fluttershy did her best to look nonchalant while putting the dresses back in her wardrobe. “Yeah, Fluttershy was just showing me some of the dresses she’s made. She’s freaky good at sewing.”

Lightning ruffled his colt’s bright yellow mane with a front hoof. “I’m glad you two get on so well. Come on, your mother will be finishing work soon.”

Sire and colt made their farewells, with Sonic saying that he’d see Fluttershy at school the next day. At he trotted off after his father, he thought longingly about the dress Fluttershy had given him. Exactly what I would wear if I were a filly.

Lightning and Sonic sat on the western balcony of their home, eating hay and watching the sun set in the western sky. A blanket of altocumulus clouds lay across the sky, catching the yellow and orange rays of the sun and breaking them up into a dappled pattern of light. As the two ponies watched, the light shifted from orange to red, and then faded altogether, as the moon slowly rose behind them.

Just as the last rays of red vanished from the western sky, a small grey shape detached itself from the clouds and flew towards the house. Lightning watched with a satisfied smile as his wife came to a graceful landing on the balcony, touching down and regaining her balance just in time for her colt to rush into her embrace.

“That was great!” gushed Sonic, pointing to the western sky. “Dad and I loved it, didn’t we, Dad?”

Lightning chuckled and walked over to kiss his wife, tousling his colt’s mane as he went. “We did. It was beautiful, honey. Cloudsdale would be a dull place without your work.”

Cloud Dash kissed her husband back, then unhitched herself from the small wagon she was hauling. “And look, Sonic, I remembered my promise!”

Sonic whickered excitedly and rushed to the wagon, hauling several scoops of fluffy white cloud out of it. “Wow, this is perfect! You brought enough for my play-house, just like you said! We can start work tomorrow, right, Dad?”

Lightning nodded. “As soon as I get home. There’s a box of factory reject rainclouds on my desk that I’ll bring home tomorrow too. I was thinking you and your mother could set up a nice little waterfall effect if you get the precipitation balance right. Which I just know my little weather stallion will!”

“Of course, Dad! I’m going to be just like you when I grow up! Until I join the Wonderbolts, anyway. Hey, maybe we could mix some rainbows in there! You know, give it some colour?”

Cloud smiled in agreement. “I think it would be a delightful touch, Sonic! We are going to have so much fun together! You’re so artistic sometimes.”

“I don’t know, son,” Lightning commented. “We don’t want this to look like a filly’s house. Wouldn’t you rather we put a few storm clouds in there instead? That’d give it the proper weather stallion look.” He exchanged a worried glance with his wife, who nodded.

“Aww, but... okay, Dad. Storm clouds are cool too, right?”

Lightning smiled. “That’s my colt.”

The day of the Best Young Flier competition rolled around, and Sonic arrived at Fluttershy’s house bright and early. Fluttershy was waiting for him when he arrived, already wearing her new dress. “You came!” she squealed as she hugged him, walking him to her bedroom. “I’m so excited, can’t you tell?”

“Yeah, you’re so excited I can hardly hear you,” muttered Sonic. “Try to be a bit louder, can’t you? It’s gonna be weird if you’re the only pony not cheering for the Wonderbolts or for the competitors.”

“Alright, I’ll try. I just don’t want to sound rude or annoying if I’m too loud.” She kicked her bedroom door closed behind her and went to her wardrobe. “So, do you... want to wear your new dress today?”

“To the contest?” Sonic’s wings bated nervously, his front hooves pawing at the air. “Like, out in Cloudsdale, where everypony can see me? I mean...” he slowly relaxed and touched down on the floor again. “It’s not like I’m scared or anything, but... what are ponies going to say when they see a colt wearing a dress, no matter how awesome it is?”

He looked at the dress where Fluttershy had laid it out on her bed. “But I really want to! I like it better than anything else I’ve ever worn...” He nudged the dress with his head, sighing heavily.

“Well, you know, Sonic...” replied Fluttershy quietly, “when you’re wearing that dress, it’ll be hard for anypony to tell you’re a colt. It covers... um... everything. You know.” She squeaked and let her mane hide her face, before walking over to her dresser. “And if I put a bit of powder on your muzzle, nopony will be able to tell from the shape of your face.”

Sonic rolled his eyes. “Fluttershy, I’m not going out there in a dress and makeup. Makeup is for... it’s...” He trotted over to the dresser. “You think it would work?”

Fluttershy nodded eagerly. “I think so! Just enough to soften out the lines of your bones. And if we stick together, nopony will look at us twice.”

Sonic chewed on his lip as he looked at the pot of blue powder on Fluttershy’s dresser. This has “bad idea” written all over it, he thought, but his gaze kept trailing back to the dress on his friend’s bed. I could spend a day in that dress, looking like Spitfire. Hanging out with Fluttershy, not having to listen to the stupid colts at school and their dumb “colts versus fillies” attitude. No father telling me that colts shouldn’t like rainbows.

“Let’s do this.”

Sonic took one last look in Fluttershy’s mirror before they left for the Cloudiseum. Fluttershy was right – he did look like a filly. He was lucky that she had had a powder and cream in a colour that almost matched his coat, because it softened his face just enough to mistake it for a filly’s at a casual glance. He stretched out his wings in the best flying posture he had seen from his father, imagining a crowd cheering for him.

“And now, fillies and gentlecolts, let’s hear a round of applause for the youngest pegasus pony ever to captain the Wonderbolts, Spitfire!”

Sonic launched himself across Fluttershy’s bedroom, catching the air under his outstretched wings for long enough to let him glide onto her bed, where he crash-landed, cheering for himself. Fluttershy nuzzled her friend and laughed softly. “You do look just like her. You’ve almost got the same mane, even. Come on, we should leave now if we want to get good places at the Cloudiseum!”

The Cloudiseum was starting to fill up when they arrived, but they managed to find a standing area near the front, across the arena from the royal booth. He pointed out the white pegasi standing guard in the booth. “Look, that’s the Princess’s travelling guard! I’ve always wanted to see them! I wonder what it’s like being one of the royal guards. Look at their armour! It’s like something out of a history book.”

Fluttershy nodded eagerly. “It’s lovely,” she agreed. “It must be a great honour to work directly for Princess Celestia. Look, here she comes now!”

Sure enough, the great white alicorn herself was gliding into view, flanked by another pair of guards. All eyes in the stadium were drawn to the princess as she took up her position in the royal booth. Fluttershy admired the grace of Celestia’s flight, hardly seeming to flap her wings at all, while Sonic stood transfixed by the princess’s mane.

“I didn’t know she was so pretty!” murmured Sonic, staring at the corona of hair that trailed behind the princess like the rays of a sunrise. “I’ll never have a mane like that.”

Fluttershy leaned against her friend companionably. “Lots of ponies try to look like her, especially in Canterlot. Nopony ever really does, though.” She sighed happily, watching the princess. “I just wish I could fly the way she does.”

“Aw, come on, Fluttershy,” Sonic reassured her. “You’re starting flight school next year, and you’re getting over your illness really well. And I’ll help you, too. We’ll have you flying in no time.”

Fluttershy whickered appreciatively and passed Sonic one of the oatcakes her mother had made for them that morning, while they waited for the contest to begin. Other ponies smiled at them as they shuffled past, but nopony paid them much attention, just as Fluttershy had predicted.

The show began with a display from the Wonderbolts, as it did every year. Sonic cheered wildly as the orange-haired captain Spitfire led her troupe in their performance. He pointed out the other performers to Fluttershy as well – Spitfire’s aging second-in-command Skywheel, the younger fliers Rapid Fire and Hawkwing, and even their newest member, Soarin’. Both young ponies, however, had their gaze firmly on Spitfire for most of the performance, entranced by her agility and style, not to mention speed.

Soon the display was over and the contest itself had begun in earnest. Each competitor had their own tricks, techniques and style, and Sonic took careful mental notes as he watched, preparing for the day when he would amaze Cloudsdale with his own routine. Fluttershy simply enjoyed the spectacle and the chance to be out in the fresh air with her friend.

By the end of the show, Sonic was full of ideas and eager to be stretching his wings again. His thrice-weekly flying lessons with his father simply weren’t enough to satisfy his desire to be in the air, to feel the rush of wind in his mane and swoop and soar just like his father and his Wonderbolt idols. He would prance ahead of Fluttershy as she walked, then spin around and glide back to her. Fluttershy simply giggled and kept pace as best she could.

As Sonic landed next to Fluttershy for the fifth time, a filly’s voice from behind him made him freeze. “Hey, Fluttershy! Who’s your friend?”

Sonic turned around slowly as Fluttershy hurried past him, seeing a small herd of pegasus fillies led by a filly with a bright green coat and deep red mane. Fluttershy moved to greet the filly with a friendly nuzzle. “Dazzle! I didn’t know you and the rest of the choir were coming to the contest!”

Dazzle grinned, as the fillies behind her waved. “It was a kind of last-minute thing, and you’d already said you were going with a friend. So, what’s your name?” she asked, switching her attention to Sonic despite Fluttershy’s best attempts to distract her.

“Oh, well, Dazzle, this is my cousin, um...”

“Firefly!” Sonic chimed in, extending his front hoof to Dazzle. “Nice to meet you, Dazzle.”

“You too, Firefly!” answered Dazzle, and Sonic noticed just how lilting and measured her voice was, even simply speaking. “I really like your dress. Did Fluttershy make that for you?”

“Yeah, she did!” exclaimed Sonic, trying to keep his voice high and rounded, to hide the coltish sharpness in it. “I love it so much! She modelled it after how she thought Spitfire would dress when she’s not in her flight suit.”

A chorus of admiration for both Spitfire and the dress went through the other fillies. “Spitfire really is amazing, isn’t she?” agreed Dazzle. “I think she’s going to be the best captain the Wonderbolts have ever had!”

“Spitfire’s going to fly the Wonderbolts straight into the ground,” came a colt’s voice from behind the choir fillies. “Skywheel should never have put a filly like her in charge of the team.”

Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind Sonic, trembling. The choir fillies turned around to see a pegasus colt with a dull amber coat and dark brown hair, laughing at Dazzle. A small group of colts clustered behind him, laughing as well.

“You take that back, Hoops!” demanded Dazzle imperiously. “Spitfire is the finest flier of this generation!”

Sonic looked the colt over. He seemed vaguely familiar, about a year older than Sonic, and when Dazzle mentioned Hoops’s name, he remembered seeing him on the opposing team at a school basketball game a year or two ago. He slowly edged his way through the crowd, towards Hoops and Dazzle. Fluttershy crept along behind him, too frightened to speak.

“She’s a klutz, is what she is,” continued Hoops. “We don’t need a pony like her ruining the Wonderbolts’ performance. Skywheel should have taken over when the old captain retired. Putting a mare in charge of the team is the worst mistake they’ve ever made.”

“Why, you... miscreant!” Dazzle stammered, losing her composure for a moment. Behind her, the other fillies snorted and pawed at the cloud angrily. “How dare you say such a thing! If anything, fillies are faster than colts, and more agile, too! Better fliers in every way!”

“Oh, yeah?” demanded Hoops. “Prove it.”

Dazzle suddenly looked nervous, losing her haughty demeanour. “Oh, well, I didn’t mean me specifically... that is to say, I was speaking generally, of fillies, and...”

“That’s what I thought,” gloated Hoops. “You’re all too scared to run a race you know you’re gonna lose. Unless you want to make it a singing contest instead!” He and his cohorts laughed at the fillies again, while Dazzle turned her face away in shame and Fluttershy continued to cower.

“I’ll race you!” yelled Sonic, shoving his way to the front of the crowd. “I’m faster than you! I’m faster than any colt!”

“Well, well, well,” mused Hoops, looking Sonic up and down. “Looks like we’ve got a real Spitfire fangirl here. You sure you want to do this, little filly, or are you too afraid you’ll ruin your pretty little dress?”

“I’ll ruin your pretty little face if you keep talking!” retorted Sonic, raising one hoof threateningly. “Are we gonna do this, or are you scared that a filly’s going to beat you?”

“Oh, we’re doing this,” agreed Hoops. “First pony to make it around the Cloudiseum and back here wins.”

Dazzle gave Sonic an admiring smile, then drew a handkerchief out of her saddlebags and stood to one side of the two pegasus colts as they lined up for the race. Sonic pawed at the cloud beneath his hooves and bared his teeth at Hoops, who just snorted back at him. As soon as Dazzle waved her handkerchief, both colts sprinted off along the clouds surrounding the Cloudiseum, leaving a puff of vapour dissipating in their wake.

Hoops ran ahead of Sonic by half a body length, using his longer legs and greater strength to his advantage. As they reached the first curve in the path leading around the Cloudiseum, though, Sonic leapt into the air and spread out his wings, banking sharply and touching down perfectly, keeping his speed throughout the turn while Hoops had to corner clumsily on his hooves. Sonic landed a full body length ahead of Hoops, tossing his mane contemptuously. “Try to keep up!” he jeered, galloping along as quickly as he could.

“How’d you do that?” shouted Hoops, gaining a little bit of ground on Sonic as they moved into another straight section of the path. “You shouldn’t be able to fly like that!”

“Guess I’m just too awesome for you, then!” retorted Sonic. The two colts thundered along the track, Hoops powering ahead on the straights but Sonic losing less time on the turns. After a few minutes of running, they rounded the final turn and could see the fillies and colts waiting for them at a finish line they had drawn in the clouds. Ahead of them, the cloud path split into two, with one path ascending to lead away to another part of Cloudsdale. Sonic saw that Hoops was only a quarter of a body length behind him, and knew that he would make up that distance over the final sprint.

Taking a chance, Sonic ran up the higher path, ignoring Hoops’s confused glare. He knew he was losing ground to Hoops by taking this route, but if what his father had taught him was true, he should be able to make up that ground and more with what he was about to do. He felt the eyes of all the colts and fillies on him, and knew that this was his chance to shine.

The upper path climbed high enough that a fall would be uncomfortable if not painful, but just before it curved away from the main track, Sonic sprang off the edge, his wings and legs drawn in close to his body. As he felt his descent gain momentum, he snapped out his wings, catching the air under them and letting his dive transform into a swoop. His wings burned as he felt the stress of the drag on them, and he could hardly focus on the track in front of him for fear that he would dislocate a joint or tear a muscle. The awestruck expressions of the fillies at the finish line made him keep his eyes open, though, and he glided along swiftly, crossing the line fully three body lengths ahead of Hoops.

Sonic barely had time to register his victory before his hooves caught the cloud beneath him, sending him tumbling head over rump for several yards before grinding to a halt. Sighing in annoyance, he pulled himself upright, waiting for the “Sonic Crash” taunts to start again.

Instead, a crowd of fillies surged towards him, surrounding him and hoisting him up on their shoulders. “Three cheers for Firefly!” called Dazzle, watching Sonic with a wide grin. Fluttershy was hanging near the edge of the herd, only cheering softly but with the proudest expression on her face.

The colts had turned their backs on the fillies and were shoving Hoops with their shoulders and hooves, jeering at him. “You lost a race to a filly! What a loser!” Hoops snarled and shoved back at his friends, and soon the crowd had descended into fighting.

Dazzle made a show of ignoring the colts, walking up to Sonic and nuzzling his neck. “That was amazing! Where did you learn to run like that? And you were almost flying! You really are going to be the next Spitfire!”

Sonic felt a blush rising to his cheeks. He had never been at the centre of so many admiring gazes before, and Fluttershy was usually the only filly who ever nuzzled him like that. “Oh, well... my dad’s a pretty big-shot weather expert, and he teaches me everything he can.”

“Well, it paid off! None of us could have beaten Hoops in that race. Not even come close. It would have been so humiliating, having all those colts laughing at us.”

Sonic grinned. “Yeah, well, it’s a pity he wasn’t going to go for the singing contest idea instead. Then you’d have beaten him for sure. You have a really pretty voice.”

Dazzle looked suddenly nervous. “Oh, no, he was serious about that. Hoops is the lead treble of the Cloudsdale Colts’ Choir. I don’t think any of us could have beaten him at that either.”

“Hoops is a singer?” asked Sonic incredulously. “But he’s... he’s such a jerk! I only just met him today and I can tell!”

“Oh, he is. I have to sing with him sometimes, but I can’t stand him. Come on, forget about him. The Parthenon Milk Bar is just across the road from the Cloudiseum – I’m buying you a milkshake!”

The sun was disappearing behind the clouds as Sonic and Fluttershy finally made their way home, both exhausted after their big day. Sonic was still full of euphoria after his victory over Hoops, prancing and flapping his wings despite the protests of his aching body. Fluttershy was almost asleep on her hooves, but even her yawns couldn’t dislodge the smile from her face.

“Best day ever!” exulted Sonic, trying to shake loose a cramp in his left wing. “Did you see the look on Hoops’s face when I beat him? And I think Dazzle really likes me! Is she always that nice?”

“Dazzle? Oh, she’s wonderful,” agreed Fluttershy. “She takes her singing very seriously, and pushes the rest of the choir very hard, but she’s always very kind and generous. And she has a beautiful singing voice. You should come to one of our performances. I think you’ll have fun!”

Sonic nodded. “I’d love to! This really is the best day ever! I met so many cool ponies, and won my first real race! And I proved to that stupid colt that a filly can beat him!”

Fluttershy stopped in her tracks, looking at Sonic. “But, Sonic,” she began, cautiously, “you’re not a filly.”

“Yes I am!” retorted Sonic. “I’m faster than any colt, and I’m... I’m...”

He trailed off, his elated mood evaporating as a look of horror crossed his features.

“What’s wrong with me, Fluttershy?”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Sonic,” Fluttershy assured him anxiously. She started to back away from him slowly, having experienced his bad moods before.

“Yes there is! How could I just... forget that I’m a colt? All afternoon, with the choir, I really thought I was a filly! They treated me like one, and it was... it was better than all the times I’ve spent hanging out with the colts at school! But I’m not a filly.” He looked down at his dress, his wings hanging dejectedly. “I’m just a freak.”

Fluttershy stepped forward again and laid her neck against Sonic’s, nuzzling him reassuringly. “You’re not a freak, Sonic. You’re just not like the other colts. That’s okay. Everypony is different, but we’re all ponies, remember? We are a circle of pony friends...

A circle of friends we’ll be ‘til the very end!” they finished together, Fluttershy doing her best to harmonize her sweet soprano voice with Sonic’s squeaky treble. Sonic sighed and smiled, leaning against Fluttershy. “You’re right. But what am I going to do now? Am I just going to go back to school and pretend everything’s okay, now that I know what’s wrong? And what am I going to tell Dad?”

“Well... I don’t know about your father,” Fluttershy admitted, “and I don’t think the ponies at school will understand. But you can come and hang out with the choir some more. I’m sure Dazzle wants to meet Firefly again.”

“That would be okay? I mean... what if they find out?”

Fluttershy sighed softly. “I don’t know, Sonic. I just know I’ve never seen you this happy before. And I want you to stay this happy, whatever we have to do to make that happen.”

Against his expectations, Sonic found that spending time with the colts at school was actually easier now that he knew why he didn’t fit in. He still tussled with them and strove against them to be the fastest runner and best flier in school, but soon gained a reputation for being the pony to stand up for the fillies when other colts decided to pick on them. Of course, this backfired quickly when a gang of the older fillies decided to bully the colts in return. Nothing was ever simple, he found.

On the weekends, he found himself spending more and more time with Fluttershy, Dazzle and their friends. Dazzle begged him to audition for their choir, but Fluttershy assured her that “Firefly” couldn’t carry a tune in a wagon. In private, though, Fluttershy was giving Sonic extensive voice coaching. He was terrified that his voice was going to give him away, especially once it started to deepen as he grew older, but Fluttershy’s tutelage helped him to soften out his voice, just a little.

Instead of singing, Sonic was more than happy to listen to his new friends’ performances, and they, in return, dragged him around on their activities, attending plays and social events, and simply hanging out in the many wide open spaces of Cloudsdale. Some of Dazzle’s friends asked him for help with their flying, and soon he was running regular classes for them, sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with them.

Fluttershy continued to help Sonic with clothing, too. By the time Cloudsdale ushered in spring, Sonic had amassed a wardrobe of half a dozen dresses, from formal attire to casual clothing and a dress tailored specifically for flying. Fluttershy even sewed him a flight suit similar to those worn by professional fliers like the Wonderbolts, matching the precise shade of his coat. With this, she hoped that he would be able to pass as a filly even without a full dress, although he was reluctant to try it just yet.

Over the course of the year, Sonic did his best to keep up his alternate identity with his filly friends, and still put on a proper appearance among the colts at school. By spring, it had become clear to him that the mask of being a “normal colt” at school was just that, a mask, and it was only with Fluttershy and Dazzle that he could truly be himself. Many times he would find himself staring into his mirror, asking why he had to be born looking like he did.

Fluttershy and Dazzle moved away to attend Cloudsdale flight school at the start of the next autumn, leaving Sonic without his closest friends. To his delight, though, he found that the remaining fillies in the choir already looked up to him. They loved to hear him talk about his father’s weather work, and to attend the running and flying lessons he gave them. Without Dazzle’s magnetic charm and presence, “Firefly” was the centre of attention in their little herd, and Sonic couldn’t be happier, although he did miss his older friends.

He tried to tell his parents what he was doing, but with little success. The first time he suggested that he might like to wear a dress at home, his mother insisted that he needed to spend more time with the colts at school instead of with Fluttershy. His father eventually relented regarding the playhouse, though, and brought home a can of concentrated rainbow, helping his colt to build the beautiful structure that he wanted, with rainbow waterfalls and deep white cloud banks. His only condition was that Sonic accompany him to the weather factory, to learn about “stallions’ work”. Sonic didn’t really understand his father’s aim in that, since there were just as many mares as stallions working at the factory. Any chance to spend time with his father and learn the weather pony trade was worth taking, though, so he kept quiet about not wanting to be a stallion at all.

All too soon, the year was over, and Sonic was ready to leave home to attend flight school. His intensive training with his father meant that he could already fly, albeit only for short distances, which was still better than any other colt or filly in his class. Flight school would give him the chance to become a greater flier than even his father could teach him to be. It would be his first step towards his lifelong ambition of becoming a Wonderbolt, or a famous weather pony like his father.

More importantly, though, flight school meant a new start. A chance to be a new pony. The time he spent at flight school would be when he found out what he wanted from life, and learned how to make it happen.

“Welcome back, Fluttershy!” exclaimed Dazzle, running across the playground to give her best friend a nuzzle of greeting. “How was your summer?”

“Oh, it was nice,” replied Fluttershy. “My parents came to visit, and we talked about school, and I did some sewing, and some reading. How about yours?”

“Great! I was in a musical over at the local theatre – I never knew how much fun it could be! I just wish the old herd could have seen it – it’s so different without them. Speaking of which, is Firefly coming to flight school this year? I’ve really missed her.”

“I’m not sure,” admitted Fluttershy. “I hope so. I miss her too.”

Both fillies turned to watch the crowd of young ponies making their way into the schoolyard, when one blue filly broke away from the pack, taking to the air. She flew recklessly over the side of the cloud bank, then performed a midair somersault and streaked back over the cloud, eliciting gasps of awe from the ponies beneath her. She circled around the playground once before coming to a stop in front of Fluttershy and Dazzle, shaking out her brilliant, rainbow-coloured mane.

“Firefly?” asked Dazzle, her jaw dropping. Sonic? thought Fluttershy, amazed at what she had just seen her old friend do.

“New school, new mane, new name, pal!” grinned the filly, giving the two friends a wink before spinning around to face the crowd of fillies, colts and even a young griffon who had gathered to admire the newcomer.

“Hello, Cloudsdale Flight School!” she greeted the crowd, rearing up dramatically and spreading her wings. “Meet your new greatest flier...

“Rainbow Dash!”