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Fluttershy and The Mask

It was the day of Nightmare Night, and like always dear old Fluttershy was scared for her life. Every year it seems that the costumes get scarier and scarier, she knows it’s all in good fun for the fillies and colts and they don’t mean harm. It’s just that she’s afraid of almost everything! And frankly, she’s was starting to get sick of it, she wanted to go out and play the games at the fair and join her friends, she just needs a costume. But during that afternoon, while taking care of some otters, something caught her eye…

“Oh my, what’s this?” she came close to the object and found out it was a simple mask just stuck on some weeds while floating down the river. She picks it up and examines it,that was it, just and ordinary mask. But as she looked at the back, it slightly shone a hint of green.

“hmm, interesting…” just as she was about to put it on, Angel came asking for food.

“Oh, I’m sorry Angel, I was looking at this mask I found and I lost track of time!” she went back into her home to feed Angel while still carrying the mysterious mask.
As she feed Angel, the sun started setting in the sky, which then made Fluttershy very tense as she knows this is the time that the kids go out for trick-or-treating with their costumes. Angel merely made a disgruntled face as he knows that Fluttershy gets afraid every year since he first met her. Fluttershy then quickly grabbed a bowl of candy and shoved it right outside the door. Still slightly unnerved, she then takes another good look at the mask she had found in the river.

“Oh, I hope I won’t disappoint too many people with this mask” she slowly lifts the mask closer to her face. Inch by inch, as the wood from gets closer and closer, Angel suddenly felt a little unnerved from that mask. When suddenly, the wood rapidly stretched to engulf her entire head as she starts struggling to take the mask off! Now Angel is totally frightened by the scene that’s unfolding before him as Fluttershy squirms of the floor and the wooden mask continues to engulf her head. Soon, started spinning like a tornado, spinning faster and faster and moving all across the house blowing away paper, knocking down wood and furniture until suddenly she stopped with her hooves covering her face. Slowly she lowered her hooves, as her head was now completely green, her long, beautiful pink hair has become frizzy and red-orange along with her coat, and she had a big maniacal smile. She only spoke one word as she grinned.. “SSSSSMOKIN’!!!!”

But right outside, Discord and Rainbow Dash were about to drag dear old Fluttershy for a night of pranks.

“Now come now dear Rainbow, you know she isn’t the type for pranks” said Discord.

“C’mon, it’s time for Flutters to finally get out of that house and enjoy the party, she always stays cooped up in that house every year. She needs to stick up and be brave!”
As they approach the door, they hear loud winds and crashing objects and immediately made worried looks upon their face. Discord then knocks on the door.

“Fluttershy? Are you okay in there?” asked Discord. When suddenly, Fluttershy came bursting out the door, and gave Rainbow Dash a big toonified kiss. Rainbow Dash immediately blushed and tried to spit away the sloppy kiss.

“Spitoy! Belgh!! Fluttershy what the hay was that…” but before she could finish her question, she got a good look at the new Fluttershy. But none had more of a worried look than Discord himself.

“P-A-R-T. Why? Cause I gotta!! See ya!!” as suddenly Fluttershy entered her twister mode and flew off towards the town.

“No, it can’t be, she couldn’t have found it!!” said Discord.

“Discord? What was the meaning of that!? Why was Fluttershy’s face so green and how did she get so crazy!?” Rainbow Dash asked worriedly.

“We need to get to Twilight’s! NOW!!” Discord yelled.

The duo then flew towards town, with Rainbow Dash still having a lot of questions in her mind.


In Ponyville, it was the Nightmare Night festival and everyone was in their best costumes yet, while Pinkie Pie was now a dragon for this night. She then arrives at Princess Twilight’s library

“Hey Twilight! Happy Nightmare Night!” said Pinkie.

“And a happy Nightmare Night to you too Pinkie! I sure wish Fluttershy was here to celebrate” said Twilight.

“Well, she is always scared of everything, and tonight's is pretty much her worst night every year” said Spike.

“*sigh* yeah I guess so..” Twilight said. But suddenly, Pinkie Pie’s knee started pinching as Pinkie puts on worried look on her face.

And low and behold, Fluttershy came crashing down from Twilight’s tree as a monkey scaring the trio!

“Oh oh ah ah!” screeched the monkey Fluttershy.

“Ghaaa!!!” yelled all three.

“Hahahaha! I scared you good! Time for more victims tonight!!” said Fluttershy as she spins away towards the center of the fair.

“Was that… Fluttershy? Why was her face so green and what is she doing here on this night of all nights!?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“That thing was Fluttershy!?” yelled Spike.

“Twilight!! We got a problem!!” yelled Rainbow Dash as both Discord and Rainbow had arrived.

“Discord! I should’ve known something was up! What did you do to Fluttershy!?” yelled Twilight.

“Hold on Twi, before you make any accusations, hear him out first”

“Thank you, unfortunately it was my doing, but the artifact I’ve created so many millennia ago has returned. You see, the reason why Fluttershy’s acting this way was due to a mask I forged and imbedded with my power. It causes anyone who dons it to be crazy and chaotic as me. It was chaotic beauty, but it only works at night. It was fun for a while, but then I saw potential threats to me when I was still in power, before I was imprisoned by your princesses by the way, so I casted that mask away hopefully never to be used again, until now.”

“So what you’re saying is, Fluttershy accidental found this mask, is about to spread chaos across Ponyville and now we have to try and get that mask off?” Spike summed it up perfectly.

“Then what are we waiting for!? Let’s go!” and then the five ran towards Fluttershy’s direction.

Once they arrived, they greeted by a terrifying scene of chaos, as ponies in their costumes are running for their lives as Fluttershy causes multiple pranks to happen at once from faux bombs, lightning bolts to even flying daggers!

“AHHH! Run for your life!! She’s crazy!!! She’ll destroy the town!!

“Oh my, she’s practically as chaotic as I was!” Discord exclaimed.

“We have to stop her!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“But you have to catch me first” said Fluttershy who suddenly appears right behind them and then sped off.

“Sorry about this Fluttershy” said Discord as he snapped his fingers causing a brick wall to appear right in front of her thus causing her to slam into such wall and pancaking her flat. And like a piece of paper, she floated down to the ground flat and stiff.

“This is our chance! Now Rainbow!!” Twilight yelled.

“On it” Rainbow Dash yelled as she dashed towards Fluttershy as she was about to inflate herself to get back to “normal”. “Oh no you don’t!!” as Rainbow grabbed what she thinks was the edge of the mask on the back of Fluttershy’s head and pulled with all her might. Slowly the mask started to come off as the green skin once more become wood while at the same time lightning flashes around the duo. Finally the entire mask was off of Fluttershy who is now drowsy from the night experience.

“Is she okay?” Spike asked.

“Once the mask is taken off, the host is rendered dazed for a little bit, but she’s fine.” Discord explained.

“ugh, what happened” said Fluttershy as she slowly stood up. “*gasps* what happened here!?”

“You mean you don’t remember?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“I remember putting on a mask, but the rest is kind of fuzzy” Fluttershy said.

“now to put this thing where no one else can find it!” said Discord holding up the mask and placing it in a chest; and with a snap of his fingers, it poofed away to another location.

“Where do you think he hid it?” asked Twilight.

“Hopefully somewhere no one would think of looking. Now let’s get this placed cleaned up!” said Rainbow Dash.

“What no pranking tonight?” asked Pinkie.

“You know, I think I have had enough for one night” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Awww, come on Dash we still gotta get some candy!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

The rest just laughed in response as the begin to repair and continue the Nightmare Night festival.


Deep within the Canterlot castle, Princess Celestia was about to enter her most private room: her secret cake stash. As she opens the door, she is greeted by a variety of well-preserved cakes ready to be eaten. But as she browses her choices, a little chest catches her eye.

“Oh my, what’s this?” she opens the chest to see a wooden mask. “I never seen this mask before, Luna must’ve misplaced it.” She closes the chest, takes a slice of strawberry cake and carries the chest with her.

At that moment, Pinkie Pie’s knee started to pinch….

The End?

Comments ( 9 )

Sun princess+chaotic artifact=end of the world!!!!

:rainbowkiss: Somebody, PLEASE make some fanart for this revolutionary idea! :pinkiehappy:
Also, THE BIRTH OF TROLLESTIA! :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:


I will be honest this story has great potential if you added more content and slowed down the flow of the story. That aside it was a funny read :twilightsmile:

5112456 Thank you very much!:twilightblush:

5112940 Very welcome ^_^ On a side note, Just imagine what the mask would do to an Alicorn Like Luna Celestia or Twilight :pinkiehappy:

5112940 r u going to make the next story with princess celestia and the mask the sequl for fluttershy and the mask because I love this story:heart::raritystarry:

I like the ideas presented, but wish they had all been run out longer.

If you ever wanted to go back and rewrite this, I think the biggest improvement you could make would be having Discord come in much later. Have Fluttermask be something that her friends accept, like "Oh, this must be Discord's way of helping Fluttershy overcome her social anxiety." and work with that idea. Have her not be as explosively off the wall like here, make her more like the second time Stan tries it in the movie, at the club, and have her more in control, just without inhibitions. She pranks better than Dash, she's more random than Pinkie, she can obviously bend reality like Discord, things like that. Only have Discord come in towards the end to see what all the fuss is about, and tell them this was never something he planned when they explain what's going on. Also, I figure the idea of chaotic Fluttershy would be something he'd find rather attractive (“Oh my, she’s practically as chaotic as I was!” Discord exclaimed. "That's... really hot, actually."). Given that her powers are similar to his, and that she might not want to give them up, would be a great excuse for a town-wrecking showdown between the two chaotic beings. Or near to.

The ending was great. You give a mask that's only powered during the night to the one being that decides when it's time for the day. Brilliant.

I gave it a like. I think it's a better germ of a story than an actual story. I'd like to see it given a longer treatment.

shit, but I do have to question the x-over, is it equestria's version of Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask?

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