• Published 8th May 2014
  • 8,422 Views, 439 Comments

Falling in Love Quietly - Calm Wind

Big Macintosh and Fluttershy are both very interested in each other after the incident in the mountains. But is it possible for a relationship, or even just friendship to begin if neither have the guts to say a single word to the other?

  • ...

Chapter 4

Falling in Love Quietly
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 4:

“Tomorrow they’re gonna be here! I don’t even have to leave Ponyville! It’s gonna be SO. AWSOME. AHHHHH!!!!!!” Rainbow Dash zipped around the inside of Sugarcube corner talking at a mile a minute. Applejack and Twilight both had their faces flat on a table with their hooves covering their ears.

“Thanks for letting us know. Again.” Twilight complained as she squeezed her eyes shut.

“Good gravy Dash, give it a rest! You’ve told us about twenty times per day for the past week!” Applejack angrily stomped her hooves on the table. Rainbow Dash stopped right in front of her, upside-down, the goofy smile still spread across her face.

“How can I? I’ve never seen a Wonderbolt show so up-close! Every time I’ve gotten tickets I end up in nosebleed seats and can barely even see them! Tomorrow they’re gonna be doing all their stunts RIGHT. THERE. EEEEEEEHEHEEE!!!!!” She flew right over Applejack’s head and slammed right into Pinkie Pie. The two tumbled into a pile of sugar bags, luckily not breaking them, but cushioning their landing. Pinkie stuck her head out over Rainbow’s body at Applejack and Twilight.

“Will someone pleeeeeeeease restrain her?! She’s ruining my cupcake baking time!” Pinkie complained while pointing to a stopwatch around her hoof. Dash flopped off and fluttered back into the air.

“Sorry, I just can’t contain the excitement!” She sped through the front door.

Fluttershy Peered over the edge of the table. She was used to Rainbow Dash going nuts over the Wonderbolts, but she wished Dash wouldn’t fly around so recklessly indoors, somepony could get hurt. She pulled herself back into her seat as her friends all sighed in frustration.

It wouldn’t be much longer. Dash had been a bit annoying about the Wonderbolts coming to Ponyville. Just one more day and it would be back to normal.

Conversation resumed as Pinkie grumbled about her record time being ruined while finishing her cupcakes. Fluttershy glanced at Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity. The three were locked in a conversation about something. Fluttershy had missed the subject so she didn’t try to join in. That was fine though, she didn’t mind not speaking, she just liked being in the presence of her friends.

“Wait, Whaaaaaat?” Rarity suddenly stood and leaned towards Applejack. Fluttershy looked up and saw Rarity glancing between her and Applejack. Fluttershy blinked, wondering if she should’ve been paying attention. Rarity had a familiar look on her face. One that usually appeared when it had to do with… oh dear…

“Ya heard me.” Applejack rolled her eyes and rested her chin on her hoof.

“Fluttershy? How long have…” Twilight began, but Rarity was suddenly directly in Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy squeaked and sank into her seat again.

“BIG MACINTOSH has been coming to your house?!?!?” She yelled incredulously.

“Um… I…” Fluttershy lowered herself further away. Rarity only followed.

“My goodness when did you become so BOLD?! And how did youland THE MOST handsome, hunky, and sexy stallion in Ponyville?!?!?" She kept going.

“Hey!” Applejack reacted, but Rarity was on a war path.

“We… Uh…” Fluttershy couldn’t recline any further.

“PLEASE!” Rarity grabbed Fluttershy by the cheeks and lightly shook her. “TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!!!!!

“RARITY!” Twilight’s magic surrounded Rarity and yanked her off of Fluttershy. Rarity landed on the floor with an “oof!” as Fluttershy disappeared completely under the table. “Restraint!” Twilight glared at Rarity as she lay on her back and giggled awkwardly.

“Sorry darling, ha ha…” She apologized as she rolled back to her feet. Fluttershy peered over the table yet again.

“Um…” She began, slightly muffled with only her eyes visible over the edge of the table top. “We’re… just good friends…”

THAT’S RIGHT. Just good friends. Mac’s too busy for any other shenanigans.” Applejack growled, earning a look of disapproval from both Rarity and Twilight as Fluttershy squeaked and squinted at her harsh tone.

“Applejack, it really isn’t your place to decided that for them.” Twilight cocked her head to the side. “Mac’s a big colt you know. He can decide that for himself.”

“YES! Big in most likely more ways than one!” Rarity added, earning a light elbow jab from Twilight and making Fluttershy’s face catch fire.

“He’s got responsibilities and he knows it! I’m just statin’ facts!” Applejack pounded her hoof on the table. Rarity pushed against Twilight again.

“Stallions have needs you know!” She added with a giggle. Twilight’s magic surrounded her and pushed her all the way across the room into the corner.

“You’re not helping Rarity.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Um…” Fluttershy’s voice quietly rose from the edge of the table again. They all looked at her. “But… I do… like him…” It was way too soft for any of them to hear. Plus her mouth was still below the table.

“What?” Twilight turned her ear to her.

“I…” Fluttershy tried again “like him

“Speak up Sugarcube.” Applejack grunted.

“Umm…” Fluttershy squinted. “I…!” She yelled it out, but she was completely drowned out by a loud BOOM that rattled the whole building. Fluttershy yelped and was completely beneath the table in an instant.

“The hell was that?!” Applejack looked about. Rarity, who was already shoved to the wall, glanced out the window.

“Something happened outside! A bunch of ponies are gathering!” She exclaimed as Twilight moved towards her.

“That sounded like a sonic boom…” She said as she peered out. “Was it Rainbow Dash? No wait, there’s Dash.” She pointed up. They both jumped and leaned aside as Mrs. Cake suddenly came galloping down the stairs and right past them out the front door. They briefly glanced at each other before following. Applejack got up and gave chase. She paused briefly and glanced at Fluttershy as she remained beneath the table, rolled her eyes, and left.

Fluttershy had no idea what happened, but when she emerged from beneath the table, everypony was gone. She didn’t know why they left, but that was okay, she had to get out of. She couldn’t take answering so many questions about Mac. She liked him, but she’d rather keep it to herself.

She trotted out the door and glanced at a large gathering of ponies nearby. She blinked as she saw a light blue pegasus stallion lift off and fly away incredibly fast. All the ponies seemed to be completely focused on whoever it was, so she casually snuck off back in the direction of her house.

What was the big deal anyway? Besides the obvious BIG pony that had made more than one stop at her house in the past two weeks. She enjoyed Mac’s company. Sure she had grown incredibly fond of him, but can a stallion spend time with a mare without it being flung over the top? Maybe she just knew Rarity for too long. Maybe she could ask Applejack to stay quiet about it. Fluttershy didn’t want everypony constantly wondering about them. She doubted Applejack would leave it be though. Applejack was too protective of her brother and her.

“HEY!” Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared beside her. Fluttershy yelped and fired straight up. She bounced off the bottom of an awning and shot back down to the ground with a THUMP. “Oh come on, you should be used to me doing this by now!” Pinkie sighed as she picked Fluttershy up and set her back on her hooves. Fluttershy took a few deep breaths. Pinkie had nearly scared her cutie mark off.

“Oh dear, I’m sorry Pinkie… I’m… not really paying attention.”

“Kinda hard to see anything when you got a stallion the size of a barn in your sights, eh?” Pinkie giggled. Fluttershy turned completely red and started trotting away quickly. “Hey! Hey! Hey!” Pinkie followed after her. “What’s the rush?” She kept pace with Fluttershy easily. Fluttershy stopped and sighed.

“Why are you following me?” She asked with a rare bit of annoyance in her voice. She didn’t want to talk about it! Why was everypony being so forceful?

“Psh! That scene over there was written like, two years ago! Been there, read that.” Pinkie zipped to Fluttershy’s other side before she could respond. “But don’t worry! I’m not trying to pry about Big Mac! I’m trying to help you!”

“Absolutely not!” Fluttershy tried to pull away, but Pinkie’s grip was firm.

“Hey, trust me gal, I already stopped Applejack from crashing your first tea time.” She revealed. Fluttershy stopped struggling.

“Wait… what?” She blinked.

“You saw Applejack back at the corner! She’s being a stiff ass about it!” Pinkie let go and put herself in front. “She followed Big Mac to your house! But luckily I was a plot device and ninja’d her away!” She beamed pridefully.

“Gosh…” Fluttershy smiled. Some of her friends were too curious, Applejack was being too harsh, and as Rarity proved, some just wanted details that weren’t there. At least Pinkie wanted to help her. “Thanks Pinkie…” Fluttershy smiled happily.

“Don’t thank me yet!” She pressed her face into Fluttershy’s. “Thank me after you meet him for a picnic in one hour at Sweet Apple Acres!” She bounced up and down. Fluttershy’s smile remained, but her eyes grew three sizes.

“Um… what…?”

“Oh, I totally set you guys up to have some privacy at the orchard. Applejack doesn’t even know about it!” Pinkie kept bouncing around as if Fluttershy’s head wasn’t about to explode.

“Oh dear, but, I haven’t even told Macintosh about…”

“No need!” Pinkie hopped up and clicked her hooves together. “I already told him you would be there! Oh yeah, you better go get some food together, I told him you were bringing it.” She explained and grinned happily. Fluttershy’s jaw dropped.

“Oh my goodness… OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!” Fluttershy sprinted back towards her house. She knew there was going to be a catch. Pinkie help wasn’t always the most controlled kind of help. She didn’t know if Pinkie had REALLY set them up, but she wasn’t going to take that chance. She could’ve picked a better time though. All this talk of Big Mac was really getting to her. The more she heard about him the more she wanted to tell him how much she liked him. But could she do it? She was so shy and embarrassed about it, that she couldn’t even do it around her animals. Maybe this is why Pinkie set them up. So they could truly be alone somewhere? Technically, Fluttershy’s house wasn’t really alone. The thought could wait, she had to hurry!

Pinkie watched her go, giggled, and bounced in a circle.

“Being a plot device is FUN! Heehee!!!!”

Big Mac slowly walked through the orchard, slightly off the path. He wasn’t showing it, but he was excited. Pinkie Pie had randomly shown up earlier and said Fluttershy wanted to have a picnic with him right here at his home. He was skeptical at first, knowing Pinkie to be a bit of a prankster, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

Fluttershy was still shy around him, even though they had met for tea at her house a few times. He wasn’t one to talk about shyness, but he knew Fluttershy would have never straight up asked him something like that. She probably used Pinkie Pie to ask him.

Even if he was being played, he could enjoy the serenity of the outdoors. He had finished his work for the morning quickly and looked forward to relaxing, with or without Fluttershy, but he honestly preferred it would be with.

The more he spent time with the tiny adorable mare, the more he just wanted her around at all times. She was very shy and hesitant about, well, everything. But her cuteness could end wars. If he was more sensitive to expressing emotion he’d be d’awwing out of his ears at everything she did. He honestly couldn’t get enough of her, and wished he could find the courage to let her know how much he had come to care for her.

He stopped beneath one of their oldest apple trees. According to Granny it had been there since she was a filly. It was larger than most of their trees and the only tree they harvested gently. They always used a ladder and picked the apples out one by one so as not to damage the old trunk with bucking. It was also a little clearer around it, making it the perfect place to relax with friends.

As soon as Mac sat down beneath it he spotted something yellow walking down the path between all the trees. He saw a picnic basket and eventually recognized a pink mane. Fluttershy.

He whistled loudly in her direction and waved his arm.

Fluttershy flinched and turned to see Mac waving. She smiled between the basket and turned towards him. She began to internally struggle with herself as she approached.

Okay Fluttershy. This is no different than the other times you’ve been with him. You like him and you trust him. It’s no different. No different at all. Only you’re not in your own home… your animals aren’t there with you two… you are completely alone… with Big Macintosh… oh dear…

A light blush crept onto her face as Mac kept on a warm smile for her. The blush was likely to stay there for the whole duration of this unexpected “date”. Actually being alone with him felt much different than she expected. She wasn’t worrying, but the possibilities… the implications… she didn’t know what to do.

This would be a perfect time for her to let him know more. No pony around, not even her animals to witness it. She could tell him she wanted to be more than friends. At least… close friends. Maybe very close friends. Her blush grew slightly more visible as she went down the line of thoughts.

“Howdy.” Mac greeted her as she reached him.

“H—hey.” She smiled sheepishly as she set down the basket. Mac quickly got up to help her unfold the blanket she brought along, keeping his eyes on her as he did.

He had become aware of it as well. It only struck him as she was approaching, but this was the first time they had really spent time together with nothing else around, pony or animals. Was it different? He didn’t see anything different with it, but Fluttershy was blushing. She had been since she got into his view. It probably meant something for her.

In fact he was sure it did. After a few trips to her house, Mac had noticed that Fluttershy was very comfortable at home, about a hundred times more comfortable than she was in any other situation. Why else would she have another pony ask him? He was sure she was too shy to ask him directly, but he didn’t mind. This must’ve been a stretch for her to come all the way out here period. It was great to see her slightly breaking out of her comfort zone. Especially since she did it for him.

Maybe this could be a new step for them. It was no mystery to him what he felt for the little mare. He found her cute, adorable, and endearing, but he loved spending time with her in general. Her gentleness and kindness was such a refreshing contrast to the rough hard work he did every day of his life. It added a new kind of spice to his life and he wanted to let her know. Not that he would, he had a hard enough time talking to anypony about anything. His lips would most likely remain sealed.

He could brave a blizzard, but no amount of bravery could prepare him for the feelings induced by little hurricane Fluttershy.

They finished setting the blanket and Fluttershy went digging through the basket.

“So…um…” She went about everything casually, making sure not to bring up Pinkie Pie. “I brought… some cucumber sandwiches.” She set them down and poked her head back into the basket, pulling out two cups and a thermos. “I brought the tea you like… and…” She reached in one more time, “I thought… you’d like these.” She smiled as she pulled out a small plate. It had small crackers on it. Each cracker was covered with a thin spread of peanut butter and had a small apple slice on top.

Mac’s eyes widened slightly. Fluttershy didn’t know, but she had just copied an old snack Granny Smith used to make for Mac when he was a colt.

“I… Um… Hope you… like them.” Fluttershy grinned. She flinched lightly as Mac reached for one and popped it in his mouth before she could set them down. He licked his lips delightfully and smiled.

“Mmmmeeeyup!” He said with gusto. Fluttershy smiled happily before setting everything out for the two of them.

It’s not different. It’s not different. It’s not different.

Fluttershy kept trying and failing to convince herself that the whole time. She desperately wanted to treat the situation no differently than she did when she was at home with him. She couldn’t stop blushing though. They were alone. ALONE. She had never spent time alone with a stallion before, much less one she was secretly in love with. She couldn’t ask for a more perfect moment to reveal her feelings for him, but there was no way in hell she could muster the courage.

She kept herself calm, but there was a stalemate going on in her brain.

It’s perfect, tell him. No! Don’t! Why not? What if he doesn’t want that? What if you make it awkward? But will you ever know for sure if you don’t? Is the risk worth it? What if it makes him angry? NOW DON’T GO BACK TO THAT! You may never get this chance again. What makes you think you’ll never spend time with him again? Why wait though? Why keep doing this to yourself? He’s Applejack’s brother after all, honesty would be appreciated. Arrrgghhhhh!

She was glad she knew how to keep a straight face.

Even with the straight smile though, Mac could tell something was on her mind. They were only sitting quietly, enjoying both the food and each other’s company. Mac loved taking in her presence and stole a friendly glance at her from time to time, but each time he did, he caught her staring at him. She always looked away quickly. She hadn’t stopped blushing.

Whether or not she actually had something she wanted to say, he wouldn’t care if she did or didn’t say it. It didn’t matter what she said, or what was on her mind. As long as she was with him and kept being the small adorable mare he had grown to enjoy and care for so much, he would be happy. If only he could put it into words for her. He cursed his sheepishness when it came to speaking.

They finished off all the food and were enjoying their tea along with the gentle breeze that began to blow throughout the orchard. Mac leaned his head back to let the breeze play with his short mane.

If nothing else, he got to relax with Fluttershy

She watched him carefully. Watched his mane blow in the wind, watched how laid back and relaxed he looked, watched how his lips curled up into his small, gentle smile. She looked down at her hooves.

Fluttershy, enough is enough. She thought to herself. You’ve never felt happier in your life than you do when you’re with him. If you’re going to be assertive on your own for once in your life, don’t let the opportunity float right by. She glanced at him again. He was looking at her now and smiling.


Do it.


“Um…” Fluttershy squeaked through her voice. Mac blinked and focused on her. Neither of them had spoken since they began eating. Fluttershy already felt like she had screwed up. She hesitated and now she HAD to go through with it. “I…um…” She swallowed and her eyes darted downward. She held her breath briefly and exhaled. She looked up and stared directly into Mac’s eyes… for a second before she looked back down.

Mac waited patiently. She clearly had something she wanted to say. He had figured out that you can’t rush Fluttershy if you truly want to hear her out.

“Macintosh… I…” She bit her lower lip and looked up at him. He was like a tower looking down at her. If she hadn’t gotten to know him recently, his sheer presence would have completely crushed her by now. “I just… I wanted…” She kept sputtering, unable to force the words out.

Mac tipped his head to the side, concerned. She was shaking.

“I… well… I… Macintosh… I…” Why? Why couldn’t she do it? Why couldn’t she just ONCE overcome something alone? She had so much motivation to prevail, but it just, couldn’t break free. “I… *sniff*…”

Mac’s ears perked up. Fluttershy’s expression had turned to sadness. Her eyes began to tear up. She whimpered and slowly let her chin fall down to her hooves.

“No… I can’t! I cahaahaaaan’t!” She suddenly cried. “I’m so sorry!” She wailed.

Mac just stared. What was going on? Why was she apologizing? Why was she crying? She lay on the picnic blanket across from him, weeping quietly into her hooves.

“Please! Please don’t hate me, pleeeease!” That cued him in. She wanted to tell him something personal, but she couldn’t find the words. Thinking back to Applejack’s rules, there was more than one that pointed to Fluttershy apologizing or fearing she had done wrong. That mixed with him seeing a mare he cared about broken down and crying made his body spring into action.

He quickly stood up and circled around the blanket. He lay down beside her and gently draped a large arm over her back. She flinched when she felt it and quickly looked up to see him and his large body right beside her. She looked into his eyes and he had nothing but concern written all over his face.

“Please… don’t hate… me…” She repeated while whimpering. Mac pulled her close into him, nestling her firmly against his side. He couldn’t stay quiet any more. She tried. She tried to speak her mind to him. It didn’t matter that she failed. She was already braver than him for the attempt. He shook his head.

“I don’t.” He lowered his head down to hers, “I’d never hate ya.” He comforted her. His words were stern, but full of care. Fluttershy squinted and dug her head back into her hooves. Mac laid his chin gently atop her head, determined to comfort her until she got all the tears out.

After few minutes the flow of tears ceased. She lay comfortably with his large presence almost completely surrounding her. She remembered this feeling. She remembered it from the blizzard. It felt so good to feel it again.

“Y’okay?” He asked while softly rubbing his hoof on her back.

“Um… yes… Thank you…” She answered without looking at him and blushing. What a disaster. She didn’t care if he was comforting her, it didn’t change the fact that she still couldn’t say what she wanted. “Um… Macintosh… I…”

“Don’t force it.” He cut her off. She stopped mid speech and looked up at him. He was smiling down at her. “I’ll never hate ya. I promise.” He assured her. It wasn’t what she wanted to say, but it was special just to hear him say that.

They both sat and enjoyed being close. So what if they couldn’t say it. She just liked being with him. That was enough to show their friendship.




Fluttershy had an epiphany. She wanted Mac to know she cared. She couldn’t find the words. She didn’t know how to say it, or if she would say it correctly. These things prevented her from saying anything. But Mac just said he’d never hate her. Mac was related to Applejack. He would never lie about something like that.

She bit her lip and glanced up at Mac. He was looking out into the apple fields, smiling. Fluttershy blushed as she looked back down. Her eyes darted about.

Just do it. No hesitation this time. Do. It.

Fluttershy quickly reached her head up and planted a very light, gentle kiss on Mac’s cheek. Mac’s eyes shot open and he looked down at her. She quickly put her face back down, covering her whole face except for her eyes facing forward. Her blush was so radiant that it squeaked out passed her hooves. Mac just stared and blinked as Fluttershy refused to look back up at him

Well she did it. He wasn’t freaking out so he must’ve liked it. She stole a very fast glance back up to see him smiling and blushing a little himself. She quickly stuffed her head back down and rubbed her face back and forth against her hooves as if it could remove the pink hue across her cheeks.

So that’s what she wanted to say. She wanted to show more than just friendship. She just did it without speaking. So Mac did the same thing. He lowered his head and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before nuzzling her mane with his nose. Fluttershy simply let him do so, but the internal yays were uncountable.

They were so worried about how to tell how much they cared for the other, but all they really had to do was show it.

Again, things went right when they initially couldn’t have gone worse. Fluttershy was seeing a trend. Perhaps she was always too pessimistic.

After they spent another half an hour just friendly snuggling, Mac had to get back to work. He helped her pack up her basket, the two shared a big hug, and then he went on his way.

Fluttershy took two steps towards the orchard path before Rainbow Dash suddenly came searing down from the sky and landed right in front of her.

“OHMIGOSH! Fluttershy! I just saw Soarin! THE Soarin! In Ponyville! And he knew who I was! Ahhhh! Quick, where’s Mac?! I have to tell everypony!” She frantically spoke. But a new fire flared up in Fluttershy’s stomach. She quickly walked around Dash and put herself between her and the direction Mac walked.

“Macintosh is busy, please do not disturb him.” She said sternly. Dash looked at her quizzically.

“I just wanna tell him…” She froze as Fluttershy got in her face and slowly mad Dash crouch down before her.

“MACINTOSH. IS. BUSY. BACK. OFF.” She glared harshly down at Dash. Satisfied, Fluttershy turned and continued on her way. Dash stood up and looked towards Fluttershy incredulously.

“Fluttershy? What the hell did I just…” She was cut off as a pink hoof pressed over her mouth from behind. Dash’s eyes darted around to see Pinkie Pie behind her.

“Shhhhhhhh…” Pinkie shushed as she pulled Dash away.

---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

D'aww so precious.

Now to head into the bulk of Head in the Clouds... those of you familiar with that story know some interesting scenes are incoming ;)

I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!