• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 9,452 Views, 281 Comments

Playing With Fire - Orion97

I'm one of the first people to go to a magical land with talking ponies that isn't on drugs, though I still wonder about the second part.

  • ...

Pandora's Box

I woke up inside a burlap tent somewhere. A torch illuminated the area from a nearby pedestal, keeping the darkness outside at bay. I weakly coughed into my fist and sat up until pain forced me back down. A careful glance at my body revealed that although my old clothes were gone I was covered in enough bandages and strange plant material wrapped around me to act as an adequate substitute. I groaned and laid back in bed. A moment later a large, female gryphon peeked into the tent.

"Good. You're awake. You've been out for three days now."

"Where am I?"

"Not far from Canterlot. You owe a great deal to Kazumi and her daughter, Valerie. If not for them you likely would not have survived the night. I am matriarch Tamarra of our group. We came from the Gryphon Kingdoms to trade in Canterlot. It is fortunate we happened by when we did...though perhaps it is more than luck."

"I...How did I even end up here?" I stammered out.

"You tell me. You were discovered bleeding out at the foot of the mountain. If you had been there much longer you and I would not be having this conversation. Do you remember anything at all?" She sat at the foot of the bed and shook my leg. "

"I...there was a storm...there was a blast and the last thing I remember clearly is falling. I think something chased me at one point too. Oh no...the others are probably looking for me!" I cried out and attempted to get out of bed. The matriarch's claw on my shoulder forced me back down with ease.

"Easy. You're not at risk of dying in your condition but you're certainly not well enough to be running around. You'll see them again soon. " She assured me. She sighed and glanced away for a moment while clicking her talons against the bed frame. "And I suppose you at least want to stretch your legs. How about this." She looked back at me. "We'll send someone up ahead to Canterlot to tell your friends that you're alive and well with us. Do you know where we'd be able to find them?"

"No...sorry I don't know the place very well yet, not even any street names." I groaned in frustration.

"Hmm...well ponies tend to post notices at guard stations if anyone is missing or anything like that. We could check at those." Matriarch Tamarra held a talon to her chin and hummed as if she knew she were forgetting something. "Oh! My apologies. I did not ask you your name."

"It's James. Anyway it's foggy but was someone trying to find me before? I barely remember it now but I remember someone carrying me and mumbling something about bad ponies. Did anything like that happen?"

"Ah. Yes. Something close to that...there is something I should explain to you. A few weeks before the first human appeared in Equestria there were a number of individuals claiming to have had visions about a race of bipedal creatures that came through portals. Although the details vary a little most describe vast numbers of them invading with great machines and deadly weapons. It's starting to spread fear. When the first human appeared most ponies looked at them with curiosity and wonder, though a few looked upon them with suspicion and distrust. Although none have taken any action yet I would be careful, they are likely on edge with the appearance of more humans."

What if a portal was really opened to Earth? If things went badly that doesn't sound horribly far off of what could actually happen...

"That's...weird. And I was chased though, right? If it was the ponies with the visions that were chasing me what would they have done if they found me?" I asked nervously.

"Had they gotten to you they would likely take you prisoner I'd imagine. I doubt they'd try anything among us or if you were in the city but it's a different story if you're alone or with just a couple others like you were at first."

"That makes me more than a little nervous honestly...any idea what's causing the visions or if they'll stop?"

"None of us are sure." She answered reluctantly. "I'm sorry to concern you with so much just after you woke up but it was important that you know."

"Oh man...I need some air. Could I at least walk a little?" I pleaded. She nodded. She maneuvered around the bed to help me to my feet. Slowly she let go, holding her claws just under my shoulders in case I stumbled.

"Do you feel any pain or numbness?" She held one talon under my shoulder while tapping gently on places I had been hurt.

"Hmph...nothing severe but my waist is still pretty tender...feels like...well like someone tried to burn a hole through it but it's numb. Stings just a bit. My legs feel weird too." I tried shifting my weight on my left foot, then my right.

"I would be surprised if you didn't feel something like that...here." She plucked several leaves from a small table that stood in front of my bed and put them in my hand. "When the stinging starts to get worse chew on one of the leaves. It'll ease the pain. If it doesn't seem to work return to me right away. It would mean we had missed some of the debris. Do not strain yourself on anything either." At last she let out a long sigh and removed her claws from under my arms once she determined I could stay unaided.

"Anything else?" I wondered aloud.

"No no...it simply took a great deal of effort to get you to a point where you wouldn't be dying or in maddening pain...please try to bear in mind you were impaled. The fact that you can stand right now attests to not only our work but some impressive endurance on your part. Even so, avoid strenuous activity."

"No problem...and thank you. For everything. So...what happens now? My friends are probably in a panic by now." I tapered off into a whisper as Matriarch Tamarra began to inspect my body. "Is something wrong?" I glanced at the spots where the pain still ached the most.

"Hm? Oh nothing. I'm just curious about your anatomy. Perhaps another time when you have recovered you would allow me to thoroughly examine you? It would satisfy some questions of mine and a better understanding of humans would be helpful. Now please don't be upset if I'm wrong but you are a male of your species, correct?"


"Ah thank you. I have seen a couple humans but not up close until now so I had to be sure. Anyway a better understanding of human anatomy would be a great boon if I need to lend aid should I find you or another human injured." She gently squeezed part of my lower thigh and carefully poked at the inside of my knee.

"Sure. I owe you people my life." I smiled.

The elder gryphon raised an open claw. "Think nothing of it. All I ask in return in the favor to look at you closer in the future so I will become better at what I do. Now I do believe young Valerie wanted to see you when you were conscious. She seemed quite taken with you if I may be honest." She smiled. "I'll let her know you're up and I'll find someone to deliver a message to the city watch in Canterlot telling them you are safe and recovering with us."

"Thank you, Matriarch." She nodded modestly and exited the tent. Left alone to myself I took the time to look at my current state.

From my the bottom of my feet to just shy of my knee there was nothing but bandage wraps, almost like a gauze sock. from the middle of my chest down to my lower thighs was mostly some plant material that I could only assume had medicinal properties. I very gently laid a hand over where I had been impaled. I was thankful that it was covered, as if otherwise I would be able to see all the guts and organs I was never meant to. The image sent a shiver down my spine. At least it didn't feel like anything was missing down there. It certainly hurt but other than a noticeably weak feeling in my abdomen and a voracious appetite I had suddenly become aware of I felt alright.

"Oh...hello. Is now a bad time?" Valerie timidly poked her head inside the tent. Her beaked face bore all the colors of an autumnal sunset, only enhanced by the morning rays flittering through the forest canopy outside

"No, not at all. It's nice to talk to someone. I never got a chance to thank you for what you and your mother did." She smiled awkwardly and closed a claw around her other arm before walking inside. At last I was able to get a good look at all of her. The colors on her face blended harmoniously with the rest of her body, though I noticed a few streaks of a deep blue on her wings and feathers and although it matched her natural coat surprisingly well it was hard to doubt that she had simply dyed them or something. Her body itself seemed relatively lithe although not lacking in strength, almost cat-like.

"So...h-how are you feeling?" She nervously made eye contact before glancing away quickly, hiding away those shy golden colored eyes.

"Considering the shape I was in? Far better. I am quite hungry though." I shrugged.

"Oh!" She perked up. "I-I know this perfect recipe for fish that my mother taught me! There's a stream nearby! We could catch some fish for us to eat!" She seemed to pause for a moment before a nervous look manifested in her eyes. "You...is fish okay? I mean ponies usually just eat plants and fruits and stuff so I didn't know what humans-" She began to stammer.

"It's alright." I chuckled while raising a hand. "Yes I like fish. So where's this spot at?"

"It's not far! Come on. I'll be sure to tell Matriarch Tamarra where we're at so she won't worry." I struggled to follow just as she turned to leave. I put one foot forward steadily enough, but I collapse on the left after letting go of the bed. In a flash Valerie practically warped over to catch me.

"I'm so so sorry! I should've realized you'd still be hurt! So stupid of me! I'm sorry is there anything I can get to help or should I just go bring some back or-" She rambled on quickly as she wedged herself under my left arm.

"Valerie! It's okay. Relax. I'm just...a little weak right now is all. But I could use a little support." I soothed her nerves with quiet voice. "You're very fast." I remarked.

"Thank you...and you're very...soft. It's so strange." She mentioned as she brushed against my skin.

"Um, thanks. Your feathers feel very soft as well." I returned.

"Thank you again..." She blushed and glanced away.

"Anyway...let's go to this fishing spot of yours, you've got fishing rods right?" I asked as we began walking, trying to find a comfortable pace for both of us.

"Um..not quite. I've got this trick though, I'll show you when we get there. It never fails!" She smiled.

"Alright. I believe ya. Let's go."

Valerie shouted out to Matriarch Tamarra as we left about our plans and we casually made our way over to the stream, asking questions about each other or sharing stories as we went. The trip was quite relaxing and rather quiet as it was just the two of us most of the way.

"So Valerie..." I began.


"I don't mean to be rude or anything but...why do you seem so nervous? You don't even usually make eye contact when you speak to me."

"Oh...I didn't mean to offend you or anything. It's just...I grew up the youngest among several other siblings. Three brothers and two sisters. They were never mean to me but I never tried to irritate them and in gryphon society it can be taken as a challenge if you hold eye contact with another gryphon. I wasn't sure how you might react so..."

"It's alright. I don't mind at all." I reassured her.

She looked me straight in the eyes with her golden eyes as we stopped for a moment. Alone in the forest we just looked at each other for a moment. I struggled to find words to break the moment.

"You uh...ahem." I mouthed awkwardly but neither of us could quite look away.

"You have beautiful eyes too." She said barely above a whisper. I blinked and quickly backed away.

"Y-you! Did you just read my mind!?" I tried to back away but collapsed and fell onto the leaf coated dirt.

"I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" In a moment she was standing over me trying to pick me up.

"So you can...that was...strange. How..." I felt baffled beyond words.

"It's...a gift of mine. I discovered I could read minds a few years ago when I started learning to use magic. Unicorns aren't the only ones that can use magic, it just comes a little easier to them. But yes...I read your mind. Please...please do not tell anyone." She pleaded as she helped me to my feet, still looking me in the eyes.

"Are you reading my mind right now?" I asked calmly as she resumed her place under my arm. There was a long pause.

"Yes. I can't help it sometimes and I didn't mean to. It's like eavesdropping on a conversation. Your thoughts...to me it's like you're speaking aloud and I always do my best to ignore the thoughts I hear from others, but just like when people speak aloud sometimes I can't help but listen a bit." She said guiltily. "I can also tell that you're not afraid like the others that have found out." She added with a tone of curiosity.

We resumed our walk towards the fishing spot as we talked.

"No. I won't lie it's strange, and feels a little invasive...but also kind of intimate in a weird way." I admitted.

"You're one of the few to feel that way. Most of those that do know try to keep their distance from me...it's also why I'll never find a mate. It freaks everyone out and they all just stay away from me!" She cried out despondently. She wrapped her wing around my body in a sort of hug. "Nobody knows what it's like! I can't turn it off! The best I can do is distract myself!" I gently brushed the back of her neck as she sobbed.

"It's okay, I won't mind if you do. I've got a weird mind though I must admit." I offered a smile.

"Y-you mean that, don't you?" She sniffed.

"Certainly. Now come on. I wasn't lying when I said I was hungry." I heard a shaky exhale from Valerie but I glanced a faint smile on her face as we continued walking. My thoughts dancing between the curious gryphon beside me and the smell of freshly cooked fish.


I strained to keep my weary eyes opened. My wings twitched from my shot nerves and lack of sleep as dawn wove its way through the windows of the Canterlot guard station. A short distance away Anders and Vinyl shared concerned whispers. Nova was bolting down another mug of coffee in the corner with two fingers pressed to her temples, seemingly in deep thought. In front of my were open guard reports of their search earlier in the morning. Although by all reason they had done a good job and searched a considerable area they hadn't found James, which in my mind could be seen as equally good or bad. I let out a deep groan. I wanted to vomit between the lack of sleep and the sheer amount of stress. It amazed me how close James had come to death already and I desperately hoped to whatever lords of fate that be for him to just live out the next few decades without back to back near-death experiences.

"Fear not, young one." Nova spoke in between consuming alarming amounts of caffeine. "Although I haven't had the chance to teach him much yet the first thing I taught James was a basic repulsion spell. Not powerful but enough to convince any predators he isn't worth the effort. The greatest danger he's in is from you strangling him after we find him." She smiled. "He seems like a survivor." She tried reassuring me. Although what she said made sense it ultimately did little to ease my nerves.

A moment later a guard opened the station door with a message of some kind in his hoof. "I have a message delivered from a gryphon caravan approaching Canterlot." The stallion declared as he approached to the captain of the watch station. I lost interest as the older pegasus casually peeled open the envelope and began to read the contents. After a few long moments he smacked a hoof on the table and spoke. "Listen up! It's regarding the missing persons case from last night!" In a heartbeat all eyes in the station were on him.

"The gryphon caravan claims that the human by the name of James Winter is in their safe possession! He was badly wounded but it seems they managed to stabilize him! The gryphons invite any close friends or associates of his to come visit him at their earliest convenience." He carried on in a lower tone. "It also says that while he is safe with them they believe he should remain under their care for the near future while he recovers." The old pegasus couldn't help but show a weary smiled at the four of us that had been listening with bated breath.

"Well what are we waiting for?" He chuckled. "It includes their location and I can't imagine any of you would be too eager to wait any longer."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding and almost collapsed with relief.

He's alive

Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the update! Sorry the updates are so far delayed. I never gave up on them but between being so busy, writer's block and me trying to find proof-readers (whom I'd appreciate more if they didn't vanish for months and months on end just after promising their help). So I decided that it would be much better to risk the chapter not being as good as I'd like initially then going back and fixing mistakes. After all, better late than never and I write to give y'all some interesting stories! So I really mean it when I say please comment or message me about errors or even suggestions for the story. (anything from a name you'd like to see in it for a side character or an idea for a place the characters might visit)

Anyway really hope y'all will like Valerie!