• Published 11th May 2014
  • 551 Views, 1 Comments

Mlp FIM - The beginning of Spiderling - MLPFanBoy211

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Chapter 1 - Prologue

Author's Note:

This is a MLP and SPIDERMAN Story.
Story.belongs to me, Spiderling partially belongs to me (my idea)
Spiderman and mlp do not belong to me.

Spider Man is swinging from web to web, wind flowing around him, Latching onto a Skyscraper nearby, That is heavily polished.
This was the only not burning building in the city of New York. He heard screams below him, The blazes of the fire were that of a usual fire. Red. Yellow and orange. And the fire was his fault. He wasnt your average everyday SpiderMan.
Wanna know why? Because, He is INSANE. It was all his fault. Spider Man Felt no guilt, But he was sure he would soon.

Little did he know, Twilight was brewing up a powerful and dangerous
Magic spell to get the strongest hero of Equestria into PonyVille.
However, She messes up on her spell, This could be disastrous for PonyVille.
And It summons a hero from any world, that is the strongest.
That hero, Happens to be Spider Man. but he isn't your average hero.
A vacuum like portal, Like a blackhole, Opened below him, The webs he was using ripped and he fell into the portal.
Spider Man hits the ground with a thump, He is in a library of sorts.
His form changes to that of a changeling..
Spider Ling groans and growls and snorts
"Where am I....."
2 voices Who he couldn't make out scoffed at him
"The question is, WHAT are you!?"
"Whatever ya are, Your gonna die here, Wait, Twilight didn't you use a hero conjuring spell?"
"Yes... But why is HE a changeling, Wait.. He doesn't have wings And he is covered in this blue and red suit"
"Whats a suit?"
Spider Ling got up and groaned again, his sides hurt like mad.

"Hes not even standing in the right position"
"Why do i look like a pony with holes in its hooves?"
"Don't you know?"
"No.. This has to be some kind of dream.. Tell me it is"
A purple Alicorn with a few stars for a cutie mark playfully hits Spider Ling
"There. It is definitely not a dream!"
"So your saying i'm a pony with holes in me"

A blue Pegasus with a cloud with a lightning bolt made out of rainbow colors snorted at me
"You're a changeling ya dummy"
"No, I'm a human"
"No You're a changeling!"
"No I'm a human!"
"No You're a Bucking Changeling!!"
"No I'm a HUMAN!!!!!!"
"No. You're. A. Changeling. Get that threw your BUCKING thick skull!"
He looked at the purple Alicorn, And his eyes widen
"Hey your a winged horse with a horn!, That makes you a Pega horn!"
The purple alicorn growled
"Okay, Alicorn. What are your names?"
"Mines Rainbow Dash, Fastest flyer around, And soon to join the Wonder bolts! ....Whats yours?"
"My name is Twilight. Twilight Sparkle"
"Mine is just your average everyday Spider Man."
"I think Spider Ling would suit you more. Since your a changeling now and all."
"Okay, Mine is just your average everyday Spider Ling. Hey i like the sound of that. Spider Ling. Spider Ling. Spider Ling. Flipping awesome!"
"A bit childish don't you think?"
"Childish, Is good."
Suddenly out of the sudden, A thunderstorm occured
"Okay that's odd. Who's the weather Mare today?"
"Not me...."
"Whats a Weather Mare?"
"Its a pegasus that controls the weather. Its usually me but i'm off duty."
"You wanna meet the rest of the gang?"
"Wont they freak out, Because, You know?"
"Only one way to find out."
Rainbow dash, Twilight and Spiderling head out.
At first, People freak out, yelling
"He'll eat us!!"
Spider ling facehooved.
"Told you so."