• Published 12th May 2014
  • 589 Views, 10 Comments

Twilight's ordinary day - Bronydragon

Twilight's days are just like the day of every other pony. Right? Enope!

  • ...

Chapter 2

It was the middle of the night and Twilight and Spike were sound asleep, when slowly the door to the private part of the library creaked open and a strange light shone in waking Twilight from her slumber.
She groggily blinked her eyes thinking it was morning already and began rubbing her eyes and stretching. But to her surprise the light disappeared a moment later and she heard the click of a door.
She didn’t know what it was, but as she looked out of the window right next to her bed, it was still pitch black dark outside. She slowly and carefully walked around the sleeping form of her number one assistant and silently slid to the door to the main room of the library.
She opened it and slid herself in. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.
Once she deemed the coast to be clear, she returned to her room and went back to sleep.

The next morning the unicorn talked with her clock about all new things she could learn from it, which were a surprisingly big number of things.

She went about her day, meeting with friends, studying and of course reading some books.

In the night thou, she was just sleeping as the strange light shone in her room again and she slowly woke from her slumber. The light just faded as quickly as it came and again the door to the main part of the library closed.
This time Twilight was at the door a lot faster, not caring if she woke up Spike, and ran to the door.
Upon opening it she switched all the lights in the main room on and saw… nothing.
Nothing was out of the ordinary and nothing seemed to be missing.
Reluctantly she went back to bed and closed her eyes again.

In the morning she woke up and rescheduled everything until she was done, looking through the library to see if anything was missing.
All the books were in the order she put them just a few days before and not one of them was even scratched.
Her laboratory in the basement of the building was also as she left it. Potions merrily bubbling in vials, books laying open on tables for easy access to them if she ever needed them for anything; and a few experiments standing under red light lamps for better development.

She went back up to the private part of the library where her study and her bed were located. Looking left and right, up and down she found nothing to be amiss. All her books were in order and her ‘private collection of works in the advanced biological studies’ was still safe and sound protected by some spells and snuck away under her bed.
The closet was just as normal as it always was. Few dresses she had and some necessary other clothing like a scarf and some cozy boots for winter to come.
Twilight also considered that something could be missing in the kitchen, but Spike assured her that nothing was out of the ordinary as he was setting up breakfast for the both of them.

Finding nothing to be amiss in the library and after checking all possible entering points for signs of someone breaking in – which got nothing – Twilight sat at the kitchen table and dug in the freshly made pancakes Spike finished just moments ago, drowning them in syrup.

“Say Spike,” she asked the drake between bites of pancakey goodness, spraying syrup and small crumps of pancake over the table. “have you noticed something strange at night a bit after we go to bed?”

“Nah. I’m always falling into bed after the day and doze off almost immediately. And you know I’m a heavy sleeper. Why?” He answered munching on some haybacon strips.

“I noticed a strange light coming from the door to the main section of the library at night. The door is open and it’s like somepony uses an illumination spell to peer into the room. However, after I realize that the light is there, the door closes and the light disappears. And when I’m at the door and into the overlook there is nothing there. Nothing out of the ordinary and nothing missing. For the love of Celestia I can’t figure out what is going on.” The purple unicorn mare groaned and let her head fall to the table while shoving more pancakes in her mouth.

“So you’re saying that there is a light that you see every night, coming from the door, shining in just long enough for you to wake up and realize it’s there and then whatever causes that light is closing the door and disappearing into nothingness?” the young drake wondered slurping his morning coffee.

“Yes. If you’d be waking up with me you’d see it too. It’s really spooky. I don’t know what it is, but it stays long enough to wake me up but not long enough to be seen. Ugh! Why can’t I figure this out?”

“Ah come on Twi. You’ll think of something. I’m sure of it.” Spike said, setting the dishes aside. “But now you can relax a bit and study some more.”

Thankful for Spikes words and after giving him a hug to thank him, Twilight went to the main room of the library and began to study.

‘I’ll get this mystery solved.’ she though slamming her hoof on a table nearby, toppling over a bottle of ink. “Oh damn!” She sat the inkbottle upright again and walked to the kitchen to grab a tissue to wipe away the mess she made.
When she came back, she noticed that she accidentally stepped in the little pool if ink on the ground and left a hoof trail in her wake.

“Great. I left an ink trail behind me. Now I have to get a mob. Spike! I need a mob!” she half said half yelled.

“Wait…. That’s it!” she exclaimed just as Spike came by with the required mob and a bucket of water. “Spike! I know how to get the one that is making me wake up with that light every night! I just have to set up a paint trap. So when the one is trying to get away again, he or she will leave an easy to follow track.” She told him, hopping around giddily.

“That’s good to hear Twi.” Spike said rubbing his ear in pain due to the volume of Twilights voice being so near it.

After the ink spots were removed and the general workload for the day was done, Twilight prepared the paint trap just out of her room at the top of the staircase and went to sleep.

Near the middle of the night, just as Twilight predicted it, the door to her room slid open and the strange light appeared once again. By the time the purple unicorn was waking up, the light was retreating already and the door creaked as it shut.
As soon as she saw that, the mare jumped out of her bed and ran to the door.
As soon as she opened it, she did a little hoof pump in victory as she saw that the paint trap worked.
But as soon as she saw it she was puzzled. The track she saw was not one of any species known to her. The ink was spread in ninety degree angles around the floor. Just like someone had drawn them there.

After the first few moments of confusion, her mind caught up to the situation at hoof and she flipped on the light. And sure as Celestia’s weakness for cake the ink tracks lead to the kitchen.
Not going further into that matter she went down the stairs to the main part of the library and entered the kitchen.
And when she lit up the room, she was puzzled even more. The tracks went in the room, but stopped at the fridge and no more were to be seen.

Since there was nothing else in the room and her curiosity was stronger than her either way, she cautiously stepped to the fridge and opened it with a mighty pull of her magic.
But nothing except the food and drinks they brought was inside.

“That can’t be. That is against all logic.” The unicorn mare muttered, slowly closing the door of the fridge behind her and turning to go.

“Well, that’s typical.” An annoyed voice called out behind her. “Looking and only looking, but not taking anything. Ugh.”

In an instant Twilight spun around and found herself face to face with … the fridge.

“Huh? I could’ve sworn that somepony was talking to me.” She wondered.

“That’s because I was.” The same voice from before made itself known from the fridge.

“Wha … But how? Why?”

“Well, to teach you a lesson. Why else?”

“Teach me a lesson?”

“Yes. Now tell me how did you feel every time I was watching in your door, just stood there and walked away again without a word?”

“I … Well … I…it felt awkward and it was really annoying and kind of creepy.”

“Ah, I see. Well, apart from the creepy part that is pretty much how I feel every time one of you two open me, stare into me for a minute or two and then close me again, taking nothing out. It just feels wrong and is annoying as Tartarus.”

“Oh. I … didn’t know that.” Twilight stammered, blushing lightly.

“Well, now you know and you can prevent that. And tell Spike too. I don’t want to repeat myself. Now goodnight.”

“G…good…goodnight.” Twilight replied confused and went back to bed.

After the night was over and the sun poked in Twilights eyes, she jerked awake.
Spike was already up and she could smell breakfast from downstairs.

“Whew. It was just a dream. A very realistic dream. But whatever.” She mumbled to herself and started getting up, popping her neck and back.

As she went into the kitchen she saw Spike at the stove cooking breakfast.
She sat down on the table, ready to read the newspaper that was lying on the table, ready to be read by her.
But as she wanted to flip it open someone ahemd behind of her.

“What is it Spike?” she asked groggily.

“That wasn’t me Twi. It was the fridge.” Spike answered matter of factly.

The unicorn took a moment to process the given information, but when she registered what her assistant just said, her eyes snapped completely open and her head whirled around.

“What did you just say Spike?” she asked franticly

“I said it was the fridge. I was just as surprised as you when he just spoke up and wished me a good morning, but he assured me that everything is fine so I didn’t bother to think about it anymore. Why?”

“You were nearly jumping out of your scales and screamed like a little filly that saw a spider crawling up her leg.” The fridge retorted.

“Hey! That’s not true!” Spike yelled, blushing and turning back to the stove to finish cooking.

“Eh, whatever. Twilight. I think you wanted to tell Spike here something we spoke about last night.”

“Oh yeah. That was real and not a dream. So Spike. Don’t open him anymore and then just stare inside. Think about what you want to grab and do that. It’s annoying for him that we do that.”

“Ok. Whatever. Breakfast is ready.” Spike called happily and set it down on the table.