• Member Since 10th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 8th, 2022

Raven Shadow

In darkness we swim, hunting for survival. Mankind is that hunter, ruthless in it's pursuits of perfection. The ultimate weapon of destruction is what humans are, forever.


Discord never felt so bored in his eons of life until the defeat of Tirek, now with nothing to do he brings in a being from another universe. Unfortunatly that being is the dragon Smaug.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 188 )

Smaug is best dragon.

4388383 minecraft would beg to differ.

4388383 yes, yes he is. He's kickass!

4388386 Smaug vs the enderdragon... Smaug is larger and more intellectual, as well as very vindictive. Edge Smaug.

4388389 ender dragon is a pissed off mom. (That's why it attacks you, because you're supposed to steal her egg)

4388393 yes that's is true but Smaug has only one weakness, where as the enderdragon takes enough hits it dies.

4388403 yes quite. Besides... a big big big dragon.

4388410 Indeed.... I know want to see if he can corrupt the elements and or Spike. Also why did you cancel King Nothing?

4388411 well at the time I thought I could write it but I really needed more pratice with writing. And such stuff like this story happens.

4388416 Okay.... also will you corrupt The Mane 6 and Spike or no? After all if you do it's only adding to his treasure horde.

4388418 that my friend is a secret. Mwhahahahahahahahahahaha!

4388424 the enderdragon still is a worthy dragon. Hard to kill. Yeah its an awesome dragon. But I throw my lot with Smaug.

Man I love you for doing this, Smaug is by far one of the best dragons ever!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Interesting, please more.:twilightsmile:

I am not the biggest fan of crossovers... but I'll make an exception for Smaug. Still, if the writing is found wanting, I won't continue to read. But I'll give it a fair chance. :twilightsmile:

Ah, the dragonspell. I used it as well in my Legend of Spike series. Nice touch. Smaug is my favorite dragon. I only wish they had went with the original design in the movie. 31.media.tumblr.com/e8953fd30a07e9267251ba9a30dc1dbd/tumblr_n1m621pCWE1sll2llo1_1280.jpg
I'm looking forward for more.

Unfortunately that being is the dragon Smuag.


It's spelled Middle-earth with no e capitalized. Please hand in your lord of the ring nerd card.

Not bad as a start, though Smaug is pretty small time in dragon terms for lord of the rings. I don't think the guy is even from the 2nd age. There is a lot of other stuff you could do crossover wise with lotr and ponies. It works better than most series. *cough* Shining Armor and Cadance could easily be Beren and Luthien *cough*.

4389558 yes Smaug is smaller than the original dragons of Middle-earth he was still massive. And in Equestria he'd look even bigger.

4388751 well thank you, I'm currently working on the next chapter for everybody.

4389558 only if you turn in your card as well. "Lord of the Rings"

One thing I don't understand. Smaug was killed in 'The Hobbit,' how could he be in Equestria? Interesting story otherwise.

This is a good story! Also, will this contain spoilers for the 2nd Hobbit movie? Because I haven't seen it yet.

4399654 other than the picture of Smaug... not really. But thanks for the watch

4399858 You're welcome! :pinkiehappy: Also, when can we expect the next chapter to be available for us to read?

4399958 honestly maybe three or four days, given my grandmother's broken hip... safe estimate would be about four days. Latest a week.

Just found this fic and it's good. I want more...

4399973 well thank you. There will be more I promise.

4399965 Okay. I wish you luck with this fanfiction, and your real life.

4399987 well thank you for that.

4400002 thank for that kind picture lol. I hope you're enjoying the story.

4400018 So far so good. Do NOT fuck this up or else there will be consequences :pinkiecrazy:

4400032 I will send forth all legions to save me! (Partial Nazgúl reference lol)

4400079 And I will give her a muffin!

4400080 I am working on the new chapter now as a matter of fact.

4400079 After seeing that video, I think Derpy is part-Hulk and part-Reaper.

4400087 Cool. Well, good luck! :pinkiesmile:


I am working on the new chapter now as a matter of fact.

Let's just shut up and let him work. *Waiting intensifies*

4400103 Ok... BTW, that avatar pic of Derpy that you have is soooooooooo CUTE! :derpytongue2: I think I'm gonna get diabeetus...


4400409 because Derpy is so cute that she can make people have a heart attack?

You my friend are a genius, Long Live the King Under the Mountain.

to Faust knows where

anything foalish,

What is it with people and making Faust a deity? And where does the ponyfication of the word 'foolish' even come from? Other than "huers puns, hyuck hyuck!", of course.

By the way, we're just gonna forget how Discord was forgiven at the end and have the princesses berate him? Okay then...

Oh I mean Celestia he he."

NEVER put laughing into dialogue. Here, I'll help:

Oh I mean Celestia." The lavender mare tittered sheepishly.

You're welcome. And I know I might be harsh, but please remember:

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