• Published 15th May 2014
  • 39,103 Views, 3,425 Comments

Dexter's Lab: Equestria - RenegadeAlias

Doom and Gloom while things go Boom in . . . Equestria?

  • ...

A Sad Error In Judgement... (part 1/2)

Author's Note:

***Please Read***
The biggest criticism/concern I got for chapter draft was its length, sitting at 25k words. Many of the pre-readers asked me to split it in half, so you’re getting the first half now. The 2nd half will be posted in a few days.

A big THANK YOU to the proof-readers/editors/pre-readers for this chapter: Aburi, A Drunk Soviet, Astromormy, Hawksfive, Heidao, Stelarwand030, Wysteria, and Ultimaexe24. They ended up having to deal with a lot more typos/spelling mistakes than they should have, as I forgot to upload the draft version that I spell-checked. So our poor proof-readers got a deluge of typos to sift through. For that they deserve an extra thank you.

More author's notes after the chapter. As always, go ahead and point out any mistakes and/or typos in the comments. Enjoy!

The walk to Sweet Apple Acres from the Ponyville clinic was completely silent. It had been little more than an hour since Dexter had finished verbally eviscerating Princess Luna, which to Dexter’s surprise, sent the blue alicorn away crying. In truth, he already felt guilty for it.

However, Applejack and Dexter weren’t alone. Despite the fact that Luna had fled from the clinic all together, the guards she left behind thought it a prudent idea to keep both him and Applejack under guard. So four unicorns in blue armor walked with them. From the frowns they carried, it seemed they too disapproved of Dexter’s harsh words.

Dexter also overheard some of the guards declare that they had never heard of Luna crying before.

To that end, Dexter did feel guilty about what he said to Princess Luna. He didn’t know exactly why, but he felt like his dislike of her had exploded into a runaway hatred. Talking with the princess had gotten his emotions to flare beyond his control, in a way that was strange to him.

It was a level of hatred he had never experienced before. Granted, he had experienced high levels of hate for individuals who have harmed him in the past, and the subjects of his hate ranged from Mandark to his crazy sister. However, it was always a cold and calculated abhorrence. This new hatred burned hot, and felt foreign.

It wasn’t until the group had reached the orchard that the silence was broken.

“Can yah give us a minute?” Applejack turned to the guard in charge. “Ah’d like ta talk to him.” She motioned toward Dexter.

The guard shook his head. “I have orders to not let him leave my sight. The guards assigned to protect you and the other elements have a little more leeway,” He motioned toward his fellows before tilting his head in Dexter’s direction. “But we are supposed to keep an eye on Dexter at all times, and report on everything he does.”

“What?!” Dexter’s protest was ignored by the two adults.

“Don’ ya think that’s a bit… extreme?” Applejack asked.

“He has directly refused to cooperate with our investigation here in Ponyville, and in doing so has impeded our pursuit of the changelings. And that’s not counting what he did to Princess Luna.” The guard allowed his professional demeaner slip long enough to cast a seething gaze at Dexter.

“Please, Ah just need to talk to him alone fer a few minutes.” Applejack pressed. “He ain’t going anywhere.”

The guard’s eyes shifted from Applejack to Dexter then back again. After a brief pause the guard grimaced before nodding. “Keep it brief.”

“Thank you,” Applejack nodded before turning and motioning to the eight-year-old colt.

Applejack led Dexter up the path a short distance from the guards, stopping while still in plain view of their escorts.

Applejack turned to face Dexter, regarding him with a weary gaze for a moment. However, it soon shifted to one of determination and maybe a bit of anger. “Ah won’t accept no for an answer this time, Dex…”

“I can’t tell you what you want to know Applejack…” Dexter shook his head, returning her stern gaze. “I’m sorry but you-”

“This ain’t about the changelings,” Applejack interrupted. “An’ it isn’t about what you said ta Princess Luna. Though we will be getting ‘round ta that, don’t you worry.” She promised. The anger in her tone promised it would be unpleasant for the colt. “But first, I want to know one thing: Who kicked you?”

Dexter recoiled slightly in surprise. “How do you know about that?“

“Aura told me,” Applejack explained, sighing in almost disbelief as she recalled the events of the afternoon. “She said they found bruising under yer fur, and when they investigated the spot with a spell they found out yer ribs had been mended by some powerful magic; that it had to have happened in the past few days, and that it was caused by somepony kicking you.” Applejack locked eyes with Dexter. “How in the world did you not tell me about this?”

Dexter bit his lip, trying to think of a good response. Of course, he couldn’t just tell Applejack the truth: that Princess Luna, or rather Nightmare Moon, was the one that broke his ribs during a trip he took to the past. He’d end up having to explain a lot more than just a time machine hidden in his secret laboratory.

Furthermore, nothing about the situation had really changed. Giving Applejack the knowledge she was looking for would make her a target in more ways than one, and she had many family members that could be used against her. Dexter estimated that such a scenario would take place if the changelings even suspected that Dexter was talking to her. The only correct decision was to deny Applejack all information.

“It’s better for the both of us if you didn’t know.” Applejack nearly fell over in disbelief at Dexter’s reply, a feat a lot harder for a four-legged pony. “The threats that you would incur for knowing too much would far outweigh any good you could effectuate.”

“Dexter! That is absolutely crazy! I can’t believe you actually still think that!” Shifting her weight onto her hind legs, Applejack took hold of Dexter’s shoulders. “Yer a smart colt, how could you possibly think such a thing- No… No…“ Applejack shook her head, blinking a few things. She wouldn’t let herself get sidetracked. “Do you know who kicked you, Dex?” Applejack repeated her demand with forced calm.

“Applejack, I can’t-“

“Who. Kicked. You?”

“Applejack if you’d just listen for a second and-“ Dex’s reply was cut off by Applejack lifting his head, forcing him to look her in the eyes.

“I want a name, Dex.” Applejack demanded. “Now.”

“I can't,” Dexter countered. “If it makes you feel any better, I can tell you she won’t do it again.” Dexter offered.

“You got that right. Whoever ‘she’ is she certainly won’t.” Applejack replied, staring intently at the colt. Dexter realized too late what he had done. “So you do know who kicked ya, an’ it was a mare." Her eyes narrowed. “Was it the changeling that impersonated Cheerilee?” Applejack pressed.


“Don’t you dare lie ta me right now, Dex.” Applejack had frowned instantly when he replied. Her ears pressing against her head as no small amount of contained fury contorted her features. Applejack didn’t need the magic of an Element of Harmony to sense that fib. “Tell me who it was” She asked through gritted teeth.

“You’re missing the point-“ Dexter tried to counter.

“What. Is. Her. Name?” Applejack repeated. When Dexter didn’t answer she stomped a hoof in the dirt path. “Dexter, Ah told the princess this morning that ah wouldn’t give her permission to invade yer dreams; an Ah told her not ta do it again, not while Ah’m responsible for ya. Don’t make me choose between yer safety or yer privacy!”

“Really? You’re threatening to bring me back to the princess so she can pry information out of me with her dream magic?” Dexter asked incredulously, hardly believing Applejack had said such a thing.

“Yer leaving me no other choice, Dex.” Applejack confirmed. “It’s a small price to pay to make sure you're safe.”

“Any of Princess Luna’s attempts to invade my dreams will result in failure.” Dexter replied curtly. “Just like her other attempts to interrogate me. So you can tell her to have at it…”

“Just give me a name, Dexter!”

Dexter shook his head in exacerbation. “Why do you care?” Dexter could see something snap behind the farm pony’s eyes, and regretted his words instantly.

“Why do I-“ She repeated rapidly, her voice rising. “THEY BROKE YOUR RIBS! NOT JUST CRACKED EM’, BROKE EM’! YOU COULD HAVE DIED!”

Dexter recoiled, stunned. This was the first time Applejack had yelled at him. In fact, it was the first time he had seen her yell at anyone in such a manner.

“DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED?!” Even the guards, standing a ways away, flinched at the volume. “BUT YOU DIDN’T TELL ME, YOU DIDN’T TELL THE PRINCESS, AN’ FER ALL I KNOW THE PONY WHO DID IT CAN COME BACK AN’ HURT YOU AGAIN!” She motioned in the guard’s direction.

That was when Dexter was able to see, Applejack wasn’t just angry.

She was scared for him.

Applejack huffed a few times, regaining her breath. Dexter merely stood silently, taken aback.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Dex?” Applejack asked, remorse laced her tone as she hung her head. “Why didn’t you trust me enough ta tell me that somepony hurt you?”

“It’s not your fault, Applejack.”

At that, Applejack huffed skeptically. “It was my job to take care of ya… an’ on mah watch somepony nearly kicks ya to death.” Applejack looked up toward the orchard, unable to shake off a crushing sense of guilt. “Most dependable pony in Ponyville… what a joke…”

Dexter shook his head. “No Applejack, you’ve got it all wrong. I was never abused!” A part of Dexter felt like he was now treading through a minefield. He didn’t have to be a genius to tell what Applejack was feeling, and a part of him was kicking himself for not predicting it earlier. The mare obviously felt anger and frustration with the situation, and a sense of helplessness. But what Dexter couldn’t understand is why Applejack felt guilty. “None of this is your fault!”

“Ah trusted you…” Applejack replied sadly, looking down at the ground now. “Ah trusted you when I shouldn’t have, and I failed to earn your trust where ah should have.”

Dexter opened his mouth to rebut Applejack, but he couldn’t find the right words. He knew, from her perspective at least, there was no way to deny she failed in her responsibilities. He had asked her to trust him when he denied her earlier, and she did decide to trust him; and so the whole thing blew up in her face.

She’d probably be crying at this point, if she was any pony other than Applejack.

If it was her goal to guilt trip Dexter, it was working wondrously. He hadn’t stopped to consider for a moment how the situation would impact Applejack, or her family.

“Ya know why the element of harmony helps me tell when somepony is lying?” Applejack asked. Despite the question seemingly coming out of the blue, Dexter was still intrigued to hear the answer. Applejack looked up at the colt, hurt still adorning her features. “It’s not ta force ponies ta be honest. It’s about trust… It’s ta help me know when somepony has learned ta trust me.”

“Ponies tell lies all tha time, an’ I rarely call them out on it.” Applejack went on. “Heck, I even choose to trust em’ even when I know what they’re saying isn’t true. But Ah know when a pony is finally learning to trust me when they stop lying ta me, even those little white lies nopony cares about… It helps me with tha give n’ take that’s a part of building trust; and trust is the foundation of every friendship, Ah’d say it’s the most important part of it.”

“I just don’t know why Ah don’t have yer trust…” Applejack finished, pulling Dexter into a close hug. “Ah’ve never failed so badly in my life…I’m sorry.”

Her words actually gave Dexter pause, a new set of concerns rising in his mind. He hadn’t considered the possibility that maybe it was Applejack’s element that was driving her.

If it was her element at work, then he was contending with a lot more than a simple farm pony; and that was something he neither knew how to deal with nor could afford to at the moment.

Dexter knew she deserved to know the truth, about everything. Now, he had a practical reason too.

“Princess Luna.” Dexter replied after a moment’s hesitation, he looked up at Applejack to gauge her response. His voice was barely above a whisper, as he didn’t want the guards to overhear him.

“What?” Applejack pulled back in confusion.

“Shhh” Dexter hushed, motioning downward before glancing back at the guards. “The name of the person who kicked me and broke my ribs…” Dexter said, only slightly more loudly.

Applejack froze in place, inspecting the colt’s features for the slightest hint of deception, confusion, or doubt in what he was saying.

He was telling the truth.

“It was Princess Luna, or Nightmare Moon, who kicked me and broke my ribs.” Dexter restated quietly, glancing at the guards to see if they reacted in any way. “She also fractured my spine, by using magic to throw me into a stone ceiling…”

Applejack stared silently at Dexter for what felt like a full five minutes before finally saying something.

“I-I don’t believe that… h-how… when?” Apple trying to find her words for a few moments, Applejack finally collected her thoughts. “W-why would she do such a thing?”

“She was trying to kill me…” Dexter stated bluntly. “It’s a long story,” He locked eyes with her. “And I’ll tell you all of it. But I need you to promise me you will keep what I tell you a secret…”

“Ah Don’t believe that…” Applejack shook her head. “It can’t be, You have ta be mistaken Dex. The Princess would never do something like that.”

“There was no mistake, Applejack.” Dexter replied candidly.

“An’ how do you know?” Applejack countered, still in disbelief. “Ah know you believe what you’re saying ta be true. But-“

“It wasn’t a changeling that kicked me, Applejack. I know this because Twilight’s accusations are, in fact, accurate.” Dexter admitted. “I have the ability to discern who isn’t a changeling, in a manner without using magic.

“It was definitely Nightmare Moon who kicked me.” Dexter finished. Applejack continued to stare at him in disbelief, almost missing that he had just admitted to everything Twilight and Luna had been accusing him of.

But that part wasn’t what had Applejack surprised. Not only did she trust Twilight and Luna to be correct in their accusations about Dexter’s abilities, but the sheer number of Dexter’s lies and obfuscations made it apparent he was hiding something critically important.

Unfortunately, Applejack now feared what that hidden little secret might be. Had Princess Luna lost her mind again? What would drive her to try to kill Dexter?

For the farm pony, nothing made sense anymore.

“Explain everything, from the start.’ Applejack demanded.

“No,” Dexter pressed back, locking eyes with Applejack. The four armor clad ponies continued to watch them intently. “Not until you promise to keep what I tell you a secret.”

“Dex, if Princess Luna is really off her rocker again, it’s too big of a problem fer me to keep ta myself.” Applejack insisted.

“Oh come on, Applejack. Stop and think!” Dexter growled in frustration, forcibly hushing his tone. “You just threatened to drag me back to the Princess! Back to the one who kicked me in the first place! Does that not give you a moment’s pause?”

Applejack regarded the colt for a moment, her expression of confusion softening slightly, “Ah didn’t know that, an’ I’m still not sure if Ah’ believe it.”

“That’s fine,” Dexter continued. “I can appreciate your desire to do something, and to protect me, but without understanding the full situation you’re only making things worse. Even right now.” Dexter emphasized. However, he spotted one of the guards now approaching. “Hey, we’re not done!” He shouted defiantly. The guards however ignored him. It wasn’t until Applejack waved to them and asked for a few more minutes that they stopped.

Applejack regarded the colt skeptically for a moment. “There is no other way ta get you to tell me what’s going on?”

“Correct,” Dexter nodded. Though, after gauging Applejack’s hesitation, he continued. “I am only asking you to keep the secrets, Applejack. I am not asking you to promise not to act. You can do whatever you want after I tell you, as long as it doesn’t directly or indirectly expose what I tell you.”

“In fer a bit, in fer a bar Ah suppose…” Applejack finally began, hesitating to continue. “I promise… to keep the secrets you tell me… as long as they remain secrets.” Applejack finally agreed.

“I’ll hold you to that…” Dexter grinned.

“Now tell me what the hay is going on!” Applejack demanded. “From the top.”

“I intend to, right now. But first we have to lose Luna’s little spy squad.” He motioned his head toward the guards before turning away, reaching up to his ear and pressing upon something Applejack couldn’t see. “Quadraplex, scan from my location. Is there anyone attempting to spy on us?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Scan complete” Quadraplex’s voice emitted from Dexter’s earpiece. “Your guard escort is still monitoring you visually from a distance. However, there is no other indication of anyone attempting to spy on you by conventional methods. The area is also clear of any detectable abnormal magical energy signatures.”

“You’re going to have to trust me, Applejack.” Dexter tapped his ear again. “Quadraplex, prepare to swap both Applejack and I out with two holographic replacements.”

“Confirmed,” Quadraplex replied. “I will have to create a holographic wall between you and the guards in order to break line of sight long enough to complete the teleportation and swap. Stand-by, I will create a diversion long to avert their vision.”

“Dexter, who are you talking to?” Applejack asked again, this time more forcefully. Now she was wondering if Dexter had simply just gone nuts.

However, before Dexter could respond, several pony-sized shadows danced across the ground. They came from seemingly random directions, and moved directly toward the guards.

For guards trained to fight the occasionally airborne enemy, rapidly approaching shadows could only mean a rapidly approaching threat. The guards instinctively directed their eyes upward, readying themselves for whatever was coming at them by charging the magic in their horns.

Their gaze was met with nothing but an empty and blue sky.

“What was that…” One of the guards asked as the others refocused their gaze on Applejack and Dexter. “Perform a magic sweep and re-secure those two.” Nothing seemed amiss when Applejack waved for them to follow, apparently finished with her conversation and ready to get going again.

Deep underground, Applejack asked “Dexter, what is this place?”


Queen Chrysalis continued to stare at the small photograph of a colt she held in her forehoof. She hadn’t stopped staring at it since the moment it was given to her by one of her changelings.

Thirty minutes ago.

It only took Chrysalis a few seconds to recognize the colt in the picture. The technologically sophisticated armor he wore was very distinct, and Chrysalis had only seen such a suit once before: over a thousand years ago. The damage pattern on the colt’s armor matched what the changeling queen remembered perfectly.

However, Chrysalis had been told that the picture had been taken that morning.

If what her infiltrator had said was true, then the colt in the picture had not aged a single day in over a thousand years.

Which was why Chrysalis couldn’t help but stare at the photograph. The fact that he was still alive would be enough to surprise her, let alone that he was still a foal.

“Um, your Majesty?” One of Chrysalis’s advisers hesitantly began, hoping to draw his Queen from whatever had managed to monopolize her attention. One does not disturb the Changeling Queen lightly. She had a well earned reputation for possessing a temper. The changeling in question was surprised when Chrysalis replied without the usual scathing tone.

“Yes, Chitin?” She asked, momentarily looking up at her advisor before returning her gaze to the photograph.

“The infiltrator who brought us that picture is still waiting in the main hall,” Chitin answered. “She was originally assigned to question the colt after the local team suspected him of possessing information on the origin of the device found in Ponyville. He is also the same colt a second team failed to capture during a party at the Ponyville bakery, which led to the subsequent capture of five infiltrators.”

Chrysalis looked up at her subject, removing her eyes from the photograph for the first time.

“The infiltrator also claims that she was held captive by the colt in that picture for over a week.” Chitin went on. “She also has provided some… strange reports about the colt possessing radically advanced technology and weaponry. She also claims that the colt had a message for you, which is written on the back of that photograph.”

Chrysalis turned back toward the small photo, flipping it over with her magic. She quickly found the small words written there.

‘So long as you behave.’ If there was any doubt in Chrysalis’s mind, it was gone now. This was certainly the same colt she had met a thousand years ago.

She had honestly believed he was dead, given that he had been unheard of and unaccounted for since Nightmare Moon’s original defeat.

“After the failure of our previous team to apprehend this colt, we’ve deployed several more teams to the town.” Chitin continued. “Three teams are currently in position and are going to make another attempt to capture the colt before-“

“NO!” Chrysalis shouted, causing the other changeling to flinch. Chrysalis stood up, taking an aggressive step toward her subject. “Call off the infiltrators, now!”

“B-but your Highness,”’ Chitin hesitantly stepped back, lowering her head in submission to her queen. “Our infiltrators report that this colt can build devices to detect us, if the Equestrian’s find out and-“

“Your teams have no idea what they are dealing with! This child can destroy them, I have witnessed him defeat a small army!” Chrysalis waved a forehoof before pointing it back at Chitin. “What happened to the second team was child’s play. Now call them back!” She ordered. “You’re not to take any action against this foal without my direct approval.”

“Yes, your Highness, right away!” Chitin backed away before darting off; Queen Chrysalis watched as the other changeling left.

Eventually, Chrysalis’s eyes drift back toward the picture of the foal. “So… what could bring you out of hiding after a thousand years, Dexter?”


Applejack’s arrival to the lab left her speechless. The technology before her struck her with equal parts awe and confusion.

The lab before them was massive, having grown significantly over the time Dexter had spent in Applejack’s care. The once small basement had grown into a metal jungle. Finely machined metal and plastic devices lined the walls from floor to ceiling down several corridors; each seemed to stretch off forever. Everything in their immediate vicinity was well lit; illuminated by strong fluorescent lights which cast an artificial glow that Applejack had never seen before.

The low ambient hum of the lab combined with the cool stale air was strangely calming.

True to his word, Dexter told Applejack everything she wanted to know. He didn’t lie, or try to confuse her.

Given that Applejack was particularly interested in his injuries, Dexter started off by explaining his trip to the past; where he was indeed kicked by Nightmare Moon. The blow was strong enough it would have killed him if he wasn’t wearing his armor. Unfortunately, all he had to show for the adventure was his now healed ribs and the heavily damaged suit.

He told her about how he invented what was now regarded as the ‘Changeling Detector’ from the Ponyville Clinic.

He told her how he was chased by the changeling impersonating Cheerilee, and how he captured said changeling; as well as the fact that it was him who left the guard the note leading to Cheerilee’s eventual recovery.

He told her how he had crushed the changelings that tried to abduct him at Sugar Cube Corner.

He told her how he had been lying to throw off Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, and everyone else.

He even told her about how it was him who attacked Twilight Sparkle the prior night, and had injected her with a chemical neuronal inhibitor, forcing her to forget everything she had learned.

It took hours for him to fully explain everything that had happened, and they were well into the evening.

All in all, Applejack appeared to be taking in all this information pretty well. For Dexter, coming clean felt therapeutic. Even if it was just to Applejack, it felt good to at least talk about everything that had happened. His recounting of events mainly stuck to the facts, omitting any comment on his own feelings.

Of course, he didn’t tell her about the fact that he was actually human. Nor did he tell her anything about his life before arriving in Ponyville.

She didn’t need to know that.

However, for all the things Dexter had admitted to. There was one thing he had yet to explain.


And Applejack needed an answer.

“And so, Applejack. You don’t have to worry about anyone kicking me again.” Dexter declared. “If you truly believe that Luna is no longer Nightmare Moon, then you have nothing to worry about.”

“Is that… all of it? Everything that has happened so far?” Applejack asked Dexter, failing to hide a growing flurry of emotions.

“Everything that is pertinent to the current situation, I believe.” Dexter replied simply, tilting his head as he reviewed his memory.

“Then…” Applejack began with a pant, trying to repress the anger boiling up within her. “Do ya’ mind telling why you’ve done all this?”

“I figured that would be obvious…” Dexter motioned toward the laboratory around him.

“No, it ain’t.” Applejack rebuffed. “Fer all yer smarts, you couldn’t figure out a better way to go about everything.” Applejack pinned her ears, failing to hide her growing resentment for the colt’s behavior. “I mean, look at what you’ve done. Ya put me and ma family through the thick of it, you shot and drugged ma’ friend an’ put her in the hospital! Ya did a number on the Princess's investigations of the changelings. Ya half destroyed the cakes bakery – cost’n em’ their livelihood fer at least the next couple of months…”

Dexter pinned his own ears in response to Applejack’s growing list. Though it wasn’t anger as much as it was a defensive reaction.

He could grant that he didn’t make the best decisions, but they were far from the worst.

“You got Twilight to ruin her reputation. You provoked the changeling hive, which put this whole town on lockdown and caused the Princess to summon up an army ta Ponyville! Something you could put a stop to if ya wanted too! Ya accidently drugged yourself. Ya blew up Rarity’s-“

“That one was Quadraplex,” Dexter interjected in his own defense. “I never drugged myself…”

Applejack just stopped for a moment, staring at the colt with incredulity. She shook her head before throwing a forehoof up in frustration. “An’ who the hay is Quadraplex?”

“She’s uhh… the computer.” Dexter said, motioning a large metallic chassis that stood twice the height of a pony. The large screen next to it was larger than any window or screen Applejack had ever seen. “She’s an… let’s just call her an artificial person. I built her.”

Applejack looked up at the device, not knowing what to make of what she was seeing.

“You know… I’m not evening gonna…” Applejack pressed a hoof to her forehead, trying to suppress a growing headache. “But ya haven’t answered my question Dex. Why? You caused a lot of trouble. For what? This?” She motioned toward the lab.

“Applejack, I have to keep this lab a secret-”

“What’s so important about keeping this place a secret? '' She waved a hoof over the lab. “It’s jus a bunch of science stuff!”

“It’s a lot more than that!” Dexter defended.

“It's not worth dying over!” Surprising the colt, Applejack had raised her voice again. “No matter which way you square it, you almost died. You caused me, mah friends, and ponies all over Ponyville a lot of pain. You were absolutely horrible ta the Princess! What you did to her was DOWN-RIGHT WRONG! There is a changeling scare cause you won’t diffuse the whole situation by telling the Princess what she needs ta know.”

“Ponies all over town are locked in their homes scared half to death, an’ the streets are patrolled by soldiers like we’re in the middle of some war!” Applejack challenged. “AN’ FER WHAT? Ta keep some science lab hidden that NOPONY CARES ABOUT?!”

“Keeping this lab’s secrets keeps a lot more ponies safe!” Dexter countered.

“Hogwash!” She continued to glare at him while panting. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” Applejack accused. “The only reason ya made me promise ta keep yer secrets was ta prevent the Princess and Twilight from finding out about all this, an’ it wasn’t ta keep anypony safe.” Applejack panted. “Ya knew Ah’d eventually get it out of you, so ya made me promise to keep yer secrets in order to make sure they didn’t find out about all this. And you used my desire to keep you safe as a way to manipulate me into making that promise.”

“Is it? Is that the reason?” Dexter challenged, allowing himself to start to get upset. “You’re the Element of Honesty, remember? If I was lying to you when I said I was keeping my secrets for the safety of others, you would have known.”

When she didn’t reply, Dexter continued. “I know it's hard to believe, because you don’t understand, only think of all this as just ‘sciency stuff.’ But its-“

“Oh, so now Ah’m too dumb to understand?” She took a step toward the colt.

“No, that’s not it at all.” Dexter said, trying to placate her by waving his forelegs. “And once you know, I am confident you will understand how my actions are justified.”

“I’m not sure there is anything that can justify your actions at this point…” Applejack remarked, looking up at the computer once more.

“The technology in my laboratory, and the scientific knowledge inside my head, cannot be released into Equestria.” Dexter declared. “The results could be devastating for the entire planet.”

“Ah don’t buy that…” Applejack replied. “All I see is the occasional fancy gadget.”

Dexter bit his lip, suppressing his frustration. “Applejack, you see that over there?” Dexter pointed to a far off point in his lab with his hoof. “Over there I build rockets with nuclear engines in order to launch satellites into deep space. One engine model I made utilizes uranium two-thirty-five.”

“Now, putting aside the concept of a nuclear rocket. If abused, the Uranium two-thirty-five can be used to create a weapon called a nuclear bomb,” Dexter turned back toward Applejack. “I have enough material back there to make fifty bombs with a fifteen megaton yield each.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, not entirely grasping his point yet.

“A single fifteen megaton nuclear detonation is enough to level a city the size of Manehattan.” Dexter explained. “And is capable of killing several million ponies in an instant. Burning to death, vaporizing, irradiating, or poisoning everyone within a forty-five kilometer radius.”

Applejack’s eyes slowly went wide.

“That’s just the start…” Dexter pointed in another direction. “Over there is the chemical and material engineering portion of my lab. I use it to make materials I need for my experiments. It contains the knowledge required to make chemical weapons that would kill everyone in the entire town in ways too horrific for you to even imagine.”

“Dexter stop.” Applejack shook her head, knowing he was telling the truth as far as he knew it. There was no reason for her to doubt that he knew what he was talking about. “I don’t want hear anymore-“

“No!” Dexter retorted. “You just spent the past ten minutes yelling at me for the lengths I’ve gone to keep my lab a secret. In your ignorance you would have stupidly and blindly go out there and expose everything! No, you’re going to know why I can’t.” Dexter seethed. “Why we can’t.”

“Look over there, Applejack.” Again, Dexter pointed in another direction. “That’s the biological research sector of my lab. I use it to research the biology of flora and fauna, as well as to make cures for diseases should the need arise. However, within it I could create a hyper-virulent super virus capable of wiping out over ninety-nine percent of the global equine population; making the pony species effectively extinct.”

The lab fell into complete silence as Dexter finished. Applejack scrutinized him with equal parts confusion and fear, hoping to sense a lie in his words. She stood perfectly still, staring down at the child.

“In the chemical productions portion of my lab, I can produce canisters of toxic gas that can blanket the entire countryside in chemical weapons so vicious they will liquefy your internal organs and make you vomit up your own lungs!” Dexter shook his head, fear rising within him as well. He didn’t like thinking about these things. “You don’t want to know what white phosphorus can do to a pony…”

“And those are the ways some of the basic technologies in my lab could be abused,” Dexter pointed out. “We haven’t even gotten to the more interesting inventions like my time machine.

“With that knowledge, do you really think it wise for me to go outside and come clean?” Dexter pressed. “Should I go outside and tell everyone within reach, psychotic Princesses and changeling infiltrators alike, that such technologies and their capacity for abuse is within a stone’s throw of your backyard?!”

Silence once more fell over the lab as Dexter turned toward Applejack for an answer.

The mare clearly didn’t have one, still staring at Dexter in a state somewhere between shock and fear.

“Do you now see why I keep my lab a secret, at any cost? The only way to guarantee these things aren’t abused, is if no one else knows about it.” When it became clear that Applejack didn’t even know what to say, Dexter sighed, letting his gaze drift toward the floor. “You… should consider yourself blessed that the world at large does not have the scientific knowledge to even conceptualize certain evils…”

Dexter looked back up at Applejack to find that she had taken a few steps closer to him. To his surprise, she was trembling. She pulled him into a hug.

“I’m scared, Dex.” Applejack admitted, her tone betraying the truth to her words. “I’m scared of this lab, I’m scared of what it contains. But I am also scared for you.”

“All I want is to go home, Applejack.” Dexter admitted, a wave of fatigue washing over him as the events of the past few days began to catch up with him. “I don’t want to be the cause of anyone’s suffering. I don’t want to fight with the Princess… or Twilight… or even the changelings.”

“I know,” Applejack squeezed him a little tighter. “Ah think Ah understand now why it’s so important to keep your lab a secret. But if it’s so dangerous, you should dismantle it. For everypony’s sake…”

“Then I might never find my way home…” Dexter looked up at Applejack. “I would never see my parents, or my sister, ever again… and I would have to dismantle Quadraplex.”

Applejack grimaced. Understanding too well what it was like to be orphaned, Applejack hardly knew if she could bear asking him to tear down his lab.

“Dex, I have been around ya long enough to know yer a good pony at heart,” Applejack began. “But would it be possible to remove the dangerous parts of your lab? To remove any potential of abuse?”

“Maybe,” Dexter admitted. “I could remove some things. But technology is like magic, Applejack.” Dexter explained, using an example he thought Applejack would understand. “It is not inherently good or evil, what counts is how you use it. Every technology can be abused.

“I can’t create a power source without creating a potential weapon,” Dexter went on. “I can’t create the tools to cure a disease without simultaneously making tools that could make that same disease worse.”

“Ah think Ah understand well enough,” Applejack nodded. “Unicorns have a saying, the spell ta can cook yer food just as easily as it can burn yer house down…”

Dexter chuckled weakly, another wave of fatigue hitting him. “I’m so sorry Applejack, for everything… it might have been better for all of you had never found me.

“Don’t you ever say something like that Dex,” Applejack chastised.

Dexter sighed. “It's true… Applejack.” The mare’s frown deepened in response. “I am a threat to this world…it still might turn out to have been better for everyone if I had-“

“Enough, Dex!” Applejack cut in. “Yer not a bad pony. An’ there isn’t any sense in wishing yerself gone. Ah… admit ah need tah think about some things.” Applejack finally said, pulling away from Dexter. “But as long as you do what you think is right an’ keep others in mind, yer not a bad pony. No pony can ask ya to do anything more than that.”

“I would understand if you want to send me away,” Dexter admitted, trying to hide a tinge of regret. “I wouldn’t blame you for it.” However, Applejack merely shook her head.

“No. I won’t send you away, Dex.” Applejack shook her head. “Though, if I could ask a favor from ya, don’t shoot, drug, or kidnap Twilight again. Or anypony else fer that matter.”

“I guess I can do that…” Dexter agreed, turning toward and approaching the computer. “I’ll try, anyway. But before you go Applejack, take this.” The colt reached into a drawer underneath the computer terminal. He retrieved what appeared to be a normal dream catcher, however it had a number of runes that Applejack had never seen before.

“This dream catcher was made by Star Swirl the bearded.” He explained. “Place it under your pillow. It will prevent Luna from attempting to ask you questions in your sleep. You’ll need it in order to keep your promise to me.”

“Won’t you need it?” Applejack eyed the trinket before taking it from Dexter’s outstretched hoof. “I’m not certain I’m gonna be able to sleep tonight anyway.”

“No, I ingested some dream inhibitors.” Dexter replied simply. “And take this, put it in your ear.” Dexter said, producing a small device no larger than a bit.

“What is it?” Applejack asked skeptically.

“It’s a radio earpiece, it will allow us to speak to one another even if we are a great distance apart.” Dexter responded. “Should anything happen, just press it. You will hear a chime, and Quadraplex will be able to hear you when you speak. She can then put you in contact with me.”


“She has been reinserted into her home without the guards noticing.” Quadraplex declared in her usual monotone voice, reporting Applejack’s successful return to the Apple Household. “I believe you should return soon as well, as the holographic replacement will not hold up to the intensified scrutiny from Princess Luna should she not find you in the dreamscape and choose to investigate.”

“Agreed…” Dexter replied, watching the computer monitor. It showed a tired Applejack preparing to crawl into bed. He was happy to notice she slipped the dream catcher under her pillow. “Do you think… she can be trusted?”

“My analysis indicates she was not deceptive.” Quadraplex stated. “I believe she will not betray you by choice.”

Dexter raised an eyebrow, suppressing a smile. “I never would have expected a vote of confidence from you…”

“Why did you choose to inform her?” Quadraplex asked after a brief pause. “Your decision to trust her seemed rather abrupt. What changed?”

Dexter looked back up at the computer screen, where the image of Applejack had disappeared a few moments ago. “It’s a bit complicated,” Dexter admitted. “But the short version is, because she is the Element of Honesty; and because of what the Element of Honesty told me during my trip to the past.” Dexter glanced at the spot Applejack was standing mere moments ago.

“That incident occurred a thousand years ago, what possible relevance could they have at present?” Quadraplex pressed, reviewing the entirety of Deter’s trip to the past for the hundredth time in less than a tenth of a millisecond. However, there was no recording of a conversation between the Elements and Dexter. “This conversation was not captured on your mission recording.”

“It wouldn’t have been,” Dexter scratched the back of his head with a hoof. “The conversation happened in my dreams? I think…” Dexter shook his head. “Either way, the Element of Honesty made it clear that it was going to direct Applejack toward… getting me to be more truthful and trusting.”

“That information seems to be a compelling reason to avoid Applejack, rather than trust her.” The computer replied.

“Yes, however, I cannot afford to have Applejack grilling me now that I am at the height of Twilight’s and Luna’s suspicion,” Dexter went on. “When Applejack explained how her ability to sense lies is rooted in her role of building trust within friendships, I realized that building trust was the primary function of the Element of Honesty.” Dexter frowned, tapping his chin. “I realized that her attempts to get me to be truthful and to trust her were actually the Element of Honesty at work.” Dexter’s gaze became unfocused as he was drawn into his own thoughts for a moment. He really hoped that the changelings were wrong about the Elements.

“These Elements of Harmony are still presently active?” Quadraplex asked. “Despite the neutralization of Nightmare Moon?”

“Yes,” Dexter responded simply. “And I cannot afford to become embroiled in a direct altercation with the ‘Elements.’ I am not even sure as to how I would go about combating them.” Dexter explained. “Since I can’t fight them, or block their abilities, it would be only a matter of time until the Element of Honesty drives Applejack to uncover the truth behind everything I have hidden. So, instead of waiting for the inevitable, I decided to leverage the truth for a price.”

“Allowing you to maintain secrecy, at least for the time being” Quadraplex answered.

”Yes.” Dexter confirmed.

“Do you think this will be sufficient to prevent the Element of Honesty from acting further?” Quadraplex asked, sensing something more to the situation than what was being said. “Was the Element of Honesty attempting to do something more than merely get you to be honest?”

“Probably,” Dexter scratched his head. “I cannot say for certain what the motive of the Elements were. However, I think the Element of Honesty accidentally backed itself into a corner…”

Quadraplex didn’t respond, seemingly satisfied with the information Dexter had provided.

“However, speaking of my trip to the past reminded me of something.” Dexter began again. “ Princess Celestia still has my helmet. I want to get it back.”

“Do you know where it is?” Quadraplex responded.

“I believe it is sealed away in the royal vault inside the Princesses castle in Canterlot.” Dexter replied. “I want you to prepare for me to take a trip to Canterlot.”

“Understood.” Quadraplex replied. “However, regarding your armor; After analyzing the record of your trip to the past, I have constructed a new suit with updated features and revisions.”

Dexter raised an eyebrow. Getting a new suit was something he had planned on doing himself, however a part of him was intrigued to see what Quadraplex had come up with. His previous computer rarely ever took this type of initiative, but Quadraplex was making a regular habit of it. “New features? I guess we can try them out when I go to retrieve my old helmet.”

“I insist you wear it now.” Quadraplex’s statement was clearly a demand despite her monotone voice. Her initiative quickly proved troublesome.

“I doubt I can go back to the farm house wearing a suit made of nanotechnology, space-age alloys, and redundant combat systems. Not without attracting the attention of some of the guards sent to watch me.” Dexter rebutted.

“It’s cloaking field has been modified with a space-time dilation generator, similar in design to the one inside your time dilation helmet.” She replied. However, Dexter raised an eyebrow.

“I was planning on doing something like that…” Dexter answered.

“Then you approve.” Quadraplex stated rather than asked. “Aside from making yourself and the armor completely invisible while you wear it, you now have the option of pushing only the armor slightly out of temporal phase. As a result, the armor cannot be seen or felt. Consequently, you will appear as the typically nude pony despite possessing the armor.” Dexter shifted uncomfortably. “Unfortunately, it will offer no protective benefit until you bring it back into phase; which you can do via your neural link with the armor or automatically when the suit detects a threat.”

“You may wear the armor freely, without being constantly questioned by the equines.” Quadraplex went on. “However, it must be properly anchored to you. Otherwise it would simply fall off of you when it is out of phase.”

“You’ve outdone yourself Quadraplex…” Dexter replied. Truth be told, he was already interested in seeing what Quadraplex had built. Unlike most of the previous A.I. Dexter had built, Quadraplex wasn’t only showing initiative and forethought, but also a measure of creativity by engineering improvements to his own designs. “Why do you insist that I put it on now?”

“Because, as you would say, I am paranoid.” She declared candidly. “Now prepare yourself, binding the armor to you will require precision.”


“Didn’t the doctors say you should take it easy?” Spike questioned, the young dragon lugging a small pile of tomes Twilight had summoned him to retrieve. With a heave he pushed them onto a small coffee stand next to the chair Twilight was sitting on. The purple unicorn in question didn’t shift her gaze from the book in front of her, not hearing a word he said.

“Twilight?” Spiked began again. “The doctors said you needed to take at least-“

“I’m fine, Spike.” Twilight replied after a moment before using her magic to rapidly flip past several pages. “Besides, we don’t have time to rest. Our investigations are behind as it is, and the Princesses are counting on us.”

“Yeah, but you got foalnapped by changelings! The Princesses will understand if you take a day to rest up.” Spike shook his head.

“I know, Spike!” Twilight said with a huff. “I’ll never hear the end of it once Mom and Dad find out. Hay, Shining might just come down here and drag us both back to Canterlot out of sheer concern.”

“You don’t even remember what they did to you!” Spike countered. “Can you at least take a few hours to-“

“No!” Twilight snapped, looking up from her book. “The more we delay the longer the changelings have to enact their nefarious plans. Who knows what they are trying to do. Delaying will also give Dexter more time to find ways to cover-up what he knows. We cannot wait.”

Spike shook his head at Twilight, growling under his breath. As frustrated as he was with Twilight, the mentioning of Dexter made the baby dragon’s throat burn.

Spike knew Dexter could detect the changelings, after all he witnessed Dexter beat five of them to a pulp. Unfortunately the colt lied about the whole event, going so far as to accuse Spike of being delusional. If Dexter had just come clean the Changelings would be on the run by now. What was worse, Twilight was on her way to the farm to see him the night she was abducted. Twilight’s foalnapping was entirely Dexter’s fault, and Spike’s fury with the colt was only barely contained.

But saving the worst for the last, Dexter had insulted Luna to the point where she cried.

“I wish there was a way we could force him to tell us the truth.” Spike said, unconsciously scraping his claws against the table.

“If we had some concrete evidence to hold over his head,” Twilight thought aloud. “If we confront him with something he can’t deny, it might just be enough to force him to admit the truth to us...” Twilight trailed off, getting lost in her own thoughts.

“But I saw him at the bakery,” Spike eventually replied. “Why isn’t that enough?”

“He disputes what you saw.” Twilight replied while pulling open a pair of saddlebags that were draped across a chair in the main room of the library.

“I spoke to him just after he beat up the changelings at Pinkie Pie’s party!” Spike protested.

“Can you prove that you spoke to him? And if you did, can you prove what you said?” Twilight pointed out. “That is the problem, Spike. We need something material, not just somepony’s word.” Twilight used her magic to flip through the new tome Spike just delivered.

However, a few moments later, the unicorn smiled. “And I think I have just the thing…”

Using her magic, Twilight summoned opened a nearby drawer and pulled out a set of folders. Opening the folder on the desk revealed a set of pristine photographs that Spike quickly recognized. They depicted a series of blue and green nebulas floating in a sea of stars. “These are the photo’s Dexter showed Princess Luna the other night? When he got into that little trivia contest with her?”

“Mmmhmm…” Twilight nodded, using her magic to retrieve yet another folder. “Dexter gave these directly to Princess Luna a couple of days ago.” Twilight recalled. “It was his bid to win that ‘little trivia contest’ with her over astronomy.”

“How are they going to help us?” Spike asked.

“We are going to compare their chemical composition against these…” Twilight replied, opening the folder and allowing its contents to slide onto the table. “These are the pictures somepony, and when I say somepony I suspect Dexter, left at the library a few weeks ago.” Twilight explained, casting a spell on the photograph to make it glow as she continued to scrutinize it. “It was one of several pictures which depicted the changeling impersonating Ms. Cheerilee. They were delivered to the guards following Princess Luna at the time, ultimately leading to Cheerilee’s rescue.

“If they are a match, then that’s proof Dexter was the one who gave them to the guard at the library that night.” Twilight stated. “I’m certain that will be enough to get Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to arrest him.”

“Really?” Spike eyes lit up. “Then you can prove he lied to both the Princess and the guard, they’ll finally get to throw him in the dungeons!”

“Well, maybe. The Princesses don’t like sending foals to the dungeons. And truthfully, neither do I. But if I can prove Dexter can detect changelings… The Princesses will definitely do something.” Twilight added with a glance at Spike.

After writing a short letter to Princess Celestia, explaining her request to have the two photographs analyzed, Twilight carefully wrapped the two photos in the scroll that made up the letter and gave it to Spike. The baby dragon eagerly sent it off to Celestia in a burst of magical green flame.

“How long do you think it will take before they get back to us?” Spike asked.

“Well, that’s what I was trying to read up on.” Twilight pointed toward one of the tomes. “For a chemical analysis like that, a couple of weeks probably. At least, that’s what I’ve read.” She motioned toward the book in front of her.

“Weeks?!” Spike droned. “Changelings could foal-nap the entire town before then!”

“It’s the best we’ve got,” Twilight said with a sympathetic frown. Though from her consoling tone, she shared Spike’s frustration.

“There’s got to be a faster way to get Dexter to tell the truth,” Spike complained. “Can’t he see he is endangering everypony in Ponyville?”

“Honestly, Spike.” Twilight said with a hint of remorse. “I’m not sure if he cares. I don’t think he wants the same thing we do.”

“I would agree with young Spike.” A new voice sounded from behind the small dragon, familiar but sudden enough to cause both Spike and Twilight to jump before turning to face the newcomer. “Unfortunately, confronting Dexter will have to wait.”

Standing before Spike was Princess Luna, seemingly to have appeared beside him out of thin air.

“Princess!” Twilight began after recovering from her surprise, she hastily fell into a quick bow. “H-how long have you been there?” Twilight asked.

Although Twilight was taken aback by the Princess’s sudden appearance, such incidents had become common lately. Ever since the Princess’ altercation with Dexter, she began behaving differently. She wasn’t greeting others warmly anymore, and was generally more aloof.

“I just arrived,” Luna answered. “I apologize for the sudden intrusion. At times I prefer to move unseen and unnoticed, t’is an old habit but it has its advantages. However, it seems I am a bearer of bad news for young Spike. Celestia has agreed that Dexter can no longer be permitted to impede our investigation. She has made plans to apprehend him. You are to take no further action regarding Dexter until Celestia arrives. She has requested, and commanded, to take care of the situation regarding Dexter personally.”

“Princess Celestia is coming here?’ Twilight asked. It was the first time she was hearing about it.

“Yes, Sister will be here tomorrow morning.” Luna continued. “I am afraid I cannot offer you any more information. Celestia only asked me to relay to you her instructions.”

“Princess, we can catch him.” Twilight protested. “I’m certain if we had a little more time to-“

Luna merely raised a hoof to cut Twilight off. “Catch him?” Luna asked. “He is already in our custody, my own guards monitor him as we speak. He is already caught.” Luna pointed out. “However… I would like to know how he managed to elude me in the dreamscape last night, for the second time. I expect him to elude me again tonight.” Luna added. “Our difficulty with Dexter isn’t apprehending him, ‘tis getting him to tell us what he knows. More invasive methods using magic have long since been outlawed, however Celestia…” Luna hesitated. “You are to wait.” The Princess finally instructed.

“So that’s it? Do nothing…” Spike asked in protest.

“I am afraid so…” Luna replied impassively, charging her horn. “I will see you both here, tomorrow. Celestia is scheduled to arrive here during the gathering Miss Pie arranged. If there is nothing else of import, I shall take my leave.”

“Princess wait!” Twilight called, standing up. Luna stopped, looking back at her friend. “I… I just wanted to ask, are you… okay?”

“I am well, Twilight Sparkle. There is no need for concern.” Luna replied, her tone too neutral to not worry the unicorn.

“You have friends here… if you need somepony to talk to.” Twilight offered, eliciting a nod from Princess Luna. However, without another word the dark alicorn left the library in a flash of blue light.


“Applejack, why are you bringing me back here? The town is on lock-down and martial law, there is nothing to do here.” Dexter declared, following behind Applejack as she led him deeper into the small town. Aside from the four guards which had been following the pair since they left the farm, the town appeared empty. No one except for the occasional guard patrol could be spotted anywhere on the streets or between buildings.

They didn’t make Dexter comfortable. In fact, their presence made Dexter feel as if something big was about to happen.

“Ah’m about ta do something I don’t think Ah’ve ever done Dex,” Applejack glanced toward the colt. “I’m gonna spoil Pinkie Pie’s surprise…”

“Surprise?” Dexter raised an eyebrow, lifting his head slightly. “Wait, you don’t mean-“

“Yup” Applejack sighed. “She thinks that the changelings ruined yer last surprise party and… well if ya knew Pinkie, her surprise ‘Welcome ta Ponyvile’ party ain’t something she’s jus gonna let go…”

“The town is in the middle of a changeling scare,” Dexter complained, stopping to gesticulate with a forehoof. “This is stupid.” He turned to look up at her after she didn’t respond, only to find her frowning at him. “You know this is stupid. Now isn’t the time to-”

“Ah don’t care how smart you are,” Applejack stopped, pointing at the colt. “yer not ta call Pinkie Pie stupid anymore. She’s one of the kindest, friendliest ponies Ah know. Ah know she can be a little…” Applejack paused, motioning in a circular fashion with her hoof. “But she’s not dumb an’ her heart is in the right place. So don’t treat her poorly. Understand?”

Dexter merely sighed before nodding. “Fine, but that doesn’t stop the changelings from crashing the party again.”

“Yeah, Ah might’ve been worried about that yesterday.” Applejack scoffed, pausing to look at the colt knowingly. “I know ya don’t feel like going to a party, Ah’m feeling the same way.”

“Is the bakery even structurally sound enough to host a party?” Dexter countered. “If I recall correctly, the bakery was missing a wall and had a hole or two…”

“Which is why the party is at the library.” Applejack replied simply. However, she noticed Dexter’s continuing frown.

“How?!” Dexter protested. “They’re all scared of changelings, and Pinkie’s last party was attacked by them. I’d be worried about them attacking again the whole time.”

“Yeah, that’s true. But this time the Princess Luna promised to provide security in advance, an’ it’s just gonna be the girls, you an’ the crusaders…” Applejack replied. “No pony else was allowed to show fer security reasons and what not.”

“Princess Luna is going to be there?!” Dexter stopped in his tracks, eventually causing Applejack to stop and turn her head back toward him. “Nope.” He shook his head, turning away before attempting to retreat. “No.” However, before he could get another step his chest collided with the plated leggings of one of the lunar guards that had been following him and Applejack.

“Pinkie Pie may be try’n ta surprise you, Dex.” Applejack explained. “But tha Princess ordered you to be there.”

He turned back to Applejack with a leer. “I want nothing to do with Princess Luna.”

“Don’t get mad at me, Dex. I don’t have a choice.” Applejack said, anticipating his protest. “Besides, wasn’t Luna who summoned ya. Princess Celestia did.”

“Celestia?” Dexter asked in a surprised but worried tone. Again Dexter stopped in place, causing the group to come to a halt.

Celestia’s involvement would only complicate Dexter’s attempts to extricate himself from the whole mess.

“Do you really think it’s a good idea to put Princess Luna and myself in the same room?” Dexter challenged, pointing a hoof at the guard behind him. “Especially considering what happened yesterday?!”

“Think of it as your chance to apologize to her.” Applejack answered, before continuing forward. “Or have you forgotten what we talked about? I’d do it before Celestia asks you too.”

Dexter growled under his breath before he felt the guard behind him push him forward lightly. With a drawn out sigh, Dexter reluctantly resumed walking behind Applejack.

The pair and their guard escort reached The Golden Oak’s library without any further conversation. The tree which made up the library was surrounded by a perimeter of at least thirty guards. Each entrance was flanked by an additional pair of guards, including each balcony. Half of them wore the blue of the lunar guard, while the remaining were clearly clad in the solar guard’s standard golden color.

Dexter followed Applejack to a small line of ponies at the library’s main entrance. Oddly enough, a few of the guards had queued to get in. However, the colt froze in place when he noticed who stood at the library’s entrance, scanning each pony before admitting them to the library.

The dark blue alicorn had yet to spot Applejack or Dexter. She was solely focused on the pony before her, a white unicorn guard in golden armor. A wave of blue magic from Luna’s horn washed over the guard, and after a few moments, Luna nodded before using her magic to fasten a faintly glowing blue band around his foreleg. Shortly after, Luna stepped aside to grant him entry to the library.

Dexter felt a spike of adrenaline, and was now trembling for it. He hesitated to take a step forward when the line advanced. He couldn’t help it, but images of Nightmare Moon flashed across his mind. The memory of her laughing maniacally as she crushed one of her own guards to death replayed in his mind. The poor pony had been one of the few of her guard that refused to join her rebellion.

“Heyya Applejack,” A rainbow maned pegasus appeared in the air, hovering over the farm pony.

“Mornin’, RD.” Applejack greeted, pushing her Stetson aside in order to look up at the Pegasus. Applejack then stepped aside, giving her friend more room to land. “I’m surprised they’re letting ya fly about, given all the guards an’ the lockdown.”

The line advanced, but Dexter had an urge to run. When Applejack was seemingly distracted with Rainbow Dash, the colt slowly started to turn away.

However, the moment he took a single step back he felt a foreleg on his shoulder, holding him in place. Applejack may have been distracted, but his guard escort wasn’t.

“I… I can’t be here. I have to go.” He knew his excuse was pitiful the moment he uttered it, but he seemed too distracted by the princess to think straight. The stern gaze of the guard indicated he was not amused.

“Right.” The guard replied, holding Dexter’s shoulder he pushed the colt forward with the advancing line. However, he quickly noticed Dexter’s trembling. “What’s wrong with you?”

Dexter’s chest hurt, throbbing with his heartbeat which seemingly tripled in speed over the past minute. He felt dizzy and started to sweat. He instinctively placed a foreleg over the spot where Nightmare Moon had broken his ribs.

However, what shocked Dexter the most was that when he looked back up at Princess Luna, he saw a taller and much darker figure standing in her place. Nightmare Moon was staring at him, her piercing draconic eyes held murderous intent and a dark promise. She was surrounded by the mangled corpses of what Dexter recognized as her victims.

Back in reality, Luna had simply scanned the next pony in line before nodding her approval. She then turned to greet Rainbow Dash with a smirk. The pegasus mare had somehow managed to butt into the line ahead of Applejack.

The guard at Dexter’s shoulder attempted to push the colt forward once more. However, this time his efforts were met with much stiffer resistance. That, and the colt’s shaking had worsened. “Applejack, Ma’am” the stallion said, calling the farm pony just in front of Dexter. She turned around just in time to see Dexter hurl his breakfast.

‘And I’m afraid you’ve seen something I cannot afford to let anypony see…’

Truth be told, he was a hair’s trigger away from activating his suit, as well as a deadly torrent of strength in sheer panic. Though, a part of him knew that what he was seeing and hearing couldn’t be real. After a thousand years those corpses would have decayed.

Yet Luna could become Nightmare Moon again at any time.

“Dex?” Applejack rushed to the Colt’s side, taking care to avoid what was the colt’s mess. The guard at his shoulder had backed off by this point. “What’s wrong? What's happening?”

“Applejack?” The colt asked, his voice rising in confusion as if a part of him didn’t expect her to be there. “Applejack? H-how…”

The farm pony in question placed a foreleg on Dexter’s chest. She held a grimace of both worry and confusion. She flicked her ears to make sure she had heard Dexter correctly. “Dex?” She repeated.

“Where a-are we?”

“We're at the Golden Oaks Library, Dex.” Applejack slightly turned her head, eyeing the colt. “Twilight’s place. We're here for Pinkie Pie’s replacement surprise. Remember?”

A part of him did remember. Though another part of his mind was screaming about how Nightmare Moon was going to kill everyone and that he had to hide.

“They’re clear.” Dexter heard Princess Luna announce from somewhere behind Applejack but a lot closer than he would like. He could sense the resentment and spite in her restrained tone, all but revealing a hidden sneer from the Princess. However, without another word the darker alicorn moved on to scanning the next visitor with her magic.

“Dex?” Applejack asked the colt. Dexter merely looked down to see a band with a faint glow blue on his foreleg.

“Let's just get inside now…” Dexter replied, all too eager to get away.


“Surprise!!!” Pinkie Pie cheered upon spotting Dexter in the library, throwing confetti in the air while grinning from ear to ear.

The gathering within the library consisted of only the six Elements of Harmony, as well as the cutie mark crusaders. The guards, of which there were a number, seemingly did their best to stay out of the way. They mostly lined walls and flanked the few doors the library had. Despite this, Pinkie Pie was the only one to shout surprise, startling a few of the guards in the room and earning the gaze of her friends. Twilight, upon spotting Dexter, silently turned away before walking up the stairs, quickly disappearing through the upstairs’ door.

Dexter, however, wasn’t paying attention. Just after setting foot in the library, Dexter had sat back on his haunches, trying desperately to control the shaking in his forelegs.

“You’re… not surprised…” The heartbreak in Pinkie Pie’s voice could kill, as the mare visibly deflated. However, not a second later had she reinflated and cast a frown across the room at her friends. “Alright, which one of you told and ruined the surprise?” She asked, glaring daggers. Her eyes first landed on Fluttershy. The mare had arrived well ahead of Dexter, so she was an unlikely culprit. So Pinkie’s glare next landed on Rainbow Dash.

“Oh no, it wasn’t me!” Rainbow Dash shook her head. She knew the price of ruining one of Pinkie Pie’s surprise parties; and while Dash was brave, she wasn’t suicidally stupid. Rainbow hastily pointed a hoof at Applejack.

“Not now Pinkie,” Applejack shushed. “Dex ain’t feeling right. An’ Ah can tell ya he ain’t in the mood ta be surprised.”

“Is he sick?” Pinkie Pie asked, her tone even more disappointed than before. “Maybe a cookie or a cupcake will make him feel better.” She motioned toward a batch of freshly baked goods she brought for the ‘party.’

However, one of the guards by the door, an all white pegasus in golden armor, stepped forward. “Perhaps you should just get him some water...” He suggested to Applejack. “When he feels better he can try something with sugar in it.” The farm pony nodded, finding sense in the suggestion.

“Ah’ll be right back, Dex.” She said, turning toward the library’s kitchen.

However, just as Applejack got out of earshot, the guard knelt down next to Dexter and whispered in his ear. “You have PTSD” he whispered.

Dexter slowly glanced up at the stallion in question. “What?” He asked in confusion. However, his questions were answered when Quadraplex flashed a message in his glasses, labeling the guard as a changeling. “I don’t have PTSD.” Dexter said, resenting the notion alone.

After all, a genius like him should be above and beyond the annoying concerns of psychological disorders. A part of him resented the accusation alone.

“Judging from the jolt of raw terror you had out there. It’s PTSD. I’ve felt it before.” The guard whispered while motioning toward him. “Your message was received, the Queen wants to talk. Soon.”

“Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to be here?” Dexter whispered back in annoyance, glancing at the blue glowing band around the fake guard’s foreleg. “Did you actually make it pass Princess Luna’s screening?”

The guard suppressed a laugh. “This library isn’t as secure as the ponies believe, and I got the band from its previous owner.” He whispered back with a smile. “I hope you can collect yourself, Princess Celestia has come to confront you. She’ll be summoning you in a-.”

“Hey!” The guard and Dexter found their quiet conversation interrupted by Applejack. The farm pony had returned rather quickly with a glass of water in hoof. “There ain’t nothing you need ta talk to him about.” She said, stepping between Dexter and the guard. She pushed the glass into Dexter’s forehoof while locking the offending guard in a glare.

“It's okay, Applejack. He just…” Dexter sighed, pulling away. He looked down at the glass before taking a sip. “It's fine…” He shook his head. “I think I’m better now.” He said, finally able to stop his legs from shaking.

“I apologize Ma’am, just trying to help him.” The guard replied in a professional tone, before stepping back and resuming his station beside the front door.

“Geez, Applejack… A little overprotective don’t ya think?” Rainbow Dash asked, currently hovering somewhere overhead in the library. She started fiddling with the blue glowing band around her foreleg.

“Can it, Dash.” Applejack retorted, before ushering Dexter forward into the library. Dash rolled her eyes before deciding to hover somewhere else. “Dex, Ah’m going to go talk to tha girls. You stay here an…” She paused, looking over the colt. “Take care of yourself, I’ll be back soon.”

A moment of peace and quiet, enough for Dexter to think, was more than welcome to the colt. However, Applejack hadn’t left him alone. Three fillies and a baby dragon now plagued his company.

“Hey Dexter!” One of the fillies waved as all four approached. For some reason, Spike was grinning.

Dexter could only groan.


“Princess,” Twilight gave a short bow before her mentor. The white alicorn returned the greeting with a smile. “Dexter has arrived.”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Princess Celestia nodded, motioning for Twilight to rise. “This is for you.” Celestia said, summoning a scroll with her magic. She levitated it over to Twilight, who quickly took hold of it with her own purple aura of magic.

“What is it?” Twilight asked in surprise, unfurling the scroll. It bore a seal from Canterlot’s University.

“A set of preliminary results on the chemical analysis you requested.” Celestia explained, taking a sip from a pearl white tea cup. “You were correct in assuming it would take weeks to complete, however when I heard you made the request, I personally asked the research staff at the university to make it a rush order. The analysis is still ongoing but they found something interesting I thought you’d like to know.” She motioned toward the scroll. “I already shared the contents with Spike.”

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

This is Shake Flask from the chemical analysis laboratory at RCU. Please forgive the informal nature of this letter, however from what you said in our previous correspondence, I believe getting this information to you as fast as possible is of the highest priority. My team and I have begun the chemical analysis you requested on the two sets of photographs you sent us; with our goal being to determine if the two sets of photographs were produced by the same source. Despite the incomplete analysis at present, I believe we have what we need in order to confidently arrive at a conclusion. When we were attempting to extract ink from the photographs in order to build the chemical profile of the photographs in question, we were surprised to find that we could only extract a significantly smaller amount of ink than predicted. While trying to discern the reason why we were unable to extract the projected amount of ink, we placed the photographs underneath a microscope and discovered something rather profound.

These photographs were not ‘printed’ in any traditional sense, as they appear to be composed of a vastly large array of precisely positioned spots. These spots, or dots, border on the microscopic and are too small to be perceived by the naked eye. Furthermore, each dot is one of only three colors – either blue, pink, or yellow. Individually, under a microscope, the dots appear to be just that – colored dots. However, when viewed with the naked eye, the array of dots forms a perfectly clear picture. From our measurements, each picture contains an array of millions of these dots. All of them are perfectly arranged and colored exactly as needed for a picture.

I can certifiably say that no one in my team, nor anypony that I have consulted, has ever seen anything like it.

These ‘pictures’ are not photographs. They were ‘painted’ using microscopic dots. To make a set of photos using this method would take years, perhaps decades. But more importantly, the level of precision required to perfectly align millions of these microscopic dots is – well, I am just going to say it - way beyond the capability of any creature or magic user.

Given that both sets of photos feature these microscopic dots, I can confidently say they both come from the exact same source. This colt named “Dexter” is the person you are looking for. Of course, you can still wait for the chemical analysis to be completed. When we get the chemical composition and profile of the ink, we can certify this conclusion using more traditional methods.

Best Wishes,

Shake Flask

P.S. Is this “Dexter” the same individual you credited with solving Clover’s Conundrum? If so, please extend to him an invitation to the University; many of my colleagues would be more than interested in discussing his findings.

“GOT HIM!” Twilight cheered, jumping in place. “This proves EVERYTHING!” However, after a moment she quickly apologized for her sudden outburst, hoping that she didn’t startle the Princess. “Oops, sorry!”

“Not to worry, Twilight.” Celestia smiled, having fully expected the outburst.

“Princess!” Twilight began again. “The night Cheerilee was rescued, the guards were tipped off to the fact she was replaced by a changeling by somepony leaving pictures here at the library depicting her abduction.”

“I know,” Celestia nodded, still smiling.

“This letter proves that those pictures came from the same source as the ones Dexter gave Princess Luna When he was showing off!” Twilight went on.

“I know,” Celestia chuckled.

“That means, Dexter at the very least knows how to detect changelings in disguise!”

“It does,” Celestia laughed, still smiling at her student’s excitement. “Or at the very least it proves that Dexter has lied about a great many things; and that he has information we desperately need.” Celestia motioned to one of the nearby guards while her horn lit up. He was an all white unicorn in golden armor. “It is time.” Celestia turned back to Twilight, the mare was re-reading the letter just in case she had missed something. “I wish to apologize, Twilight.” Celestia said, breaking Twilight's attention from the letter.

“For what, Princess?” Twilight tilted her head.

“For doubting your suspicions; or rather, for reigning you in. Your instincts about Dexter were correct. I should have trusted them more.” Celestia explained, placing her pearl white tea glass on an equally white plate.

Twilight shook her head. “It’s nothing, Princess. I admit, I can go overboard sometimes; and I didn’t have concrete proof until now. I understand your reluctance.”

“Still, you’re not that little excitable filly I used to teach in school.” Celestia answered, a part of her regretted the truth behind her words. She missed Twilight.

“What do you have planned for Dexter?” Twilight asked.

“That is up to Dexter…”

Secondary A/N:
Well, it’s been a minute since I’ve updated. I apologize for that. The upload date of the last chapter was literally the day before I got my Masters Degree, so you can imagine my life got busy right after. That, and a number of issues I felt the story had, made updating difficult. But don’t worry; I’ve kept this story and all of you in the back of my mind. Hence this update, multiple years later.

Those of you who have been following me for the past few years know that this chapter went through at least 3 iterations. One of which reached 45k words before getting scrapped. I will be making a blog post discussing those ‘alternative’ timelines for this story, as some of you have begged me to read those drafts.