• Published 18th May 2014
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Doctor Whooves Stories: Episode 1: An Unequestrian Pony - puropogo

My first fanfic. Derpy meets a strange pony whom calls himself The Doctor. But, Who is this Doctor, and what is he doing in Ponyville?

  • ...

Beware of the Nedry!

Chapter 3: Beware of the Nedry!

6 July 1002, C.E., 11:50 am, Ponyville Town Square.

"What's a Nedry?" Fluttershy asked, when she felt a weight on her body. She slowly turned her head to see the green 3 feet tall and 5 feet long dilophosaurus, squealing at her.

"I… I think the thing in your back is a Nedry." Pinkie answered, as Nedry pulls out his neck frill and started to growl to the ponies present. Nedry bit one of Fluttershy's wings but Twilight shot it with a magic concussive blast before it can shred Fluttershy's wing.


"I'm fine, Twilight, it was just a little… OUCH!" Fluttershy started to feeling pain of the bite.

"Pinkie, take her to the hospital. Make sure she'll be fine."

"What was that thing?" Spike asked.

"I don't know, but Twilight take it down." Rainbow answered.

Suddenly, Nedry started to getting up. "What IS this thing?".

As Nedry got up, it spat acid to Twilight eyes. Her friends tried to stop it, nevertheless the creature proved to be unstoppable, until Twilight managed to lock it into a magic sphere.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, thankfully the spit didn't touch my eyes."

They heard a strange sound, Nedry was trying to break the sphere.

"You can try as hard as you want, Nedry, but you'll never…" the sphere got a crack "break it." As soon as she finished her sentence, the sphere broke into pieces and Nedry started to eat those pieces, and while it was eating the pieces it was growing up on size. "Nedry feeds on magic, Nedry eats magic."

6 July 1002, C.E., 12:30 pm, Road to Ponyville.

"We'll never make it on time. We are just too far from the town." The Doctor said to Derpy. "Unless…"

"Unless what?"

"Those wings."

"What? What about my wings?"

"They work or they are just decoration?"

"Hey! Don't insult me. I'm a good flyer. Why do you think I am the mail pony?"

"Can you carry me to overthere?"

"Wow, I'm not sure."

"Derpy, there are lives in danger."

"Ok, what is your plan? To drop you there, and then?"

"And then… I'll think of something."


"Don't worry, I always do. Wait, these dirt, the creature was here."

"Yes, so?" The Doctor pulled out something from his jacket. It was shiny, made of metal, and had a blue light on the top.

"These dirt reacts aggressively with the acid. A little water and this could help us. Did you see? I've got a plan."

"How did you know that?"

"My sonic screwdriver. I've got to tell you, it's really hard to use it with your hooves."

"Try with the mouth."

"Later. Pick up these dirt and take me to Ponyville."

"Ok, but I've got to tell you that I have never carried someone. Not even a filly."

"You'll do it great. I'm counting on you."

Derpy put the dirt on the Doctor's jacket and then she carried him to Ponyville.

6 July 1002, C.E., 12:50 pm, Ponyville Town Square.

"We made it. I told you I was a good flyer, Doctor." As Derpy was landing the Doctor was shivering. "Doctor?"

"What? Yes, yes, the best flyer I've could find. And the only one. Where's Nedry?" Suddenly, they saw a herd of ponies running and screaming. "I think we found him. Come on."

When they arrived, they saw Twilight and her friends trying to stop Nedry. But now Nedry was 23 feet long.

"What? Why that thing is so large, Doctor? Yesterday was…"

"There must be something that makes him larger. Maybe the bolts that the purple unicorn is shooting at him."

"Twilight! Stop! You're making him larger." Derpy screamed.

"I'm trying to stop it, and this is the most effective thing." Twilight answered Derpy. She looked really scared.

"But it's not effective." Derpy then saw a muffin in the ground. "Doctor, the dirt."

"Take it." Derpy put the dirt over the muffin, and then she throw it at Nedry, who ate it. But nothing happened to him.

"Doctor, I've thought the dirt would destroy him."

"It's not just the dirt. It's the dirt, the blasts and some sonic that can stop him." The Doctor pulls out his screwdriver to Nedry, and when he pushed a button, Nedry, started to scream in pain.

"What's happening?" Twilight asked to the Doctor.

"He's having a heartburn."

"What? A heartburn?".

"Yes, and a painful one." The Doctor stopped his attack, as Nedry was crawling. The Doctor approached the creature. "You are not from this world. Where did you came from?"

Nedry was growling and squealing.

"I'm not a patient man, Nedry, talk to me." The Doctor used again the screwdriver, causing more pain to Nedry. "Would you want to talk now?"

"Yes." When the dark, whispered voice came from Nedry he stopped.. "Stop calling me Nedry."

"You never told me your name."

"My name it's not important. What really matters is that I'm free."

"Free from what?"

"The Atraxi, they would never found me here."

"But I found you. And trust me, I can be even worse."

"What makes you think you are so special?"

"I'm the Doctor. I've faced even worse things than you, and I defeated them."

"Really? Like what?"

"Daleks, for example."

As Nedry heard the word 'Daleks', he started to shiver. He wasn't picking on anyone. "Don't hurt me. I'll leave this place and I'll never come back, but please, don't hurt me."

"Leave, now, and don't touch anyone." The Doctor replied to his plea, as Nedry was running from the Doctor, leaving Ponyville behind.

The Doctor then saw everything around him. The hourglass was broken, the food was on the floor, and everything was a mess. "Allons-y! I liked that."

"What?" Twilight heard the Doctor. "What?" She started to approach him. "What?!".

"I have this feeling, It's a strange feeling, a feeling that I can't hide. This thrill, it's exciting!"

"Exciting? That thing almost killed us and hurt Fluttershy."

"Your friend? She'll be fine, just a couple of days. I am more worried about you. You must wash your face now before the acid touch your eyes."


"Don't worry, use water and soap."

"Still, why are you so happy?"

"What's your name?"


"Twilight, my job is done. I save your town, your friends, your princess, everyone here, using just dirt, water and my sonic. Maybe I'll see you later, but I've got to go now." He then noticed Derpy.

"Where are you going, Doctor? Don't you want to meet the princess?"

"I've got something to show you. Meet me in the clock tower in one hour, relative time. And don't be late! Allons-y!"

6 July 1002, C.E., 1:30 pm, Ponyville Town Square.

"Who was that pony?" Twilight asked Derpy while they were cleaning and helping everyone.

"I don't know. He's a friend."

"Why do you call him a friend? You don't know nothing about him."

"My instinct tells me he's a good pony."

"You should be careful with him."

"Yeah. Hey! Looks who's here." Derpy pointed to the sky.


"Hello Twilight. My faithful student."

"Princess Celestia, I… I… I wanted to tell you."

"I'm sorry, but I came here to tell you that I can't be in the Summer Celebration."

"What? Why?"

"There's some problems in Manehattan. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."


"I've gotta leave now, I'll read your report in the evening."

"Ok. Nice to see you, Princess Celestia."

"Goodbye, Princess." Derpy screamed.

"Hahaha, goodbye Derpy Hooves."

As the Princess was leaving, Twilight begin to ask Derpy about the Doctor.

"What are you gonna do with the Doctor?"

"I don't know, he wants to show me something in the Clock Tower."

"You should be careful, you don't know who is he."

"I'll be careful, Twilight. Don't worry."

6 July 1002, C.E., 2:30 pm, Ponyville Clock Tower.

When Derpy entered the Clock Tower, she found it just as she saw it yesterday. Well, obviously without Nedry, but everything else was the same.

"Doctor? Where are you?"

"Right here, come over. I've got something to show you. You'll be surprised."

"Today I've got more surprises than any day I've ever had on my life."

"This is a good surprise, I'll promise you! Come over!"

"Before I go, I won't find any strange creature that wants to kill me, right?"

"Nope, Nedry has gone. He's on the forest now."

"What was Nedry?"

"An experiment failure. A criminal. He found a way to escape his prison and ended up here in Gaia."


"Yep. Nedry was an alien."


"Come Derpy! You've got to see this."

Derpy entered in a closed room in the back of the building, inside she saw the Doctor close to a big blue box. The box had windows and in the top there was the inscription 'POLICE BOX, PUBLIC CALL'.

"What do you think, Derpy? Really cool, right?"

"Mmm, yes, sure. It's a blue… box?"

"I know, I know. It's really cool. You must see the inside."

"Doctor, I don't think I have the time."

"What? Please, enter. You'll be surprised."

"Why? I don't know how this could surprise me."

"You must enter to see it. I've got muffins there."

"Fine. If that makes you happy, I'll go there."

Derpy opened the doors of the box and, when she stepped in and saw the interior of the box, she gasped and stepped out of the box.

"What?" She circle the box three times. "That's impossible."

"What's impossible, Derpy?"

"The box… it's bigger on the inside. Really bigger on the inside. It's bigger than my room, and still it fits in this box."

"I told you you'll be surprised." The Doctor said to Derpy. "Come on, enter."

6 July 1002, C.E., 2:35 pm, TARDIS Control Room.

Derpy entered in a big room, with golden walls with small hexagonal impressions on it. There were strange columns coming from the ceiling. And in the middle of the room there was a strange console.

"What is this place?"

"This is my Time And Relative Dimensions In Space machine. TARDIS for short."

"Wow, why it's bigger on the inside?"

"Dimensionally transcendental. A Time Lord key discovery. It's just timey-wimey stuff."

"Wow. Wait a second. Time Lord?"

"Yes, I'm a Time Lord. I'm not a pony. I came from another planet."


"Don't worry. I won't try to eat you. I'm not Nedry."

"Ok. It's too much. But why are you showing me this?"

"You'll see, I have used this machine for a really long time. Running to planets, defeating monsters, saving the Universe, things like that. But, on my last trips, I was alone. My companion… left. I didn't have any wishes to continue to live like that."


"Until today. Thanks to you I feel great again."

"Really?" Derpy blushed. "I just throw a muffin."

"You did more than that. You accompanied me. You brought me back something I was missing. Joy."

"What are you telling me is that you…?"

"What I'm telling you, it's that I want to explore the universe again. To travel back in time, travel forward to the future, explore new planets, new constellations, leave this clock tower!"

"Oh, I guess that sound cool. Yeah." Derpy said sadly. "I hope you get fun."

"I hope we got fun!"

"What? Really?"

"Yes. Derpy, do you want to go with me and travel in the TARDIS?"

"Oh my gosh! Of course!"

"That's the spirit!"

"Where we are going?"

"To be honest Derpy, I've got no idea where we are going. Allons-y"

The Doctor pressed a button on the console, and the column was moving. The TARDIS has started.

6 July 1002, C.E., 2:40 pm, Inside the Clock Tower.

Twilight entered the Clock Tower. She hoped she can find Derpy and the mysterious Doctor there. When she couldn't find them, she noticed a room on the back.

"Derpy, are you here? Derpy?"


Twilight gasp as she saw a blue box disappearing in front of her eyes.

"What?! The box?! Derpy?! Time Turner?! Doctor?!"

6 July 1002, C.E., 7:00 pm, Zecora hut.

"And then the box disappeared in front of me. I looked over all the building but I didn't found her. I went to her house but she wasn't there. I looked over Ponyville but I couldn't find her nor the Time Turner. This day can't be crazier." Twilight said to Zecora.

"When you'll rest your mind, the Doctor and Derpy you'll find."

"Can you please talk without rhymes?"

"It will be done, but will not be fun. So, I guess you want to see if my magic can find them, right?"

"Yes, please."

"Let me do something over here…" She puts some herbs in the cauldron and tried some spells. "I'm sorry, but they are not in this moment."

"What do you mean?"

"They aren't in Equestria, the Changeling Kingdom, The Griffon Kingdom, They are not even in Gaia, they are not in this moment of time. I'm sorry."

"That's bad."

"Maybe my spells can tell us more about that Doctor. Maybe that could help us to find them."

"That's an excellent idea. Let's do that."

As soon as Zecora was putting her herbs and finished her spell, the cauldron started to violently shake.

"I don't like how this look, Twilight."

"Me neither."

Suddenly, a big smoke came out from the cauldron, and it starts to show images of violence, explosions, monsters, and events that neither Zecora or Twilight couldn't explain.

"Shoot him! It's an order!"
"Destroy that place. Nopony should survive."
"We are not draining her love, we are draining her magic!"
"You foals can't stop me."
"This is the beginning of the Changeling Empire!"
"If you want to live, don't blink!"
"Anyone who moves will be killed instantly!"
"I shall become a new god!"
"Stop it Now! Please!"
"You will be upgraded!"

"What are those things?" Twilight screamed with fear. Suddenly, the smoke showed a new image, this one contains a voice that Twilight recognized.

"I'm sorry, but my plans for today don't include to be exterminated. Too bad."
"Maybe it's not like you though she was, but she is still the Princess."
"No one will die today. Everypony lives!"
"You don't want me as an enemy, there are a lot of species who think like that."
"Maybe I look older, but trust me, actually I'm younger"
"Bring down the wall!"
"Woodstock, great."
"Nobody will hurt you, I'll promise you that."
"This war ends today."
"You are one of the funniest people and ponies I've ever met Derpy."

"Who are you?" Twilight whispered to herself.

"Nice to meet you. I'm the Doctor."


Author's Note:

Doctor Who created by Sydney Newman and Verity Lambert. The Tenth Doctor created by Russell Davies and David Tennant. Owned by BBC.

My Little Pony created by Bonnie Zacherle. Friendship is Magic developed by Lauren Faust. Owned by The Hub and Hasbro.

'Nedry' Dilophosaurus created by Michael Crichton for Jurassic Park (Newman!). Owned by Universal.