• Published 4th Apr 2012
  • 9,334 Views, 334 Comments

Mixing Relationships - Aryn240

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Shipping; OC characters. Music contest

  • ...

Chapter 12: Epilogue

Chapter 12: Epilogue


“Ugh... where in Celestia’s name am I...”

Lyrica de Crescendo froze as she rolled over. Truly; where was she? This wasn’t her bedroom...

The blue unicorn flopped over again to see that she was laying on her couch, in the main room of her apartment. Her coffee table was a mess, and there were empty cartons of ice cream everywhere. The carefully stacked magazines she usually kept stacked there were tossed against the wall in a heap.

Wait. What were the ice cream containers doing there? Lyrica considered them carefully. There was a dirty spoon next to them; a casserole spoon, larger than a regular-size utensil. She glanced down at herself to see ice cream stains on her coat. She must have eaten all this ice cream last night-

Last night.

Last night.

With the force of a cyclone, the memories of the previous night came flooding back to her. Lyrica collapsed back into a huddle on the couch, and cried. She cried for her failure, she cried for her humiliation, she cried for her love, her-

Her love?

No. Her hate. Her loathing. She cried harder, remembering the wretched discovery of Vibrant’s treachery. She cried for her own blindness and loneliness. Here she was, with no pony to comfort her. It had been her and Vibrant against the world; she had turned everypony else away, ridiculed them, exposed their flaws and their inadequacy, and took pleasure in their pain. She hadn’t needed them; she had a coltfriend. She was rich, and talented, and no pony else was as good as her.

But then her carefully-laid world had crumbled. Her relationship with Vibrant became more forced as time went on, more focused on baiting and arguing than on themselves. Perhaps he had been like that all along; perhaps Lyrica had just been too blind to see it. It had started with meeting Octavia and her fillyfriend in the restaurant, and escalated all the way up until last night, where, after being forcibly ejected from the festival, the mare had reached the end of her rope with the stallion. Standing in the snow outside in the street, with no pony else around, she had said,

“I can’t believe they threw us out like that! How could they not see that we were the best?”

“I don’t know, Lyrica. Maybe it was your insane ranting, your cursing, or your complete lack of tact.”

“Shut up, Vibrant! Why didn’t you help me?”

“You didn’t need any help acting the fool!”

“And you the coward!”

“Did you see that chef? He was twice my size!”

“In more ways than one, I’m sure!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Lyrica stopped herself and felt that she was approaching the edge of hysteria. “Celestia, Vibrant, what happened? To us?”

“What the bucking hell are you talking about?”

“No! Don’t talk like that. You used to be different, you used to be less angry, less harsh. What happened?”

Vibrant chuckled without humor. “I’m quite the actor.”

Lyrica felt the first rays of actual doubt creep into her. She had been an actor herself, earlier, to retain her dignity by berating Vibrant in front of the crowd, but she had assumed all along what Fancy Pants had said to be false.

“What.... What are you saying?”

“Damn, Lyrica! Are you this dense?”

Anger. “I’m not dense! I’m trying to save a relationship!”

The white stallion grinned, again without humor. “Relationship? Oh, Lyrica. This was a mutual partnership; something of use to both of us. You got a strong, handsome protector, to help you in your asinine plans, and to help you make your song. I got... well, my pleasures.”

Lyrica’s body was numb, and not from the cold of the snow still collecting around her. She felt the black hole inside her, the last solid facet of life crumbling. The night could not get any worse.

At last, she managed to talk. “You... you used me?”

Vibrant looked incredulous. “Seriously? After you spent all of our time together bossing me around? Calling me a foal? Insulting me when I couldn’t do things fast enough, or well enough?”

“But... That wasn’t all of the time...”

“It was close enough.” The stallion considered her, then, as an afterthought, added, “Don’t worry. You weren’t the only one.”

That was it. That was confirmation. “...Fancy Pants was telling the truth? Earlier?”

Vibrant made a face like he had tasted something unpleasant. “That foal? Damn him. And those irritating fillyfoolers... You hated them, too.”

“But were they telling the truth?”

Vibrant turned and began to walk away from her, down the snowy street. “I’ll tell you what, Lyrica. You go your way, and I’ll go mine.”

Lyrica gasped, and shouted after him. “You cowardly little lowlife piece of SCUM!”

No response.

No response.


The night after that was blurred by her misery. Lyrica had always been harsh to Vibrant, and he back, but she had always believed him to be true to her underneath. Now he was gone, and so was everything else in her world.

The pianist turned over on the couch again, away from the ice cream containers and the heartache. She faced into the cushions.

A short time passed. Gradually, Lyrica cried herself out, and her spell passed. Vibrant’s influence began to diminish as her self-esteem raised a tiny bit. It was as if her body was tired of being miserable, and had decided to regard the stallion’s dishonesty as unimportant.

Raising her head, she glanced around, and gathered her resolve. Getting to her hooves, she used her magic to carry all of the containers to the trash. As an afterthought, she threw out the spoon, as well. She restacked the magazines, and was trotting out of the room to clean herself up when her piano caught her eye. She quickly washed her coat off, then returned to the room. Eyeing the piano, she crossed to it, and, using her magic, picked out a few chords. The sound encouraged her, and she played a little more. She began to improvise a quick song, a quick, aggressive song, that channeled her feeling. She was free, she was herself again, she had the power to do whatever she wished, she didn’t need him, she didn’t-

A noise came from the small box by her door. Lyrica glanced over to see the intercom on; it was one of the ponies working on the bottom floor of her apartment building.

“Miss de Crescendo?”

The blue mare scrambled to reach the intercom, almost falling. “Y-Yes?”

“There’s a unicorn down here to see you. Wants to know about piano lessons, or something.”

Lyrica glanced around, her mind whirling. She didn’t usually do lessons, but she needed something, something to raise her confidence. The money would come in handy, and it was something to occupy her time, since she no longer-

She choked back another flow of emotion. No. She didn’t need that. Besides, maybe the client would be a handsome stallion. No need to think about anything else.

“Send them up, please.”

“Yes, m’am.”

The pianist released the intercom button, smiling to herself. See? Things were already looking up. She glanced around the room, making sure everything was in order. It was close enough.

Then her eyes happened upon a mirror. Oh, Celestia... Her mane! It was atrocious, and that client was coming! Hurriedly, she snatched up a brush from across the room with her magic, galloped to the mirror, and began brushing furiously. She heard the sound of approaching hooves, and brushed faster.

A knock. Lyrica glanced around desperately. “Hold on, please!”

The knocking stopped, and the unicorn heard a quiet, high voice from outside, with a bit of fear. “Oh, I’m sorry, Miss de Crescendo! I didn’t mean to disturb...”

The blue mare stopped brushing, and lowered it slowly. That voice...

Hearing no reply from the other side, the voice continued. “Um, Fancy Pants recommended you. I wanted to learn piano, to help with some of my music. I told him that you looked really uptight and that you might be upset with me, but he said that he didn’t think you were yourself, and that you were really a very good pianist, and-” The voice cut off, cognizant of what it had just said. Quieter: “Oh, Celestia! Now I’ve blown it...”

Lyrica, all thoughts of her mane banished, approached the door slowly. She knew she should check the peephole, but her magic seemed to turn the knob of its own accord.

The door opened to reveal a dark green unicorn with a black jacket and gray eyes. She looked timidly at the pianist, who looked back in utter confusion. Is she here to laugh at me? To rub her victory in my face? Lyrica prepared for the worst.

Evie hesitantly extended a hoof. “I don’t know if you remember me, but my name is Evie Stelar. I heard your song after you, um, left last night, and I admired your playing. Could you teach me to play like you?”

The blue mare was dumbfounded. She opened her mouth to respond, but couldn’t say anything. She tried again, but still nothing came out. Helpless, she gestured with a hoof for Evie to come in. The green unicorn trotted in cautiously, then turned back to Lyrica, her eyes lighting up.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Using her magic, she pulled out a small purse from a pocket in her jacket. “I have money in here, to pay you for lessons. I got a lot for the, uh, record contract-” she gulped fearfully at having mentioned the festival again- “and, um, I can pay you well.” In her nervousness, she opened the purse the wrong way, and a few bits fell out, along with a scrap of paper.

Mechanically, Lyrica helped her pick up her things, still not trusting herself to say anything. She had no idea of how to act in this situation. Her magic found the piece of paper, and unconsciously, she brought it up to her face.

It was a picture of a fairly large stallion, with the same gray eyes as Evie, and a coat a slightly darker shade of green. His mane was a very, very dark orange.

Seeing Lyrica inspecting the picture, Evie rushed to explain. “Oh! That’s my older brother. He’s a guitar player. I have his picture, and he has mine.”

The blue mare liked what she saw. She finally found her voice.

“Evie, dear, I would be quite happy to give you piano lessons. Come along here, we’ll discuss your music and what you would like to learn.”

The green unicorn, evidently feeling better now that Lyrica was talking, smiled tentatively and went to sit on the couch. The pianist turned.

Things are looking up, she thought as she closed the door.

*** *** ***

Across Manehattan, another door closed. This was the door to Vinyl Scratch’s flat, and it closed behind herself and Octavia as they entered.

The pair, after the end of the festival (and a large number of further drinks), had returned to Octavia’s flat, radiantly happy. They had stayed the night there, and awoken late in the morning. After a breakfast of French toast (so reminiscent of all that time ago, when Vinyl had threatened to eat the cello), the grey mare had uttered a few dreaded words:

“Well, I suppose we had better get over and attempt to clean up your flat...”

Vinyl had nearly choked on her breakfast. “What? But we won five hundred bits! Let’s just hire somepony!”

Octavia shook her head good-naturedly. “Let’s save that money, for now. At the very least, let’s go over and have a look at how bad it is, hmm?”

“Do we have to?”

“You know the answer to that question as well as I do.”

The DJ swallowed her last bite and gave up. “Alright, fine. Let’s go see it again.”

“Come on.” The grey mare had pecked her on the cheek and made ready to go.

And now they were standing in the entrance hall, looking down it into the living room. The mess already looked bad, and they could only see a few feet of it.

Vinyl tapped her companion. “Quick! If we leave now, we don’t have to look at any more of it!”

“Now, now, it’s not.... that... bad... oh, my. Is that the lamp you used to hit Vibrant?”

The white unicorn looked, and then nodded, grinning. “Uh-huh! That was a good shot!”

“That it was! It’s also a fine mess, however...” The grey mare trotted further down the hall and kicked a piece of the lamp with a hoof. It skittered off into a corner of the room.

The room truly was a wreck. Not many things were unbroken, and the shattered pieces of everything else were scattered over every possible surface.

The DJ followed her companion in and glanced at the wreckage. Deciding to disregard it, she climbed over it to reach her refrigerator across the room. Once there, she opened it with her magic and inspected the contents, finally selecting the same carton of milk she had drunk from the night of the fight. She finished it off, and then turned to the trash can. Realizing there was no point, she glanced at the state of the room, and tossed the carton haphazardly in the center.


“What? What?”

“The room’s bad enough without you tossing garbage around it!”

“Awww, come on. It doesn’t even make a difference.”

Octavia sighed, and crossed the room carefully to her. She looked around, and shook her head.

“Vinyl, you know....”


“You may be right. We’re never going to get this cleaned up; it looks like somepony tossed a bomb in the window.”

“Oh! Oh! Let’s go back to your place, then!”

“Why would you say that? Are you admitting that mine is superior?”

“No! Never! Maybe!”

The cellist laughed. “My flat is neater. Therefore, it is better. If only it was larger...”

Vinyl stuck her tongue out. “Mine has me in it, so now it’s better.”

Octavia looked at her and rolled her eyes. “Oh, very mature.”

“Yeah, yeah. Know what else isn’t mature?”


This!” Without further warning, the DJ leapt at the grey mare, catching her around the middle and tickling her.

“What? No! (heh) Vinyl!” The cellist backed up, with the unicorn following her, pressing the attack.

Suddenly, Octavia tripped on an overturned table and fell backwards, landing on her back with her hooves in the air. Vinyl fell as well, and landed on top of her.

They froze. Deja vu was prevalent.

“Hey, Tavi?”

“...Yes, Vinyl?”

“Do you remember a few weeks ago? When we were on the way to that concert, and fell over in the snow, just like this?”

Octavia’s heart soared at the memory. “Yes, yes, I do. That was quite... pleasant.”

“You know what?”


“If we were outside, there would be so much snow in your face.”

The cellist groaned and rolled over, knocking the DJ off. “Honestly? That’s all you came up with?”

Vinyl giggled and poked her. “Come on, Tavi. You know I love you!”

“Ugh. Anyway, about your flat... You can’t stay here. This is deplorable.”

“That’s okay by me! I’ll stay with you some more.” The DJ winked at her.

“Well, I suppose, since we’re all over Manehattan publicly, it couldn’t hurt to-” Octavia stopped.

“‘Hurt to’ what?”

The cellist didn’t respond at first. She stared out a window, clearly reaching a revelation. Vinyl waited.

Suddenly, the earth pony snapped back to earth. “Vinyl! How difficult is it to move the recording things you have in the back?”

The DJ laughed. “Well, since I never really screwed em down, not hard at all. But why?”

“Don’t you see?”

“See what?”

“We won five hundred bits. We both make a fairly steady income, and we have an equipment makeover waiting for us!”


“So that’s it! We’re already public, we’re in love, let’s move in together! Let’s get a new flat, together! We can sell this one cheap, as it is. Let somepony else clean it up. Mine will go for a little more, and we can save that. ”

Vinyl’s brow furrowed as she considered this. It wasn’t something she had ever thought of; it had always seemed to her like they’d continue in their way forever. This was a change.

“So... Live together? All the time?”

“Yes!” Octavia’s eyes were bright. Vinyl could see her planning it all out in her head. “We’ll go shopping for a bigger, better apartment! Pay for it with the prize money! We’ll set up the recording equipment there, and make it better with the makeover we won!” She sat down amid the chaos in the room and grabbed the DJ’s forehooves in her own. “Do you see? No pony cares if we live together any longer! We have the world in our hooves!”

Vinyl was starting to see it. She sat down as well, and grinned. “And we can get a huge, king sized bed, and sleep all day if we want to, and then we can get up, and you can make breakfast-”

The cellist gave her a look. The unicorn laughed, blushed, and started over.

“-I mean, we can make breakfast, and then we can play music over our new sound system, and...” She trailed off, thinking of it.

They sat like that for a time, happy in each other’s company, thinking of the future.

*** *** ***

Tavi! Tavi! Did you see this?

“Hold on, Vinyl! Come out here!”

A week had passed. The pair, acting on their plan, had been from apartment building to apartment building, looking for their ideal place. They hadn’t found anything perfect... until now.

They had already been to two other buildings that day, and found them somewhat lacking. Now, they were in a large-scale, fairly high-class apartment building, for their last planned visit of the day. They had been shown to a vacant flat on the top floor, and been left alone to inspect it (a bad idea with Vinyl, but the owners didn’t know that, yet).

The apartment was wonderful, with everything they needed: a large living room, a kitchen for Octavia (correction: Octavia and Vinyl) to cook in, a spacious master bedroom with a plush, king-sized bed, and two sizable guest bedrooms, perfect for setting up their recording equipment. The price was hefty- (a little more than the previous apartments)- but the cellist knew they could make it work.

The apartment was, after all, beautiful. But there was one final factor that Octavia wanted to investigate before deciding: the roof.

They had been told when they were shown up that top-floor tenants had the privilege to occupy the roof when they wished. The grey mare badly wanted that all-around view of Manehattan, and so urged Vinyl to come out of the apartment and into the hall so they could go up.

“Come on!”

“Wait, did you see this? Look!”

Grudgingly, the cellist poked her head back into the apartment to see the DJ playing with the drapes in the room. They were remote controlled, and raised and lowered on their own. Vinyl was enchanted with making them go up and down again and again.

Octavia grinned, shaking her head. “Come on, you. Trust me, no matter how many times you press the button, the shades will still go up and down.”

Vinyl made a face at her. “Stop ruining my fun!”

“I’m sorry. Well, not actually, but can we go up on the roof, now?”

“Fine...” The unicorn stuck her nose in the air and strutted past the cellist, pretending to be angry. The earth pony smiled and poked her in the side with a hoof.

Vinyl jumped. “Hey! Tender area!”

Octavia giggled. “Let’s go, you.”

They started down the hall towards the door that led to the roof. None of the other tenants of the floor had been around when they had been shown up to inspect, and none appeared now, but as the pair passed one of the doors, the sound of piano music floated out to them.

Vinyl commented. “That’s not too bad! I wonder who that is.”

The cellist nodded in agreement. “Indeed; we shall have to visit them.”

“So is this it? Are we moving in here?”

“Let’s see how the roof is, first.”

They reached the door at the end, and pushed it open, leaving the (somewhat familiar) piano melody behind. Climbing the stairs beyond, they could feel the cold beginning to assert itself.

“Ugh! When is it going to get warmer? I’m sick of this!”

“Soon, Vinyl.”

As the two emerged on the roof, they were silenced by the breathtaking view. It was late in the evening, and the sun was just finishing setting. All of Manehattan was laid out below them, with a few higher buildings behind them. The street lights were lit, and they could just barely see ponies in the distance on their way home from various places, or perhaps on their way out; whether to dinner or other entertainments. It may have been loud down below, but on the roof, the silence was immaculate.

Without speaking, Vinyl and Tavi trotted to the edge. The snow was light, but as the cellist had just remarked, spring was right around the corner. They watched as the last few slivers of the sun began to sink below the horizon.

Finally, Vinyl broke the silence. “...Tavi?”

“Mmmm?” The cellist moved closer to her paramour, snuggling herself to her.

“Are we going to choose this apartment?”

“I think so. Do you?”

“Yeah. It was great, and this view.. maybe we could just come up here sometimes, and sit? Just like now.”

“Mhm...” The earth pony murmured contentedly. They sat in silence for a little longer.

This time, Octavia broke the quiet. “You know, ponies may think we make quite an odd couple.”

Vinyl looked at her curiously. “Maybe. But would you want us any other way?”

The cellist shook her head immediately. “No. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“And now that we’ll be living together, all the time, we really will be a real couple, won’t we?”

There was no need for an answer, and they both knew it. Octavia kissed Vinyl deeply as the sun vanished completely over the horizon, and darkness fell about the two lovers, who sat in their own light.

*** *** ***


***Author’s (final) note: Going to be a long one, sorry. xD

Dear Celestia, that felt odd to type. After the six or more months I’ve spent working on this, it feels very weird, almost wrong, to end it. But this particular tale is over, and I hope you enjoyed the ending. ^_^

Speaking of the ending... I did not anticipate the flow of sympathy for Lyrica! I had never really considered her too closely, but as I read the comments, I realized that she did get taken advantage of, a little. So I tried to give her a happier ending here. I hope you guys thought it was fair; and I hope that Evie’s final appearance surprised some (if not all) of you. ;)

But overall, happy ending is happy.

A couple of final, closing things:

-If anyone knows what book the quote “You go your way and I’ll go mine” is from, you are my hero. I hope someone out there has read it. :)

-Here’s something.. I’ve already had one person ask if they could make a song, using the fic’s title. My answer is, go for it! If anyone out there is a musician, and wants to try their hoof (hand, sorry) at creating what they thought Vinyl and Tavi’s song (or any of the others!) sounded like, I encourage you to! If you would be so kind as to send me a link, I intend to continually update the end of this note with a list of links, for future readers, so I can add it here. :D

-Last thing from you guys: I can’t tell you how much I love all of you. Being that this was my first serious fanfic, I’m blown away by the amount of support I received for it. Thanks, to all of you. I know several people who have been following and commenting from the beginning, and I love them for it. You guys are the best! <3

That being said, I have one more (tiny!) favor to ask of you. 1)What did you think, and 2)Where should I go next? Send me a message, drop me a comment, email me, whatever you would like, with any comments you have, or any suggestions as to what you want to see next. Should I do Mane 6 stuff? Daring Do? Whatever! :D (I’m open to all suggestions besides clop and grimdark).

And if you don’t want to leave anything, that’s fine, too. I thank you for reading, and for coming along with me for this ride. It’s been a wild one. See you around. :)

Signing out for the last time on Mixing Relationships,

EDIT: First track! By cadeyyz. Link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUVBNw_I_LU&feature=plcp

Comments ( 72 )

sequel possibly?

Immediately stopped reading latest update, immediately see this updated. This story warms my heart more than my bed in the middle of winter (which it actually is here). It seems that Lyrica can redeem herself! (thank Celestia) :pinkiehappy:

Anyways, I've heard that line before, but I can't remember... :applejackunsure:

And indeed happy ending is happy. :pinkiesmile:

The end? Noooooo!!!!!!!!:fluttercry: I guess every good story must come to an end. Please don't taking long writing another!

I think a sequel between Evie and Lyrica would be quite interesting:pinkiehappy: I feel that this series was to good to not atleast take a shot at the sequel, and it has a pretty good setup going into a plot between the two already. :twilightsmile:

It was beautiful I loved it. It sucks that its over but I awesome and as always fabulous :rainbowkiss:

That feel when I recognize the quote, but can't remember where I read it or heard it.

Made the music. Bitch.:derpytongue2:

Evie and Lyrica sequel! Now!:pinkiecrazy:

Loved it. Sad to see such a good TaviScratch end:fluttercry: but as they say "All good things must come to an end.":derpytongue2:
To answer your second question, I wouldn't mind a sequel.:pinkiehappy: There was plenty of stuff that could easily be used to start it or you could just start something different (following the events of this one, though.):scootangel:
Whatever you choose to do I have no doubt it will be good and I am looking forward to it.:pinkiesmile: Keep up the good work.:twilightsmile:

Stunning ending. Everything just... Felt right? Warm fuzzy meant-to-be-this-way feeling.
I'm not a huge Daring Do fan... More Tavi x Scratch would be interesting? I also feel like you could write for Rainbow Dash very well.
But, y'know. I'm just some commentor, what the hells do I know.
Hopefully the community sees something from you soon, but either way.
Thanks for the wonderful tale, and best of luck in whatever you choose to do next.

I agree with my fellow bronies that you should do a sequel staring Lyrica. After all, she is your OC pony so you should flesh her out. That one solitary line about Evie's brother could spark more than a couple of fics. This has been quite an enjoyable read and I would really enjoy seeing you take the next step as an author and make your own character. It's easy to use well known characters because everyone should already have a sense of how the character's supposed to act. It is much harder to write about an original character because you don't have anything to base it off of. But what ever you do, I hope to be able to read some more of your excellent writing in the near future.

-- Derpy Fan 4eva

I too would vote for a sequel focusing on Lyrica, Evie, and possibly even Evie's brother. However, I think it would still have to include Tavi and Scratch, but this time they would be "the other guys" in the story; still there, but not but no longer the primary focus of the story and character development, since their story is more or less done (for now, at least). It also wouldn't have to be a bitter, vicious rivalry between groups like before.

Lyrica could slowly come to terms with Vinyl and Tavi's relationship and being neighbors with them, and reconcile their differences. It is certainly possible for a character to develop and change, but like all good things, it takes time; there's realizing the errors in your ways, and then there's the actual acceptance and effort into turning them around. I could only imagine her reaction when someone begins blasting a certain electro-string combo from the apartment next door.

I like the idea of Evie still being unsure of herself, but willing to experiment in an effort to improve and earn her keep when she's essentially already made it.

And then there's Vibrant. Some people might think he deserves a bit more attention and insight into why he is the way he is, and maybe even a shot at redemption, but the reality is that some guys really are just scumbags to the core and won't ever change no matter what opportunities for self-improvement arise. While they may have been influenced in whole or in part by their past, either by their upbringing or a series of unfortunate circumstances (not every scumbag starts out that way), some folks are just so far gone and resistant to change that it simply could never occur within their lifetimes. Some old habits die hard, but others are taken to the grave (and, in some cases, beyond).

You've already pretty much established the setup for such wacky hijinks to ensue. Perhaps it could culminate in a collaborative album between all five? Evie could even leverage her record deal to help make such a thing happen. It might even sound a bit like this, but then they'd need a violin, too.

Amazing! Followed it all the way through and loved every moment! SEQUEL~!!!

I absolutely LOVED the heck out of this story. I'm saddened a little to see it end:fluttercry:, but all in all, every good thing has to end sooner or later. but I agree, the ending really screams "sequel" to me. maybe what they are in their later years. or even a mane 6 story.

Screw it, I can't type what I wana say..

I just want to see more from you.

I ended up reading all of these yesterday, great timing for that last update. :pinkiehappy:

Great way to end it, and I think you might be able to milk another story or two out of this universe before it gets stale.

Cheers! :moustache:

I was absolutely blown away by the quality of this story. If this is your "first serious fanfic," you really need to write more. :) As for where you should go now, I think a sequel from the viewpoint of Lyrica and Evie would be good. Maybe Lyrica could fall in love with Evie's brother, leading to some awkward comedic moments. Octavia and Vinyl could also have some sections in which they would be highlighted, of course.. Besides, you totally set yourself up for a sequel with the mentioning of the piano.

Now, please excuse me while I read more of your work.

I agree that a sequel is in order. It should be based around Lyrica and maybe a new special somepony? I think it should also have Vinyl and Tavi later on in it where they all make up. Maybe go on a double date? Do I hear musical collaboration?

I realize this sounds a bit cliche but it really would work as another story with Lyrica, and Evie (maybe her brother?) as the main focus. Using Tavi and Vinyl as background? Also we can find out what happened to that pompus plothole Vibrant? LOL and even go as far as a fight between Evie's brother and Vibrant?

How about an origin story for Evie? Or something with her and Lyrica together in they're own story?

Doesn't matter to Haku. Haku had fun with this story, and you should feel awesome for writing it.

Alright, putting this straight up front. I LOVED this fic! The pairing of Vinyl/Tavi is common, but you really made is work! Now, what should you do next? I say make something following the events of this story for Evie, like how her contract goes, and maybe some stuff involving her and tombstone (hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink)! Overall, I would give you a thousand thumbs up, but seeing as I only have two, I give you five!

Thank you for a terrific story :yay:

YES!!! Last chapter!! Aww :fluttershysad: well, it's been an amazing story so I guess it's all for the best... :twilightsmile: Thank you for entertaining me and so many people with this delightful story :)

I think a story for Evie would be good too, but I have a different idea in mind than most of the other comments. Evie strikes me as the nervous type, so I can imagine her going through conflict as she struggles her new life as a contracted musician. Yeah, that type of story isn't exactly new, but I still think there's a lot of potential to see Evie struggle with her new-found stardom.

Evie is off to a good start with her career if she's taking lessons though. A remixer has to be familiar with a lot of instrumental sounds.

Also, yes, I quite enjoyed this story. Then again, I'm a bit of a sucker for Octavia and Vinyl (especially Octavia).

good story, with good sequel potential. perhaps you could work on another relationship fic, but it's entirely up to you.

All i can say is....wow...just wow. That was an amazingly written story my friend. As I've learned from reading much on this site, really well written stories are hard to come by. This story is defiantly on my re-read list. Also to answer your question of where to go next, you've already developed great personalities for the characters in this story, I feel like a sequel is in order. You could throw our musical pony couple into some more adventures (if that's what you would call them). I also think that bringing Lyrica back into the story would be great. I look forward to more stories out of you! :twilightsmile:

Its really sad that it is over now...
Great story with a great ending. Hope you write something new soon :twilightsmile:

Definitely an Evie sequel is called for :raritystarry:
and even if you don't, the last few hours of reading this has earned a watch and fav, can't wait to see more of your stuff :yay:
PS i might take you up on the song, I've needed a mini project to get my lazy procrastinating flank in the studio :scootangel:

A sequel starring lyrica souns good. Although i would like it to contain a very good portion of scratchtavia. Perhaps alternating chapters?

as much as i enjoyed this -and i REALLY enjoyed this- i want to see you handle the mane 6

... Am I the only one that wants to see a good side of Vibrant?
Maybe he did kind of use Lyrica... but I'm really hoping that originally, he actually did like her. That he only started using her when their relationship started to go sour... that and perhaps he's had bad experiences with mare's in the past?
For all the darkness in a character, there is also its light to explore... and for the light in a character, they have their darkness.
I would completely and utterly love Lyrica and Vibrant being fleshed out a whole lot. I doubt they'll end up together but I still think that can be friends and music partners. Maybe they'll even become friends/music partners with Vinyl and Octavia...

Heh, you brought the whole 'eating the cello' thing back. I loved that bit. :twilightsmile:

Arghh! It's Allegrezza all over again! The brilliant Octascratch fic that made me feel happy and now the conclusion...why must all good things come to an end?

maybe a sequel? :yay:
Lunar Justice


Any way keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to your next story. Now back to work on my stories.


Perfect ending and I can see that you really grew as a writer during this.
When I first started reading this I though it lacked a certain flair to stand out among the other scratchtavia fics but after the beginning parts it become obviously that you felt more confident in your story and your characters and the story really came to life then and it transformed into one of my favorite fics! While unsure to begin with you were later able to grasp the essence of each character and their dynamic with others. Not to mention that all your comedy parts are very funny
But also damn it you made me feel bad for Lyrica even after all she did (I love characters that you can hate but then you find out why they're so messed up)
Also I was unsure about that Evie character at first but you wrapped it up nicely and I wouldn't mind a story about her past (or future) to get a better understanding.
As I said above the dynamic improved especially between Vinyl and Octavia so much that I could believe in how they are really a meant to be couple who are hinder by both their own doubts and the doubts of society so it was so awesome that they finally at the end could be able push through it all and live properly as partners with no secrecy needed.
(Hope this is coherent enough I'm using my ipod to type this :pinkiesmile:)
So I'll be looking forward to your next story!

I'll leave suggestions on what next up to other people. But I'll tell you, you definitely need to write more, you're great at it!

Aww it's the end :fluttercry: This is the first scratchtavia fic I've read and I have to say it's awesome :rainbowkiss: I'm hoping there's a sequel :trollestia:

I would like to see a fic about Lyrica trying to fix her life. It seems like there are a ton of places you could go with that, and I'm a sucker for redemption fics.

Very good, :pinkiehappy: but has my heart been hardened by all these fics? Why do they fail to move me like they should?:raritydespair: Does anypony else here listen to music while reading these fics? Maybe that has something to do with it. But anyway, very good fic, and keep up the good work!:twilightsmile:

Hnnngh! So... much... d'awww! So glad to see Lyrica getting back on her hooves and growing as a pony. Some lessons are hard to learn. Very compelling, whatever you do next, I feel confident you'll do it well. Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

I was SO waiting to see the moment they were to meet with Lyrica :p

Still I'm pretty positive they'll make up and stuff.

I loved this fanfic, the feelings seemed more genuine than other fics I've been reading (you know, when octavia sounds just too uptight and Vinyl too noisy and messy). Octavia is more on sofisticated, indeed, but shall not be a pain in the flank... so well done with that.

I seriously hope for more Octascratch, or maybe some LyraBon too... I like thurmoil around love stories.

So I'll put you under watch... make another good story and there may be fanart for you :)

FYI: my shit. http://taliesin-the-dragoon.deviantart.com/

I DO draw fanart of fics I love. I loved this one but I already drew some octascratch... so... :p

So yeah... You could make a sequel (because honestly, I would love to read more about Evie, and I guess Lyrica has some potential for exploring too. Especially now that they will be neighbors (?). And honestly, the more VinylTavia to go around the happier I will be! :twilightsmile:) Or, if you feel tired of the characters, I would kind of like to see your take on the other popular fanon pairing; Lyra and BonBon!
...or you can do whatever you like really. Personally, I feel that mane 6 has been done in every single way possible, and are really restricted by already being so developed in canon, but I'm sure you could still make something cool out of it! The most important part is that you are excited about what you're writing after all!

I know she's the antagonist but thanks for giving Lyrica a happy ending. :fluttercry::twilightblush::twilightsmile:

Oh yeah, and sequel, please!:twilightblush:

I think you should whatever you feel like writing.

Then perhpas the avenue for a sequal is always open, and welcome. :twilightsmile:


First, to Mynn_Yero: Chapter 1? Aww, yeah. I know. I keep meaning to go back and edit that one, again. No matter how many times I go through it, more errors always show up. Sorry. :twilightblush: Hope the rest of the fic was a little better... :scootangel:

And to DaMagiks: Thank you for pointing that out! You're absolutely correct, I did feel more confident as time went on. I go back to chapters 1 and 2 now and go "Wow. Did I actually write that?" xD But thanks for being a constant reader, and thanks for ALWAYS being awesome and polite in your comments. It means a lot. :twilightsmile:

This story is DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!!:twilightsmile:

805378 Don't sweat it! It was awsome!

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