• Published 20th May 2014
  • 4,579 Views, 14 Comments

It's Morphin' Time - Dat Dash

Discord enters the Power Rangers' universe and partners with Lord Zedd, and it's up to the mane six and the Power Rangers to stop them, before they destroy the Earth. (I OWN NOTHING. PONIES OWNED BY HASBRO, POWER RANGERS OWNED BY SABAN.)

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This was a crossover fic I wrote for a Creative Writing assignment.

That said, enjoy!

The Command Center, a high-tech facility out in the desert near the city of Angel Grove, California, could be described as the safest place in the world. No one could access it without being a legendary warrior called a Power Ranger, warriors that could morph into costumed heroes who, in a pinch, could summon giant robots called Zords, and combine them into an even bigger robot called the Megazord. There were currently six Power Rangers, and they were currently inside the Command Center.

“Rangers,” said Zordon, an interdimensional being trapped in a time warp, who had chosen the Rangers to fight Rita Repulsa, an evil witch bent on conquering Earth, “Our sensors are picking up an interdimensional disturbance just outside the Command Center. I want you to--” Before he could get any further, however, what sounded and felt like a meteorite crash shook the Command Center, confusing all inside.

“Ay-yi-yi-yi!!” exclaimed Alpha 5, Zordon’s robotic assistant, “What was that?”

“Sounded like a meteorite impact,” said Billy Cranston, the Blue Triceratops Ranger and the most intelligent of the Rangers.

“A what?” asked Zachary Taylor, the Black Mastodon Ranger and a talented breakdancer.

“Space rock,” said Trini Kwan, the Yellow Sabertooth Tiger Ranger who had the knowledge to translate Billy’s technobabble.

“Space rock?” asked Kimberly Ann Hart, the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger and an excellent gymnast, “Why hasn’t the Command Center been destroyed?”

“Maybe it’s not a space rock,” suggested Tommy Oliver, the White Tiger Ranger and a martial artist.

“That’s correct, Tommy,” said Zordon, “An object did indeed crash a mile south of here, or rather, six objects. And the strange thing is, we’re getting life signs from them.”

“What are we waiting for, you guys?” asked Jason Lee Scott, the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger and a martial artist like Tommy, “Let’s check it out!”

“OK!” said the rest of the Rangers, and they left the Command Center, and headed south.

“Shouldn’t be too far now,” said Billy after an hour.

And Billy was right. In front of them was a crater the size of a pickup truck, but they never expected to find what they did inside. Six strange creatures, each one a different color, were lying unconscious inside the crater.

Billy examined the creatures.

“They appear to be equine in physiology,” he said, “yet there are also some humanoid features.”

“Trini?” asked Jason. “What’s he saying?”

“They look like horses, but they also look slightly human,” she responded.

“Three of them have wings!” noticed Zack.

“And two have horns!” observed Kimberly.

“One even has both!” said Tommy.

“But I didn’t know horses came in a variety of colors,” said Jason.

“Nor did I know that they had symbols on their flanks,” said Kimberly.

“They look hurt,” observed Billy, “We should get them back to the Command Center.”

“Right!” said everyone else. And they headed back to the Command Center, each one carrying one of the creatures.

Once inside, Zordon said, “Well, Rangers, what did you find?” Then he noticed the Rangers were carrying the creatures. The look on Zordon’s face was a shock to the Rangers. They had never seen Zordon look even slightly confused, let alone shocked.

“These creatures…” said Zordon, “They are familiar to me, but I don’t know how. Alpha, pull up the database on creatures from other dimensions.”

“Right away, Zordon,” said Alpha, as he worked the controls. He paused for a moment, then said, “Zordon, these creatures would appear to be… Equestrian.”

“Equestrian?” asked Billy, for even he wasn’t as versed in other dimensions as Zordon and Alpha were, smart as he was.

“They come from the land of Equestria, which lies in another dimension,” explained Zordon, “The ponies of Equestria have achieved a level of harmony and peace unparalleled throughout the multiverse. If they have been sent to our dimension, it must be for a reason.”

“Alpha, can you revive them?” asked Jason.

“Yes I can, as a matter of fact,” replied Alpha. “I’ll get started on it immediately!” And Alpha took the creatures to the sick bay.

“Good,” said Zordon, “These ponies must be of some importance, if they have been sent to our reality.”

Twilight Sparkle woke up in a place she didn’t recognize. It looked vaguely like a hospital room, but more advanced.

“My inter-dimensional teleportation spell must have worked,” she said to herself. She got off the cot, and began walking down the hall. When she got to the end of the hall, she heard familiar voices talking to unfamiliar ones.

“Now, ah know y’all are good people and all,” said Applejack, “but ah just don’t see ya as superheroes. Ya don’t look like superhero material.”

“I know we may not look it, but we are!” said a male voice. “You’ve got to believe us!”

“Oh, sure,” mocked Rainbow Dash, “and you also have magic belt buckles that can turn you into superheroes! And who is this ‘Zordon’ guy you keep talking about?”

The moment Rainbow Dash said “Zordon,” Twilight was astonished. How could somepony like her possibly know about the wizard from another dimension who made the Elements of Harmony? Twilight opened the door, and saw that her friends were arguing with six humans, each dressed in a different color.

“Twilight!” said Pinkie Pie, “You’re finally awake!”

“You must be Twilight Sparkle,” said the human wearing white, “We’ve heard so much about you. Name’s Tommy. Tommy Oliver.” He held out his hand, and Twilight shook it.

“I’m Jason,” said the human in red, whom Twilight also shook hands with.

“Name’s Zack,” said the black-clad human, who gave Twilight a hoof-bump (or a fist-bump, as humans called it).

“I am Billy,” said the human clothed in blue, who gave Twilight a somewhat weak handshake. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“I’m Trini,” said the human wearing yellow, whose handshake was somewhat stronger than Billy’s, but weaker than Jason’s or Tommy’s.

“And I’m Kimberly,” said the human dressed in pink, who gave a very weak handshake.

“Pleasure to meet you all,” said Twilight. “Girls, I’m sure we all know why were here. Right?”

“Um, not really,” said Fluttershy.

“You didn’t really tell us, darling,” said Rarity.

“Fine, then. I’ll explain. A thousand years ago, in Equestrian time, Equestria was ruled by a draconequus named Discord. Discord is our universe’s embodiment of chaos. His rule spread nothing but disorder throughout the land. Then, he was imprisoned in stone by two young alicorns, named Celestia and Luna, who would go on to rule Equestria. But a millenium later, he escaped his stone prison, and now he has fled to this universe. I believe he has taken refuge in a palace on your moon, which, if I am not mistaken, is inhabited by a vile being known as Zedd. Celestia, my mentor, has sent us to assist you in defeating their combined assault on Earth. Yes,” she added to the humans, “I know all about the Morphing Grid, Zords, and that sort of thing. I even know that you’re the Power Rangers of this world.”

“Well, if they’re what you call ‘Power Rangers,’” said Rainbow Dash, “then why don’t they prove it?”

“Fine, then,” said Tommy, “IT’S MORPHIN TIME!!”

And they pulled out strange devices from their belts.

“TIGERZORD!!” said Tommy.

“MASTODON!!” said Zack.

“PTERODACTYL!!” said Kimberly.

“TRICERATOPS!!” said Billy.

“SABERTOOTH TIGER!!” said Trini.

“TYRANNOSAURUS!!” said Jason.

What happened next astonished everypony but Twilight. The humans were now clad in color-coded helmets and suits, the same colors as their normal clothes, and the helmets resembled the animals they had named in the roll call.

“So ya are superheroes,” said Applejack.

“There is no time for debate, my little ponies,” said a voice from behind them. The voice came from a disembodied head floating in a tube filled with an unknown blue liquid.

“Who are you?” demanded Rainbow Dash.

“You…” said Twilight, not believing her eyes, “you must be… Zordon of Eltar!”

“That is correct, Twilight,” he replied.

“But who is he!?!” demanded Rainbow Dash, increasingly irritated by not knowing anything about this Zordon character.

“He visited Equestria twelve hundred years ago,” Twilight explained, “and was the creator of the Elements of Harmony. I believe the technology and power behind the Elements are similar to that of the Rangers’ transformation devices, which are called Power Morphers.”

“Correct again,” replied Zordon, “I was astonished at the levels of harmony your race had achieved, yet I knew that it would not last. So I created the Elements of Harmony using what I had learned about the Power Morphers. I designed them so that only those whose hearts are pure could wield them effectively.”

“But what do ya have to do with these Rangers?” asked Applejack.

“Simple. I am their mentor and guide,” Zordon said.

“Well, now we know why we’re here,” said Rarity, “but what, other than Discord, are we up against?”

“I am glad you asked,” said Zordon, “Lord Zedd is a being from another planet, who seeks to conquer the Earth. If his evil is combined with Discord’s power, it could spell disaster for the Earth.”

“Well, everyone, what are we waiting for?” said Twilight, “Let’s go get ‘em!”

“Right!” said the Rangers and the other ponies, and they dashed out of the Command Center.

“May the Power protect you all,” said Zordon as they left.