• Published 21st May 2014
  • 4,469 Views, 608 Comments

The Monster Below: Nightfall - Greenback

When Chrysalis begin a campaign to destroy Equestria from within, an Earth pony struggles to protect his family by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences

  • ...

The Assault

With Genesis' engines running at maximum power, the city crosses into Equestria in record time as it races towards Saddle Lanka. I spend much of the journey working to help Beakbreaker any way I can. While still in the grip of deep sadness, she throws herself into her work with abandon, doing everything she can to help TechInc's engineers with their work on implementing artificial limbs with flesh. But I'm not always needed, leaving me free to walk about at my leisure. And now I'm in the weapons division testing room, watching as two leg-mounted blasters are readied for testing.

“Gotten into a hooffight with an enemy?" The supervisor asks as he presses a button. With a bang, the blasters punch huge holes in the center of two wooden targets.

“Seems like overkill,” I say.

“Perhaps... but you'd rather have these with you and not need them, than to be stuck in a fight without a way to end it quickly." The supervisor points to my head. “Especially if you're fighting someone who can cast magic.”

I nod; can't argue against that logic.

“These are the first completed units; would you like to have the honor of being the first to wield them? We can install them onto your armor in just a few minutes.”

Should I? The supervisor does have a point: Ending a fight quickly by playing dirty makes more sense than losing one in a fair fight.

“All right. My suit's in the upper penthouse in the Monolith.”

The supervisor nods, pleased. “I'll have a team get right on it." He's interrupted by a ringing phone and answers it. “Yes? Uh huh... I see. Yes, he's here... Yes, I'll let him know." He hangs up. “That was the Situation Room in the Monolith. They want you up there.”

We must be nearing the end of our journey. Nodding farewell to the supervisor, I take my leave.


It takes me several minutes to reach the Situation Room. Where it was crowded with dozens of ponies during the mission to the zebra homeland, only a few operators man the control panels. Glasseye, Stonehoof, and Onyx Shield stand next to a giant, armored window that shows all of Genesis below us, and a view of the sky beyond.

“You wanted to see me?” I ask Glasseye.

“We're coming up on Saddle Lanka and figured you might be a bit homesick." Glasseye moves away from the window, giving me a clear view of the tiny mountains below. The lights at Saddle Lanka are barely-visible specks from this high up.

“Have we heard from Canterlot's representatives?” I ask.

“They're en-route. We've already got a fleet of transport ships being prepped to ferry those crystals away. Saddle Lanka hasn't been informed, though. All very hush-hush.”

I nod. “If you'll excuse me, I'll let my parents know I'm coming." Going to the master control panel, I take the phone, boost the power levels for the transmission tower, and dial a familiar number. The phone rings several times before it's answered.


“Mom? It's me, Silverspeak.”

“Oh, Silverspeak! It's so good to hear from you!”

“Same here. Listen, Mom, are you and Dad all packed?”

“Of course, dear. We're all ready for the trip.”

“Good. I'll be down to see you in an hour or so." I'm about to hang up when I remember something. “Oh, Mom? Just for safety's sake, what's the password?”

“Password? Oh... it's... it's, uhhh... well, it slips my mind at the moment.”

Ice water floods my veins.

“We've been packing all day, you see. So much to get ready. Really puts a tax on the mind, you know.”

“Oh... yes, I understand." Okay, don't panic, Silverspeak. Maybe she is tired, especially if she and Dad have been going through all their prized possessions in search of what to take. But I can't hang up: there has to be a way to... Wait! I know!

“Oh, Mom? Has Quiverquill come over yet?”

“Not yet, but he did warn us he'd be a little late.”

“Oh... Well, okay. I'll see you all soon.”

“We can't wait to see you, too!”

I shove the phone back to the receiver and run to the window. “Glasseye!”

“Silverspeak? What's-”

“We have to get to Saddle Lanka right now!”

“What do you-”

“I just talked to someone who sounded like my mother, but it wasn't her!”

Every set of eyes turns to me.

“I asked her if Quiverquill has come over yet and she said he hasn't... Glasseye, Quiverquill's my great grandfather! He's been dead for two centuries!”

The room goes silent, but only for a moment.

“Onyx Shield, contact the military,” Glasseye says. “Tell them Saddle Lanka has been invaded by changelings. If they ask how we know, Luna's emissary confirmed that his parents aren't themselves.”

I shake my head as Onyx shield runs to a nearby console. “Glasseye, it'll take too long for the military to arrive! We need to get down there, now!”

“We don't have an army, Silverspeak, only a security force. They're not trained for this type of combat.”

“If the changelings steal even one of the crystals down there, they'll turn it against us! Our plan to stop them will be ruined!”

Glasseye weighs his options and realizes I'm right. “I'll do what I can." He turns to Stonehoof. “My dear, I want you to go with Silverspeak.”

Stonehoof shakes her head. “I stay here and protect you.”

“I'll be fine. We'll need everyone we can spare on the ground, and you're trained in combat. You can do more good down there than up here.”

She's not happy, but Stonehoof nods. “Very well.”

I grab the phone and dial a number. “Gusty!”

“Yeah, Boss?”

“Get the Raven going! Changelings have invaded Saddle Lanka and we're going in!”

“Wait, what?”

“Do it! Meet me at the Monolith as soon as you can!" I slam the phone down and turn to Glasseye. “Have your guards meet me on the helipad!" I tear back to my room and squeeze into my armor so fast that tears appear in the inner fabric. I barely even notice the short-range blasters affixed to the front legs.

“Silverspeak?" Beakbreaker emerges from the kitchen. “What's going on?”

I tighten some straps. “I'm going after my parents.”

“Your parents?”

“You remember Quiverquill? He's my great-grandfather, and he's been dead for two centuries. I asked my mother if he was going to meet us and she said yes. Someone's pretending to be her. That means Saddle Lanka's been overrun by changelings!"

Beakbreaker runs out. I almost call out to her, but there's no time. I can't spare even a moment asking what she's doing. I click the last strap of my armor into place and run into the halls. Klaxons ring throughout the Monolith as I rush down to the heliport. Several guards are already waiting for me, still pulling on their armor and dragging duffel bags into a pile as they wait for the Raven. They've all put on brave faces, but it's clear they're scared.

I run over. “Who's in command here?”

The guards glance at each other.

Stonehoof steps forward. “Glasseye said we take orders from you.”

Wait, me?! Shouldn't they... Oh, forget it; I don't have time to argue! “Are you all trained in combat?”

They nod, including one pony near the back who's different from the others. He's scruffier and nowhere near as clean shaven as the guards.

Wait... No, it can't be!

“Mangus?! What are you doing here?!”

“Glasseye was looking for ponies with combat experience. I qualified, so he let me come along.”

No, no, no, I can't deal with this right now! He may not have a horn, but there's no way I can bring Mangus into a war zone: the chances of him doing something to take revenge for his defeat back in Manehattan are far too great. But... oh, curse it all. If this is all the ponies Glasseye could get to help me, I'll have to take him.

“Fine. But you're not getting a gun.”


“You have experience in close-quarters combat. Use that.”

“But I-”

“I don't trust you yet, Mangus, and I'm not giving you a gun. End of story." I turn back to the guards. “Saddle Lanka has been infiltrated and almost certainly taken over by changelings. We've got to stop them from stealing the crystals inside the mountain, or our war effort is going to take a serious hit.”

Mangus gives a nervous laugh. “In case you haven't noticed, there's, what, thirty of us? Thirty security guards against at least a few hundred changelings.”

“We can't just stand around and do nothing. Now, what weapons do we have?”

The guards pull TechInc rifles from the duffels.

“All non-lethal,” Stonehoof says. “Glasseye wants no opportunity for non-changelings to be hurt.”

“Good thinking." There are three duffels that haven't been opened. “And what's in those?”

Stonehoof yanks out a metallic cylinder three feet in diameter. “Gas bomb. Floods three city blocks with sleep gas for two minutes. Whoever breathes gas sleeps for at least two hours." She puts the bomb back into the duffel.

The Raven finally comes into view as it heads to the helipad. We clear the pad as it touches down and extends the boarding ramp. The guards head inside, along with Mangus and Stonehoof. I'm about to follow when the door leading into the Monolith opens behind me. Probably a last-second straggler who wants to come alo...

“Beakbreaker?! What are you doing here?!”

Beakbreaker, dressed once again in her armor, charges onto the catwalk. “If you're going up against the changelings, you need all the hooves you can get.”

For Celestia's sake, not her, too! “No, I'm not risking-”

“Don't you tell me what I can and cannot do. I lost my parents to those things; I won't let you lose yours." She storms past me and heads into the Raven.

I can't let her come along! The last thing I need to worry about is her getting taken by the changelings, but time's ticking away. Every second I spend debating whether to toss her off is another minute that my parents are in the changeling's clutches.

Gritting my teeth, I run inside. “Gusty! Make for Saddle Lanka as fast as you can! I don't want the changelings to know we're coming!”

Gusty flips switches and knobs. “You got it."

The door closes as the Raven takes off towards the city's barrier. Once we're through Genesis' enormous shield, the Raven's hull shimmers as the invisibility spell kicks in. A steep dive sends us through the early-evening clouds.

“ETA, two minutes!” Gusty calls out. “Better get ready for whatever it is you're going to do, Boss!”

Thirty pairs of eyes turn to me for guidance.

Sweet Celestia, this can't be happening. I'm no general; heck, I'm not even a guard. I'm in way over my head, but there's no time to back out or have someone else take over. Now, let's see... Mangus is right about us being outnumbered, so attacking the changelings head-on would be suicide. There has to be a way to circumvent that...

“I'm no military expert,” I say. “But our goal is simple: We stop the changelings from getting any crystals out of Saddle Lanka, but I don't know how to do that. If any of you have any suggestions, I'll listen.”

The guards glances among themselves. Even Stonehoof, probably the best of us, seems unsure.

“We sneak in from the forest and position ourselves to intercept any convoys that sneak out of the mountain,” Mangus says. “If and when they do, we gas them, wipe out anyone left, retreat back into the forest, and use hit and run attacks if they try again.”

I turn to Stonehoof and the guards. “Thoughts?”

The guards shrug, but they seem accepting.

“Not perfect," Stonehoof says, "but best plan we have.”

“All right, we'll do it. Gusty, take us to the forests next to Saddle Lanka. You'll drop some of us off, then fly to the mountain entrance. If the changelings try to get any crystals out, you hit them with the gas bombs, understood?”

“You got it.”

The Raven alters course as we emerge from the clouds and over Saddle Lanka. The city's aglow in the twilight hour, and the streets are filled with patrolling soldiers who are almost certainly changelings in disguise. I peer out the window towards the mountain; there are a lot of soldiers there, but no sign that any crystals have been removed. From what I can remember, the ones they'll be going after are huge and heavy. It'll take time to put them on carts, and even with the help of magic, whisking them away from the mountain won't be easy. At least we won't have to worry about them sneaking the crystals away underground; Saddle Lanka's bedrock is among the hardest in all of Equestria. Even Arch-Dragons would have a hard time clawing through.

The Raven soundlessly glides overhead and towards the forest. I point Gusty towards the lake, which is the only space wide open enough for the Raven to touch down, and does so right next to the shore.

“All right everyone, go!”

We pour out of the hatch, with a few of the guards remaining onboard to man the bombs. Once we're clear, the Raven takes off over the trees and towards the mountain before vanishing as the cloaking device kicks in.

I pull out a map of Saddle Lanka and circle our location. “Alright, before we move in, I think it's a good idea to clear out the houses around here and make sure there aren't any changelings that can sneak up on us. There are about ten homes here, and all of them spaced out, so we'll have to split up to search them all.”

Mangus points to Stonehoof. “I'm going with her.”


“If I'm going out without a weapon, I want a buddy who can fight."

“Fine. Now, we need a password to make sure we know who's real, and who's a changeling in disguise. Let's go with... uhh...”

“Zebra grass,” Beakbreaker says.

“Perfect. Everyone, remember that." I divide our group up into several teams and we disperse into the darkness of the forest after agreeing to meet back here in half an hour. Beakbreaker stays with me as I take off towards my house, darting down a path I've gone down so many times, our way illuminated by lanterns set high in the branches.

We reach my parent's house a few minutes later. It's almost exactly as I remember it, complete with the warm glow of lamps keeping the darkness at bay.

“What now?” Beakbreaker asks.

“I'll head inside. You hide near the windows. If something goes wrong, shoot.”

Beakbreaker readies her pistol. “Understood.”

I head to the front porch as Beakbreaker ducks beneath the closest window. I keep my rifle close as I push the door open. The inside of my childhood home shows no sign of a struggle. All my parent's books, decorations, and furniture lie untouched. A meal still sits on the table.

“Mom?! Dad?! It's me! Silverspeak!”

Something that looks like my mother runs up from the basement. “Silverspeak!" She rushes over and clamps her arms around me in a big hug.

I struggle not to flinch.

“Mom, are you okay?”

The imposter nods. “Your father and I hid in the basement when we heard gunshots." She lets me go. “What's gong on?”

“I'll explain later. Right now we need to get the two of you out of here.”

“Of course. But I'm afraid your father tripped heading downstairs and hurt one of his ankles. I need your help to bring him up.”

It's a trap, I'm sure of it. “Of course," I say, starting towards towards the door. "Oh, is Quiverquill down there?”

“Yes. He came by shortly after we talked over the phone.”

“Really? You know, that's really interesting.”


“Because he died two hundred years ago.”

The imposter freezes.

I whip my rifle up. “Nice try.”

The changeling ducks and kicks the rifle from my hooves as I fire off a shot.


The window shatters as Beakbreaker's stun bullets fly inside and knock the changeling into a chair, which I kick into the wall as hard as I can. The image of my mother melts away as the changeling goes limp and collapses to the floor.

Beakbreaker runs inside. “You okay?”

I nod. “Yes. Come on, let's-”

The door to the basement bursts open. Three changelings run out; seeing their fallen comrade, they charge. Beakbreaker fires again and takes one down, but the other two split up. One tackles her, the other me. It's big and heavy, and rears back to bite my throat.

I fire my hoof-mounted blasters. The resulting roar echoes through the room as the headless changeling collapses on top of me. Kicking it aside, I leap up and turn to Beakbreaker. Her attacker saw what happened and now has her held up as a shield. I yank my blasters up; I'm out of ammo, but the changeling doesn't know that. It’s fangs are an inch from Beakbreaker's neck; I've got to tread carefully. No false moves or rash behaviors.

“Let her go,” I say, turning on the charm. “You don't want to-”

Beakbreaker goes limp, and her sudden deadweight brings the changeling down with her. I rush forward and buck the changeling in the face, knocking it out cold.

I help Beakbreaker to her hooves. “You okay?!”

She nods. “Can't believe that worked.”

I grab my rifle and yank out my pistol. “Stay here!" Leaping over the unconscious and dead changelings, I run down into the basement. There's bound to be a nest down here, and with it, my parents. There'll be other changelings too, making sure their captives aren't going-

The basement is empty.


I run back upstairs. “They're not here! My parents aren't here!”

“Then the changelings must have taken them somewhere else.”

Okay, calm down, Silverspeak; Beakbreaker's right. The problem is, where were my parents? There are hundreds, no, thousands of places to hide two ponies. We could search for days and not find-

There's a pounding at the door. “Silverspeak! Silverspeak, open up!”

I never thought I'd be relieved to hear Mangus' voice. I yank the door open; Mangus and Stonehoof stand on the doorstep, both bleeding and badly scratched up.

“Mangus? What happened?!”

“We were ambushed,” Mangus wipes blood from his lips. “Took care of them, but it would have been easier if we had guns.”

“Did you find anyone?!”

Stonehoof shakes her head.

“Buck! Okay, okay, let's... wait. What's the password?”

“Zebra grass,” both say at once.

“Good. Come on.”

We dash back to the lake and find the rest of the guards there, most of them panting and banged up from fighting, but not as bad as Mangus and Stonehoof. After making sure that the guards know the password, I learn that all the houses have been cleared and the changelings subdued, but there's no sign of the ponies who live out here. Beakbreaker theorizes that they've all been taken somewhere in town where they'd be surrounded by hundreds of changelings.

I take my radio. “Gusty, you there?”

“Yep, and hovering over the mountain entrance. We've got a heck of a lot of soldiers below us.”

“Have they taken anything out?”

"No. But they wheeled in some giant carts a few minutes ago.”

“Alright, get those bombs ready. If any crystals are wheeled out, gas the place.”

“Will do.”

“What's our next move?” Beakbreaker asks.

I want to run into town and hunt for wherever Saddle Lanka's residents are being held... but we have to take things one step at a time. We still have the element of surprise, and we need to use it well.

“We follow the plan,” I say. “We head to town and position ourselves for an ambush.”

“You know, I just realized something,” Mangus says. “Just why would the changelings come out here? The crystals here are valuable, but they can't win a war. Why rush in to defend them like this?”

“That's none of your concern.”

“I'm risking my life for this, and so is everyone else. I think we have a right to know.”

The guards look to me. They may be following my orders, but it seems they're agreeing with Mangus.

“I can't give specifics,” I say. “But it's vital that we keep Saddle Lanka from falling, or the changelings from getting any crystals. That's all I can tell-”

“Boss?! They just dragged one of the crystals out!”

Buck! “Gas them! Now!”

“Roger that!”

“Come on!" I take off, and everyone follows behind me as we all run down the path towards town. It isn't long before I hear the sound of spells being cast far ahead, and then some angry shouts and the sound of wings buzzing like angry hornets. We finally reach the edge of the forest, and I see a faint, green haze ahead of us.

“Look!” Beakbreaker shouts. “There!”

The Raven flies overhead, the hull smoking and smoldering. I can just faintly see two guards shove a bomb out the hatch.

“Masks!" I grab the duffel and tear it open. “Get your masks on!" I get my mask on just as a wall of green mist flies forward and envelops us all. I take a cautious breath and breath in cold air through the filters. I glance around and find that the others got their masks on in time as well.

“All right, we head for the mountain entrance!” I yell. “Follow me!”

We charge into the gas, but the gas makes it nearly impossible to see. I have to rely on my memory to guide us through the streets. It isn't long before we come across the first unconscious soldiers.

“Stay close,” I say. “We don't want-”

The air lights up as magic blasts tear into our group.

“Ambush!” Mangus yells.

I duck and fire my rifle towards the location of the blasts, shot after shot vanishing into the green mist. I hear a shriek and the sound of a body collapsing.

“Come on!" I yell, spinning back to the others. "We have to-”

The street's empty.


There's no answer.


A guard runs over, eyes wide behind his mask. “Sir!”


“Password? Uhhh... it's...”

I blast him. Can't take the chance of him being a changeling, especially since two of the unconscious guards are missing their masks.


I spin. Two other Pegasus guards run up.


“Zebra grass!" They both say at once.

“What happened to the others?!”

“Don't know, sir! They ran! We-”

A soldier leaps onto them both, his body and armor coated in green magic. One of the guards lands a lucky kick and white skin gives way to reveal the black skin of a changeling bigger than any I've ever seen. It blasts both of the guards out with a blast from its horn.

I fire, but the changeling is fast to conjure up a shield, deflecting my shots harmlessly away until I run dry.


The changeling grins... And then stiffens as its body convulses with electricity. It shrieks and collapses into an unconscious heap.

Beakbreaker runs forward, her taser still smoking. “You okay?!”


“Zebra grass.”

Thank Celestia. “Yes, thanks to you." I snap a fresh magazine into my rifle and look to the nearest street sign. We're in luck: All we have to do is cut through the city square, and it's a straight shot down main street towards the mountain. We'll be there in less than five minutes.

“Alright, we're almost there. Stay clo-”

“Look out!”

Three changelings shoot down at us, firing magic blasts as they let out an ear-splitting shriek. Beakbreaker and I return fire, and their limp forms crash to the ground. A few shots at point-blank range ensure they won't be getting up anytime soon.

“That screech was an alarm,” Beakbreaker says. “Now everyone knows we're here!”

“Just the ones who're still awake. Can't be more than a dozen or so.”

A strong wind blows the gas off the streets and away from the buildings, clearing the sky and giving us a clean view of the street leading towards the mountain. There are hundreds of unconscious soldiers lying around us... and about a hundred more surrounded with magical bubbles to shield themselves from the gas.

I grab Beakbreaker and dash towards City Hall, trying to stay as quiet as I can. The last clouds of gas masks our approach to the doors. They're unlocked, thank Celestia, and we both dash inside, closing the doors as quietly and as quickly as possible. I peer out the windows; the gas is gone, and the changelings now roam about, on the hunt for anyone nearby.

“I don't think they saw us,” I whisper.

Beakbreaker drags me to the floor. “Let's make sure it stays that way." She pulls me deeper into the building and away from the windows. Once we're concealed in the shadows, I pull out the radio. “Gusty, you there?”



“Boss? That you?”

“Yeah. Where are you?”

“Grounded. The Raven's too full of holes to fly. Me and a few of the guards are hiding in the forest.”

“Any sign of the others?”

“Nah. No time to look. Got attacked by dozens of the changelings. Had to focus on getting down in one piece. Where are you?”

“City Hall. We're looking for the villagers. Try to see if you can find any guards. We'll do the same once we're done here and try to regroup." I put the radio away and check my ammo. “How many shots do you have?” I ask Beakbreaker.

“About sixty.”

“Same here." We can't count on backup from the other guards, or even Mangus and Stonehoof; Celestia knows where they are. “You stay here. I'm going to go check the basement.”

Beakbreaker reloads her pistol. “And have to save you after you've been ambushed? I don't think so." Hooves tight on the trigger, Beakbreaker stands beside me. “Now, lead the way.”

We head deep into City Hall, alert for any movement. A few changelings hiding deep inside the building might have avoided the gas attack, or have had enough time to surround themselves in protective magic. Celestia, I hope not. A single yell or gunshot would alert all the changelings outside that we're in here.

We reach the stairs leading into the basement without incident. It's almost pitch-black as Beakbreaker and I head down.

My hoof twitches, ready to fire off a shot if I hear so much as someone breathing.

We reach bottom. I flick on the lights. The basement is normally filled with tables, chairs, and unneeded furniture. It's still here, but there's something new that the building's planners never counted on... Cocoons. Dozens of them, packed into corners and the walls.

“Silverspeak,” Beakbreaker whispers. “I found my parents in a room like this.”

The sudden influx of light causes those inside the cocoons to squirm and thrash about.

“The villagers... they must have been brought down here!" I spare only a moment to scan for changeling guards; convinced that there are none, I run to the closest cocoon. The resin, while hard, was still recently set. A quick kick tears it open, spilling goo and the pony inside onto the floor. He gasps and coughs. Unlike Beakbreaker's parents, he shows no sign of being drained or weakened.

“The others... go free the others!” I tell Beakbreaker. I run to another cocoon as she does the same. In minutes we free dozens of villagers, the stronger ones joining our efforts to free their neighbors. I kick, Beakbreaker bucks, and magic tears the cocoons open, steadily freeing those who had been taken captive. I recognize many faces, but not the ones I'm looking for.

Oh Celestia, please tell me they're here, please, please tell me they weren't taken somewhere-

“Silverspeak! Over here!”

Beakbreaker's in the furthest corner of the basement. I run over, my heart pounding as I rip the last few cocoons apart, disgorging their occupants to the floor. They cough and choke, vomiting up goo and foul-smelling fluids. But beneath the slime and shards of the cocoon are two familiar coats, two familiar manes, and two faces I'd recognize anywhere.

“Mom! Dad!”

My parents look up, their eyes blinded momentarily by the light, but when they adjust and finally recognize me, Dad manages a grin.

“Hey there, kiddo.”

I clutch them as tightly as I can, never wanting to let go. “Oh, thank Celestia... are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"

“They didn't bite us, if that's what you mean,” Dad says. He coughs. “We're okay.”

“Silverspeak, how'd you know we were here?” Mom asks.

“I called the house,” I say. “The individual there didn't know that Quiverquill died two hundred years ago.” I sling the rifle over my back. “Come on, we've got to get you out of here!”

“How do we do that?” Beakbreaker asks. “Gusty's ship is out of action and we don't know if anyone else made it.”

Getting into an argument is the last thing I want to do... but Beakbreaker's right. We were lucky to sneak in here; trying to sneak out with dozens of villagers isn't going to work. And then there's the matter of the crystals; the changelings must have redoubled their efforts to get them away after realizing that they're under attack.

“Alright. I need to go out and call Gusty. If he can reach his radio, we can call Genesis for reinforcements. Beakbreaker, can you stay here with them?”

A pony in a police uniform runs up, his horn glowing. “We'll take out any changelings that show up,” he says. “You go do what you need to do.”

I look to Mom and Dad. “You'll be alright until I get back?”

They nod.

“Alright. We'll be back in a few minutes." I head to the stairs, pause to watch my parents once more, and then head up with Beakbreaker close behind me.

We reach the main floor and head towards the entry hall. I pull out my radio. “Gusty, can you hear me?”


We continue on to the entry hall and I creep to the main doors, Beakbreaker right beside me. Indicating for her to stay down, I peer over the tip of the nearest window. Beyond City Hall, the changelings are searching buildings, no doubt looking for anyone who escaped them earlier.

“What's it like out there?” Beakbreaker asks.

“Not good,” I whisper. I ease myself up to get a better look. “I don't think we can-”

A changeling glances back and spots us.

It screeches.

The other hundred spin towards us.

“Oh buck.”

Dozens of magical blasts shoot the building. A changeling leaps through the closest window. Beakbreaker's pistol knocks it out, but the thing is replaced by three more. I blast them with my rifle, but the things keep coming.

“The basement!” I yell. “Get to the basement!”

“We'll be trapped!”

More and more changelings pile inside.

“I'm open to suggestions!”

Twenty changelings charge their horns, readying for a single, overwhelming blast. I fall to the floor and fire. Beakbreaker does the same just as the changelings return the blasts. Light fills my vision and I brace myself for the pain that's to come-

It doesn't.

The light vanishes, only to be replaced by another flash. And then another, and another. But they're not coming from inside. They're outside, accompanied by furious battle cries.

The changelings spin, confused. I fire, rifle blasts tearing into the group. Beakbreaker does the same, and with the chaos outside, we manage to overwhelm the confused changelings and take them out. The last one tries to flee; a taser shot to the back sends it to the floor.

Beakbreaker dashes to the window. “What's going on out there?!”

I join her and peer outside. Saddle Lanka's main street is filled with Equestrian soldiers. These new troops wear Genesis body armor and charge into battle with magic and rifle fire, overwhelming the changelings with superior numbers.

“It's the military!” I say. “Onyx Shield must have gotten through to them!”

The assault of both magic and rifle fire forces the changelings into a retreat, and in moments it turns into a rout as they flee. With how fast the soldiers are chasing them, I doubt they'll get far. I want to run out and join in the pursuit, but I stay where I am. My parents await us below, along with all the other residents of Saddle Lanka.

The city, the crystals, and all who live within Saddle Lanka's borders, are safe.